Chapter 1100: Destined Enemy Mo Tianji

Zhan Wuming really wanted to see how powerful Mo Tianji, the Son of Light and Darkness, was, after all, he was just a fairy king.Shi Changyi is the strongest fairy king he has ever seen. Facing Shi Changyi, he doesn't think he has much chance of winning, maybe he will force him to play all his cards, but Shi Changyi is so frightened by Mo Tianji, that is, Said, this Mo Tianji is much stronger than Shi Changyi, otherwise it would be impossible for Shi Changyi not to join hands with himself and others to deal with the chasing Mo Tianji.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming and the others were about to leave when suddenly there was a violent sound in the void, and a vortex-like black hole suddenly formed, and the light in the void seemed to be swallowed by the black hole at once, and the spiral dark vortex became bigger and bigger, and even The flesh and blood fragments of the fat man were all involved.

"What a powerful dark force field!" Zhan Wuming couldn't help but whispered.

"Hurry up, it's Mo Tianji!" Chi Xingyun's face suddenly changed.

"It's too late!" Zhan Wuming frowned slightly, and just as he finished speaking, he felt a violent energy erupting from the black hole, which turned out to be a dazzling white light, sacred and gorgeous, like the crowd Shen Zhihui instantly reversed the black hole, and a figure shot out from the spewing black hole, like a long rainbow passing through the sky, suddenly flew towards the direction where Shi Changyi disappeared.

"Huh..." The figure let out a sound of surprise when passing by in the void, but his body didn't stop at all, he just turned his head and waved his hands in the opposite direction in the void, and then disappeared like a light and shadow in a flash.

"Be careful!" Chi Xingyun was about to fly away, but he heard Zhan Wuming's exclamation. He turned his head and found that there seemed to be a black and white mad dragon attacking from behind in the void. The violent energy made the void emit a piercing sound. The sound of tearing, where the black and white light dragon passed, the void seemed to draw a river of heaven, and the goal of the black and white light dragon was obviously Chi Xingyun.

Chi Xingyun was terrified, the aura condensed all over his body spurted out, and a loud bird song sounded like a huge Suzaku beast suddenly spreading its wings, mobilizing the fire source between heaven and earth in an instant, forming a cloud in front of him. sea ​​of ​​flames.

"Boom..." Chi Xingyun's reaction speed was very fast, but the moment the sea of ​​fire touched the black and white light dragon, it was as if a high-speed rotating drill bit was directly drilled into the wood, and the sea of ​​fire could not offset it at all. That black and white energy.

"Chirp..." Flaming Suzaku let out a mournful cry, and was pierced through by the black and white light dragon. The huge Suzaku figure instantly dissipated and turned into countless fire birds, flying around in shock, unable to form any form against the black and white light dragon anymore. hinder.

Fear flashed in Chi Xingyun's eyes, this was Mo Tianji's light and dark prayer, he was no stranger to it, but this time the light and dark prayer he encountered was stronger than any he had seen before, his Suzaku Feitian was unable to block this blow, which only showed one problem, the gap between him and Mo Tianji had been stretched beyond his imagination.

In an instant, Chi Xingyun had many thoughts in his mind. At this moment, his heart felt depressed like never before. He had worked very hard. He felt that he was always chasing Mo Tianji. Mystery.He was not weaker than Mo Tianji when he first became Immortal King, but now, Mo Tianji no longer regards him as an opponent.

In Mo Tianji's eyes, perhaps only people above the Four Kings of the Ancient Immortal Realm or the Ancient Heaven Realm are his real opponents. When he saw him, he didn't even stop there. Just a backhand attack defeated him.This dealt a blow to his confidence, especially in the recent period of successive setbacks. Da Chitian's elite had lost a lot in his hands. He brought the surviving Immortal King to Yecry City, not only failed to destroy the residence of Naihetang On the contrary, he became a prisoner of the class.

"I'm already useless, I'll just die!" Chi Xingyun saw his mouth open, and wanted to devour the black and white light dragon in one bite, and he already had the thought of dying in his heart.

"Boom..." At this moment, a violent energy erupted in front of him suddenly, and the black and white light dragon let out a wail, and the huge intertwined body was like smashed glass, cracking inch by inch in the void, Pieces of crystal-like intertwined light and dark energy rained down.

Chi Xingyun was taken aback, looked up and saw Zhan Wuming's body bumped towards him suddenly, before he had time to react, he was hit straight, the two bodies immediately rolled into a ball, the black and white Guanglong is gone.

"What do you want to do?" Chi Xingyun just regained consciousness when he was grabbed by Zhan Wuming and yelled.

"I..." Chi Xingyun thought of how he had given up resisting at the last moment, and didn't know how to answer Zhan Wuming's words, but his face was filled with shame.

"It's not shameful to lose to Mo Tianji! Shi Changyi from the Ancient Heaven Realm was beaten and fled everywhere. Even if you can't block this blow, you can dodge it. If a practitioner doesn't have the heart of a brave man, how can you do that?" Can you achieve greatness and achieve immeasurable achievements?" Zhan Wuming pushed Chi Xingyun away and roared angrily.

Just now if Chi Xingyun wanted to dodge, he could still dodge the blow, but at the most fatal moment, Chi Xingyun actually seemed stupid and didn't dodge. Zhan Wuming was taken aback and had to forcefully make a move, but because he shot too hastily, even though he smashed the black and white light dragon, he also suffered a secret loss, which made Zhan Wuming very annoyed.

