Chapter 952 Teleportation

Jiang Shang and the others were led here by a disciple of the Immortal Palace, and after an explanation, they turned and left.

On this square, there are already dozens of monks standing there in small groups.The arrival of the four of Jiang Shang immediately caused a burst of exclamation, and many young monks showed expressions of envy and admiration.

But there were also a few people who looked at Jiang Shang unkindly, without hiding their murderous intent.The weakest of these people has the cultivation base of Immortal Er, and each of them has terrifying aura and incomparable majesty.

"Hehe, hum!"

Jiang Shang's eyes swept over the group of people, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he snorted coldly.

This is the square of the Teleportation Hall of Linlang Immortal Palace, all this group of people can do is sternly, and they dare not do anything at all.

Otherwise, as long as there is any change, it will be obliterated by Linlang Immortal Palace's power, and it is impossible to tolerate it.

Since coming to this square, Jiang Shang has felt several divine thoughts sweeping around him, as if he was paying attention to everyone's movement at any time.Every strand of divine thought contained a terrifying coercion comparable to that of the fourth half-sacred celestial being.

It can be seen from this that Linlang Immortal Palace attaches great importance to the ancient teleportation formation, and will never allow anyone to quarrel and fight here.

Otherwise, there would not be a number of powerhouses at the fourth and half saint level sitting here.

Time passed quietly, and more and more monks gathered in the square.These people come from different races, and all of them are powerful alien races from the extraterrestrial world, with extremely ancient bloodlines.

As for human monks like Jiang Shang, they are very rare.

Jiang Shang thought silently: "It seems that the status of the human race in the heaven is a bit worrying..."

Suddenly, a tyrannical divine sense swept across the square, rumbling and crushing it like a raging wave covering the sky.

Some monks were caught off guard and were almost knocked to the ground by this wave of spiritual bombardment, extremely embarrassed.

"The ancient teleportation formation is about to open, and you will enter the hall in an orderly manner." A deep voice came, as if the Nine Heavens Demon God had descended into the world, carrying a rolling coercion, making one's heart palpitating!
"Half-holy king!" Jiang Shang felt awe-inspiring.This Linlang Immortal Palace is so generous!He actually sent the Immortal Fourth and Half Saint King to personally guard the ancient teleportation formation, and also sent no less than a dozen Four and Half Saints to assist him.

In addition, Jiang Shang also felt that above the majestic palace, in the fairy palace like the nine-day golden palace, there was an incomparably obscure and vast idea.If it is not bad, then it is definitely a fairy five supreme saints!
The earth trembled endlessly.

The ancient stone pillars on the square erupted with mysterious rays of light.The majestic palace seems to have changed in an instant, but it has not changed at all when you look closely, which is shocking.

Jiang Shang was shocked in his heart, and murmured: "The whole palace is a magic weapon?! This is the breath of a top demigod soldier..."

Just as thoughts were spinning in Jiang Shang's mind, many monks who had already been divided into two teams began to enter the majestic palace.Not long after the three monks at the front entered the palace, the whole palace suddenly burst into unparalleled divine light like an ancient monster awakened!


A cyan beam of light piercing the sky and piercing the earth, with a diameter of ten thousand feet, soared into the sky in an instant, broke through the layers of clouds, and went straight into the depths of the nebula...

Standing behind Jiang Shang, Black Eagle looked up at the cyan beam of light, and murmured: "If this energy explodes, it will be enough to kill any strong person in the world... It's too terrifying!"

All the monks were trembling, and their souls were shaking.

Xiaoguai felt lingering fear, and whispered: "It's a good thing it's just a big teleportation formation, if you attack and kill the big formation..."

The transmission speed of the ancient array was very fast, and the number of monks in the team decreased one by one.An hour later, when the scorching sun was setting in the west, it was finally Jiang Shang's turn.

Handing over the token representing Xuanyuan and the coordinates of the starry sky left by the god king Xia Wushang to the guards of the palace, Jiang Shang strode into the majestic palace with little boy, black eagle and purple-eyed dragon bear.

In the eyes, there is a misty blue light, and there are five figures separated on one side, and in the middle is a circular ancient formation, which exudes a vast atmosphere of primitive simplicity and vicissitudes, which makes people feel a little suffocated.

Suddenly, a burly figure asked, "Are you Jiang Shang?"

"Yes, senior." Jiang Shang didn't understand why he asked this question, but he admitted his identity very frankly.

The figure nodded slowly, and said in a low voice: "That's right, no wonder you will become the young king of this generation. Xia Wushang has high hopes for you. After arriving in the heavens, play by ear and don't be impulsive, lest you die for no reason. Go in."

Only then did Jiang Shang realize that this person had some connection with Xia Shenwang.After nodding their thanks, the four of them stepped into the ancient teleportation formation.

Stepping into the ancient teleportation formation that shone with dazzling blue light, Jiang Shang suddenly felt an incomparable magical power rushing towards him, and the blue divine light, like thousands of ribbons, wrapped them around.

"The teleportation journey is too far, and it needs to pass through many ancient nebulae and seas of stars. Therefore, in order to prevent the person being teleported from being swept away by the turbulent space in the middle, the teleportation array will fix the people in the array." It seems that Jiang Shang and the others have been seen The change on his face and the quietly rising vigilance, the burly figure explained aloud.

Only then did Jiang Shang feel relieved, and turned his head to signal the three of them, stopped the true spirit vitality that was running, and closed his eyes.


A few people were taken aback for a moment, their brows were slightly frowned, as if they had received some order, and then they glanced at Jiang Shang, and began to become a little strange.

They communicated with their spiritual thoughts, and finally showed a decisive look. They all started together and played a series of simple seal formulas.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."


Immediately, the entire hall trembled violently, as if it were an awakened ancient beast.Circles of cyan rays spread rapidly in all directions with the ancient teleportation array as the center point, and the rumbling sound made people shake their heads.

Before the four of Jiang Shang could recover from the impact, they felt a powerful and unparalleled pulling force erupting from the blue light, pulling them up into the sky, and soaring up to the sky along the blue light beam.

Seen from outside the square, circles of incomparable divine light erupted from the majestic palace again, sweeping across the entire square, flying sand and rocks for tens of miles!
The rumbling earth trembled, and endless energy frenziedly flowed along the ground from all directions, and finally turned into rays of light and merged into the blue beam of light.

The image of the majestic palace completely disappeared in the beam of light, turning into a group of magical objects blooming with rays of light!But Jiang Shang and the others, at this moment, were already submerged by the divine light and disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Shang could only feel that the tearing force that blessed him was getting stronger and stronger, dragging his body away at an extremely fast speed in an unknown direction, and there was a roaring and piercing tremor sound in his ears, making it impossible for him to detect everything around.

(End of this chapter)

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