Chapter 1021 Bright Snow Princess
"Di Zun..." Xuantong, Mr. Jiu and others were overjoyed immediately. The person who spoke was Immortal Emperor Xuanming, and the person who made the move was also Immortal Emperor Xuanming. If Immortal Emperor Xuanming can still make a move, the only explanation is that Immortal Emperor Xuanming has recovered. , even if there is no recovery, I'm afraid it's not too bad.How could this make Xuantong, Mr. Jiu and others not overjoyed.

"How is it possible?" The Dark Demon Emperor roared angrily. He never thought that Immortal Emperor Xuanming could still make a move. Even if he pulled out his dark demon seed, there was absolutely no possibility of recovering so quickly. He felt When the laws of heaven and earth changed, he knew very well that even if Immortal Emperor Xuanming hadn't returned to his peak state, he might have already recovered by [-]% or [-]%. Otherwise, his avatar wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

"Actually, I have been waiting for you for a long time, otherwise, how could you have found this most mysterious space belonging to our imperial clan? You have done so many things to me, Gong Huatian, and I must give you something in return! "There was a faint sarcasm in the voice of Immortal Emperor Xuanming.

Mr. Jiu and the others couldn't help being stunned. They were a little surprised by Immortal Emperor Xuanming's words. It was Emperor Xuanming who found the emperor's burial place. what purpose.

The black mist in the giant hand transformed into countless shapes, but no matter how it transformed, it could not break through the seal of that palm, and the seal between the palms became smaller and smaller, making the space impacted by the black mist more and more Small.What made the clone of the Dark Demon Emperor most despairing was that there was a layer of powerful light power spreading in this space, making him unable to hide at all.

Light is the nemesis of darkness. Although the talent of darkness is almost invincible, under the illumination and purification of light, darkness is still at a disadvantage. Especially at this moment, the power of light is far stronger than his clone.

"Guangming Xueji, you bitch!" The Dark Demon Emperor didn't blame Immortal Emperor Xuanming, because Immortal Emperor Xuanming was just resisting passively, and he was the one who calculated first, but he hated Guangming's Immortal Emperor Guangming Xue Ji.

He stubbornly believed that only the Immortal Emperor Guangming of Guangming possessed the incomparably huge power of light!
Therefore, Guangming Xueji must have acted in person. If not, he would definitely not be in such a miserable situation.

Guangming Xueji actually teamed up with Immortal Emperor Xuanming to plot against him, which made him extremely angry. Of course, Guangming and Diablo didn't deal with each other in the first place, and recently there was a son of light and darkness, which was not a small blow to Guangming tomorrow. It is to make Guangming full of hatred.But the Dark Demon Emperor couldn't figure out why Immortal Emperor Guangming would help Immortal Emperor Xuanming of Gong Huatian, and Gong Huatian was not worried about revealing his trump card to Guangming Xueji.This was beyond his expectation.

"Light and darkness are originally opposites. It's a pity that your deity didn't come in person. If the deity comes, then I will definitely give you a huge surprise." Immortal Emperor Xuanming sneered softly, and the one that only squeezed in the void Without any hesitation, his big hand closed heavily, his five fingers tightly clenched the black mist in the middle like five mountains, and then turned into a fist. It was silent.

Then the entire void fell silent, and the fist quickly bounced back into the giant hall like light and shadow.

Everything that happened just now is like a fleeting image, a little unreal.Xuantong and Mr. Jiu stared blankly at the gradually quiet giant hall, and they dared not enter the giant hall for a long time. The avatar of the Dark Demon Emperor just now almost made them unable to attack, and they suffered repeatedly. Take the shot, and immediately blow up that strand of avatar.Could it be that all of this was really a plan deliberately arranged by Immortal Emperor Xuanming to lure the clone of the Dark Demon Emperor to come? , even if the real body of the Dark Demon Emperor came, he would definitely suffer a big loss.

For a while, everyone didn't know what happened, when did Immortal Emperor Guangming enter this space, and why Immortal Emperor Xuanming recovered so quickly.

Two days ago, Immortal Emperor Xuanming was seriously injured and dying, and Zhan Wuming risked his life in exchange for Immortal Emperor Xuanming's recovery. Until just now, they were still shocked by the power of light in the statue. They did not expect that they had not had time to get it. Knowing what was going on, the Dark Demon Emperor had already come through the sky.

Although the mausoleum guards in this space suffered a lot of casualties, it would not be a disadvantage if the Dark Devil Emperor could lose even a sliver of his avatar. You must know that this is a complete disappearance, which will definitely damage the Dark Devil Emperor's origin. will also be slightly affected.Immortal emperors are different from ordinary level immortals. It is not easy for them to return to a trace of their origin. Presumably, the dark devil emperor has already exploded like thunder at this time.

Relatively speaking, the Dark Demon Emperor not only lost the Dark Demon Seed this time, but also lost a clone, which can be said to be an unprecedented huge loss.

"Qin Jiuge congratulate Emperor Zun on his recovery..." As if realizing something, Mr. Jiu shouted joyfully towards the huge hall.

"Xuantong congratulates Emperor Zun on his recovery..." Xuantong, Xuan Ce and others also realized something, saluted to the giant hall, they can already confirm that Emperor Zun is really out of danger this time, at least not like before He might die, otherwise the attack just now would not have been so decisive, leaving the Dark Demon Emperor's clone without even a chance to escape.

As for the Immortal Emperor Guangming who was just watching the show at the back, although they were full of awe, they pretended not to know. After all, the other party appeared very mysteriously. The Immortal Emperor, who is comparable to the Devil Emperor, sneaked into this world quietly. If they added the permission of Immortal Emperor Xuanming, they would indeed be unable to find their whereabouts. They didn't plan to meet them, so Mr. Jiu and the others naturally pretended not to know.

