Chapter 940 Blood of the Immortal Monarch!

"Hiss, that looks like him!?"

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, Jiang Shang and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then a terrifying scene appeared in their hearts.

In the ancient starry sky beyond Xuanyuan, a blurry figure waving its hands and exuding a heaven-penetrating majesty, suppressed Jun Wuji, forced the white-robed monks to retreat, and even scared the black dragon to run away in panic, without daring to look back. !

How similar is that powerful phantom of divine sense to the figure in front of him!

Or, are they the same person?
At this thought, all three of them were terrified and moved with horror.

If they are really the same great power from the heavens, isn't this person in front of them... They don't dare to think about it anymore, it's too scary!

"Are you guessing the origin of the deity?"

Fuzzy phantom did not turn back, and asked in a calm tone.Although his feet were motionless, his figure swept across the Xiaguang Avenue at an extremely fast speed, and headed straight for the mountain peak that reached to the sky like a pillar.

Surrounded by lights and shadows, mountains and rivers in the distance, pavilions and pavilions, and palaces are shining with golden light, which makes people fascinated.However, this phantom turned a blind eye to this, and led the three of them to the top of the Qingtian Giant Peak, in front of the dilapidated thatched hut.

The vague phantom's question made the three people instantly vigilant and fully alert.Even Jiang Shang, who has always been calm, acted as if he was facing a formidable enemy and was extremely cautious.

Today is different from the past, and now one's own destiny can be said to be controlled by the mysterious phantom, no matter what the origin of this person is, it will be absolutely effortless to kill them.

The fuzzy phantom shook his head with emotion, and said: "It's okay not to talk about it. Now that the three of you have passed the double test, you should get the opportunity of the fairy gate. It's just that there is only one copy of that thing, but you and the others have passed the double test. There are three people, how should we divide them?"

As soon as this remark came out, the three of Jiang Shang immediately became tense, their eyes all shone brightly, and their whole body was ready to go.

The three of them involuntarily looked at each other and exchanged eye contact. In the end, Jiang Shangchang heaved a sigh and asked tentatively, "Can senior explain clearly, what exactly is Xianyuan?"

Only one step away from the heaven-defying opportunity, Jiang Shang still forced himself to calm down.If it is true as the mysterious phantom said, there is only one chance, it means that there will be a tragic battle between the three, which is inevitable.

Jiang Shang needs to know what Xianyuan is, so that he can judge based on whether he should compete with the two heaven-defying gods from alien races in the heavens!
After killing the body of evil thoughts before, Jiang Shang already felt that the so-called fairy fate was already dispensable.

"What exactly is Xianyuan?" The mysterious phantom murmured, looked at Jiang Shang meaningfully, and said with a smile in his tone, "It's nothing special. It's just a ball of the original blood of the fairy king , contains the inheritance of the Great Dao..."

Having said this, the mysterious phantom suddenly stopped.However, the information contained in just one sentence brought an unimaginable impact to the three super monsters!

The original blood of the heavenly powerhouse Xianjun?

Contains the Dao inheritance?

No matter how evil the three of them were, no matter how unruffled and calm they were in danger, at this moment, they couldn't hide the shock in their hearts, and their expressions changed drastically!
No wonder, the mythical fairy gate that has not appeared for millions of years has made countless powerful and ancient supremes from outside the territory fearless of death!
No wonder, those old fellows said that this is a heaven-defying opportunity to be promoted to the realm of the great sage, which lasts forever!

No wonder, such a terrifying existence like Jun Wuji who traverses the heavens cares so much about the chance of the fairy gate!

The blood essence of the Celestial Immortal Monarch, this is the essence of the lifelong cultivation of the Celestial Almighty!It is a whole level higher than the ancient power!At this time, the shock in the hearts of the three people had reached the point where it could not be added, and they couldn't extricate themselves from it, and they were stunned on the spot.

The three of them who were in shock couldn't recover for a long time, and stood there like a fool, their faces were frozen and stiff, and they didn't even move their eyes.

"Cough cough!"

The mysterious phantom coughed lightly, and immediately woke up the three of them. He looked at You Yu and Lan Gu, and said in a slightly cold tone: "You two come from the heavens, and it seems that you and other clansmen have a plan to kill you. Send it to the lower realm."

Hearing this, You Yu and the two suddenly fell into an ice cellar, and their expressions changed in horror.

Even Jiang Shang thought that the mysterious phantom wanted to pursue this matter, but he didn't want the mysterious phantom to change his voice and continued: "However, since you have already come here, let's use our own methods."


After saying these words, the aura emanating from the mysterious phantom became extremely unstable, weak and strong at times, and the strong oppressive force directly crushed the three of them to the ground, crushing the hard rock by more than three feet. Resisting, unable to even raise his head.

So the pressure comes and goes quickly.In just a split second, peace was restored on the top of the mountain.

When the three stood up, the appearance of the mysterious phantom became clearly visible, but it suddenly shattered and turned into a little bit of spiritual light, blending into this world and disappearing completely.

The three looked at each other in blank dismay, but the doubts in their hearts did not diminish.The explanation of the mysterious phantom leads to more unsolved mysteries, making people more and more confused.

The silence between the three lasted for a long time, and Lan Gu suddenly said softly: "Each means, just let me wait for the three of them to fight again?" At this point, he paused slightly, looked around, and finally locked his eyes on that The dilapidated thatched hut asked doubtfully, "Is Xianyuan in this hut?"

You Yu was full of momentum, and said in a deep voice: "The matter has come to this point, the right way is to find the fairy fate. At that time, there will be a big battle, but there is no need to make you die."

Jiang Shang nodded and said: "The three of us are not life-and-death enemies. There is no need to fight to the death. If you lose, just admit defeat."

Lan Gu smiled and said: "It's the best, it's a deal!"

"A word is settled!"


The process of finding the essence and blood of the Celestial Immortal Lord was not smooth.The three of them split up and searched for many days in this vast and boundless fairy gate secret realm, but they all found nothing.

Whether it's the gorgeous palace, or the mountains and valleys, the three of them never let go.In the end, the three of them gathered on the giant peak of the sky, looking a little ugly.

Lan Gu's expression was gloomy, and he pondered for a long time before expressing the doubts that had been hidden in his heart for a long time, and said: "Since the fairy fate, who is that mysterious phantom? Why did it appear in the outer starry sky and the fairy gate?"

A golden light flashed in You Yu's eyes, and he asked, "Do you suspect that the phantom is related to the inheritance of good fortune?"

Jiang Shang looked into the distance, suddenly smiled, and said, "It's related, it's better to say that they may be the same person, the strong man who left the blood of Tianjun, and that mysterious phantom!"

Lan Gu and You Yu's expressions changed, and they immediately asked, "What did you discover?"

"Being in it, one leaf can block your eyes. How about the two of you follow me to the sky?" While Jiang Shang was speaking, his whole body had risen from the ground and went straight to the sky.The two of them, Lan Gu, were not slow at all, and followed closely behind them soaring into the sky.

When the three of them stepped into the void and looked down, Jiang Shang was full of smiles, as if suddenly seeing the ancient appearance, You Yu exclaimed directly: "So that's how it is! This mountain..."

(End of this chapter)

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