Chi Xingyun doesn't look like a fairy king at the moment, the disappointment on his face makes Zhan Wuming feel chilly.

"It's my fault!" Chi Xingyun said with shame on his face.

"It's good to know, if you can't figure this out, then this will be your burial place, and you will never have the chance to leave this hunting ground of death until you become a puppet of Naihetang!" Zhan Wuming was angry After giving him a good lesson, he picked up a few black and white crystals on the ground that were melting rapidly like ice in the sun, and he felt unconcealable horror in his heart.

Mo Tianji actually materialized that light and dark energy, and every blow can turn the energy between heaven and earth into energy crystals. The degree of fusion and mastery of this kind of law is beyond imagination.This is also due to the fact that the two energies of light and darkness are special. Existing alone, light and darkness will not produce abnormal changes, but if light and darkness are really combined, the energy is close to the power of chaos. In this world, it is the highest energy. , can transform other energies between heaven and earth, and even transform other laws into tangible and substantial energy laws.

The Son of Light and Darkness has a thorough understanding of the two forces of light and darkness. No wonder Shi Changyi wanted to escape. If Shi Changyi hadn't been good at the power of the law of space, he might have no way to escape.

"Let's go!" The Rat Man looked at the flashing figure in horror. Duan Rui and Tao Jin also rushed over. The retreat, although they are also powerful Immortal Kings, but they are powerless to deal with a group of Immortal Emperors, so they can only ambush in the rear.They didn't expect that they were useless at all, and Zhan Wuming and others had already dealt with the three Immortal Sovereigns. The reason why they were alarmed was because of the black hole that appeared out of nowhere.

"Son of Light and Darkness just now?" Duan Rui asked in a voice.

"That's right, the person who passed by just now is the Son of Light and Darkness, but to him, we are just a piece of food, tasteless to eat. But if he can't catch up with his big meal, I'm afraid he will also attack us small dishes! " Zhan Wuming shrugged.

"It's really him, let's get out of here quickly!" Tao Jin's face became very ugly, and he said to himself in confusion: "How could he appear in this hunting ground, it doesn't make sense!"

"He is a hunter, not a prey like us. He is not an exile, but came to this world to improve himself through hunting games. In the Tianzi hunting ground, he has slaughtered eighteen members of our monster race. , just to take away their demon pills, and mobilized a large number of hunters to hunt our demon pills. In the past year, because of his appearance, nearly a hundred of our great demons have been hunted down, but it is a pity that this person is too strong, even if It was our Yaozu fairy queen who was also killed in the early stage, and after that, we could only dodge him desperately." Anger flashed across the stone man's face.

"Just now why did they let the two of you go and chase Shi Changyi instead of taking your demon pills?" Zhan Wuming was stunned, this Mo Tianji actually hunted a large number of demon pills, what exactly does this guy want to do?He must have spotted the Stone Man and the Rat Man just now, but instead of making a move, he went after Shi Changyi.

"Because Shi Changyi killed Hei Tian's Changhen Immortal Emperor Group in the Tianzi hunting ground, and killed five immortal emperors by himself. Not only that, but also took away the Tianzhao Lion Emperor's identity that was very important to Mo Tianji from them. Demon Pill. Tianzhao Lion Emperor is the great demon at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, who escaped from the abyss of sin. The strong man of our demon clan was ambushed by a group of hunters and fled. It is because Mo Tianji has done too much harm to our monster clan. We killed a hundred big monsters in one year. Some people desperately reported to the ancestors of the monster clan who were trapped in the abyss of crime, hoping to send someone to kill this son. Unfortunately. , This space is completely controlled by those people, who know our whereabouts like the palm of their hands, Amaterasu Lion Emperor is the supreme rank, in order to enter here, he knocked down his cultivation level to the level of Immortal Emperor, but it is a pity that he still fell here." The rat man said angrily.

"Sin Yuan? Where is that place?" Zhan Wuming asked.

"Sinyuan is the place where the ancestors of our demon clan were sealed. Although those people took away the ancestral land of our demon clan back then, the monster clan is still a big clan after all. There are a large number of strong people among them. These people are almost immortal. The other party wants Killing all these ancestors requires paying a high price, so those people set up a conspiracy, using the secret of becoming a demon god as a bait, to lure the ancestors above the supreme level in our clan to a Jedi in this continent, where they With the seal, those supreme ancestors cannot return to this continent. Otherwise, our monster race would not have fallen to this point!" the rat man said helplessly.

"So that's how it is!" Zhan Wuming immediately understood. It seems that this monster clan is not without strong people, but that all strong people have been plotted against. Only those who can enter can enter, so it becomes a deadlock, the people inside can't get out, and the people outside can't get in. The monster race that can stay in this ancestral land is the strongest only the fairy emperor rank. The emperor, and because of his weak strength alone, is easy to become the target of hunting.This trick is really poisonous enough.

"Since Mo Tianji wants to take the inner alchemy of the Lion King that day, it's easy to say, you go to Dizi No. 19 area and wait for me first, I will go and have a look and come back!" Zhan Wuming's eyes flashed unfathomable With a smile, he finally met Mo Tianji, how could he not meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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