Chapter 1020 Battle of Immortal Transformation Palace

The tomb guards lost half of them almost instantly, and the other half, under Xuantong's reminder, avoided the shadow's attack in time and quickly fell to the ground. They soon found that their shadows calmed down again, and the figure of the Dark Immortal Emperor disappeared without a trace.

"Defend the Palace of Immortal Transformation..." Mr. Jiu rushed back suddenly. Instead of looking for the disappeared Dark Immortal Emperor, he rushed directly to the giant hall. As long as he can prevent the Dark Demon Emperor from destroying the giant hall, it is enough Yes, in the conversation with the Dark Demon Emperor just now, he heard that the Dark Demon Emperor said that his dark demon seed had been eradicated, which meant that Zhan Wuming had done it, and Emperor Zun had a chance to recover.Therefore, he absolutely must not let the Dark Devil Emperor disturb Emperor Zun's recovery.

At this time, he also guessed that the reason why the Dark Devil Emperor was able to find this place was probably because of the Dark Demon Seed. Because of the existence of the Dark Demon Seed, the Dark Demon Emperor sensed that this could almost be regarded as the location of another space world. , with the power of the Dark Demon Emperor, even though the deity cannot come here, a clone can also break through the boundary. As long as you find the coordinates, you can naturally invade this world quietly. From this point of view, the words that the Dark Demon Emperor said are credible Yes, and it was precisely because of this that the Dark Devil Emperor became nervous, otherwise it would have been impossible to send such a powerful clone forward.

The main body of the Dark Demon Emperor cannot be dispatched easily. There are too many people paying attention to the dark sky. If the main body of the Dark Demon Emperor comes, it will inevitably alarm many old monsters in the fairyland. They will definitely join forces to plot against him. The most powerful sneak attacker, so even a clone of the Dark Lord is enough to make Mr. Jiu and others scramble.If it was replaced by the avatars of other immortal emperors, Mr. Jiu would be sure to join forces with Xuantong and others to fight against them. Only the dark emperor would not fight head-on with everyone. Once he did anything to find the immortal emperor, There is nothing they can do about sneak attacks.

"Boom..." Before Mr. Jiu's figure arrived, the gate of the giant hall was suddenly pushed open, and two mausoleum guards in golden armor suddenly rushed at Mr. Jiu, and the violent attack almost tore the entire void .

Mr. Jiu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. The thing he was most worried about happened. The Dark Demon Emperor can not only use the dark shadow to hide, but can even use the power of the shadow to control the shadow's master. These two guards in golden armor Although the people from the mausoleum already had the initial cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable, they could not escape the fate of being controlled by the dark devil emperor's avatar. Mausoleum people.

"Go to hell!" Mr. Jiu was furious. At this time, he no longer cared whether the golden tomb guards were voluntary or not. Anyone who stood in his way would die at this time. The Devil Emperor's clone entered the stone room of the statue, and with Immortal Emperor Xuanming's state at this time, it is likely that there is really no life left.

Originally, he was tortured to the point of dying by the dark demon seed, and now he has just got rid of the demon seed, how much torture he has suffered in the process, I am afraid that his original strength has already been greatly damaged, and the oil is exhausted.At this time, let alone a clone of the Demon Emperor, even an ordinary Immortal King can take the life of Immortal Emperor Xuanming, not to mention whether the demon has been destroyed now, or is it making a final fight with Immortal Emperor Xuanming? , if it is the latter, if the Dark Immortal Emperor is allowed to join in, the result will be even worse than before Zhan Wuming saved Emperor Zun.

Xuan Tong, Xuan Ce and the others also knew that things were going to be bad. Xuan Ce's face was extremely gloomy. He had never fought against an opponent like the Dark Devil Emperor, and he underestimated the horror of the Dark Devil Emperor. The mausoleum guardians suffered heavy casualties, and even let the dark devil sneak quietly outside the giant hall, and instead controlled several golden mausoleum guardians.If the Dark Devil Emperor breaks through the blockade of the giant hall, it will be a brand new disaster for Emperor Zun, and it may even be a disaster for the entire Gonghua Immortal Territory.

"Boom..." Mr. Jiu rammed into the two gold-armored mausoleum guards without the slightest hesitation, and the bodies of the two golden-armored mausoleum guards unexpectedly fell apart under the collision, their armors were torn apart, and their bodies turned into a ball of blood rain Scattered in the void.

Under the splash of blood and flesh, Mr. Jiu didn't even blink his eyes, he didn't hesitate in his steps, and he didn't dare to have any hesitation, because any hesitation would only make Emperor Zun more dangerous.It's just that the tomb guards in golden armor are after all two strong men of the first level of immortals. No matter how strong Mr. Jiu is, his stature still stagnates for a while.Xuantong's figure surpassed him at this time. Obviously, like Mr. Jiu, Xuantong knew that he had reached the critical moment.

"Boom..." Before Xuantong and Mr. Jiu rushed into the giant hall, they saw a few gold-armored mausoleum guards hitting the white statue like shooting stars, and a terrifying The destructive force knocked down the huge statue in an instant, but the statue was made of unknown material, and it was not crushed by this destructive force, which made those golden-armored mausoleum guardians stunned for a moment. .

