Chapter 1101: Lion Emperor Demon Pellet
Zhan Wuming has already controlled area No. 19, and Chi Xingyun and others have known for a long time. Although they were full of curiosity about how Zhan Wuming controlled those areas, they didn't ask much.

Zhan Wuming asked them to go to No. 19 area first, Chi Xingyun was very worried.No one understands the horror of the Son of Light and Darkness better than him. He is an opponent who is rapidly becoming stronger every day. Just that casual blow just now almost killed him. The real strength of Mo Tianji, the Son of Light and Darkness It's not just challenging the Immortal Sovereign, but the Immortal Venerable.Such a terrifying opponent, if Zhan Wuming passed, who would have expected the result.

Chi Xingyun also can't change Zhan Wuming's decision, after all, the real leader here is Zhan Wuming instead of Chi Xingyun, if it wasn't for Zhan Wuming, he would have died just now, this is already Zhan Wuming's second time Saved his life.

Therefore, Chi Xingyun's worry about Zhan Wuming was not fake. Zhan Wuming made him see the hope of escaping from this place. At the Immortal King rank, there are too many people who are stronger than him. Shi Changyi, who is also at the Immortal King rank, is stronger than him. As for the strong people above the Immortal Emperor rank, there are countless people who are stronger than him.

Even the powerful Shi Changyi has no chance to escape from here. Although Chi Xingyun is conceited, he doesn't think he will be stronger than Shi Changyi, so he doesn't want Zhan Wuming to have an accident, but it's a pity that Zhan Wuming's decision is not his Can control.The stone man and the rat man respect Zhan Wuming very much. Although Zhan Wuming is much weaker than their realm, but when it comes to killing, they are not stronger than Zhan Wuming. In the previous confrontation, they felt that Zhan Wuming might be Threats to their life and death.This is a terrible golden fairy, just look at the fact that when the four immortal emperors were assassinated, Zhan Wuming had no plans to spare, and he didn't give the four people a chance to resist.

The stone man and the rat man are very aware of the current situation. The hunting ground of Tianzihao has been completely connected with the hunting ground of Dizihao. Their so-called escape is not safe. They will also encounter hunting from the emperor of Tianzihao hunting ground.If they want to change the fate of the monster race, now they have a very good opportunity. As long as they can set up Zhan Wuming's formation all over the continent, they can block the sight of the watchers, and they may organize With a purposeful counterattack, it may be possible to regain control of this continent in the hands of the Yaozu.Therefore, the stone man and the rat man did not follow Chi Xingyun and others to the No. 19 area of ​​the land, but quietly sneaked to the Tianzi area with Duan Rui to complete the task given to them by Zhan Wuming, and at the same time contact more Together, the masters of the monster race set up a large screen formation in the entire Tianzi domain.


Zhan Wuming, Chi Xingyun and others split into three groups, and Chi Xingyun led a few people to approach Dizi No. 19 area, which has become the key target of hunters in Tianzi hunting ground, so arrangements must be made early.Zhan Wuming needs some preparation and time to launch a full-scale counterattack. First of all, he will set up a closed-screen formation on this continent, so that the masters of Naihetang outside will not know what happened here. At that time, he will let Naihetang People know what despair is.

Zhan Wuming is now going to see what is wrong with the seemingly incomparably powerful Son of Light and Darkness, Mo Tianji. This son is his mortal enemy. In his previous life, he was plotting against him, but it is a pity that the bamboo basket fetches water in the end.

In this life, I was not counted by Mo Tianji to take Qijue Tiansha's fate, why did Mo Tianji still appear in the fairy world?What kind of connection does he have with this fairy world, what role does he play in his own destiny, it seems that there is a pair of invisible pushing him forward step by step.

In 99 past lives, he has repeatedly performed tragic roles, made wedding clothes for the Mohe family, and made many destined sons of the Mohe family. He didn't repeat the fate of his previous life, but he still couldn't get rid of the grievances with the Mohe family.

The more he understands the background of the Mohe family, the more frightened Zhan Wuming is. The two big families are more complicated than he imagined, and they are intertwined and involve almost every level. What are the major forces hiding behind these two big families? What a secret, it can make Sword God and Nether Vulcan willingly descend to the lower realm, and help the Son of Destiny escape from the lower realm and reach the upper realm.

Zhan Wuming believes that his destiny has changed, because his too imaginary nerves have made his destiny elusive, and it is impossible to be controlled by others, even if the reincarnation of the previous hundred lives is really controlled by a big hand of fate Thinking of himself, in this life, he will no longer be controlled and arranged by others. If he wants to truly defeat fate, he must find the master of the black hand behind the scenes and find his real enemy!
Mo Tianji had clues about that person, so Zhan Wuming couldn't let Mo Tianji go easily.What is beneficial to Zhan Wuming is that Mo Tianji doesn't know Zhan Wuming's identity at all, let alone the fateful relationship, Zhan Wuming is in the dark, and the Mohe family is in the open.


