Chapter 1007

Zhan Wuming finally enjoyed the benefits of having someone in the court. With the polite treatment of several ancestors, Zhan Wuming's status has almost risen. Seeing the five ancestors including Xuantian ancestor, Xuanzhu and Chi Lingzi Sending Zhan Wuming out with extreme enthusiasm, Dong Yu's eyes straightened, and immediately raised Zhan Wuming's status in his heart several levels.

In front of Dong Yu, Zhan Wuming proposed to the ancestors that he wanted to find some time to study the Abyss Demon Fire. The ancestors agreed without thinking about it, and said that they could come to the temple to find them at any time, and told them Dongyu should pay attention to Zhan Wuming's request.

For a while, Dong Yu was a little uncomfortable with this rhythm. Zhan Wuming was just a middle-level Golden Immortal boy. And there are a lot of them, but it won't make the ancestors of the Xianzun rank happy like a treasure, right?
Dong Yu didn't dare to ask the old monsters what happened, after all, these old ancestors had a hot temper and were not easy to get along with.It is precisely because of the temper of the ancestors that they have not treated people like a lifeless battle for hundreds of thousands of years, which makes Dongyu unable to see through.

In the end, Dong Yu had no choice but to come up with a conclusion that Zhan Wuming might be the illegitimate son of one of these ancestors, but that's not right, why do these five old guys seem to treat Zhan Wuming as his son? No... That doesn't make sense, how could one person be the son of five people?Apart from having a headache, Dong Yu had no choice but to stop thinking about it.

Under the leadership of Dong Yu, Zhan Wuming walked out of this mysterious area. Zhan Wuming was not a stingy person, and quietly stuffed a small mantis carapace. Wei, suddenly surprised Dong Yu, who didn't know that this thing is a rare treasure.Although it is only a few feet square, if it is refined and blended with other materials, it can make a heavy treasure.The terrifying aura emanating from the armor, based on his knowledge, naturally knew that it was a fairy material from the quasi-emperor beast.Dong Yu immediately looked at Zhan Wuming with admiration, no wonder the old monsters treated him so well, they were really generous!
Although the little guy in front of him is just a little golden fairy, he actually took out a quasi-emperor-level fairy material. Even if he wanted to get it, he had nowhere to get it, and he didn't know how much it would cost to snatch it. I got it, but Zhan Wuming gave it to him casually. This kind of junior is too knowledgeable. Even if he is liked by a few ancestors, he is still so friendly. Naturally, Dong Yu will not be a person who is ignorant of current affairs. Thank you Not much to say, just looking at that attitude has already shown everything.

This praying mantis carapace, which is about one foot square, is nothing to Zhan Wuming. After all, that giant praying mantis monster is tens of miles long. How much material can be removed? , not to mention that Zhan Wuming got a little more than others.

As for whether other people return to their own fairyland and hand it over to their own family or the elders of the fairyland, he doesn't know.It is estimated that these things will appear in a short time, but the blood of the quasi-emperor is different. There are not many other people, and the amount of flesh and blood is too large. Know if they all successfully brought back to their fairyland.

Thinking of so much flesh and blood of Emperor Zhun, Zhan Wuming thought it was better to find a time to give some of it to Xuan Ji. I believe it would be a huge stimulus to the Emperor Clan. Although the effect on Xuan Ji was not great, it was very effective on other disciples of the Emperor Clan. Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming couldn't help but think of Xuanji's injury. It has been more than four months, and I don't know if Xuanji's injury has recovered. When I left, Xuanji was still recuperating in the divine cauldron. He was struck by lightning before recovering from his injuries. Although he survived, his vitality was probably seriously injured. He has a lot of good things on him, which might be able to help Xuan Ji.


After Zhan Wuming left the temple, he went straight back to the mountain where he practiced. Occasionally, Ye Lang and others came to visit. Most of the time, Zhan Wuming sneaked into the cave. Except for the Dongyu, no one knew what Zhan Wuming was. Even Dong Yu couldn't see through Zhan Wuming's tricks, because Zhan Wuming could sit by the deep ditch of the abyssal fire for several days.

He occasionally went to visit Zhan Wuming, saw Zhan Wuming messing around there, and didn't see any tricks, so he didn't bother to care about Zhan Wuming, anyway, those few ancestors had the same attitude towards Zhan Wuming, This kid really let him take a big advantage, so naturally he turned a blind eye, and besides, those ancestors agreed to Zhan Wuming's request.

Later, he went to an ancestor to appraise the material that was about one foot square, and it turned out to be a piece of fairy material taken from a beast of the quasi-emperor rank. People can't enter it casually, so it is a miracle to obtain such a quasi-emperor-level immortal material. Zhan Wuming actually gave him such a large piece. According to the ancestor's words, having this immortal material If you find some matching materials, you can definitely refine a supreme immortal weapon.

To Dong Yu, this is like a poor man who suddenly finds a few big golden cakes dropped on his head. He is so excited that Zhan Wuming's request is satisfied without even thinking about it. Anyway, with the support of a few ancestors, he is also happy The fox pretends to be the tiger.Therefore, Zhan Wuming's so-called Xiaqi Cave basically ran in the direction of the temple.

