Chapter 1136: Embryo of God
Zhan Wuming stumbled into the seal of the divine blood. He felt that the drop of divine blood was growing stronger. Over the past countless years, it had absorbed too much blood energy. All kinds of blood energy made the drop of divine blood grow stronger, but the stronger it was, the stronger it became. He was in a daze, and even wanted to break out of his body and rush out of this sealed place.

Zhan Wuming suddenly understood that the reason why Naihetang insisted on offering blood sacrifices to the ten-tailed sky fox for countless years was to raise this drop of divine blood, struggle from within to break the seal, and save the blood that should have been stored His sanity was wiped out, and finally became the palm of Naihetang.

This is not an ordinary seal, but more like a chaotic world, nurturing endless vitality and gestating a brand new life.Even if the demon god died in ancient times, as long as there is still a drop of divine blood, it may have a chance to be revived. This is the secret of the demon god's burial ground.

The reason why this place has become the holy place of the monster race is because a new god is conceived here, and has given birth to its own spiritual wisdom, and the shape of the drop of blood has been transformed into the image of the ten-tailed sky fox.

This drop of divine blood should have been discovered by Naihetang after the transformation.So Nai Hetian launched the change of the Yaozu, and after they took control of the Yaozu, the burial place of the demon god, they began to use blood sacrifices and resentment to disrupt the mind of the newborn demon god, making it an embryo that could not grow healthy.

But Naihetang was unable to take this big tonic embryo out. As a last resort, Naihetang has always set this area as a forbidden area, becoming the most important place of Naihetang. Even the death hunters outside don't know this secret.As long as they enter this area, they are not allowed to leave, because they are worried that these people will accidentally spread the secrets here, which will make the entire fairy world go crazy.

The so-called Immortal Stone Immortal Embryo is just a kind of spiritual stone that may become a god, full of uncertain factors. The embryo grown from the divine blood of the ten-tailed sky fox in front of him is a real divine object, a revived demon god.Even if you don't need to practice, as long as it grows big enough, it will naturally receive the inheritance of the demon god and become a new generation of demon god.

In other words, the god blood of the ten-tailed sky fox in front of him is a 100% opportunity to become a god.If the news gets out, how much shock will it cause?Nobody knows.Even the Ancient Heaven Realm and the Ancient Immortal Realm would be crazy about it.Once Naihetang gets the embryo and devours it, even if the rules of this world are not perfect, it doesn't matter, because the embryo has complete and mature rules, and has even reached the level of pseudo-chaos.

The level of pseudo-chaos is close to the level of the main god of the ancient times, at least the level of the emperor of the ancient gods. In the world of the ancient gods, it is also the peak existence, and its own power of rules is absolutely above the entire fairy world.

If Naihetang obtains the power of this embryo, then no one in the fairy world will be able to fight against it. Even the strong in the ancient heaven and ancient fairyland are just false gods, and the gap between them and the true gods is still incomparable. Iconic.

At that time, the entire fairy world will probably become the palm of Naihetang. Naihetang is inextricably linked with Mo Ce Pavilion, vaguely representing the power of the Mohe family in the fairyland. One.

Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming made a decision in his heart, no matter what, he would never let Naihetang get the chance to get the embryo, even if it was destroyed, he couldn't keep it to be used by Naihetang or Mo Cege.

The Yulong Mountain Range is just one of the dragon veins in the Jiulong Baoyue, the burial place of the Demon God. In the Yulong Mountain Range, there is not only a Demon God Soul Cave, but also such a Demon God Embryo that is about to take shape. Then what will there be in other mountains?

The true god never dies. After the demon god died, he left this drop of divine blood. Did he leave other things behind? After hundreds of millions of years, this drop of divine blood has been regenerated into life, and entered the resurrection stage of the demon god. This made Zhan Wuming think The terrifying demon soul cave.

The power in the Demon God's Soul Cave cannot be borrowed by outsiders, not even the Immortal Emperor, but if the life derived from the blood of the Demon God grows, will the energy accumulated in the Demon God's Soul Cave for countless years be destroyed? Just to wait for the rebirth of the demon god to absorb it?Zhan Wuming felt that this possibility was not small.Of course, those are all things to say later, anyway, the underground of the Yulong Mountains is full of weirdness, which is nothing to him now, what he has to do is to destroy Naihetang's plan this time.

Zhan Wuming can't see or hear, but he can clearly sense where there is a more intense divine power, that kind of pseudo-chaotic power. Although he can't feel it with his limbs, the Chaos God Tree in his sea of ​​​​qi will not be affected by it. Confused by a piece of the world, he only needs to follow the guidance of the chaotic tree in the air sea and starry sky, and he can easily find the direction of the embryo.


