Chapter 1102
This group of people seemed to have set up a lot of formations and traps in this area, as if they had known for a long time that a group of immortal emperors would attack, but it was not difficult for Shi Changyi to fight.It's just that Shi Changyi's mind is not here. The person he worries about is not the immortal emperors in front of him, but Mo Tianji who is about to catch up.

Shi Changyi was very surprised that the fairy kings in this area were very united, dozens of fairy kings cooperated seamlessly and trusted each other very much.

"Shi Changyi, you can't escape this time. The Son of Light and Darkness has already sent a message. Anyone who sees you can come as long as he can hang around you for a quarter of an hour. Once the Son of Light and Darkness arrives, it will be your end !" An immortal emperor laughed wildly, frantically entangled Shi Changyi, not hesitating to die together, which made Shi Changyi very depressed.

"Emperor Wood Ling, even if Mo Tianji can arrive, I'm sure I'll hold you back before he arrives!" Shi Changyi's voice was very cold, he didn't expect that Mo Tianji would send a message to the immortal emperors all over the place, so Mo Tianji was here There is such a high prestige among these immortal emperors that these people will entangle him even if they die. No wonder those immortal emperors from the Tianzihao hunting ground are like beating chickens when they see him Like blood, it bites madly.

"For a quarter of an hour, it's not that easy for you to kill us!" The wood spirit emperor had an indifferent smile in his eyes. When it comes to vitality, he is the strongest among the group of immortal emperors, because he has extremely pure The wood spirit root has cultivated the essence of wood to perfection, and its vitality is unmatched by others.

"Haotian Trapped Spirit Formation." Mu Linghuang shouted at those immortal emperors. Obviously, he is the leader of this team of immortal emperors. Not only that, he also has the cultivation base of the fairy queens. Unfortunately, in this continent They couldn't be ranked, and his team still had a lot of points to leave this continent. Mo Tianji, the son of light and darkness, gave them a chance. If someone could hold Shi Changyi for him for a quarter of an hour, he could send the other party enough to become However, the points on the Hall of Honor.

The hierarchy of Naihe Hall is strict, and the super geniuses of the Immortal King rank have the opportunity to become the embassy of Naihe Hall, including the best assassins. They have the honor of exalted envoys. The honor of the hall enjoys a very high status and can enter the core of Naihe Hall.

Not everyone can become the Supreme Being. The most outstanding Immortal Sovereign can get the required points within the specified time in this hunting ground, otherwise he can only become the peripheral killer of Naihetang, or even a handyman.Therefore, Mo Tianji's offer is hard to refuse for those whose points are still close to the deadline.

Hearing the name of Haotian Trapped Spirit Formation, Shi Changyi's face suddenly became ugly.Although the group of Immortal Kings outside to share the pressure for him is powerful in attacking, they have more than enough self-defense but not enough force attacks, which has little impact on this group of Immortal Kings.The main reason is that this group of people is composed of several forces, and the cooperation between each small force is very close, but the cooperation between the small forces seems rusty. Although they are not worried about each other being stabbed in the back, after all They have never joined forces before, and their strength cannot be fully concentrated after the alliance.

"Prevent them from forming an formation, Mo Feng's team will attack the shock position, and you will burn away from the position on the [-]th." Just when Shi Changyi's face became ugly, the voice of an immortal king suddenly came over, dividing the original into several pieces. The Immortal King of the team quickly organized. He seemed to be very familiar with the Haotian Trapped Spirit Formation, and he actually made the most accurate arrangement in a short time.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The figures of several fairy kings were bounced away, and they were desperately injured, and they wanted to interrupt the formation alliance between those fairy kings first. The price of Immortal King's injury, but it completely disrupted the rhythm of the attack of Mu Linghuang and others. The so-called formation was no longer formed, and the siege of Shi Changyi was broken by itself.

"Boom..." Shi Changyi didn't hesitate at all, his figure suddenly passed through the crack like an arrow, and appeared directly in front of the Wood Linghuang like a light and shadow. , splitting the void in two.

"Ah..." The Wood Spirit Emperor howled wildly, and fell out. His body was split open by the knife. The power of the void was unavoidable. No matter how he dodged, he couldn't avoid that fateful appearance The strange power entangled, as if this power has been in a place where the wood spirit emperor can't see, just waiting for an opportunity to kill the wood spirit emperor with one blow.

"Boom..." The Wood Spirit Emperor's body was cut in half in an instant, and the two halves exploded into countless fragments in the void. Those fragments instantly scattered into the void like billions of streams of light, and then formed a nothingness of light and shadow.

Shi Changyi looked astonished, he found that the wood spirit emperor who had been shattered into pieces under his shattering energy reappeared, and the figure of light and shadow quickly solidified and turned into the body of the wood spirit emperor again, the wood spirit emperor's face was very pale, It was as if he had just experienced a serious illness.

"Death Puppet Talisman." Shi Changyi murmured, he did not expect such a life-saving treasure to exist on the Wood Spirit Emperor.