Zhan Wuming and others have returned for more than a month, but Zhan Wuming has not shown much. Some teams have returned one after another, and almost every team has suffered heavy losses.Yan Feifei also came back, and Yan Feifei's team was not much better than Xuan Kuang's team, and there were only a few people left in Muyeba and Tian Sheng's teams, and there were a little more survivors in the second-rate teams.

Some people said that they saw the message left by Xuan Kuang, so they stayed away from the area of ​​Tongtian Shenzang. In this way, they survived fortunately, and only a part of the team came back, not all the teams came back.

The teams returning from the battlefield of gods and demons all brought back some news, that is, there seems to be a huge change in the entire Endless Battle Ruins. Some people escaped by chance under the dark sky, and some have seen it up close Those nine beams of light shot up into the sky, and some teammates wanted to try to find out the secrets of those nine beams of light, and those who went there never came back.Some people wanted to see what the black sky curtain in the nine beams of light was like, but they found that with their cultivation base, they couldn't penetrate the blockade of the nine beams of light.Once it collides with any of the nine beams of light, it will be directly turned into a mummy, and even the fairy baby will have no chance to escape.

They saw many ferocious beasts wailing and struggling in the dark world behind the nine beams of light, and finally turned into dry bones, and some of them went berserk at the end, crazily crashing into the nine huge beams of light.To the nine huge beams of light, their impact was more like ants shaking a big tree, and it was impossible to break through the blockade of the nine beams of light.

So they understood that in the world blocked by the nine beams of light, even if there are still teams from the major fairylands that have never left, they will never come out again. They will only be like those fierce beasts and demons that have turned into dry bones Same.Almost without exception, the teams that were able to come back were all outside the nine beams of light, or when the dark world spread, they ran desperately and escaped from the range blocked by the nine beams of light.

According to the news brought back by Tiansheng, the nine beams of light did not completely seal off the entire space at first, and there were still some gaps between the beams of light, and they escaped from this gap by luck.

It was only later that the nine beams of light merged with each other, and finally formed a barrier like a prison. At this time, if they were still in that barrier, there would be no chance of escaping.

One piece of news can be obtained from the people who came back, that is, all the elite immortal kings who entered the battlefield of gods and demons to search for the treasures of gods and gods have suffered heavy losses.

According to the news from them, compared to other fairy realms, Gong Huatian’s loss to the Immortal King is relatively small, because many people have received the information left by Zhan Wuming, Xuan Kuang and others along the way, making Gong Huatian Huatian's major immortal king teams withdrew as soon as possible. Some teams trusted Xuan Kuang very much. Even if Xuan Kuang said that they didn't fully believe it, they kept an eye on it. Therefore, most of the teams who saw the information were more or less able to escape.

As for who Zhan Wuming is, these people don't know.Xuan Kuang made a great contribution this time. The members of the Elders Council naturally knew that the news about Xuan Kuang was provided by Zhan Wuming, and Xuan Kuang was also rescued by Zhan Wuming. Waiting for a share, but those returning disciples don't know who Zhan Wuming is.

As more and more people came back, the news about Tongtian Shenzang became more and more complicated. This made many people know that there are indeed many dangerous places in that area, even Yan Feifei, Muyeba and Tian Sheng. Almost all the troops in the army were wiped out, which shows how fierce the danger is.The battlefield of gods and demons has never been a good place. Every time the team enters the trial, there will be many losses, but such a heavy loss like this time is unprecedented.

This loss can be regarded as a catastrophic event, which almost caused the loss of more than half of the immortal kings in the entire Gonghua Immortal Mansion. Hua Xianyu was in mourning.

And this kind of situation is also very common in other fairylands, because the losses of several other big fairylands are even heavier than Gonghua's fairyland, and the whole fairyland is devastated.

In the Immortal Realm, many of the resource planets of the major Immortal Realms were raided and looted by other Immortal Realms. The King of Genius, if he can't come back like this, the blow to the big families in the fairy world is self-evident.

Originally, the truly powerful combat power in the fairy world was the fairy king, and the kings above the fairy king could not easily make a move. These genius kings were the trump cards of the major families and the trump cards of the battles between the major fairy realms, but now, this pattern It was broken all of a sudden. There are still many fairy kings in the major fairylands, but there is a serious shortage of top fairy kings. Team up to loot.

The major fairylands suffered such heavy losses. On the one hand, they had to strengthen the guardianship of their respective resource starfields. The culprit of the tragedy.

As early as more than a month ago, there was a news from Gonghua Xianyu, saying that the news of Tongtian Shenzang this time was a huge conspiracy to lure the elite immortal kings of the major immortal domains into the battlefield of gods and demons, so that the elites of the major immortal domains The fairy kings caught them all, and what happened in the next month proved Gong Huatian's news.

Later, these news were confirmed by Miaochengtian, Jifengtian and other major fairylands at the same time. They also stood up and said that this time it was a huge conspiracy, not only on the side of foreign enemies, but also in their own fairyland. It is impossible to grasp the time so accurately that the major fairylands will receive the news almost at the same time.

As a result, the entire fairy world was in an extremely unstable turmoil.Of course, Zhan Wuming doesn't care about all this!

(End of this chapter)

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