Chapter 941

It turned out that the three of them had searched all over the secret realm of Xianmen, but they did not pay attention to the mysteries of the undulating mountains around them.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can clearly see nine huge mountain ranges winding for thousands of miles, gathering around the giant peak like stars arching the moon, forming a huge and unparalleled formation!

"Nine dragons bowed their heads, and the earth's veins converged... It turns out that the blood essence inheritance of the heavenly emperor was suppressed under the mountain!" Lan Gu was amazed with a dazed look on his face.

You Yu also expressed emotion, and said: "Brother Jiang is a real gentleman! As long as you don't tell the truth and act quietly, you can enter it first. Such a big heart, I have to say a word of convincing!"

Jiang Shang's expression remained unchanged, and he said flatly: "I only know a little about the formation method, and I feel it. You and I are not enemies, so there is no need to hide it. And even if I say it, I don't think you can beat me. I have this confidence!"

The last sentence contains a strong self-confidence, and a proud ambition to look down on the world, which is shocking.

Immediately, Jiang Shang's seemingly inadvertent words aroused boundless arrogance in the hearts of the two of them.

Lan Gu laughed and said: "Brother Jiang is so conceited, I will teach you your peerless magical powers!" Before he finished speaking, a tyrannical aura erupted, shaking the heavens, and the sea of ​​clouds boiled.


A phantom of an unrivaled god and demon stands majestically for nine days. Between the opening and closing of the eyes, a terrifying and fierce light erupts. With a punch, it shatters layers of void and crashes into the sky!
Looking at the ancient times, this statue was once ranked among the top [-] in the golden dragon list of all races in the heaven, and the alien races in the lower realm fought against each other, and it was even more fierce and unstoppable.With just this one punch, he displayed unparalleled divine power, surging and rolling energy, like a huge wave, sweeping across the sky.

At the same time, You Yu dodged and retreated thousands of miles away, turning around and staring.

Since it is a dispute between gentlemen, there will naturally be no melee.Bullying the few with more or besieging the few will not appear here.They are all peerless monsters born among hundreds of millions of geniuses. As the supreme beings of the younger generation, they cannot do such lowly things.

Faced with challenges, Jiang Shang naturally wouldn't be afraid to back down.With a loud laugh, he instantly manifested his real body of bone bones, which was also upright, tall, swung his arms, and punched out brazenly, to meet him head-on!

The two immortals are in the same realm, but their combat power is comparable to that of the fourth half-sacred super evildoer, and they face each other head-on.The tyrannical aftermath of the eruption will destroy the world!
However, the place where the three of them are located is the secret realm of Xianmen. The space that was shattered and destroyed one moment becomes intact the next moment.

The two were worried that the space was fragile and could not stand the toss. Seeing such a scene, they immediately let go of the worries in their hearts, let go of their hands and feet completely, and fought fiercely. The extreme light of the sword cuts space and destroys everything!

"Peng! Peng! Peng..."

Jiang Shang's body was surrounded by white bones and divine patterns, and when he raised his hands, terrifying fist shadows filled the void.

Pangu manifests the phantom of the supreme demon god, which is unparalleled and huge.Every movement can shatter and destroy the surrounding space, which is extremely powerful.

The two of them tacitly did not use their powerful supernatural powers. Instead, they competed head-to-head, fighting close to each other, blood was surging, and they were extremely ferocious!

You Yu, who had retreated thousands of miles away to watch the battle, was terrified at this moment.

As a matter of fact, in the battle of foreign races outside the territory, he once fought against Lan Gu, and some short-term fights, but they were tied.As for Jiang Shang, a taboo body with a prominent reputation and a shock to many outside worlds, he also experienced a lot during the tragic battle of the Shadow God Dynasty's invasion of Xuanyuan.

At this time, the two peaks of peerless evildoers collided, and the fierce battle was so exciting that he was dizzy, and his eyes burst into bursts of splendor.

Seeing the two collided together again, and it was still hard to tell the winner, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Both of these two have terrifying strengths that are not weaker than mine, and they can be called formidable opponents!"

Jiang Shang's real body of white bones was transformed by the supernatural powers of Fatian Xiangdi, and under the blessing of the bones of the gods, his combat effectiveness was extremely terrifying.

The attacking method performed by Lan Gu is the supreme supernatural power of the Chiqiu clan. It summons the ancestors to come and bless themselves.

On the surface, it seems that the two are competing for the boundless divine power of the physical body, but in fact they have integrated magical powers and secret arts into melee combat, and their power has increased dramatically. Each blow contains unparalleled destructive power, which is enough to tear Yunyu apart , shocking the universe, extremely horrified.

However, since both of them are super evildoers, naturally they can't only use melee combat.Jiang Shang possesses the supreme supernatural power 'Grave-Suppressing God's Demon Hand', and Lan Gu naturally also has a powerful supernatural power against the sky.

It's just that there is no need to fight with death in this battle, so such supernatural powers with huge lethality are excluded by them and discarded.

The battle is still going on, and You Yu, who is watching the battle, keeps making judgments on the two of them, and then compares himself and sums up his experience.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, he will fight the winner to decide the final ownership of Xianyuan.

He only heard a loud noise from above the nine heavens, and the two huge figures were separated at the touch of a touch. Lan Gu laughed and said, "Happy!" Much, benefit a lot!

On the other side, the Bone Avatar suddenly started, and a voice sounded like a roar of a god and demon came: "Then come again!"

The unparalleled aura of gods and demons crushed the sky and shattered the universe.The fierce collision erupted with waves of powerful light, destroying everything.

Both of them felt hearty and happy in this battle.However, the expression of You Yu, who was watching the battle, gradually became dignified, and his heart was full of awe.

call out!
All of a sudden, the movement of Bone Avatar sped up, like a flash of white lightning flashing across the sky, crashing into the phantom of the god and demon.A series of bangs and explosions resounded between the heaven and the earth, like thousands of thunder roaring and neighing, overwhelming terrifying fist shadows, each one is as big as a mountain, majestic, majestic and majestic!

"Peng! Peng! Peng..."

Jiang Shang, who had accumulated for a long time, finally launched his final attack. A series of berserk attacks and kills made Lan Gu overwhelmed, and his movements became a little chaotic.

But this fleeting flaw was caught by Jiang Shang in an instant, and he launched a more violent bombardment!
The violent roar that shook the sky, every blow made the phantom of the gods and demons take a step back!In an instant, as many as thousands of bombardments gathered in one place, bursting out with unparalleled power.

Before You Yu, who was watching the battle, recovered from the shock, Jiang Shang completely shattered the phantom of the gods and demons, turning into thousands of black air currents and shooting them out!
The billowing smoke and clouds boiled endlessly, and the sky and the earth collapsed and destroyed extremely quickly, forming a turbulent flow in the void, sweeping all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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