Chapter 1094 I Will Revenge You

The mouse-faced middle-aged man avoided Duan Rui's blow, and was also ashamed by the blast.Before the mouse-faced middle-aged man had time to recover from the shock, he felt a sharp wind blowing from the side.The cooperation between the several immortal kings is extremely tacit. Although the mouse-faced middle-aged immortal emperor's escape method is weird, there are five of them in total, Chi Xingyun and others. As long as it is not a one-shot kill, the other immortal kings will catch up in time. If he came over, he would receive continuous shocks.

"Mouse, you can't do it!" Just when Tao Jin's attack was about to fall on the middle-aged mouse-faced body, a yin and yang laughter came over, and then a huge coercion restrained Tao Jin's figure, greatly reduce its speed.

Tao Jin was horrified, the middle-aged man with a mouse face let out a strange laugh, his figure was completely unrestricted, and he turned around and attacked him.This was the best opportunity. His companion made a sudden move, and the powerful law of gravity was applied to Tao Jin's body, causing his speed to drop sharply. As a result, it was full of loopholes, how could he miss this opportunity.

"Hide your head and show your tail, are you a mouse too?" Chi Xingyun snorted coldly.A low growl: "Fireland!"

"Ah..." The mouse-faced middle-aged man exclaimed, as if countless underground lava gushed out from all directions, and the scorching high temperature instantly enveloped the entire space. It seemed that there were countless fire spirits dancing wildly in this space, like one With every blade of fire, the entire land was about to be melted by the terrifying high temperature.

The mouse-faced middle-aged man backed away in shock, and Tao Jin was also taken aback. A layer of red-gold flame fairy clothes appeared on his body in an instant. He didn't feel the terrifying high fever, but the mouse-faced middle-aged man of the Immortal Emperor rank But it was like seeing a ghost.Especially when the red golden flame fairy clothes were blessed, Tao Jin felt that the terrifying gravity on his body disappeared instantly, as if it didn't exist at all.His speed also increased abruptly.

"Hey..." The golden giant sword in Tao Jin's hand drew a perfect arc in the void, and when the mouse-faced middle-aged figure was about to disappear in the sea of ​​flames, it slashed at his shoulder.

A streak of crimson blood shot out, turning into wisps of light smoke in the wildly exploding fire field.

"Boom!" A loud bang came from behind Tao Jin, he heard Chi Xingyun's muffled groan, turned his head to look, and saw a burly figure falling from the sky, and soon he saw that the figure was The reason why his shape is strong is not because of his huge size, but because of the countless rocks fused into his body, just like a rock giant. The stones on his body are not ordinary stones, but pieces of obsidian gold essence.Pieces of obsidian gold stones are like lumps embedded in his body, that person's head is shrunk in those obsidian gold stones, and the whole person looks like a rolling boulder.

Obsidian gold essence is one of the heaviest metals in the fairy world. Each fist-sized obsidian gold essence is as heavy as a mountain. This kind of stone can only be dug out from the dead star core. That kind of place is not for ordinary people Those who can go in, even the Immortal King can't bear the terrifying gravity.It is said that the gravity near the dead star core is tens of millions of times that of the fairy world, unless one masters the law of gravity and uses the law to the extreme.

This person's body is covered with heavy obsidian gold essence, which is equivalent to carrying dozens of hundreds of mountains on his body, and his own weight alone is enough to carry Chi Xingyun on his back.

Chi Xingyun's strength can be challenged by leaps and bounds. Even if he is a middle-level Immortal Emperor, Chi Xingyun can still fight. His most brilliant record is beheading a middle-level Immortal Emperor. Because of this, in this fairy world Among the Immortal Kings, only he and a few others are qualified to be the opponents of the Son of Light and Darkness.

But meeting this freak covered in obsidian in front of him, Chi Xingyun was blown away by his terrifying gravity.It feels like being hit by a star. What makes Chi Xingyun most depressed is that the obsidian gold essence on the opponent is originally a stone that is extremely resistant to high heat. The stars that can breed obsidian gold are very large. The temperature of the core can reach the extreme of the fairy world, and the obsidian gold essence can be produced in that kind of place, which can absorb heat itself and is not afraid of high temperature.

"Boom..." The stone man hit Chi Xingyun into the air, and the wildly exploding fire field shook for a while, but it didn't dissipate completely. Qing Xiandi himself is the controller of the most powerful source of fire in the fairy world.Due to the incompleteness of his own blood, his fire power has reached the point where it is difficult to control himself. Therefore, he set up a space of pure water elements in the Holy Palace, using the power of water and fire to suppress the madness in his body The bursting flames were suppressed.Even so, Immortal Emperor Taiqing is still the most popular immortal emperor in the fairy world.

"Boom..." The man's body stepped on a deep hole on the ground, but just as he fell, You Ming's figure had already attacked, and You Ming had a pair of dark claws on his hands, and You Ming was depressed. Suddenly, he found that his claws were on the opponent's body, and he didn't even push the opponent's figure.

"Om..." A strange wave of law was generated, and You Ming was about to retreat after a failed strike, when he suddenly felt the weight of his body increase by a thousand times, and his body stagnated for a moment. At this time, a huge fist of obsidian gold essence It hit him like a big mountain.The speed of that fist wasn't considered fast, but it was difficult for him to dodge even at this speed, because in this terrifying gravitational field, they seemed to be suppressed by a mountain, and their originally incomparably flexible speed couldn't be used at all.

"Be careful..." When You Ming was in despair, Duan Rui's huge mace was like a mountain ridge, and hit the huge fist heavily.