Outside the bubble, Venerable Wangyou and others surrounded him. The Immortal Sovereigns did not know why, but the Immortal Venerables knew very well that what looked like a bubble could actually be called a chaotic sphere. This is a seal formed by the condensed power that is close to chaos. Only things whose physique or origin is close to chaos can be approached by this chaotic sphere and can enter the barrier.

Before the blood embryo of the ten-tailed celestial fox is mature, even it cannot break the seal and escape, because before the embryo of the ten-tailed celestial fox is immature, it is impossible to have the original power close to chaos, only it Only after he matures and obtains the memory inheritance of the real demon god can he master the power of pseudo-chaos.

The moment it breaks through the chaotic ball is the weakest moment, as long as it is well prepared, it can swallow it, and then possess the power of the demon god.

But now, Zhan Wuming actually sneaked in. They originally wanted to see Zhan Wuming's joke, but not only did they not see it as a joke, but instead fulfilled that nasty boy, which made the four great immortals panic.

Once this news is sent back to Naihe Hall, even if the four of them are Immortal Venerables, they may not be able to escape punishment.The only thing they can do now is to quickly spread the news here, and let the high-level people think of a way. They have no idea at all in the face of this chaotic ball.

"Several lords, don't we have any way to open this seal?" A fairy king asked.

Venerable Wangyou shook his head bitterly. If they could open it, they would not have stayed until now. Even if they were not qualified to infect this demon embryo, they could have left this ghost place earlier and stayed in this ghost place for thousands of years. After ten thousand years, they have long been tired of it, although the aura here is extremely strong.

"Then we have to pass the news here to the World Honored One as soon as possible, so that Lord Huan Zun can make preparations as soon as possible. It may not be a good thing for us that this kid got in. For countless years, no one has been able to get close to this chaotic ball." , and no one has a chance to go in. Now that kid can go in, he will come out anyway. Once he comes out, he might bring out the blood of the demon god we want. As long as we catch this kid, we can be regarded as making a promise for the organization. An incomparable feat." Fang Chong suddenly interrupted the silence of the crowd.

As soon as Fang Chong's words fell, the eyes of the four immortals including Wangyou and Wangchou immediately brightened, indeed.If Zhan Wuming can go in, he can come out. If he can't come out, then this person will have no prestige. Naturally, they don't have to bear any responsibility. If this person comes out, then maybe they can find a way to bring out the blood of the demon god, so that Nai He If the things that Tang has been trying to solve for countless years but can't be solved are solved, they will definitely become the biggest contributors to the organization, and no one can tell what kind of benefits they will get by then.

"That's right, let's pass the news here to Venerable Huan as soon as possible and ask him to inform the Great Emperor. I believe that the Great Emperor will come in person when he knows about this matter. At that time, we don't have to worry. Maybe the Great Emperor is happy and we have the opportunity to go further. What?" An excited smile appeared on Venerable Wangshou's face.

"Fang Chong, you and Yan Wu will send the news here to Huanzun, explain the situation here to Huanzun, and ask him to call more experts to come. We must be foolproof." Another Xianzun He turned his head and charged at the other party.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll pass the message right away!" Fang Chong replied in a deep voice.

"Are we just watching and doing nothing?" Seeing Fang Chong's leaving figure, Venerable Wangyou still asked worriedly.

"What can we do? We can't break through this chaotic ball at all, and there is nothing we can do about that kid. If he doesn't come out, we can only do it in a hurry!" an immortal said solemnly.

"Then let's sacrifice all the remaining sacrifices. It's useless to keep them anyway. Maybe the blood and resentment will still be useful." Wangchou's eyes turned to the large number of sacrifices on the altar, all of which were from the altar. Weak monks plundered from the great fairylands.

The space in the bubble is very large, Zhan Wuming feels like a fish after entering it, he swims very fast, even so, it took him a long time to really sense the ten-tailed sky fox embryo Based on his intuitive feeling, he has at least swam tens of thousands of miles in this piece of liquid, because he has the blood of Kunpeng, and he has absolute control whether in the water or in the air, even if the bubble space is somewhat It's different, and it's also difficult for Zhan Wuming.

Such a long distance, the horror in Zhan Wuming's heart is unimaginable, this is like a huge placenta-like space, probably more than [-] li, but from the outside, it looks only a few feet square, this is a rare The law of space concentration concentrates the world in a palm-sized place. Every bit of liquid in this space seems to have unimaginable nutrition, which is much higher than those spiritual liquids.The liquid here is more precious than the ten-thousand-year stalactite, and it is moist and slippery, making this space an artificial mother's womb.

(End of this chapter)

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