Chapter 1039
After the catastrophe, some people stood up from the ruins. The vitality of the immortal cultivators is very strong. As long as they are not fatally injured, they can recover. As long as the fairy baby is not broken and there is still a glimmer of life, the city guards will launch a rescue.

The culprit is dead, and the guardians of the imperial city don't know what to do other than be filled with anger.

"Who are they, so ruthless?" Xuanfang's face changed. If it wasn't for Zhan Wuming's speed just now, he might also be affected by the self-detonation of those immortal kings, and he would be seriously injured. The Immortal King blew himself up.Even if he is a mid-level Immortal King, he is powerless to resist.

"Think, who else has such a cruel heart, their main target is not us, but this Taiqing Imperial City!" Zhan Wuming took a deep breath.

"The target is Taiqing Emperor City?" Xuan Fang's eyes lit up immediately, and he lost his voice, "It can't be the dead man of the dark sky!"

"Maybe, it depends on the reaction of the people in Taiqing Imperial City. Remember, if someone asks you later, you must categorically deny that this matter has anything to do with us, it's just that it happens to be the time to get rid of the harm." Zhan Wuming told Xuan Fang Dao.

Xuan Fang was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood that if these people were related to them, then they really didn't know how to explain the identity of the other party, especially when the other party blew himself up, he couldn't explain clearly.If you deny it categorically, but it just happens at the right time, at least it can reduce many unnecessary troubles.

At this time, those people seemed to have not noticed them, and the city guards quickly sealed off the entire area, all pedestrians were subject to interrogation, and the entire Taiqing Imperial City was quickly closed.

In Zhan Wuming's eyes, these belated actions are just a joke, how to investigate?Now the entire Taiqing City has come to dozens of elite fairy king teams from the fairyland, which can be described as a mix of dragons and snakes. I am afraid that these self-destructing fairy kings also entered the city mixed in various teams. Facing the powerful fairy king, who would How about such a careful investigation?Even if they check now, I'm afraid they won't find any problems.

Many believers in the red square in front of the Taiqing Pagoda roared angrily. Anyone could see that this was the enemy's provocation to Da Chitian. The damage caused by Taiqing Imperial City was not particularly large, but this kind of thing is not simply to see who loses more. This kind of suicide explosion is a kind of humiliation to Da Chitian.Da Chitian had just held an alliance plan where all the immortal kings of the heavens were fighting against the dark sky, but when they turned around, they made people do this kind of thing in their lair. Into nothing.

"Let's go back first." Xuanfang was not interested in the ruins. After thinking about it, he thought it would be better to go back to the inn first. He always felt that things would not be so simple. The target was aimed at Da Chitian, why did they sneak up on the two of them so accurately? Judging from the way they shot, they didn't hold back at all, obviously they wanted to kill Zhan Wuming first.

If it is said that these three people were sent by the dark sky to destroy Taiqing City to teach the Taiqing imperial family a lesson, there is absolutely no need for them to hate themselves and Zhan Wuming so much.The encirclement of the two seems to have been prepared long ago. Their sneak attack on Zhan Wuming and himself did not come impromptu. What kind of hatred does Zhan Wuming have with Dark Sky?Why did he offend the people in the dark sky?

"Let's go." Zhan Wuming felt that there was no need to stay here, and soon someone would think that they escaped from the hands of the three fairy kings.

Just as Zhan Wuming was about to leave, he saw a person walking towards him quickly. At first glance, he was still far away, but then he was already several feet away, as if the distance had suddenly shrunk.As soon as Zhan Wuming was about to leave, he felt that he was locked by that person's aura. Obviously, that person didn't want him to leave.

"Who are you guys?" The man stopped two feet away from Zhan Wuming, a middle-aged man in green clothes, staring at Zhan Wuming, and asked indifferently.

Originally there were some believers gathered around Zhan Wuming, but when the middle-aged man in green shirt appeared, a group of believers quickly moved away from Zhan Wuming as if avoiding the plague god, leaving a large space between him and the man in green shirt.

"Under Zhan Wuming, this is my senior brother Xuanfang." Zhan Wuming only responded lightly.

"Xuanfang? A member of the Gonghua Heavenly Emperor Clan?" The middle-aged man in the green shirt frowned slightly and asked coldly.

"That's right, it's a member of the Gonghua Heavenly Emperor Clan. I don't know what to call senior?" Xuan Fang felt that the middle-aged man in front of him was very dangerous, much stronger than Zhan Wuming.

"It turns out to be a member of the Gonghua Heavenly Emperor Clan. My seat, Chi Yueguang, saw you two fight those three bastards just now. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with them?" The middle-aged man in green shirt asked lightly.

"Back to the seniors, we don't know those three people. Just now we were eating in Jing Si Xuan, and those three people suddenly jumped out and killed them. We were just resisting. Because of our weak cultivation, we lost to those three people. After being beaten out, who knew that the three lunatics would still pester them, and what's even more speechless is that they blew themselves up." Zhan Wuming shrugged and said, "I don't know, senior, do you know where those people came from?"

