Chapter 961 Clash of Clans
A group of tribal monks broke into the main hall on the west side of the square, and more and more clansmen gathered on the square, and the noise resounded through the sky.

Many clansmen accused and cursed one after another, and the shameless behavior of the other two clans clamored impassionedly, wanting to fight to the death with those two clans!

Jiang Shang retreated to the edge of the square calmly, and had a round with the three Xiaoguai who came after hearing the noise.

Looking at the chaotic crowd in the square, Hei Ying frowned, and asked in a low voice: "My lord, what's going on?"

Jiang Shang looked at the crowd thoughtfully, and explained: "There should be a conflict with two other tribes, and a fight broke out. The Qingkong tribe is weak, and there have been casualties."

It turned out that in this mountain range called Yuelan Mountain, among the tens of thousands of miles of mountains, there were three tribes with equal strength.These three tribes have lived here for generations, and the relationship between them is not very harmonious. You have been fighting with each other for many years.

Before Jiang Shang and others came to the heaven, a conflict broke out between the Qingkong tribe and the two major tribes. The three tribes fought several times, each winning or losing.

Afterwards, the Qingfeng and Qingyan tribes joined hands to suppress the Qingkong tribe, which made them suffer from enemies on both sides, and their situation was worrisome.

There are two reasons for conflicts between tribes.One is a hunting range and the other is a caravan.The hunting income of tribal monks on weekdays has a direct impact on the business status of the caravan.

In the final analysis, the outbreak of conflict between the two parties is nothing more than the amount of hunting.Moreover, all the income within the hunting range may become items sold by the caravan.

Such as the murderer's claws, scales, fur, bird wings, etc., as well as minerals buried in the hunting jungle are also one of the important reasons for the outbreak of conflicts.

Under the joint pressure of the two tribes, the Qingkong tribe was naturally invincible, so that in recent years, the hunting range has become smaller and smaller, and it is almost impossible to maintain the needs of the tribe.

This time, the monks in the Qingkong Tribe went out to hunt again. They had no intention of taking back the hunting jungle. They just stepped into the jungle deep in the mountain to meet the needs of the tribe and the cultivation needs of the monks in the tribe.

However, the fact that the Qingkong tribe didn't want to cause trouble doesn't mean that the other two tribes will let them go.

Before the hunt started, the monks of the Qingkong Tribe were ambushed, and a fierce battle was inevitable.

If it wasn't for a monk from Qingkong who sent out the secret technique of asking for help, I am afraid that this group of monks who went out to hunt would definitely be wiped out, and no one would die in the jungle.

Above the square, there was a din of voices and excitement.

"Not long ago, it was clear that an agreement had been signed, and there would be no more conflicts. I, Qing Kong, willingly gave up a part of the jungle, with the intention of being stable. I didn't expect them to go so far!"

"The patriarch is still retreating, and we will listen to the arrangement of the elder. This time they disregarded the agreement and ambushed our monks, and they must not stop there."

"Chang Ming was seriously injured. The injury is very serious. I'm afraid it won't last long... This time, they will definitely pay in blood!"

"Yes! If you risk your life, you must teach them a lesson they will never forget!"

It is true that the Qingkong Tribe has more than [-] clansmen, but apart from the old and weak, women and children who do not have strong combat capabilities, the remaining clansmen are less than [-]!
Among the [-] clansmen, there are not one monks who can step into the realm of the immortals.

In other words, there are less than 600 first-class people in the entire Qingkong tribe! Among the 600 people, apart from the elders and patriarchs who are in charge of various affairs, as well as the elders who cannot retreat, the remaining [-] people are the tribal elites.

This power of more than [-] immortal monks, if placed in the lower realm, is definitely the overlord of the roost, denouncing Fang Qiu.But in the heavens, they are an extremely weak force!
In the heavens, such forces are like the sands of the Ganges River, innumerable.

In the main hall, all the elders and the elites of the clan rushed over, and the group of people were all silent.The monk named Changming has been carried into the inner hall for treatment.But the seriousness of his injuries and the ruthlessness of the ambushing people are outrageous.

All the members of the Qingkong tribe were filled with anger and murderous intent in their eyes.The burly Great Elder sat upright, with a gloomy and frightening expression.

A white-haired elder got up and asked in a deep voice: "Great elder, the Qingfeng and Qingyan tribes have gone too far this time! For the sake of the safety of the tribe, we can no longer remain silent."

Someone said: "Should we summon the county government and ask them to send someone to mediate?"

"Count on them?"

Immediately, someone objected: "Leaving aside the princess of the Golden Wolf Tribe, the Golden Wolf Army has always eaten people without spitting out their bones. If they can't satisfy their appetite, they will definitely help Qingfeng and Qingyan suppress Our tribe!"

Yan Zheng, who arrived at the end, suddenly sneered and said: "You all probably know how much property my Qingkong tribe has. Even if it satisfies the appetite of the Jinlang army, it is no different from exterminating the clan. The family property has been emptied How long can we last?"

Yan Zheng stood up, looked around with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Even if the conflict is mediated this time, what about after that? If the Qingfeng, Qingyan and other tribes of Jinlang are gone, take advantage of our tribe's heavy losses How about a comeback? Give up the jungle you just took back? I don’t care what you think, but whoever dares to push the tribe to extinction, don’t blame me, Yan Zheng, for not being sympathetic!”

Jiang Shang and the others who followed Yan Zheng into the hall were immediately surprised. Yan Zheng, the etiquette elder, is too strong, right?How dare you speak harsh words in front of all the elders and tribal elites?

Strangely, none of the many elders present objected, and the tribal elites also remained silent.

The Great Elder stood up, with a breathtaking light in his deep eyes, and said slowly: "Since the two tribes are making progress, let's fight! Call all the clansmen and be ready to launch a tribal war at any time!"


In the main hall, everyone stood up, their voices were like thunder, and they responded with a bang.

Jiang Shang and the others stood at the entrance of the main hall. What everyone said just now made him more doubtful.

The Golden Wolf Army?

Clash of Clans?

Moreover, with this unfathomable Great Elder sitting in charge, and I heard that there is an even more powerful Supreme Elder, how could the Qingkong tribe be bullied to such an extent?

Jiang Shang is not prepared to participate in the upcoming battle.First of all, the four of them didn't have much affection for the Qingkong tribe, so there was no need to rush forward and fight for the tribe.Second, he didn't want to reveal his true strength at this moment.For now, his knowledge and understanding of the heavens is still too little!
(End of this chapter)

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