Chapter 1135
"Boy, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you break in. Now let's see where you are going?" Just as Zhan Wuming was stunned, the voice of Venerable Wangyou came over, and Zhan Wuming was suddenly shocked. My life came back to my senses.

Shi Changyi, who was sealed on the altar, despaired for a while. He thought that Zhan Wuming had a chance to escape, but now it seems that he was chased here by two immortals. He knew that Zhan Wuming was strong, but what he faced was The four immortals, in this situation, even if Zhan Wuming is against the sky, so what?
"Wangyou, Wangchou, the two of you are too disappointing, and the two immortals let this kid come here. You really don't want us to be idle." The two immortals on the altar opened their eyes. With clear eyes, Zhan Wuming's body landed on Venerable Wangyou and Venerable Wangchou, and his tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

In their eyes, Zhan Wuming is just an ant. Before Fang Chong and others took action to make Zhan Wuming escape, but now the two immortals made a move, but they still failed to take Zhan Wuming down, which made them dissatisfied.They felt that the two Venerable Wangyou and Wangchou didn't work hard.

"Damn you all!"

Zhan Wuming sensed the strong power of the origin of earth and the origin of thunder here, and these two weird sources of power could not go away in the endless resentment, and looking at the clothes on the corpses, most of them were from Da Chitian And the logo of Mount Tianxianyu.That is to say, most of these dead came from Dachitian and Mangtian Immortal Territory. Zhan Wuming thought of the countless monks who disappeared on the thunderstorm star of Mangtian Immortal Territory, and the Dark Alliance captured a large number of Tianhe Star residents when they swept up Tianhe Star.

Immortal Emperor Taiqing received the news that most of the monks from the Tianhe Star Region were sent to Jiang Youtian's Night Cry City and sold through this underground arena. Now that I think about it, those monks captured from Tianhe Star and Thunderstorm Star The Dark Alliance did not trade as slaves at all, and all of them were handed over to Naihetang, and sent to this underground space for blood sacrifice.

The native creatures of Tianhe star have the purest soul of earth in their souls, and the creatures of Thunderstorm have the purest soul of thunder. The gathering of countless resentful souls is enough to make the origin of earth and the origin of thunder in this space reach the same level. At the peak, the nine blood pools on the altar represent the original power of each element. The gathered resentment overflows the blood well and flows into the central blood pool. With boundless resentment, his power was constantly eroding the bubble-like blood cells in the void.

"There are so many living beings, you are using blood sacrifices, it is really insane. Even if I die today, I will destroy your evil blood first!" Zhan Wuming roared, his body was like a big bird Like the blood of the gods in the air rushed over.

"Haha, overestimate one's abilities!" Seeing that Zhan Wuming actually threw himself at the drop of divine blood floating in the void, Venerable Wangyou and the others laughed disdainfully.If this drop of divine blood is so easy to destroy, why did they waste so much time and effort to use so many blood sacrifices? For countless years, they have tried many methods, but none of them can break the seal of this drop of divine blood.It can't even get close, it's not ordinary divine blood, but the blood of the ten-tailed sky fox, the treasure of the ten-tailed sky fox with life and spirituality.

The ten-tailed celestial fox broke through [-] percent, making the avenue of heaven and earth reach a pseudo-perfection. Its blood is so holy that it is close to chaos. How can it be compared with ordinary divine blood?It took them many years to find a power close to chaos to open the seal of the divine blood. Originally, Mo Tianji, the son of light and darkness, was the person closest to pseudo-chaos, because the fusion of light and darkness can produce the power of chaos, but light The Son of Darkness also failed. After all, the Chaos power of the Son of Light and Darkness is too weak and the realm is not enough.Therefore, they can only erode the seal with the power of endless blood sacrifices.

The blood of the ten-tailed celestial fox demon god is a kind of blessing to the demon clan. It is precisely because of the suppression of this divine blood that the burial place of the demon god has become a blessed place for the demon clan.After Naihetang sealed the demon masters in the secret place, he began to pollute the blood of the demon god, causing the demon god to bury the ground and reverse the seal. In other words, after being polluted by resentment, the blood of the demon god no longer has the function of opening the Jedi, so After the masters of the monster clan entered the Jedi, because they couldn't open it, they couldn't get out.

If one day the blood of the demon god is taken away or even absorbed by the people of Naihetang, the burial site of the demon clan will truly become a Jedi, and there will be no chance to open it again.At the same time, if the blood of the demon god does not break the seal, there is no way to bring it out here.

So, when they saw that Zhan Wuming wanted to destroy that drop of demon god's blood, the four immortals all laughed. They wanted to see Zhan Wuming's expression after being blown away by the seal.Entering this place of blood sacrifice, they are no longer worried that Zhan Wuming will fly out of their palms, they will die sooner or later, let's see what fun he can have.

