Chapter 951 Before leaving

There is still some time before the opening of the teleportation formation, so Jiang Shang is not in a hurry to rush to Linlang Fairy Palace.

Entering the city for a short rest, it is also good to see the unparalleled charm of this ancient city.

Linlang Immortal Palace, a very powerful sect in the human world.It ranks among the top [-] in the ranking of the heavens, and it is many times stronger than Xuanyuan, which has long since fallen!At the same time, Linlang Immortal Palace is also a force that is closely connected with the upper realm.Not only has the ancient inheritance, but also has a powerful backer in the upper realm.

Walking into the city full of emotion, before finding a place to stay, they heard someone talking in a low voice not far away, vaguely mentioning Jiang Shang's name, which surprised the four of them.

But I saw a young man with a strong breath, walking fast, before he got close, he heard a rough voice: "Dare to ask your Excellency, is the taboo body Jiang Shang?" While speaking, this person has already come close , looking at the four of them with a sincere look.

Jiang Shang nodded and said, "Not bad."

Immediately, the surrounding crowd was in an uproar, but there was a lot of discussion, but it was not noisy.

Listening carefully, most people were discussing Jiang Shang's life story in low voices.Especially on the occasion of the Human King Conference, Jiang Shang climbed to the top in one fell swoop and became famous all over the world!Later, because of the mythical fairy gate, the fame shook the heavens!

Jiang Shang, in their eyes, is a living legend!Many young strong men looked over with enthusiasm and admiration in their eyes.

In the distant starry sky world, Jiang Shang had such a reputation, which attracted the admiration and admiration of many powerful people, which made Jiang Shang somewhat unexpected.Since he embarked on the road of cultivation, he has overcome obstacles and made countless enemies along the way, but he never thought that he would be in such a situation.

In this Linlangxian Palace, among the ancient cities outside, there are many ancient supreme beings and holy masters from various worlds.

These old guys who have experienced the erosion of a long time are full of emotions at this moment.The scene in front of them made them seem to have returned to thousands of years ago.

They seem to have seen again, Xuanyuan Tianyu, with the black dragon cauldron, the celestial holy weapon, smashing the heavens!

I saw it again, Qin Muyang, the Heavenly Lord of the Big Dipper, armed with the semi-divine soldier Big Dipper Seven Star Sword, killed powerful enemies, and shocked the heroes!
I saw it again, the god king Xia Wushang rose against the sky with unparalleled power and became famous all over the world!
"It's been a long, long time, and no Xuanyuan strongman has such a reputation..." An ancient supreme of the supreme religion stood on a hundred-foot-high attic, with vicissitudes in his eyes, and he was old.

On the open street near the city gate, the various buildings on both sides are already surrounded by monks.A group of old guys with mysterious whereabouts on weekdays also showed up one after another, and came to wait and see.

No one knows the meaning of the word Jiang Shang better than these old guys.

This is Xuanyuan's shocking roar after being silent for thousands of years!

This is the key person who opened a peak era!This is a heaven-defying evildoer that makes countless geniuses and heroes of the same generation feel sad!

In front of this person, what are the so-called geniuses and evildoers?Everyone present knows that Jiang Shang has traveled all the way, crushing and killing divine geniuses... I can't count them with one hand!
This is the glory of a generation of young sages, and it is also the tragedy of all young sages except Jiang Shang!

Of course, Jiang Shang has received the highest honor and courtesy here, and not everyone is full of kindness to him.

The rise of a heaven-defying character is bound to be accompanied by countless grievances and enemies.

But those forces that had grievances with Jiang Shang knew very well what a heavy price they would pay to kill Jiang Shang!
In the face of a heaven-defying evildoer who has just obtained a million-year peerless celestial relationship, all the elites of one of the great pope's sects may not be able to kill him.What's more, behind Jiang Shang, there is the entire Xuanyuan world as a backer!
Whoever dares to touch him means that he will be doomed!

And the current Jiang Shang is no weaker than the strongest of the Pope's sect!

At the very least, it is comparable to the terrifying fighting power of the Fourth and Half Saint of Immortals, who dares to provoke it?
Moreover, the purpose of Jiang Shang's coming to Linlang Immortal Palace, one can guess without even thinking about it, it must be to go to the heaven.Since he is leaving, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, let everything go with the wind!
An ancient city condenses the vast world and all living beings.

But here, it looks extremely peaceful, there are very few fights, it seems that singing and dancing are peaceful, and there is a peaceful state.

The four of Jiang Shang stayed in the ancient city for more than a month, and they kept drinking and feasting every day.Usually, when the drunkenness is still there, other monks come here admiringly, so another banquet begins...

In this majestic and spacious mansion, it was overcrowded in just a few days.

But these people seemed to be familiar with each other, and there was no stranger to each other. They hooked shoulders, shouted loudly, and mingled together in a mess. They were very similar to the martial arts reckless men in the mundane world, with a bold posture and a free and easy attitude.

This place is like a paradise, there is no intrigue, no life-and-death struggle, some are just having fun, drinking and singing.

Jiang Shang knew that this was a special case. Perhaps only in this special place, many monks would show up, hide their original appearance and nature, and let go of all thoughts, just for the sake of getting drunk.

There have been many banquets in the past few days, and Xiaoguai has become very familiar with monks from all over the world.He spent the whole day among a group of monks, yelling and pouring wine into his mouth.

But the joy of indulgence is short-lived, and the moment of parting comes in a blink of an eye.

A monk brought news that the Immortal Palace ordered: the ancient teleportation array is about to open, and the monks who are ordered to go to the heavens should rush to Linlang Immortal Palace immediately, and there must be no mistakes.

The four of Jiang Shang bid farewell to many monks, and cherished each other.

Xiao Guai, who has made the most friends in recent days, even said: "If you go to the heaven someday, you will definitely come to find me. At that time, let's get drunk again!"

I don't know which monk Xiaoguai learned from the self-proclaimed young master, but in recent days, he has been talking about it all the time.Xiao Guai used these two words as a title for himself, and said that this title fit him very well, which attracted contemptuous looks from Black Eagle and Purple-eyed Dragon Bear.

Saying goodbye to the group of monks, Jiang Shang and the others did not waste any more time, and went all the way north, passing through mountains and rivers and secret places of [-] miles, to the outside of Linlang Fairy Palace.


Linlang Immortal Palace, under the starry sky hundreds of millions of miles away, is an extremely powerful sect.

The palace is majestic and endless.At a glance, the palace suspended above the sky is like a nine-day golden palace, which is fascinating.

The Ancient Teleportation Formation is located in the east of the Immortal Palace. It is an extremely majestic palace with stone tablets engraved with runes standing majestically.In front of the palace is a wide square, the ground is paved with ancient black rocks, engraved with circles of extremely complex and mysterious patterns.

(End of this chapter)

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