Chapter 1009 Supreme Immortal Armor
One day two months after Zhan Wuming returned to Xuanzu Mountain, Patriarch Xuanzhu and Chi Lingzi sent Zhan Wuming twenty sets of exquisite battle suits, among which there were fifteen for women and only one for men. Five pieces, which made Patriarch Xuanzhu feel that Zhan Wuming is really a little bit unpredictable. Could it be that Zhan Wuming is really planning to build a harem.

This celestial armor is the supreme battle suit. It not only uses quasi-emperor-level fairy materials, but also adds life god gold such as tears of gods, and some other fairy materials. The two old monsters paid for it themselves. The materials are Zhundi Immortal Materials and God's Tears, and the other materials don't cost much. They each found someone to refine ten sets, and the craftsman naturally spent a lot, because they encountered such good materials. And there are more than ten or twenty sets, almost giving him the opportunity to refine weapons for nothing.

As a weapon master, the best way to advance is not to find enough super fairy materials and refine the top fairy weapons. This is a process of cultivation.

Just like alchemists, if there are countless high-level celestial herbs for them to practice, no matter what, they can improve their alchemy skills, which is the same reason.

This large amount of fairy materials is the opportunity that almost all craftsmen dream of, so they don't charge any fees, but instead subsidize some of their own fairy materials, and they also want to get this opportunity to refine.

And ten sets at a time, they can also try different ways of fusion, looking for more ways to improve.It took a lot of time for each of Xuan Zhu and Chi Lingzi to create ten Supreme Immortal Artifacts. The two top artisans in Gonghua Immortal Domain spent a full two months building them.

Although the main materials of these twenty Supreme Immortal Artifacts are all the same, their performances seem to have quite a few differences. An independent and perfect individual, Zhan Wuming really has a feeling that he can't put it down. This is the real treasure.

Ancestor Xuanzhu and Chi Lingzi naturally wouldn't waste the resources in their hands. They also made their own sets. They are already supreme-level powerhouses, and coupled with this supreme-level fairy clothes, their defense power is very strong. , it was enough for them to step up the challenge, and the two old monsters were so happy that their old faces were full of flowers.

Although Zhan Wuming has twenty sets of these precious clothes, it is useless if there are too many of them. They have taken so many benefits from Zhan Wuming, so they are naturally embarrassed to fight Zhan Wuming again. In time, they refined all the seventh-rank and sixth-rank pills that Zhan Wuming owed, and prepared a few more pills for Zhan Wuming. Precious medicines can allow them to refine a lot of treasures, so it doesn't matter if they share one or two pills with Zhan Wuming.

After Zhan Wuming received these treasure clothes, he immediately tried on the one specially introduced by Xuanzhu, and felt as if he had merged into his own flesh and blood. Immortal power, turned into a majestic ability and injected into his body, made him feel stronger than ever before.If he could smash a rock the size of a house with one punch before, now he feels that he can smash a fairy mountain with one punch.This feeling of surging power made Zhan Wuming feel extremely unreal.

"Good baby, what kind of power is this, how could it be like this!" Zhan Wuming originally thought that this fairy armor only had strong defensive power, but he didn't expect that this armor could actually increase his body's strength several times. How did he do it? Yes, he was horrified that this top weapon master was really different.

Thinking that I still have a basalt scale, it is an out-and-out divine object, if there is a chance to refine it into a weapon, will it become an invincible artifact?And he not only has basalt scales, he also has unicorn horns and claws, and kunpeng bones. He can also get things from Qinglong, and Suzaku divine feathers, although there are only half of them, and they are still in the lower realm. I got it in the city of all living beings, but there are quite a lot of treasures in the beasts collected from him.

Zhan Wuming once forged a piece of God's Armament in the lower world in his previous life, but the materials he chose at that time were too weak. Now he has the treasure of a real adult animal. What will happen if he refines a piece of God's Armament? That Kaitian armor obtained from Xuanwu can definitely sweep the fairy world.

To refine the materials of these real divine beasts, he does not yet have the real divine fire, and it is too difficult to completely fuse these divine beasts together.

However, it doesn't matter if the difficulty is high, Zhan Wuming believes that one day he will be able to fuse these gods into one furnace and refine the most powerful artifact in history!

"The old lunatic called this piece of treasure clothes the Heaven-Stolen Armor. It is one of the few treasures that the old lunatic created. The other one is on me." It showed a very ancient battle suit, gray in color, if it wasn't for the faint pattern on it that showed that the suit was not ordinary, Zhan Wuming even thought it was a prop for posing.

"Damn, with this appearance, I dare to call it one of the few treasures I am proud of..." Chi Lingzi laughed disdainfully.

"You ignorant stinking fire bastard, the heaven-stealing armor on my body can not only weaken the opponent's attack power by 30.00%, but also increase the attack power of the immortal rank by [-]%. The Golden Immortal, this stealth armor can increase his attack power several times. The higher the power of the realm, the higher the increase. If you don't believe it, let's fight a game and let you see what it is It's the old lunatic's favorite baby!" Xuanzhu Patriarch said angrily.

"Tch, what's the big deal, your speed is as fast as that of a turtle, even if your attack power is increased by 30.00%, what's the use for a bird, you can't even touch a single hair of your red master, if you have the strength, go hit the air!" Chi Lingzi said with disdain.

