Chapter 1704

"Actually, the second thing is very simple." Zhan Wuming still casually glanced at the gods in the temple, and said leisurely: "The second thing is that I don't want to see the descendant of Motian God Realm in the spiritual realm. Even if it is a vassal, everyone here should have a close relationship with Mo Tian Shen Yu. I hope that is in the past, or after you return to the land of God. Starting today, if there is any power that protects Mo Tian Shen Yu's descendant Or, sorry, I will include it in the list of mortal enemies, in this spiritual domain, it is definitely more comfortable to be my friend than to be my enemy."

The voice of Zhan Wuming fell, and the hall was silent. Zhu Jizi and Huang Wuya looked at He Qiong'an and Le Pinxian from Blissful Heaven Palace as if they were watching a play. There was already a conflict between them, and Mo Tian Shensha had assassinated several elders of their sect in succession, and they hated Mo Tian Shencheng very much.

However, they are powerful, Disha God's Realm is quite different from Motian God's Realm, and there is no chance for revenge. In addition, Motian God's Realm has more seats in the God King Palace than Disha God Realm, so he wants to pursue him through the God King Palace. responsibility is also very difficult.In private, when Huang Wuya and Zhu Jizi's senior brothers saw the people from Motian Shencheng who were alone, they were not polite, they would kill if they could, and hide if they couldn't.

An important reason why they came to Lingshan in person was because Zhan Wuming slaughtered a group of masters from Motian God Realm, expelled or scared away all the descendants of Motian God Realm, no matter whether this guy was arrogant or not, An enemy's enemy is one's own friend, and they don't hesitate to support Zhan Wuming's second mission.

"Brother Zhan, I, Huang Wuya, are very supportive, but if anyone in my department violates the second thing of comrade Zhan, I, Huang Wuya, will be the first to let him go. If I know the god of Mo Tianshenyu The news of the survivors will be notified to Brother Zhan as soon as possible..." Huang Wuya raised his voice and expressed his opinion.

Zhu Jizi rolled his eyes, what does it mean to know the news of the descendant of Mo Tian Shen Yu and tell Zhan Wuming immediately, this old slicker, the people of Mo Tian Shen Yu originally had a grudge against you, and you actually handed over the matter to Zhan Wuming Fate, I can't prepare to watch a play.

Although the hatred between them and Mo Tian Shen Yu had been around for a long time, he didn't mind adding some trouble to Mo Tian Shen Yu at all, and diverted all Mo Tian Shen Yu's attention to Zhan Wuming, so that he could fish in troubled waters.Thinking of this, Zhu Jizi also followed Huang Wuya to express his support for Zhan Wuming's decision.

After the two forces expressed their views, He Qiong'an's face became ugly. He had many contacts with Mo Tian Shen Yu, so he couldn't speak about this matter, and asked calmly: "I don't know if there is any misunderstanding between Zhan Daoyou and Mo Tian Shen Yu. If it's just a small misunderstanding, you can sit down and talk about it, there will always be a solution to the problem..."

"I won't talk nonsense, I just said the second thing. As for what you do, it's your choice, I don't force it..." Zhan Wuming cut off He Qiongan's words, causing He Qiongan's face to become angry .

Some people whispered in their hearts, what Zhan Wuming said is good, how everyone chooses is everyone's business, he doesn't force it, isn't that just bullshit, what do you do, you didn't say that under special circumstances, you are not your enemy ah.How everyone chooses is everyone's business, and it is his business not to treat those who violate the conditions as enemies.

Huang Wuya and Zhu Jizi clapped their hands and applauded, He Qiong'an was so angry that he glared at each other. The people from the Blissful Heavenly Palace said that this matter will restrain the brothers below, and they must cooperate with this matter. The others did not clearly express it, and it was regarded as a Tai Chi push. .

"What does Fellow Daoist He mean?" Zhan Wuming asked He Qiong'an indifferently.

Indifference flashed in He Qiong'an's eyes, and he responded coldly: "Fellow Zhan is too aggressive. This matter involves the relationship between the immortal realms, and you can decide it with just one sentence. Strong, but in this spiritual domain, it may not be possible to cover the sky with one hand..."