"Well, you guys did a great job! This time, the Dark Lord suffered a small loss. I believe he will be more cautious towards me, Gong Huatian. I'm afraid he will be hesitant if he wants to make another decision. However, we can't just let it go Then, what An Heitian did to our Gonghuatian, then they must pay a greater price for it!" Xuan Ji's voice came from the giant hall leisurely, but Xuan Ji's figure did not appear. She didn't appear outside the palace gate, obviously, she wasn't going to come out immediately.

"Dark Sky must pay the price for this, and we are ready to send elite disciples of the Immortal King to the major fairylands to join forces with him to fight back against Dark Sky." Xuantong said with certainty.

This time, Diablo's actions against Gong Huatian have exceeded the bottom line. Not only did they plunder their resource planets, but the Dark Demon Emperor even attacked Emperor Zun, almost killing him. This definitely touched Gong Huatian Ni Lin, if Xuan Ji really dies right here, then even if he fights all of Gong Huatian's power, he will have to fight Diablo to the end, and then maybe the real chaos in the fairy world will come.

Of course, the old monsters like Xuantong who are in charge of the imperial clan will not be unclear about the various turbulent events in the fairy world. Some disciples of the Immortal King rank go to make trouble, but there are very few shots above the real Immortal King rank. Occasionally, the Immortal Emperor will also make a move, but more often the Immortal Emperor is almost a spectator, unless the other party really bullies his own city. Among them, most of the city lords are of the Immortal Emperor rank, so it is necessary to take action.

Such a long period of peace does not mean that the fairyland is really peaceful and prosperous. On the contrary, it shows that the resources left in each fairyland are very limited. The major fairylands will inevitably have fierce conflicts for resources. Obviously, This rhythm has already started to emerge.

"It's very good to handle this matter like this. However, Gong Huatian will hand over the full responsibility to Zhan Wuming later on in this battle of the Immortal King's counterattack. The elder Xuantong will arrange this matter first. What does he need? Hua Tian fully supports..." Xuan Ji's voice was a little more gentle.

Xuantong, Mr. Jiu and the others couldn't help being stunned, for a moment they thought they had heard it wrong, Xuantong couldn't help but asked in astonishment: "Does the Emperor say that this time Gong Huatian's action is mainly based on fighting lifeless?"

"Not bad! Is there any problem?" Xuan Ji asked indifferently.

"Well, Zhan Wuming is still alive?" Xuantong and Mr. Jiu couldn't help asking in a low voice.

From their point of view, Zhan Wuming may have already died at this time, and even if he did not die, he might not be far away from death. Once he is possessed by a dark demon, then he may become a dark demon emperor puppet.It is absolutely impossible for them to let this kind of person live.

"That's right, but he's still recuperating now, and it may take a few days before he can return to the imperial city. You can go back to the city to make arrangements. I want to know how the dark sky will react. It will be very painful." Xuan Ji's tone changed.

"It's great that he's still alive!" Mr. Jiu realized something.

Zhan Wuming really created a miracle. If he can survive without being completely eroded by the dark demon, then Zhan Wuming is definitely the number one contributor to Gong Huatian. What kind of reward will he get? It's not an exaggeration, because he was the one who exchanged Emperor Zun's life, that was an inestimable feat.

There is no need to doubt Zhan Wuming's loyalty. After being baptized by Qilingchi, he also took the initiative to risk his life to save Emperor Zun's life. No one will doubt Zhan Wuming's loyalty to the imperial clan, and this time Of the several teams that came back from Xuanzu Mountain, it seems that only Zhan Wuming is a team dominated by the imperial clan. Then, it is nothing to think about taking Zhan Wuming as the person in charge of this counterattack. It's just that it is said from Emperor Zun's mouth now that people can't doubt it.

Xuantong stared blankly at the giant hall, he never thought that Zhan Wuming was still alive, not only alive, he seemed not to be affected by the dark demon, otherwise, with the cultivation base of Immortal Emperor Xuanming, how could he see it? I can't figure out the problem, so Zhan Wuming may have escaped with his life by luck.As for Emperor Zun's order, they didn't have the slightest doubt. How could it be possible for ordinary people to guess that they could become the master of a fairyland.Although Zhan Wuming is only a small golden fairy, but with such a weak cultivation base, he saved the life of Emperor Zun twice. Maybe this can't be said to be just a coincidence, I'm afraid that kid really has many extraordinary talents. place.

"Will Emperor Zun come back to the Imperial City with us?" Xuantong asked after thinking about it.

"I still need to cultivate here for a few more days. Although this time I got help from outside and recovered by chance, I don't want to be taken advantage of by the enemy like the previous two times. Therefore, I will retreat here for a while Time will not be released again until it returns to its peak!" Immortal Emperor Xuanming said affirmatively.

"This subordinate understands, so I'll go back to the Imperial City to arrange related matters!" Xuantong saluted immediately and prepared to retreat.

Xuan Ce and the others wanted to say something, but after seeing Xuan Tong's response, they immediately withdrew and retreated, so they had no choice but to follow Xuan Tong and quickly leave.

"Mr. Jiu, bring the mausoleum guards to rearrange the island first. This time, even though a clone of the Dark Devil Emperor is destroyed, the loss is not small! This seat will erase the previous one and let the Dark Devil Emperor The space-time coordinates found!" Xuan Ji spoke again.

"Please rest assured, Emperor Zun, Ah Jiu will definitely live up to his trust!" Mr. Jiu nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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