Chapter 1095

"Stone, don't crush it for me." Just as Ye Lingshuang was in despair, the mouse-faced middle-aged man let out a low cry.

"Boom..." Ye Lingshuang only felt that a big hand squeezed her between two huge continents, and her five internal organs were shaking and almost sprayed out of her mouth, but the force was slightly controlled at the end, allowing her to Ye Lingshuang didn't lose her wits, otherwise, she would have turned into a puddle of flesh, but she couldn't bear the weight of the obsidian gold essence in the hands of the stone monster.

"Wow..." Ye Lingshuang spat out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, and the celestial power all over her body was shaken away by the terrifying big hand, but before she could faint, she found that her body was sent to a bed full of stones. pimple face front.

"Hey, hey, chick, it's your luck, that old Squirrel has taken a fancy to you." The stone face opened a crack, opened and closed, and let out a dull voice.

"Next, old Rat." The stone man called out in a low voice, and threw Ye Lingshuang in his hand towards the rat-faced middle-aged man who was covered in burn marks and had a very painful expression on his face.

"If you dare to use the abyssal fire to burn you, Lord Shu, then Lord Shu will replenish your essence." The middle-aged man with a mouse face gave a strange laugh, jumped up and rushed towards Ye Lingshuang.

As soon as the mouse-faced middle-aged man's hand touched Ye Lingshuang, he felt a powerful aura attacking his side. He even heard the sound of the void tearing apart. Grabbing it, the speed was so fast that it made him feel like he couldn't avoid it.

"Boom..." The mouse-faced middle-aged man still couldn't avoid the bombardment of that big hand. His thin body rolled a few times in the void like a giant mouse being thrown out, and landed heavily. Ye Lingshuang stood in front of him. young people.

What shocked the middle-aged man most was that this young man was only a Golden Immortal. The blow just now knocked him back, which shows that the opponent's strength surpassed him by a lot. For a while, the middle-aged man felt like a dream.

"Zhan Wuming..." Ye Lingshuang whispered in surprise, Ye Lingshuang, who was already in despair, unexpectedly rescued her from Zhan Wuming.

"Are you okay?" Zhan Wuming turned his head and smiled slightly, looking at Ye Lingshuang with a little more appreciation in his eyes.

"I'm fine!" Ye Lingshuang responded happily.

The stone man was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect to kill a little golden fairy halfway, not only that, but also shocked the mouse-faced middle-aged man, and rescued the spoils from their hands, this is definitely a shame for them .

The stone man let out a roar, and his huge body flew over like a meteorite, and the entire void was distorted by gravity and shattered. "Boom..." The stone man lost his blow and found that there were no shadows of Zhan Wuming and Ye Lingshuang in the void.

Zhan Wuming had appeared beside the mouse-faced middle-aged man, and Ye Lingshuang in his hand disappeared at some point, as if he had been taken into the magic weapon space.

The mouse-faced middle-aged man roared angrily, seeing that Zhan Wuming had come to bully him again, he couldn't help roaring and turned into a giant rat that was as big as an elephant.Opening his mouth fiercely, a sharp scream came out from his mouth, and the void in front of the giant rat swayed layers of ripples in the sound waves, rippling in all directions in circles.

Zhan Wuming was stunned, the mouse-faced middle-aged man turned out to be a spirited demon mouse, this was the first time he discovered a fairy from the Yaozu, but that sound wave surprised him a bit, he was no stranger to this kind of sound wave attacking him, It is also a headache attack method, especially the attack of an immortal emperor.

The sound waves in the void are turbulent, Zhan Wuming is like a dandelion seed in the wind, weightless, fluctuating with the turbulent sound waves, but the direction of advancement has not changed, the stone man not far behind Zhan Wuming, However, under the impact of this sound wave, his heavy body was blown back by Zhang Xu.

"Bang..." In the sound wave, Zhan Wuming's body exploded without warning, turning into a strange light spot.

The mouse-faced middle-aged man was slightly taken aback. Zhan Wuming, who was moving forward strangely in the sound waves, exploded inexplicably. When he saw the dissipated spot of light, his face suddenly changed. The thing that exploded was not flesh and blood at all. Instead of a body, it was a strange energy body. In this way, what he saw just now was not the real Zhan Wuming, but a mass of energy.

Thinking of this, the mouse-faced middle-aged man secretly felt something was wrong, without even thinking about it, his figure rolled on the spot, and instantly blurred, like a dissipating shadow, trying to hide away.

"Boom..." The mouse-faced middle-aged figure had just entered halfway into the void, and suddenly a large pitch-black claw protruded from the void, and it slapped him without warning, and the claw directly broke through his body shield. At this time, the fairy clothes on his body were shattered by the abyssal fire, and there was no fairy body protection at all, and this claw directly sank into his body.

"Ah!" The mouse-faced middle-aged man let out a scream, and the figure that was already in a semi-reclusive state was suddenly blasted out, and a blood stain splashed out in the void.The horror in the heart of the mouse-faced middle-aged man did not end. As soon as he came out, he saw a scarlet-like sword light projecting from the void. That sword light seemed to be a black dragon traveling through time and space, carrying The endless vicissitudes and ancient atmosphere make people feel an inexplicable sadness. Looking at the red dragon that travels through time and space, it seems to see the birth and death of the world, the birth and reincarnation of life, and the inexplicable melancholy makes the mouse-faced middle-aged man feel sad. Two lines of clear tears fell from the corner of his eyes.

