Chapter 1134 Blood of the Demon God
No one dares to ignore the Celestial Weapon, even if Venerable Wangyou is an Immortal Venerable, he can ignore Zhan Wuming's attack, he can ignore Zhan Wuming's sword, but there is no way to ignore the Celestial Weapon, so he has to If you don't avoid it, you still avoid it like a snake and a scorpion.

Wangyou Tianzun fled at a high speed, he did not believe that Zhan Wuming could always support a weapon of Tianzun to attack, once Zhan Wuming was exhausted, he would not let it go, no matter it was the fairy clothes or the weapon of Tianzun.Thinking of the immortal artifact becoming his own that day, Venerable Wangyou no longer had the idea of ​​catching Zhan Wuming alive at this moment.

"Goodbye!" Just as Venerable Wangyou retreated, he heard Zhan Wuming chuckle, and he suddenly realized that something was wrong. When he looked back, he found that the flames that filled the sky had gradually dissipated, and the original The place where the Rat Man was was has long since disappeared, and Zhan Wuming has also appeared in the distance.

"Bastard!" Venerable Wangyou couldn't help cursing angrily, he was played by Zhan Wuming.He was not sure whether Zhan Wuming could really fully activate the weapon of the Heavenly Venerable, but the aura just now really frightened him and made him feel timid. It was not fully activated, that is to say, Zhan Wuming didn't consume much, but because of his retreat, Zhan Wuming had a chance to save the Ratman.

"Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will catch you!" Wangyou Tianzun roared, and quickly chased in the direction where Zhan Wuming disappeared.

Zhan Wuming didn't know that his Nine Flame Dragon Claw scared Venerable Wangyou enough, but he knew that this was an opportunity. The Nine Fire Dragon Claw was very powerful, but it hadn't recovered to its peak state yet. The soul is still warming in it, almost replacing Jiuyanlongguai's weapon soul and merging with it. At this moment, it can't withstand too severe impact, after all, its remnant soul is too weak.

So Zhan Wuming didn't really want to attack the enemy with Jiuyanlong abduction.He still hasn't figured out the difference between the so-called Celestial Artifact and the Supreme Immortal Artifact. As for the so-called Jiuyan Tianzun, he just regards it as an ordinary supreme in the fairy world, just a strong man at the peak of the supreme.

"Wangyou, I can't even catch a brat. It seems that I can't do it if I can't think of a shot!" Just as Zhan Wuming turned around a hole, an indifferent laugh came over, and then a figure From the side passage, he quickly rushed towards Zhan Wuming.

"Damn..." Zhan Wuming cursed in a low voice, this time the game is too big, he can still play with one immortal, and another one came, no wonder he vaguely felt a sense of crisis in his heart just now, vaguely felt a little No, that's why Xiaolan didn't let Xiaolan make a move.Unexpectedly, his premonition came true, and another immortal came out.

"Boom..." The Immortal Venerable who rushed from the side grabbed the air with one claw, and slammed on the cave wall behind Zhan Wuming, and immediately countless gravels splashed, like bullets, hitting Zhan Wuming's body "Keng Keng" sounded.

Zhan Wuming's body seemed to be blended into the wind, erratic and light, and his speed was as fast as lightning. This speed made the rushing fairy a little bit astonished. He slipped away between his fingers, which annoyed him a lot. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to ridicule Venerable Wangyou, but he didn't expect that he would become a joke instead.

"Wangchou, you are nothing more than that." Venerable Wangyou, who was ridiculed just now, replied lightly, with teasing in his laughter. Although he was very angry at Zhan Wuming's escape, seeing Venerable Wangchou deflated, he still felt Very cool.It can be regarded as paying back what the other party said just now.

"Hmph..." Venerable Wangchou snorted coldly, feeling depressed.This kid is nothing more than a fairy king, but he is so weird, and his speed is hard to catch up with him. Hitting against the stone wall, no one knows whether when teleporting, it will drill into the stone when traveling through the space, or if it is dislocated and drilled into another passage, it will get farther and farther away.

Unlike the outside, where there is nothingness on all sides, it is very comfortable to teleport. In this mountainside, you can only chase after Zhan Wuming desperately. The more you chase them, the more depressed you become. Speeding up, let them chase farther and farther, and in an instant, the three of them ran for nearly ten thousand miles in a hole in the middle of the mountain.

In the end, Zhan Wuming found that he actually ran back to the original point.Many of the passages in the mountainside are connected in a circle. Although Zhan Wuming didn't know the way, he didn't dare to stop. The two immortals followed behind him desperately, as if they had become determined after eating the weight. Don't give Zhan Wuming a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

"This ghostly place!" Zhan Wuming cursed, just now he was dazzled by the pursuit of the two immortals, and ran around in a hurry. Now it seems that those two guys may not be able to catch up with him, so he feels relieved. Gritting his teeth, he ran wildly in the direction pointed by Xiao Lan, even if he was leading those two immortals to the baby.It's better than not being able to find a chance to get rid of these two old guys here, maybe the two old guys will let her go when they see the treasure, but they don't know what kind of treasure is there, which makes Xiaolan so anxious.

