Chapter 1008 Nine Dragon Flame Crutch Recovery
Zhan Wuming has no intention of paying attention to the turbulent turmoil in the fairy world, because he not only needs to use this time to fully consolidate his cultivation at the level of the middle-level golden fairy, but also constantly absorb the two quasi-emperors. After receiving the life core of a super giant beast, his cultivation has reached the peak of the Golden Immortal. As long as he has a chance, he can easily break through the late Golden Immortal.At the same time, he was still familiar with the habits of the abyssal magic fire.

The abyss demonic fire is really violent, and the demonic energy in it may not be a big deal to the creatures in the battlefield of gods and demons, but to the creatures in the fairy world, that kind of demonic power is almost like poison. Hundreds of millions of souls screamed and danced in it, but they couldn't break free from the shackles of the flames, so hundreds of millions of souls were imprisoned in the boundless fire field, full of resentment.

This abyssal demon fire is probably the place where countless resentful spirits gathered during the ancient demon sacrifice. Countless resentful spirits were forced into the boundless earth fire by the boundless magic power. The fusion of fire domains formed this almost living flame.

The abyssal demonic fire cannot transform spirits, because it is too violent, and because there are countless resentful spirits in the flames, it seems that there is a trace of ignorant consciousness. The devil's fire is even more violent, but it can't condense the fire spirit like the god and devil's fire, and it can't be used by the old monsters in Gonghua's fairyland.

As a Jedi at the foot of Xuanzu Mountain, this is a good place to punish the face of the wall. For some people who have been punished, they are all punished to go to the wall of the ground to think about their mistakes. , The fire poison in the abyssal fire is like countless wraiths and even bites the soul, it is very strange.

Where Zhan Wuming was, one could often hear wailing coming from the depths of the fire field. Obviously, there was a place where sinners were imprisoned.He had no interest in paying attention to who was imprisoned inside. Those who survived for many years in the fire area were some terrifying old monsters, which were not something a little guy like him could handle.

For Zhan Wuming, this abyssal magic fire is an inexhaustible treasure.

Although the Abyss Demon Fire is so violent that even he has been eroded, he has an unimaginable endurance ability. Whether it is the Five Elements Cave in his soul or the chaotic starry sky in his sea of ​​Qi, it is not the grievance in the Demon Flame. What the spirit can shake, those resentful spirits can only become the nourishment of his body, which is transformed into the most original power of chaos by the Chaos Sacred Tree, making him more powerful with the power of sentient beings in the starry sky.

Resentment is also a kind of force of cause and effect. It is not the first time he has come into contact with this terrifying demonic power, whether it is the huge resentment contained in the flesh and blood of the blood demon or the **** demon god. The resentment in this abyssal fire is much stronger, and that kind of terrifying power can be directly absorbed by his sea of ​​energy, so this abyssal fire is naturally ineffective against him.

Relying on the cave of fire, he quietly mobilized the abyssal fire and sealed it into the abyss sinking gold and abyss blood gold. This is his brand new and upgraded version of Explosive Thunder.

This time, he added some poisons collected from the abyss of the battlefield of gods and demons into the abyssal fire, which is definitely much stronger than the poison used against the Makino family's fairy king in the Tianmo Canyon. This is a big loss under the violent flames and thunder.

This fire field can only be regarded as a wonderful place for Zhan Wuming, but it is a great treasure for the nine-flame dragon crutch in the heavenly world.Zhan Wuming spent a lot of energy, not hesitating to consume the life core of the giant quasi-emperor beast, and then reluctantly summoned the Nine Flame Dragon.

After all, Jiuyanlongguai is a thing of the fairy world, and it has not yet returned to its peak state. Although it was close to the existence of the emperor's weapon at its peak state, it has not yet reached the level of the supreme fairy weapon. Therefore, Zhan Wuming will fight With all his strength, he finally summoned it.

This process not only consumes a lot of himself, but also the spirit of the heavenly artifact.

Now Zhan Wuming has two life cores around him to replenish it, but it can recover quickly, and the recovery process is still going on. Zhan Wuming estimates that if these two life cores are completely absorbed, Heaven's weapon soul should be able to recover. The high-level emperor rank is much stronger than the general emperor weapon.

Heavenly Artifact Soul has its own spirit, and it is impossible for Zhan Wuming to fully activate it. It is naturally difficult to fully exert its strongest power completely relying on its own control, unless it can return to the peak state of Divine Artifact.If I just want to restore the artifact and completely refine the Dark God Tower, there may be a chance.

It's just that the Dark God Tower is not so easy to refine completely. Although he and the Chaos God Tree in the Chaos Starry Sky of Qi Sea helped refine a large part of it, but the Dark God Tower has the foundation of a divine weapon after all. , it is not easy to refine completely

Although most of the Dark God Tower has been refined, the dark energy cannot be absorbed by the Heavenly Artifact immediately, because darkness and light are inherently mutually exclusive, and they want to transform this dark energy into energy to repair the heaven in a short time , Heaven does not have that ability yet.

The Heavenly Artifact takes time, once it completely absorbs the power of the Dark Artifact, it will not be difficult for the Heavenly Artifact Soul to return to the level of the Divine Artifact, and I am afraid that there will be unexpected transformations at that time.

Zhan Wuming is not worried about the energy recovered by the Heavenly Artifact, but before the Heavenly Artifact cannot fully control the dark energy of the Dark God Tower, Zhan Wuming does not dare to use the Heavenly Artifact casually. Controlling the Heavenly Artifact, Zhan Wuming didn't even have a place to cry at that time.