The middle-aged man in the green shirt was startled, he might have to investigate further if the matter is true or not.Although they saw Zhan Wuming fighting those three people, it was obvious that the goal of the three people's self-destruct was not Zhan Wuming, but to cause damage to them.Therefore, they believed Zhan Wuming's words somewhat.

"Boy, you are very good. A little golden fairy can actually fight a lunatic at the peak of the fairy king for a few rounds, and the speed is still very fast... Well, Zhan Wuming... Hey, you are the second Gong Huatian!" Candidate Zhan Wuming?" The middle-aged man in the green shirt suddenly realized that the name Zhan Wuming was somewhat familiar, and asked in astonishment.

Zhan Wuming was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that the other party, a guard of the Taiqing Emperor City who was at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, would have heard of his name.

Zhan Wuming didn't deny it, nodded and said: "It's the junior!"

"Well, no wonder you have such a talent, you are also here to participate in this joint meeting?" The middle-aged man in the green shirt thought that Zhan Wuming was here to participate in this joint meeting, so he no longer doubted it.

"I don't know who those three people are? Why did they blow themselves up here?" Zhan Wuming immediately changed the subject.

The face of the middle-aged man in the blue shirt suddenly turned dark, and he took a deep breath and said, "I'm afraid it's someone from the dark sky, but I haven't found any evidence."

"Oh, then let's take our leave first, and don't bother seniors to deal with things." Zhan Wuming said flatly.

The middle-aged man didn't force him to stay, looking at the back of Zhan Wuming going away, a strange look flashed in his eyes.


The Taiqing Imperial City is destined not to be peaceful today. Although the casualties caused by the self-detonation of the three top immortal kings were not large, the self-detonation in the most prosperous place of the Taiqing Imperial City caused the elites from the various immortal domains to have different thoughts. Don't worry about it. This time, it was aimed at the alliance of the elites of the great celestial realms in the great red sky. The dark sky had already made a move and issued a warning.

It might not be Hei Tian, ​​but besides Hei Tian, ​​who else would do this and lose three top Immortal Kings?

The pedestrians on the long street became thinner, and most of them rushed to the Taiqing Tower to watch the excitement. Many people in Jingsixuan were also injured. Jingsixuan's powerful shield prevented it from being harmed by the self-detonation of the three fairy kings. Too much damage.It's just that when the three Immortal Kings attacked inside at the beginning, the damage caused was unavoidable.

Jing Sixuan must have a great relationship with the imperial family in Taiqing City, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a good position, and the status in the entire Taiqing City is very high.This sudden destruction gave Zhan Wuming a very strange feeling. If these three people were really sent by the dark sky, what exactly did the dark sky want to do?Did they really start a full-scale war with Da Chitian and even the entire Immortal Territory without any scruples?Is this a declaration of war?Or does someone want to mess up the entire fairyland?

The Dark Demon Emperor is definitely a tyrannical character, powerful, but not someone who can't see the situation clearly. With the power of the Dark Sky, he may be able to defeat many fairy realms, but if he wants to gain an advantage under the joint efforts of the immortal realms, the Dark Demon Emperor Where did God get his faith?If those three people are dead soldiers sent by the dark sky, does it mean that the dark sky is sure?
He didn't make much of himself when he arrived in Taiqing Emperor City, but the three dead men actually found his whereabouts, and they most likely followed him on his way into the Great Chitian.If the other party followed him on the road, then they would eventually destroy the peace of Taiqing Emperor City by self-destruct, but it would be unreasonable.

This matter is full of fog, and Zhan Wuming can't figure it out. Perhaps these dead men belong to the Tanaka family, or they may belong to the Matsushita family. Their main goal is to destroy, and they want to solve themselves by the request of the head of the family. Is it really?

"Be careful!" Just as he was engrossed in his thoughts, Zhan Wuming heard Xuan Fang's exclamation.Zhan Wuming was startled, he raised his head suddenly, and was shocked to find that a sword light was pressing within five feet of his face like a frightened bird, and the sword edge did not startle the slightest wind.

This sword seemed to come through suddenly from a different time and space. There was no sound, no momentum, no wind, no brilliance, and even the trajectory that he should have existed was intermittent, like a series of colons jumping in the void, This sword is so fast.

This sword seemed to have entered Zhan Wuming's soul the moment Zhan Wuming raised his head. Although the sword light was still five feet away, when his eyes met with it, he nailed his soul into the void, wanting to move Can't do it all at once.

What kind of sword is this?A strange confusion arose in Zhan Wuming's heart, such a strange power of law, it was like refining the heart demon into the dim sword light, imprinting the heart demon into the bottom of the heart through that sword light, just waiting for the sword to strike Cut through your flesh and fairy babies without hindrance.

Life and death are just a blink of an eye. When you are stunned by that sword flower for the first time, you are doomed to have no time to dodge, and Zhan Wuming can't do it either.

(End of this chapter)

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