"Shu Mian..." Just when Shu Mian felt endless melancholy in his heart, a loud roar tore open a long crack from the trace of endless time, space and time that Shu Mian had seen, as if the world had just opened. In the middle, the mouse-faced middle-aged man saw a pair of eyes, and the half-smiling eyes made him wake up suddenly, and then all illusions disappeared, only the sword that plunged into his body like a lightning bolt.

"Ah..." the mouse-faced middle-aged man let out a miserable howl, and Zhan Wuming's sword sank into his body almost without hindrance. The stone man's roar was a bit late, or Zhan Wuming's speed was too fast. He had no chance to resist at all.

"Boom..." The Shumian middle-aged man was suddenly blasted into a big hole by the red sword light, and a flame spewed out from the bloody hole, covering the Shumian middle-aged man in a ball of flames.The middle-aged mouse-faced body, which was already injured, was maimed by this sword and claw.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's figure retreated suddenly, and a huge fist blasted a huge hole in his position just now. Although the speed of the stone man was slow, he still rushed over at this time.The stone man was also very depressed to find that his law of gravity seemed useless against Zhan Wuming, Zhan Wuming's speed was still very fast, although his attack was extremely powerful, but he couldn't catch Zhan Wuming's figure. Make him furious beyond measure.

Although the stone man's attack failed to hit Zhan Wuming, it also eased the crisis of the middle-aged man. If the stone man came later, the middle-aged man would definitely die in the hands of that cheating golden fairy. A ridiculous tragedy.

"Kill him!" The mouse-faced middle-aged man roared, his body was burned by the flames, and his body was scorched black everywhere.The anger in his heart can be imagined. First, he was burned once by Ye Lingshuang's abyssal fire. Although he didn't cause any serious injuries, it ruined his fairy clothes. They are even weaker, but this little golden fairy is as strong as chicken blood, and he was seriously injured when he made a move. If it weren't for the stone man, he would really be killed by a If the little golden fairy is killed, it will become a joke on this continent.

The stone man was not as violent as the mouse-faced middle-aged man. Instead, he calmed down. The young Jinxian in front of him made him attach great importance to him. This was an opponent that he had to pay attention to. In this way, although his attack is powerful, it can't even touch the opponent's side, which is impossible to fight at all.

"I didn't expect a little golden fairy to have such abilities. You are not a tester on this continent at all!" The stone man took a deep breath, and his eyes were full of caution while staring at Zhan Wuming.

"Which area of ​​the Tianzi hunting ground are you from? Tell me the situation of the Tianzi hunting ground, and I can let you off, as long as you don't come to make trouble again!" Zhan Wuming disapproved and smiled indifferently.

Behind him, Chi Xingyun and others also came back, Chi Xingyun's face was filled with shame, just now he almost abandoned Ye Lingshuang and ran away by himself, Ye Lingshuang was saved by Zhan Wuming in a blink of an eye.Zhan Wuming suddenly appeared, and severely injured the mouse-faced emperor with extreme strength, which made him feel helpless. He originally thought that he was a genius among geniuses. He can gain people's respect with his brain, and he doesn't think Zhan Wuming's Xiu is better than him. From the beginning to the end, he thinks that he is the most powerful among this group of people.

Now it seems that Zhan Wuming's combat power is stronger than him, and Zhan Wuming is just a little golden fairy. If he didn't know that Zhan Wuming really came from Gong Huatian, I'm afraid Chi Xingyun would feel that Zhan Wuming Wuming is the mysterious ancient genius from the ancient fairyland or the ancient heaven realm.

Zhan Wuming's words were arrogant enough to make Chi Xingyun slightly astonished.Duan Rui and the others were even more shocked. Where did the Golden Immortal come from? Such an arrogant Golden Immortal told the two powerful Immortal Sovereigns that he could not be held accountable.Disobedient and want to kill the two Immortal Sovereigns?After living for so many years, Duan Rui, You Ming and others have never seen such an arrogant golden fairy, but they are really ashamed of themselves, and they beat the disgusting mouse-faced fairy emperor to death as soon as they made a move Half dead, he is really powerful.

"Here, brother Chi, do you know him?" Tao Jin asked beside Chi Xingyun in a low voice.

"It seems that he is very familiar with Miss Ye, so he can't be Miss Ye's Taoist companion?" Duan Rui guessed.

"Don't think about it, Miss Ye is his teammate, the partner who entered the Naihe Hall with me this time, Gong Huatian's son of God, Zhan Wuming." Chi Xingyun briefly introduced.

"Son of God? Bullish, only a Golden Immortal can beat that mouse-headed Immortal Emperor crying for his father and mother. I'm afraid the Son of Light and Darkness is not so arrogant, at least I didn't hear that he could kill the Immortal Emperor when he was a Golden Immortal." .” You Ming couldn’t help but praise.

"When he was just a golden fairy, he didn't become a child of light and darkness at all, he was just a child of light, okay? At that time, he was defeated many times by our young master Chi!" Duan Rui said disdainfully.

Chi Xingyun smiled bitterly, at that time he was very aware of his own strength, when he was in Jinxian, compared with Zhan Wuming, he was really too weak, at that time he could challenge the middle-level Immortal King at most, but now Zhan Wuming can slaughter immortals Damn, this is the gap.

(End of this chapter)

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