Therefore, after Zhan Wuming summoned the Nine Flame Dragon Crutch, he did not immediately summon Yan Qingqing and others from the heavenly world.Yan Qingqing and the others didn't know what trial they were doing in the sword world, but they didn't show up for more than half a year. Although he had preliminary communication with the beast god Xuangui, he couldn't contact Yan Qingqing and the others, and he didn't know their cultivation skills. For what level.

The Beast God Xuangui has barely reached the level of a true immortal at this moment, and the speed of cultivation can be said to be very fast. This has a lot to do with the blood of the Beast God Xuangui himself. Apart from Qingqing Zhunv, she is No.1 in the entire Poyan Continent.

Yan Qingqing, Zhu Qianqian and other women were mainly brought by Cang Yu to practice in the God Burial Ground for two years, and gained unimaginable opportunities in it.

Although there are no terrifying creatures and some gods who may still be alive like in the battlefield of gods and demons, as the burial place of gods, there are probably more treasures buried in it than this battlefield of gods and demons.

Zhan Wuming wanted to find a way to return to the lower realm. With his current cultivation base, if he went to explore the place of the gods' burial, he would definitely gain unimaginably huge gains.

Of course, it is easy to go up to the fairy world, but it is too difficult to go down to the lower world.Presumably, in the past six months, the lower realm should be able to ascend normally. I don't know how many people have ascended to the upper realm through the ascension points in the fairyland.

Zhan Wuming felt that he had to search hard, maybe he could find his old friend, but these people who had just ascended were too low in cultivation, most of them were at the bottom of the fairy world, so it was difficult for him to be of much help, except for some people who were good at taking care of themselves Maybe he will care about some business people, but there is no need to greet other people.

Zhan Wuming left a message for Beast God Xuangui, once Yan Qingqing and other girls leave the customs, he must contact him immediately. He has to let the girls really enter the fairyland earlier to experience life in the fairyland. In this real fairyland, you should It is more helpful to improve cultivation base.

Although the sword world is a divine tool with the ability to speed up time, after all, the power of rules is relatively single. For the girls, it can help them improve their cultivation base and realm in a short time, but for them their own potential is greater. If it continues like this for a long time, I'm afraid it will cause the top-grade spiritual roots on their bodies to shift, so Zhan Wuming doesn't want them to waste too much energy in that sword world.As a kind of cultivation aid, the sword world is naturally the best.

Jiuyanlongguai is submerged directly into the fire domain. The abyss demon fire is a great tonic for Jiuyanlongguai. Jiuyanlongguai is born with nine kinds of fire from heaven and earth. After millions of years, it will be promoted with its master For the fairy flame, this weapon was cast with the souls of nine fairy flames, and it is already the pinnacle of the fairy world.

Nine flames almost contain nine extreme fires between heaven and earth, and the abyssal fire is naturally among these nine flames.Nine Flame Dragon Swallows devours the abyss demon fire freely, even devours the resentful spirits in the demon fire, but these resentful spirits are almost directly transformed into the most original power of fire after being burnt by Nine Flame Brahma, becoming Nine Flame Dragon A tonic for the soul of the kidnapper.

In this abyssal fire domain, Zhan Wuming felt that Jiuyanlongguai's weapon soul was growing stronger and stronger, growing from a baby to a teenager, and a boy into a youth, and rapidly improving. This process is precisely the Jiuyanlongguai A sign of a gradual return to peak form.

For Jiuyanlongguai, Zhan Wuming still has a lot of affection. Jiuyan Tianzun died because of him, and the only ray of soul was hidden in Qingming Xianyan by him. Later, Qingming Xianyan and Jiuyanlongguai Fusion, the fire spirit of Qingming Xianyan and the tool soul of Jiuyan Longguai were jointly sent by Zhan Wuming to Jiuyanlongguai for warming.

Zhan Wuming has already assimilated Qingming Xianyan's fire spirit with Jiuyan Tianzun's soul, and Jiuyan Tianzun's wisp of soul is Qingming Xianyan's fire spirit. If he wants to revive Jiuyan Tianzun, he must It is necessary to strip the fire spirit of Qingming Xianyan so that it can survive alone. It is also a good choice for Jiuyanlongguai to become a temporary place to live. At this moment, Jiuyanlongguai quickly repaired it with the help of the abyss magic fire That wisp of fire spirit is also frantically absorbing the abyssal magic fire in the fire domain, becoming more stable.

Zhan Wuming is going to get a body for this ray of fire spirit. When this ray of fire spirit is recovering, he has been looking for the memory of Jiuyan Tianzun. Once the fire spirit retrieves the memory of Jiuyan Tianzun, Zhan Wuming will put Qinglong used the god stone fairy fetus that Qinglong was playing with to let Jiuyan Tianzun seize it. In this way, Jiuyan Tianzun will definitely be able to recover to its peak as quickly as possible, and its physique and aptitude will also be greatly improved.

That guy Qinglong is very lazy, and he doesn't know what level his current cultivation has reached. Fortunately, that guy is very clever. He probably entered the sword world with Yan Qingqing and the others at this moment, otherwise he couldn't find the other side. lazy dragon.

Over the past month or so, the Nine-flame Dragon Crutch has almost returned to its peak state. Zhan Wuming's ability is not enough to fully stimulate the power of the Supreme Immortal Artifact, but it does not prevent Zhan Wuming from using the Nine-flame Dragon Ache, the Supreme Immortal Artifact. Let him have one more means of saving his life.

(End of this chapter)

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