"Boom..." There was a violent explosion, and Duan Rui groaned. On the huge mace, several fangs were broken, and the whole mace was bent. The terrifying shock force Let his tiger's mouth open, and his body was ejected more than ten feet away, and only then did Yun's terrifying counter-shock force be relieved.

"Ah..." You Ming let out a miserable howl. Although the stone man's fist was deflected by Duan Rui's full blow, the fist wind still swept across You Ming's body. You Ming only felt that terrifying fist wind was like Like a shooting star, his body fell out with little resistance, not only that, half of his body was blown to pieces in the blowing wind.

Chi Xingyun, Tao Jin and the others were horrified, this was just being swept by that person's fist, if this was really hit by that fist, would You Ming still survive?Chi Xingyun also felt a chill on his back. He thought of a possibility. This stone man may have integrated the power of the law, and his cultivation has really reached the middle level of Immortal Emperor. The power in this punch is not only terrifying The law of gravity and the law of anti-shock, the power of this blow is not only his own, but also borrowed the power of Duan Rui's blow, so this punch is so terrifying.

Chi Xingyun once killed a middle-level Immortal Emperor, but that was just an ordinary middle-level Immortal Emperor. The one in front of him is simply a monster. If he can't find its weakness and wants to kill it, it will be impossible for the Immortal Empress to come. powerless.

"Go..." Chi Xingyun's figure flashed, and he pulled You Ming, who was only half of his body, to escape.This kind of person who has used the power of the earth to the extreme and the power of the law of gravity to this extent is no longer what they can kill. One thing is certain, the speed of this stone man will not be very fast, because it The body is too heavy.

If you want to win a melee battle against such a slow opponent with speed, you are looking for death, because there are gravity fields around the stone man, once you enter the gravity field, it is like walking into a quagmire, no matter how fast you are, it will become slow Freeze, so if you want to fight this kind of monster in close combat, you are looking for death.Therefore, the only thing Chi Xingyun can do is to stay away from this monster, and running away is the best choice.

"Boom..." An enhanced version of the violent thunderbolt slammed heavily on the stone monster, and the abyssal fire rushed up, instantly enveloping the stone monster.Ye Lingshuang didn't take advantage of this opportunity to attack. After all, the power of the abyssal magic fire was not stronger than Chi Xingyun's fire domain supernatural power, and the obsidian gold essence was extremely resistant to flames, so the abyssal magic fire would probably be useless.But this abyssal magic fire only needs to block the opponent once.

"Girl, I've fallen in love with you. Lord Shu still needs a bed warmer." Ye Lingshuang just moved, trying to escape with Chi Xingyun, when the void moved, the mouse-faced middle-aged man quickly sprung himself like a shadow. Emerging from the void, the big hand suddenly grabbed Ye Lingshuang's chest.

"When..." There was a small round shield in Ye Lingshuang's hand, and the red-golden brilliance flashed suddenly, directly blocking the palm of the mouse-faced middle-aged man. Not only that, there was a flash of fire in front of the small shield, and Ye Lingshuang was so close The distance ignited a violent thunderbolt.

"Boom..." A ball of abyssal fire suddenly rose, instantly igniting the void.

The abyssal fire did not erode the purple-gold brilliance in the slightest, but the impact of the explosion and the attack power of the mouse-faced middle-aged man made Ye Lingshuang fall back.

The mouse-faced middle-aged man screamed. He didn't have the terrifying defensive power of the stone man, and he didn't have the obsidian gold essence absorbing the flames, and was directly ignited by the abyssal fire.Abyssal Demon Fire, even the Immortal Venerable, has to back away. This rat-faced old monster is going to deal with Ye Lingshuang. Although in terms of strength, speed and even law, this rat-faced old monster is much stronger than Ye Lingshuang, but in terms of adaptability and confrontation. , Ye Lingshuang has experienced life and death in the battlefield of gods and demons for so many years, and his aptitude is extremely high, so he is naturally not weaker than the opponent. Therefore, when he knew that he could not avoid it, he detonated the violent thunder.

The round shield in her hand is made of the skin of the abyssal mantis giant in the battlefield of gods and demons. Naturally, she is not afraid of the abyssal fire, and even has a certain effect of avoiding fire. Therefore, as long as she protects her body from being hurt by those ox hair needles , basically the target of Violent Thunder's attack will only be that old monster.

The rat-faced old monster howled angrily, and the fairy clothes on his body exploded suddenly, and bounced off the magic fire contaminated on his body at the fastest speed. His body protection fairy is indeed very powerful, and those cow hairs are aimed at the body protection fairy of the fairy king. Gang is effective, but it seems to be much weaker to deal with this immortal emperor, and it has not penetrated into his body.There are a few scorched marks on the body of the rat-faced monster, and the slightest demon has invaded, making his expression very painful.

"Lingshuang!" Chi Xingyun was startled, and the mouse-eyed monster suddenly blocked Ye Lingshuang, which made him very depressed. Obviously, none of them were as fast as the mouse-like monster. That is Chi Xingyun can kill the opponent, but the middle-aged mouse face only picks soft persimmons and always finds troubles with Ye Lingshuang, which makes Chi Xingyun very helpless.

"You guys go!" A decisive look flashed across Ye Lingshuang's face. She already felt that the terrifying gravitational field covered her, as if a thousand mountains were pressing on her body, and it was difficult to move. It was too possible to escape. The stone man is not something they can fight against at all, so Chi Xingyun can only let Chi Xingyun go first, and they can't let everyone get stuck here.

"I will avenge you!" Chi Xingyun said fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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