Chapter 1040 Female Fairy King Assassin

Seeing that the sword light was about to sink into Zhan Wuming's body, and Zhan Wuming was indifferent, Xuanfang's heart sank to the bottom of the sea immediately, but his speed couldn't compare with that sword light at all. At the time of the sword, the sword light was still tens of feet away, but when he shouted those words, the sword light had already reached Zhan Wuming's face, almost without any stagnation, the speed was only comparable to that of Zhan Wuming , but Zhan Wuming remained motionless at such a critical moment.

Zhan Wuming was also very depressed, the speed of this sword's advance was indeed incomparable, this sword actually combined the power of wind and space, so the speed of this sword was unimaginably fast, this is definitely an extremely fine sword. An enemy who is good at assassination.Zhan Wuming's Kunpeng was able to avoid this blow with extreme speed, but to Zhan Wuming's surprise, when he looked at the sword light, it seemed that a demon instantly implanted his soul and nailed his soul to the void. , cannot move.

The soul and the body are one, unless Zhan Wuming's soul is separated from the body, then the opponent will definitely kill his soul.He never thought that there would be such a strange sword technique in the world.

Zhan Wuming cannot dodge, so he can only dodge or dodge.

"Ding..." Just when Xuanfang thought that Zhan Wuming would surely die, a layer of green light suddenly rose from Zhan Wuming's body, and a half-transparent armor-shaped thing suddenly rose up, and the life-threatening A sword stabbed heavily on the light and shadow armor, and there was a crisp sound of gold and iron clanging, and a violent air current was like the eye of a storm that exploded, forming countless wind blades and splashing in all directions.

None of the countless wind blades could break through the translucent armor shadow in front of Zhan Wuming, it just dimmed the shadow slightly.

Xuanfang's heart that was in his throat immediately relaxed, and the horror in his heart remained undiminished. The light and shadow armor on Zhan Wuming's body was an unimaginable treasure, and that armor alone blocked this shocking and strange scene. of a sword.

"Boom..." The moment the sword light turned into countless flowing shadows and splashed around, the sword shadow in Zhan Wuming's soul also dissipated instantly, and the body that could not move suddenly moved. Grabbing it with both hands, the thousands of wind blades in the sky and the earth instantly condensed into a terrifying giant sword, cutting open the space in front of him.

The space in front of Zhan Wuming was like two peeled fruit shells. When the two peeled fruit shells opened, Xuanfang saw a dark shadow, like a shadow under the light. shadows, like incorporeal ghosts.

The ghost-like shadow suddenly appeared in front of Zhan Wuming, and let out a low moan of surprise. The shadow didn't stop, the moment Zhan Wuming opened the void, it didn't attack again, but moved towards the undead like a shadow. The street corners in the distance swept away, like a flash of surprise.

"I want to leave!" Zhan Wuming didn't expect the opponent to be so decisive, and immediately fled away after failing to strike.How could he let the other party leave easily? He didn't have any sense of such a terrifying assassin. Although he was a little absorbed in thinking about the problem just now, this was the first time this happened.Ever since he practiced "Taixu Nerve", he has sensed every time he encounters danger, but this time, he didn't realize until the opponent's attack was right in front of him. I'm afraid that he will really die here today.

Stealing Tianjia is a supreme immortal artifact. Although Zhan Wuming cannot fully stimulate its energy, its own defense ability and hardness are there. Under the haste, the killer did not expect such a situation to happen, so this The power of one blow is simply not enough to break through the defense of Thief Armor.

The speed of Zhan Wuming's counterattack was so fast that the killer was surprised, and what surprised him even more was that Zhan Wuming was also a very powerful opponent with the origin of wind. The power of chopping even cut through the void. Although he has a certain amount of space energy, this ability can only make him hide in the void for a short time, and cannot shuttle through the space like the Nether Beast.

As a killer, if he misses a hit, he will flee away immediately. This is the Taiqing Imperial City. Although the guardians in the city are attracted to Jing Sixuan at this time, this is the Imperial City after all. If it cannot be taken in a short time, it will inevitably Will attract city guards.

"Boom..." The shadow reached the corner of the street in an instant, and with a single dodge, he could use the building to disappear from Zhan Wuming's sight.With his spatial talent, Zhan Wuming might not be able to find him, but he underestimated Zhan Wuming's speed.

The moment his figure appeared on the corner of the street, he found himself bumping against a thick wall.The huge impact caused a string of small stars to flash in his eyes, and he fell out with a muffled grunt.

"Hey..." A piercing sound sounded, Xuan Fang's attack had arrived, and Zhan Wuming directly knocked the opponent back, which made Xuan Fang a little surprised, but his attack did not stop.

"When..." Xuanfang's spear was broken by a short knife, and the shadow that fell out was not incapable of fighting back, but the counterattack was too hasty. Although the body of the gun collapsed, the spear in Xuanfang's hand was like a snake. Usually, the tip of the spear actually formed a weird arc, and still picked out a cloud of blood.