Zhan Wuming didn't see that when he chose that path, Venerable Wangyou and Venerable Wangchou looked at each other behind him, and the expressions on their faces became very exciting. They just hesitated a little, then followed Zhan Wuming chased after him.

The passage in front of Zhan Wuming ran wider and wider. In the end, he seemed to have run into a world in the mountains. The roof of the cave was covered with all kinds of stalactites with rich spiritual energy, hanging upside down like the teeth of monsters. It is damp, and the widest point is several miles wide. Zhan Wuming doesn't know where this passage leads to.

As Zhan Wuming went deeper, Xiaolan became more and more excited, and Zhan Wuming knew that he was almost at his destination.The two old monsters behind him chased after him like maggots attached to their bones.

"What on earth is there?" Zhan Wuming ran all the way and saw a different red light in front of him, the jewel-colored brilliance looming in the distance, that should be the end of this passage and where the treasure is.The small calculations in Zhan Wuming's heart are crackling, this is the treasure that makes Xiaolan extremely excited, and he brought two immortals here, so how can he still have his own share!
Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming gritted his teeth, if he can't get it, neither can those two old monsters.Zhan Wuming suddenly accelerated, turned into a big bird and swept past. When he rushed to the end of the cave, he was surprised to find that the front was not outside the mountain, but a huge inner world, which was even wider than the demon god soul cave. This is the underground world.

This place is hundreds of miles wide and over a hundred miles high. There is a huge ball of light hanging in the air, floating in the air like a huge bubble. Inside the bubble is a drop of blood that keeps rolling, glowing a strange crimson. Guanghua, seems to have life, showing its blood-colored beauty.Looking carefully, there seemed to be a blood-colored fox with ten tails in the blood.

"Ten-tailed Sky Fox!" Zhan Wuming blurted out in surprise.

It turned out to be a drop of the demon god's blood of the ten-tailed sky fox.He finally knew why Xiaolan was so excited. There was actually a drop of the blood of the demon god here, which was bright and magnificent, as if it had been polished with rubies and possessed life.The ten-tailed celestial fox is the god of the demon clan, possessing spiritual wisdom, cultivating the gods with demons, the fairy fox has nine tails, ten tails confer the gods, ten represents perfection, the blood of the ten-tailed celestial fox, possesses the power of pseudo-chaos, is the blood of the gods top grade.

"Damn..." Zhan Wuming was shocked when he saw that drop of divine blood.

Zhan Wuming's gaze moved downwards, and he couldn't help yelling, a huge pyramid was actually built under the drop of divine blood, and on the top of the tower was a huge altar like a blood pool, and there were nine blood wells around the blood pool, Countless corpses rolled down from the pyramid, and the place under the pyramid was full of corpses. The blood of countless living beings poured into the nine blood wells, boiled by the powerful flames and overflowed into the huge blood pool in the middle. The huge blood pool steamed up, smoking the blood-colored bubbles floating above the blood pool.

Countless corpses were piled up around the pyramid, all kinds. This place is like Shura hell, but there is no trace of blood. Obviously, all the blood has been absorbed by the blood of the ten-tailed sky fox, so the ten-tailed sky fox Only then did the blood of God turn into the color of blood jade.

On the altar at the top of the pyramid, there were actually two immortal-level powerhouses, that is to say, Zhan Wuming not only did not get out, but broke into the lair of old monsters, Zhan Wuming scolded fiercely in his heart said a word.

"Let's go!" Just as Zhan Wuming was slightly dazed, suddenly a shout of shock and anger came from the altar, Zhan Wuming turned his head to look, and whispered: "Shi Changyi!"

Zhan Wuming didn't expect that Shi Changyi didn't die, but was imprisoned on the altar.A sacrifice as powerful as Shi Changyi is rare, and they will definitely make good use of it, and only use Shi Changyi to sacrifice at critical times.

There are many immortal cultivators not far from Shi Changyi, but the highest ones are only immortal kings, and none are particularly powerful. Yan Wu and Fang Chong are not far from Shi Changyi. They did not expect that Zhan Wuming would If you come here headlong, it's like sending yourself to your door.

"Eh... boy, you actually delivered yourself to the door!" The two immortals who were offering sacrifices also found Zhan Wuming, they were stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, their figures flashed, and they attacked Zhan Wuming.

"Damn it!" Zhan Wuming wanted to leave after hearing Shi Changyi's warning, but there were still two immortals behind him. Although he was very powerful, it was a joke to let him deal with four immortals alone.

Zhan Wuming didn't know why so much immortal blood was sacrificed to this drop of demon god's blood, and he didn't know where these people got so many immortals. He only knew that what these people did was too evil. Must not be a nice guy.

Zhan Wuming originally wanted to find a place to break the seal of the demon clan, but instead broke into the space where the blood of the demon god was.If it weren't for the chasing soldiers in front and the interception in the back, he would be very happy.The blood of the demon god, this is the real blood of the gods, the complete blood of the gods, he felt that the cells in his body were agitated.

(End of this chapter)

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