Chapter 960 Exchange for Heavenly Crystal
After careful consideration, Jiang Shang finally decided to exchange the treasure for some Tianjing, so as to be prepared.

Once you leave the Qingkong Tribe, Tianjing will become indispensable, a must-have.Jiang Shang and the others must make plans in advance.

Towering palaces are built on the four sides of the central altar. Except for the palaces and houses on the north side, which are used to raise beasts and birds, the south side of the other three directions is a square, which is usually used by the Qingkong tribe to worship and pray.

On the east and west sides, there are two huge palaces with simple and simple shapes.The palace near Guangguang Square on the west side is the tribal meeting hall, where Jiang Shang and four were received earlier.

Going west for about several thousand zhang, passing through a street full of talisman seals and divine patterns, Jiang Shang came to this palace that handles many affairs of the tribe.

Yan Zheng, the etiquette elder, is not only responsible for various etiquette, reception, etc. in the tribe, but also responsible for exchanging various items with the tribe.

Because the Qingkong tribe lives deep in the mountains, thousands of miles away from the county, surrounded by wild mountains and jungles, there are few people.Except for the two neighboring tribes, within this piece of mountains with undulating and staggered mountains, there are thousands of miles around and few people visit.

The first-class people headed by the patriarch and the elders control all the hegemony and property in the tribe.Many clansmen usually use the method of bartering to come here to exchange the required items.

After some observations, Jiang Shang couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's so dark! A heavenly treasure can only be exchanged for eighty heavenly crystals? This guy Yan Zheng is definitely a smiling tiger with a kind face and a dark heart. He is a difficult person to deal with."

Judging from Yan Zheng's steadfastness and wanton deduction when the clansmen exchanged items, it can be seen that this person's character is evident.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shang couldn't help showing a wry smile. He strode forward and said as he walked, "But I know that he is deliberately exploiting and embezzling, but I have to rely on him. I have to bow my head under the eaves!"

Seeing Jiang Shang walk into the hall, Yan Zheng's shrewd eyes lit up immediately, and he greeted with a smile: "Hey, Brother Jiang is here? What are you going to exchange for? My hall There is everything in it, only what you can't think of, nothing I don't have."

Jiang Shang's heart skipped a beat, Elder Yan Zheng's smile immediately made him feel a little uncomfortable.But he smiled calmly and said: "I came to exchange for some Tianjing, and I also came to see it. Hearing the discussion of the clansmen, Elder Yan has a lot of good things under his hands."

Yan Zheng cupped his hands with a smile, and said humbly, "It's all because of the admiration of the clansmen and the trust of the clan leader, so I can sit in the current seat." That's what he said, but the complacency on his face was Make no secret of it.

Jiang Shang knew that this person was very naughty, and he was not a good friend, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense.He took out five or six items from his pocket and put them in front of Yan Zheng. Jiang Shang said, "Elder Yan, please make a price. I only want Tianjing."

Yan Zheng looked at each piece carefully, and pondered: "These six treasures are all very good in quality, and two of the weapons are also high-quality goods... Five hundred Tianjing, no second price!"

Jiang Shang's face was a bit ugly, and he said angrily: "Elder Yan, isn't it a little too much for you to do this?"

Yan Zheng was not afraid of Jiang Shang's anger, so he said with an undiminished smile, "Business is about asking prices and paying them back on the spot. If you are not satisfied with the price, we can discuss it again. And there are some things you don't know!"

As he said that, he led Jiang Shang aside to sit down, and then said with a bitter face: "Whether it's you or the people in the clan, whoever comes is at this price. The reason why it is lower than the standard price is because There is a reason for this. The caravans of the tribe don’t often run out. One is that there are many dangers outside, and they often lose half their lives before reaching the county capital. It is not easy to go. Second, because The journey is too far, and every time the caravan goes out, it will not come back for ten or eight years."

Yan Zheng poured out bitterness at Jiang Shang, chattered endlessly, and continued: "You exchange items for Tianjing, the tribe must sell it? But the manpower, material and financial resources consumed along the way, as well as the many dangers along the way... If you don't get paid, who will pay you?" Are you willing to escort the caravan on a long journey?"

Although what Yan Zheng said was reasonable, Jiang Shang was noncommittal.What this guy said just now seems to have been said countless times, and he just said it casually, in order to silence the dissatisfied people, so that they have nothing to say.

Seeing that Jiang Shang was not moved, Yan Zheng gritted his teeth secretly, but said with a smile on the surface: "Why don't you do this. Brother Jiang, you are new here, and you don't understand these things. This elder will make an exception for you once. Super treasure, I will give you 520 pieces of sky crystal."

Realizing what Jiang Shang wanted to say, Yan Zheng immediately showed a look of bitterness and hatred, cutting flesh from his body, and said loudly: "Brother Jiang, I really can't ask for more! 530 yuan, this Yuelan Mountain is a few meters away. Wanli, this is the only one! In another place, no one will give you the five hundred Heavenly Crystals..."

Jiang Shang was full of smiles in his heart, but he looked at the treasures on the table pretending to be reluctant, and nodded as if he was quite moved: "Then thank you, Elder Yan."

Yan Zheng quickly put away the treasures on the table, took out a cloth bag from his sleeve, and gave 530 pieces of Tianjing to Jiang Shang, for fear that he would regret it.

Jiang Shang put away the Sky Crystal, held a piece of Sky Crystal in his hand, and carefully felt the magic in it.But I heard Yan Zheng say with a bitter face: "Brother Jiang, don't go out and talk about it everywhere. The price this elder gave you is absolutely unique in the whole tribe. Has this hall been demolished?"

"Naturally, Elder Yan, please don't worry." Jiang Shang nodded and got up to leave.

Yan Zheng watched Jiang Shang's back leave the hall, and then sighed with emotion in a low voice: "Sure enough, he is a kid from the lower realms, so it's hard to deal with..."

On the other side, not long after Jiang Shang walked out of the main hall, he just left the street and came to the edge of the square when he heard a burst of shouting from a distance.A tribal elite with a strong aura, carrying a bloody monk on his back, rushed towards this side.After getting up, there was a group of tribal monks in embarrassing stature, holding swords, weapons, bows and arrows, long daggers, etc., and hurriedly followed behind.

The appearance of this group of people caused commotion among many clansmen, and then the uproar grew louder, centered on the square, and spread in all directions.

"The people of the Qingfeng tribe are too much! Not to mention occupying my tribe's hunting jungle, how dare they hurt people?"

"Too much deceit! The Qingfeng Tribe is now joining hands with the Qingyan Tribe, this is to drive our Qingkong Tribe to a dead end!"

"Fight them!"

"Yes, fight with them!"

(End of this chapter)

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