Shi Changyi used the law of space to travel through space to escape, but Mo Tianji used the alternation of light and dark original energy to form a void and black hole, allowing him to travel through it.It is a very wonderful idea to construct a short-distance wormhole.His speed is very fast, not much slower than Shi Changyi's space talent speed.

Mo Tianji is very clear that once he relaxes and chases Shi Changyi, he may lose Shi Changyi's whereabouts if he changes the space a few more times. Find the reason for Shi Changyi.His most important goal is still the demon pill of Amaterasu Lion King.

Zhan Wuming is very sensitive to the aura of light and darkness between the heaven and the earth, and vaguely captures the fluctuation of the ray of light and dark energy in the void. He only needs to follow Mo Tianji's aura to chase them, and he can find them. There is almost nothing that can match the speed of Kunpeng.What's more, Zhan Wuming's space talent is not weak. Although it is not as good as Shi Changyi, but with the power of his wind source, his speed is unimaginably fast, and it is not difficult to catch up.

In fact, Zhan Wuming didn't need to rely on the remaining light and dark forces in the void to find Shi Changyi's whereabouts, because there were tiny white dust floating on this ground-level hunting ground. Things will think they're actually dust and won't even notice.

Although this kind of thing is small, it is a living insect, and it is Zhan Wuming's eyeliner. Therefore, although Shi Changyi escapes quickly, he cannot hide from Zhan Wuming's investigation.


Shi Changyi's luck is not good, he keeps jumping with the talent of space, in order to maintain his strength, after every space jump, he will fly a certain distance before going through space.Although he has a strong space talent, the continuous space jumping process will make the body extremely tired, and even lose the original foundation, so he does not make space jumps one after another.When Shi Changyi was traveling through Dizi No. 17 area, he met several Immortal Sovereign experts who rushed over from another Tianzi hunting ground.

Shi Changyi's reputation in the Tianzi hunting ground is not good. Of course, there is no doubt about his strength. There are dozens of Immortal Emperors who died in his hands. Therefore, in the eyes of those hunters in the Tianzi hunting ground , this person is their public enemy.This guy who is not yet at the level of Immortal Emperor is too powerful, and his talent is even more amazing. There is no way to stop him. His destruction of the Tianzi hunting ground and the number of Immortal Emperors he killed alarmed Naihetang. High level, only the Son of Light and Darkness, a more powerful fairy king hunter, appeared in the Tianzi hunting field. Only Mo Tianji, the Son of Light and Darkness, could make Shi Changyi calm down. The two fought several times in the Tianzi hunting field , Shi Changyi was at a disadvantage again and again, and the son of light and darkness grew faster than Shi Changyi. As a result, after more than a year, Shi Changyi could only keep running away.

In District No. 17, Shi Changyi was trapped in a canyon by several immortal emperors.Although Shi Changyi's space talent is strong, he just finished the space jump and couldn't restart for a while, so he had to face the attacks of several immortal emperors. Although he was not afraid of these immortal emperors, he knew very well that once he was entangled He had to fight Mo Tianji again.Therefore, Shi Changyi still started the short-distance space jump, directly jumping out of this canyon thousands of miles away.

The reason why Shi Changyi was unlucky was not because he encountered these immortal kings blocking the way, but because he jumped directly between a group of immortal kings and emperors who were fighting in chaos after jumping continuously.

The immortal kings of the Tianzi hunting ground are madly massacring a group of immortal kings in the Dizi area. Those people in the Tianzi area received the news that they wanted to clean up the Dizi area. As soon as Shi Changyi appeared, the group of immortal emperors felt that Shi Immortal King Changyi's aura, without even thinking about it, immediately attacked.

Naturally, Shi Changyi was not afraid, he beheaded a hunter of the Immortal Emperor rank in ten rounds, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest, he was immediately besieged by the remaining Immortal Emperors, and Shi Changyi was regarded as the most dangerous person, Some people recognized Shi Changyi and attacked with all their strength. Suddenly, the three parties turned from a one-sided massacre to a chaotic battle. A group of immortal emperors fought around Shi Changyi, and a group of immortal kings fought against a group of immortal emperors outside. .

Shi Changyi was also depressed, he didn't want to be entangled by people, but who knows, he was surrounded in the end, and his spatial talent couldn't be activated instantly during the fight, so he had to fight in disorder, hoping to get rid of the immortal emperors in front of him sooner. Get rid of it and run away.

Shi Changyi still has some impressions of the immortal emperors in the Tianzi hunting area. He is also the hottest prey in the Tianzi hunting area. Therefore, he is taken care of by these immortal emperors. Although he is very strong, he is also somewhat powerful. Difficult feeling.The group of fairy kings who were besieged before were a little inexplicable. This group of fairy kings went crazy to deal with a fairy king who suddenly rushed in. What surprised these fairy kings was that the sudden appearance of the fairy king was so awesome that he even counted rounds. Then he beheaded a strong Immortal Emperor, his powerful power stunned all the Immortal Kings, and immediately the group of Immortal Kings, headed by Shi Changyi, wanted to join forces to deal with the Immortal Emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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