"Puppet talisman for death?" The group of fairy kings were also taken aback.That is the most powerful magic weapon in the legend, it can give yourself an extra life, that kind of thing is the method of talisman puppet left by the ancient times, no one can make it in today's world, and there are only a dozen left in the entire fairy world , This is still a record many years ago, and many copies have been used by others. Now there are still a few copies in the fairy world, no one can say for sure, I didn't expect such a copy to appear in this ancestral land of the monster clan.

Shi Changyi didn't believe that the wood spirit emperor brought in the dead puppet talisman from the outside world, otherwise he would have given it to the family in exchange for more resources and status, and there was no need to enter the hunting ground to risk his life to gamble. The status of the statue.This dead puppet talisman must have been obtained by taking risks in the ancestral land of the monster race.Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling hot.

"The death puppet talisman can save you once, but it can't save you the second time. I hope you have such good luck next time!" Shi Changyi's eyes flashed a cold light.He failed to kill the Wood Spirit Emperor with a single blow, and the Wood Spirit Emperor would definitely not give him a second chance, and although his broken energy is powerful, he needs a chance to kill him with one blow.

"Trap him!" The Wood Spirit Emperor said angrily.

Just now, he took a turn outside the gate of ghosts. If he hadn't been lucky enough to get a piece of incomplete ancient surrogate death puppet talisman in a dangerous place, he would have died just now under Shi Changyi's broken energy. He thought he was the source of wood His vitality is extremely powerful, but at this moment he deeply felt the horror of Shi Changyi. Even if his vitality is strong, once Shi Changyi seizes the opportunity, he will also be killed with one blow. Only then did he know that, Why did so many immortal emperors die at the hands of Shi Changyi in the Tianzi hunting area?

At this moment, he no longer had the idea of ​​beheading Shi Changyi. The only thing he wanted to do was to trap him for a quarter of an hour. He couldn't understand why the top fairy kings in the two great fairy realms were so powerful. Killing a group of immortal emperors is like slaughtering dogs.There is only one reason, and that is that Shi Changyi is a genius who has truly mastered the most powerful ancient immortal secret art in the two great immortal domains. The life and death of the queen, no wonder no one in the two great fairylands has been able to shake their status for countless years, and they have honored the fairyland for countless years.

"Boom..." the voice of the Wood Spirit Emperor fell, and an immortal emperor beside him suddenly exploded, turning into a rain of blood and filling the void.A crimson light and shadow suddenly lit up in the void, and the moment the Immortal Emperor exploded, the crimson brilliance never disappeared, and even more brilliant brilliance appeared, coiling into countless lights in the void instantly like a waking dragon. The scars, wherever they passed, the void was red, and the whole world was like a boundless cloud of fire, reflecting everyone's body red.

"Master!" The group of fairy kings who were entangled with a group of fairy kings called out in surprise.

"Ah..." Before the Wood Spirit Emperor could figure out what was going on, he heard another scream from not far away, and a big black claw suddenly protruded from it, and a person who was shocked by the scarlet brilliance The astonished Immortal Emperor was pierced through the body by the pitch-black sharp claws.

"Ghost Beast..." Shi Changyi murmured in a low voice. He felt a strong fluctuation of the law of space coming from there. The only beasts with the power of this law are the ghost beasts in the legendary battlefield of gods and demons. It is not easy for a fairy king like him who has a strong space talent to catch such a ghost beast. For many years, he has not been able to find a chance to catch it. Piercing through the body of an Immortal Emperor, it can be seen that this Nether Beast has reached the level of the Beastmaster, equivalent to an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse.

"How is it possible?" The Mu Linghuang's face changed greatly, this sudden sneak attack disrupted his plan, and when he found out that the owner of the red light was actually a golden fairy, he was immediately in a mess .

The crimson fire dragon shrouded everyone in a strange domain, and an indescribable aura made people's hearts weigh heavily.

"Shi Changyi, we meet again." There was a smile in the voice of the golden fairy, and a little more joy.

"How is it possible?" Shi Changyi's face also became a little ugly. The person he killed suddenly turned out to be the little golden fairy who had just parted for a long time. When he first met this little golden fairy, he saw him planning to kill In order to avoid being chased by the Son of Light and Darkness, several Immortal Sovereigns have crossed many times and circled a big circle. He never thought that Mo Tianji, the Son of Light and Darkness, would not catch up with him, but this little golden fairy would first He found him in one step, and the group of immortal emperors who gave him such a headache lost two of them as soon as he made a move.It made him feel unreal for a while.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming collided with the Wood Spirit Emperor in the astonishment of everyone, and the two super strong forces blasted together like two big mountains, and the huge air wave swept across in all directions. endless dust.

The Muling Emperor let out a muffled snort, his body shook, and he took a small step back, but Zhan Wuming's body was thrown out viciously, like a small fish being blown away by a big wave, slashing across the void. beautiful arc.

(End of this chapter)

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