The boundless power of darkness rushed towards the giant hall like countless reptiles from the void outside the giant hall, in the shadow of the mountain peaks, and even from the corners of some strange rocks.

"Your speed is too slow..." Xuantong and Mr. Jiu had already rushed into the giant hall, but a strange red light flashed in the eyes of one of the golden armored mausoleum guards, with a strange smile on his face.Then that sturdy body suddenly inflated like an inflated balloon.A deadly aura of destruction seeped out from his body.

"No, he's going to blow himself up!" Mr. Jiu's face turned green. The Dark Demon Emperor was more ruthless than he imagined. According to the Emperor's recovery plan, the Dark Demon Emperor showed his crazy side in the most extreme way. It was not one golden armored mausoleum guard who was about to blew himself up, but four golden armored mausoleum guards who blew themselves up at the same time.

It is definitely a huge disaster for the four novice powerhouses to blew themselves up, and it is very likely that the entire island will be razed to the ground.As for the main hall and the white statue, I am afraid that they will also be damaged by this terrifying self-explosion, and what kind of impact Immortal Emperor Xuanming will encounter in the stone chamber inside the statue, no one can say for sure.

"Dark Demon Emperor, we, Gong Huatian, are inseparable from you!" Xuantong's eyes were red, and he roared angrily, but was suddenly grabbed by a big hand and quickly retreated out of the giant hall.

At the last moment, Mr. Jiu grabbed his body to prevent him from jumping on him.Xuantong was filled with grief and indignation. They, together with several great immortals, could not prevent the invasion of the Dark Demon Emperor. Seeing that the Emperor could survive the final catastrophe safely, the Dark Demon Emperor was destroyed under their noses.This is cutting off his Gong Huatian's hope, why isn't he angry.

"Just because you... are not qualified enough..." The dark devil emperor's arrogant voice came from the giant hall, but his voice was only halfway through, and then stopped abruptly, as if he was suddenly choked by something. .

"Boom..." The portal of the collapsed white statue suddenly opened, and an incomparably pure and rich power of light spewed out from it, and a lingering divine power turned into a boundless wave in the light. The torrent instantly filled every inch of the entire giant hall.

In an instant, all the shadows were illuminated by the light, and there was nothing to hide. Those golden-armored mausoleum guardians woke up like a dream. Desperately restrain the surging power in the body.

"Wow..." Several gold-armored mausoleum guardians suddenly spurted out a big mouthful of blood. Although the reversal of power saved them from self-explosion, it also hurt their origin, and they couldn't help spurting blood suddenly.

"Ah..." There was a mournful howl from the giant hall. Under the endless light, a shadow in embarrassment wanted to rush out of the giant hall, but under the shroud of the light power, it was impossible to rush out of the ball. The huge brilliance and the power of light wove countless interlaced nets in the void, and it was impossible to have a chance to penetrate this power of light and rush out.

Xuantong and Mr. Jiu were both stunned by this sudden change.This was an unexpected change. They didn't expect to have such a strong power of light in that statue. Could it be that the power of light after the self-explosion of those supreme light immortals has been trapped in the stone room, after the statue was knocked down just now? The secret door of the stone room was loosened, and the endless power of light erupted from it. If this is the case, it is God's will, and it is God who left them a way to survive.

"Guangming Xueji, you bitch!" The Dark Demon Emperor roared angrily.

The terrifying power of light instantly purified his dark power in the giant hall, and those dark powers that originally wanted to rush into the giant hall fled away from the sky like frightened birds.The strength of that light power is definitely the power of the complete emperor rank, and in this fairy world, there is only one person who can use the power of light to the emperor rank level, and that is Guang Ming's immortal emperor Guangming Xueji.

If Guangming Xueji quietly came to Gonghuatian and helped Immortal Emperor Xuanming get rid of his dark demon seeds, it would not be impossible, but he did not expect that after he came, he would be plotted against by the power of light .

"Guangming Xueji..." Mr. Jiu, Xuan Tong, Xuan Ce and others were all stunned.

They naturally knew who Guangming Xueji was, she was the Immortal Emperor of Guangming.The Immortal Emperor of Guangming is the exclusive name of each generation of Immortal Emperor. After the previous Immortal Emperor passed away, the successor can use the name Guangming Xueji. Therefore, no one in the fairy world does not know what Guangming Xueji represents.But Mr. Jiu, Xuantong and others were stunned. They didn't invite Guangming Immortal Emperor Guangming to come to help Emperor Zun heal his wounds. How could Immortal Emperor Guangming come?Could it be that the Dark Immortal Emperor admitted the wrong person?
"Since you are here, why are you in such a hurry to leave..." A faint voice came from the huge hall, and when the countless black mist quickly escaped to the sky, the sky and the earth suddenly trembled, and the whole area The void instantly turned into a giant hand, completely enveloping the entire sky. Those slender fingers just scooped up out of thin air, and the countless black mist was pinched by that hand, and then turned into a person who was tens of feet tall. Black Fog Man.

"Immortal Emperor Xuanming... Impossible?" the black fog man whispered.

"Emperor!" Xuantong and Mr. Jiu shouted in surprise.They felt the aura of Immortal Emperor Xuanming, and that big hand was Immortal Emperor Xuanming's move.

(End of this chapter)

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