The shadow groaned and turned sideways. This time, it no longer retreated by the corner of the street, but soared into the sky.

Seeing that Shadow was injured, Xuan Fang was relieved. The other party's cultivation base was also at the peak of the Immortal King, otherwise it would be impossible to pick off his own gun. Generally speaking, the strangest thing is its terrifying talent, if it was not Zhan Wuming who assassinated just now, but Xuanfang, he would definitely die.

"Boom..." The assassin's figure had just soared into the sky, when Zhan Wuming's figure appeared above his head.Without the slightest hesitation, he directly collided with Zhan Wuming.

He knew that the speed of the young man in front of him was faster than him, and he had a hidden fairy armor on his body. Even his full strength blow could not penetrate the protective fairy armor, and he was not even injured. He wanted to kill him. The young man in front of him needs to make a new plan.Therefore, his only purpose now is to break away from Zhan Wuming's interception and escape smoothly.

It was only when his body collided with Zhan Wuming that he discovered an unacceptable reality, that is, the physical strength of the boy in front of him was like a mountain, and when the two figures collided in the air, he felt Like being hit by a giant hammer, it was blasted back to the ground heavily.

"It seems that there are quite a few people who want to kill me." As soon as the assassin's figure fell to the ground, he staggered, and a big foot stomped him to the ground, Zhan Wuming was crushed down.

"Wow..." The assassin spat out a mouthful of blood, and the power of the Immortal King's domain on his body was shaken away by this kick.

"It's actually a woman!" Xuan Fang also rushed over, and suddenly found that the assassin standing on Zhan Wuming's feet turned out to be a petite woman, dressed in black, with her face wrapped under a scarf, who was attacked by Zhan Wuming continuously, with a head on her head. The long hair was knocked loose and fell down.

"Kill me!" The assassin's voice was cold, but there was no trace of fear, and a crazy and cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes. She never thought that a kid of the golden fairy rank would have such powerful power, and there was something on his body that he didn't know what it was. A level fairy weapon has such a powerful defensive power.

This is the first time she failed in an assassination attempt. She has never failed before, even if she was going to assassinate the Immortal Emperor. Today, she assassinated a guy of the Golden Immortal rank with the peak cultivation of the Immortal King, but she failed, feeling depressed.The failure of the mission meant that she had only a dead end.

"Kill you? It's not that easy, at least you have to tell me who asked you to kill me." Zhan Wuming sneered, killing this woman is easy, today's things are weird, first in Jing Sixuan Attacked, came back from Jing Sixuan and was attacked again, he doesn't have any enemies in this Taiqing Emperor City, right?It would be too unreasonable to say that these two times were coincidences, but he really couldn't think of who he had offended.

"Impossible!" A trace of disdain flashed in the female assassin's eyes, and a violent breath erupted from her body immediately.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming kicked heavily on her sea of ​​qi, and the erupting breath was immediately released like a rubber ball, and the woman's body dried up quickly, and her face quickly aged.

"Ah... ah..." The female assassin screamed piteously, Zhan Wuming actually crippled her body, and the self-explosive fairy energy immediately poured out from all the veins in her body, there was no chance of self-explosion.

"Huh..." How could Zhan Wuming let this person blew himself up under his nose, he has experienced many such things, what kind of self-detonation, thunder calamity, it's all left over from his play, how could he know the way.

The woman's screams stopped abruptly in the middle of her screams, like a duck with its neck cut off, and lost its vitality in an instant.

"It's ruthless enough, you're so ruthless to yourself!" Xuan Fang frowned deeply, the female assassin actually bit the fangs in her mouth, and died of the poison instantly after losing her fairy power.

"If you're dead, can you hide the information?" Zhan Wuming looked at the dead body with disdain, waved his big hand, and laid a series of strange runes in the void. For a moment, a shattered shadow appeared above the female assassin's head.

"The method of gathering souls?" Xuan Fang looked at Zhan Wuming in amazement, he couldn't see through Zhan Wuming even more, unexpectedly there is such a method to gather the remnant souls of the opponent.If he could read the soul, as long as he had this remnant soul, Zhan Wuming could extract the information he wanted from it.

"Okay, let's go!" Zhan Wuming didn't immediately read the message of the remnant soul. Although the fighting time was not long, and the place was relatively remote, but now the Taiqing Emperor City is full of demons dancing, and the city guards and guardians are chasing the ghost everywhere. The accomplices of the self-demolitionists were worried that the same thing would happen again in the city, so they investigated very closely.No matter who is right or who is wrong, it is still a troublesome thing to be caught by the Emperor Clan of Da Chitian, so Zhan Wuming didn't stay any longer, erased the space ring and some things with identity marks on the female assassin, and left directly .

Zhan Wuming left within a few breaths, and several figures flew over here, guarding the scene, they were the city guards of Taiqing City.

(End of this chapter)

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