The four Immortal Venerables seemed to be watching the show, watching Zhan Wuming crash into the seal of the blood of the demon god, their eyes were full of disdain and gloating, and none of them made a move to stop it.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's body hit the seal of the blood of the demon god like a meteor, and the huge shock made the whole place of the blood sacrifice tremble, and the faces of Venerable Wangyou and Venerable Wangyou all changed It's hard to see.The situation they imagined that Zhan Wuming was bounced away did not appear, the sealed bubble of the drop of demon god's blood rippled like water waves, and the bloody ten-tailed sky fox that was sealed in the bubble seemed to come alive all of a sudden. He stopped rolling, and stared at Zhan Wuming through the air bubbles with a curious look on his face.

For countless years, no one has ever been able to induce the blood of the ten-tailed sky fox in the seal, not even the fusion of the light and dark power of Mo Tianji, the son of light and darkness. The blood of the ten-tailed celestial fox in the seal couldn't be allowed to react strangely, but when Zhan Wuming hit it, the blood of the ten-tailed celestial fox in the seal produced a strange reaction, which was too strange.

"Stop him..." Venerable Wangyou roared, waking up the two immortals who were watching the battle on the altar. , rushed towards Zhan Wuming like two bolts of lightning.

The bubbles of the seal were rippling more and more violently, it felt as if a passage was going to be opened for Zhan Wuming to let him enter the seal.They don't want to see this result.

If it were someone else, they might be excited, but Zhan Wuming is their enemy, once the enemy gets the blood of the ten-tailed sky fox, what will be the consequences?Who can know?They couldn't figure out what was on Zhan Wuming's body that could make the blood of the demon god abnormal.

"Ah!" Just when the two immortals were about to meet Zhan Wuming, they heard Zhan Wuming's exclamation, and a hole wide enough for a person suddenly burst on the bubble, and Zhan Wuming was crushed under the eyes of everyone. Bubbles swallowed.

Everyone was shocked to see that Zhan Wuming became smaller and smaller in the bubble, as if being compressed by the bubble, Zhan Wuming's trajectory in the bubble was very clear, and Zhan Wuming was getting smaller and smaller at the other end of the trajectory .

"Boom... Boom..." At this time, the attacks of the two immortals slammed heavily on the bubble, but Zhan Wuming's body had already shrunk into the bubble, which seemed to be only the size of a palm. It was shaken by the wind, and it didn't even shift its position.

"How is it possible?" Seeing Zhan Wuming being swallowed into the bubble, everyone was stunned. In an instant, everyone understood a problem. This bubble, which looks only a few feet square, has a huge world inside. Among them, another space will be entered.It seems that they are only within reach of Zhan Wuming, but in fact they may be thousands of miles away.

"Boom...boom..." The two immortals were stunned, and saw a violent energy rebound from the bubble, and the powerful impact instantly slapped the two immortals on the stone wall, splashing dust all over the sky.

Everyone's face turned ashen, they never thought that for countless years they could do nothing, the blood of the demon god of the ten-tailed sky fox, which they tried their best to open, swallowed a boy of the fairy king rank , what is going on?

Even the Son of Light and Darkness couldn't do it, how did that kid do it?What happened to being swallowed by the seal?No one can tell.They could only watch Zhan Wuming slowly swim towards the blood of the ten-tailed sky fox in the air bubbles like a little fish in the water, but they couldn't do anything.

"How did this happen?" Venerable Wangyou and Venerable Wangchou flew to the bubble of the divine blood seal, stretched out their hands and pressed the place where Zhan Wuming was swallowed just now, it felt like pressing on an elastic sphere up, don't feel anything.As if this bubble had never been different, if Zhan Wuming hadn't swam towards the drop of divine blood like a palm-sized fish, they must have thought they were delusional.

"Could it be that he has a body of chaos?" Venerable Wangshou looked at Zhan Wuming's figure with a livid face, and he kept beating on the sphere, but it had no effect at all.

This sealed ball will have as much power to attack it as it will counterattack, which makes Venerable Wangshou very depressed.

"The body of chaos?" After hearing Venerable Wangyou's guess, Venerable Wangyou's expression became even uglier.

Zhan Wuming felt as if he was sucked into an ocean by a force, and his body was surrounded by warm liquid. He didn't feel that it was difficult to breathe, but he couldn't see or hear. This was an extremely quiet world.

This so-called sacred blood seal is more like a mother's womb, like an incomparable amniotic fluid placenta. The divine blood of the ten-tailed sky fox is warmed and grown in the amniotic fluid of this placenta, and it feels extremely mysterious.

Can't see, can't hear, but the warm liquid in this space is full of divine power. In this divine power, Zhan Wuming sensed a strange emotion, which was a kind of resentment.It is the grievances of all beings accumulated in the blood sacrifice of Naihetang for countless years.

It is this kind of resentment that makes this warm world turbid, unable to see or hear, even the divine blood of the ten-tailed sky fox is no longer active, and it is muddled.

(End of this chapter)

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