Looking at his old face, it is obvious that he is very jealous of the Heaven-stealing Armor of the ancestor Xuanzhu. That attribute is indeed bullish, and all the attack power is weakened by [-]%. He can bear it unharmed. With his cultivation base, he can still bear [-]% of the power of the peak immortal.What's even more refreshing is that the attack power has increased by [-]%. For Xianzun, every increase in power is enough to gain a huge advantage.

Zhan Wuming is very happy, this is really a treasure, but he doesn't know who that old lunatic is, he actually extracted the weight of thick earth from the carapace of the mantis, and also fused the power of darkness. This makes this armor of stealing heaven have an unimaginable defense and strength increase. I am afraid that when refining this treasure clothes, a fairy material of earth attribute must be added to it, otherwise it is impossible to have such a thick increase in strength .

"I see you are itching again..." Xuanzhu Patriarch appeared beside Chi Lingzi as soon as his voice fell, and his huge fist directly smashed Chi Lingzi's figure into pieces, but his When the attack fell, he knew it was not good. Just as he was about to turn around, he felt a heavy kick on the buttocks. Although the treasure clothes greatly weakened the attack power and did not make him feel any impact, it made his body The body couldn't help but rushed forward a few steps before stabilizing his body. When he turned his head angrily, he found a large figure surrounded by him, all of them were red spirits, like a hurricane, all their fists and hands were aimed at him Boom.

"Damn, it's impossible, how can you be so fast!" Xuan Zhu Patriarch was dumbfounded.I didn't notice for a while, and I got a few punches in succession. These fists all chose to attack his head and face. Although they were not powerful, they hit him with black nose and swollen face.

"See? The stealth armor that the old lunatic made for you is very good. I admit that I can't pierce your tortoise shell, but how can I lose to you with the wind armor that I found? The speed increase is close to [-]%, you fight with me, and you can wait for me to fix you in the future." Chi Lingzi stopped proudly, and a translucent cyan armor flashed on his body, matching him The women's armor given to Zhan Wuming is very similar.

"You wait for me..." Patriarch Xuan Zhu suddenly lost his temper.

Chilingzi was originally faster than him, and he could be abused if it was limited to a small area, but once he entered an open environment, he couldn't catch Chilingzi, but now Chilingzi's speed has increased by 40.00%, Then how to fight, really relying on speed can torture him to death, and he can't catch up if he doesn't run away. When encountering such an opponent, he will lose his temper.He knew that Chi Lingzi didn't talk about being shameless, and dared to use any dirty tricks, so now he really didn't dare to get mad at Chi Lingzi.

"Boy, because of the limited materials of Qiqi, I only made two pieces of this wind armor. One is on Lao Tzu's body, and the other is a woman's. If you don't need it, it's in the pile. I'm so sorry I know how much the speed of Jinxian can be increased, but at least it can be increased by several times. The defense power of this clothes is not weak, and it can weaken the attack power of the opponent's attack by nearly six." Chi Lingzi pointed to another one. The very gorgeous sky-blue armor introduced.

"Thank you two masters so much. In the future, if there is any good treasure in Wuming, I will be the first to dedicate it to the two masters..." Zhan Wuming laughed wickedly. These two old guys really did their best, but let him It is definitely not possible to choose a master. It is a loss-making business to choose one to offend the other. It is better to admit both and cover yourself together. Wouldn't it be more beautiful.

Therefore, Zhan Wuming directly said that he was the two masters, and the two old monsters were also stunned, and then the two old monsters looked at each other and snorted coldly at each other.But it seems to have secretly accepted this fact. After all, the two of them fought back and forth, and it was difficult to tell the winner. They have been fighting for nearly ten thousand years, and they have not been able to tell which one is more trustworthy. Now, of course, there is no way. It's up.

"Boy, I have something to tell you. Master, the reason why I sent this Thief Armor is because you may have to leave Xuanzu Mountain for a while soon. Master, I am afraid that you will suffer losses outside, so I guard the old madman." I need to hurry up and rush out." Xuanzhu Patriarch said with a righteous look on his face.

"I want to leave Xuanzu Mountain for a while? Why!" Zhan Wuming was stunned, this Xuanzu Mountain is not so easy to leave, at least you have to reach the Immortal King level to leave home for a short time every year, or to complete it. The mission of Gonghua Immortal Mansion, but most of the time can only be practiced in Xuanzu Mountain.

"Originally, only the Immortal King rank can be qualified to go out to complete the missions of Gonghua Immortal Mansion, but considering that although you have not reached the level of Immortal King, both Xuan Kuang and Xuan Fang are very optimistic about you, and this time we respectfully The Immortal King of Huaxianyu suffered heavy losses, so I also considered letting you go to accept this task. I am afraid that the Council of Elders will find it in a day or two, and you will not have much time to prepare by then, so I just I will bring you this stealing armor first, and bring you some pills for later use." Patriarch Xuanzhu said solemnly.

"So that's how it is..." Zhan Wuming's heart moved, thinking that it would be a good thing to leave Xuanzu Mountain for a while, and go back to the Emperor City to see Xuanji's injuries, maybe it can help Xuanji or something .

Thinking of Xuan Ji, Zhan Wuming couldn't help but feel a burst of heat in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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