The faces of the gods around He Qiong'an were also very angry. What is Zhan Wuming? He didn't know where he came from. If he dealt with Motian God Realm at the beginning, it was because of his strength. How could he be threatened for no reason.What's more, who knows what happened in the battle with Mo Qingtian that day, a large number of gods from Motian God Realm hid in their residence to recuperate.

Zhan Wuming was forcing them to make a choice, and he really didn't take them seriously.No matter how powerful Zhan Wuming is, can he defeat a group of nearly a hundred gods attacking at the same time?

"Well, Fellow Daoist He's meaning is very clear." There was a faint smile in Zhan Wuming's eyes. The smile made people feel very evil, and it seemed to have a fierce aura, which made everyone vigilant.

"That's what I mean. As you said, I, He Qiong'an, never like to let outsiders dictate what I do. What you do is your business, and my choice is mine." He Qiong'an responded coldly.

"Well, very good, I like it very much, I wonder how many people around you think the same as you?" Zhan Wuming was not angry, but just glanced at the gods around He Qiong'an, and asked leisurely.

"Senior brother is right, why do you ask us for this and that? In this spiritual realm, you are just a latecomer. Do you want to cover the sky with one hand and fight against the god descendants of the entire spiritual realm?" A god came up behind He Qiong'an Taking a step forward, he said sharply, turning his head and shouting to the casual cultivators beside him: "Why do we come to the spiritual realm? Here, we are the gods, the gods who are superior in the eyes of mortal spiritual practitioners. We can get Their beliefs, we can deprive them of their lives... We are gods on high, and we didn't come to this spiritual realm to listen to others, do you want to hand over your freedom to a stranger?"

He Qiong'an didn't stop the god behind him from continuing, he was careful to guard against Zhan Wuming, he couldn't see through this guy, he wasn't sure about Zhan Wuming, he didn't know if the other party would become angry and take action, he definitely wouldn't Let Zhan Wuming succeed.

The words of the gods behind He Qiong'an did not resonate with the group of casual cultivators. For them, whether in the sacred land or in this spiritual realm, they are just people struggling at the bottom, and they don't sell the words of the gods of the Mo family account.None of the monks who can cultivate to the level of gods and true gods is an idiot. It is obvious that Zhan Wuming is targeting He Qiong'an. Huang Wuya, Zhu Jizi and others all choose to stand by Zhan Wuming's side. How could they accept that stupidly? The gods flickered, they were lonely, and they walked alone in this spiritual realm, and it was impossible for those who wanted to hide in Mo Tianshen's realm.

"Haha... He Qiong'an, only you and your people are against it. It seems that the relationship between you and Motian God Realm is really good, which means that everyone in Wu God Realm deserves to die." After Zhan Wuming's voice fell, the person had already appeared in He Qiong'an In front of him, he broke through the limitation of space like a ghost, and punched He Qiong'an with a punch.

"Zheng..." He Qiong'an's body let out a cry of a bird, and a pool of autumn water-like sword light suddenly lit up beside him, cutting towards the iron fist that never returns.

"When..." Zhan Wuming's iron fist seemed to hit the body of a bell, and the melodious sound of metal and iron clashing sounded, and the sword blade was stirred like a bell ringing.

He Qiong'an let out a muffled snort, and Zhan Wuming's fist slammed on his sword. The divine sword did not break, but the terrifying force caused the sword to hit back like a sledgehammer. The armor was shattered.

He Qiong'an was shocked, he was knocked back by Zhan Wuming's punch, the terrifying force made him feel like he was hit by a meteor.As soon as he retreated, Zhan Wuming chased after him like a shadow, crashing into the team of gods behind him.

"Boom, boom..." Amidst a series of muffled groans and screams, more than a dozen figures flew out from the crowd, Zhan Wuming was like a big star passing through the sky, and everything that stood in front of him Enemies are knocked away.The body of the god who instigated the loose cultivator just now was about to retreat when he suddenly felt his collar tighten and his body was lifted up.

He saw a cold face, a kind of chill penetrating into his bones made him despair, Zhan Wuming knocked away his companion, and grabbed him out of the crowd, how strong is this person?He was full of doubts.

Zhan Wuming's strength is completely beyond He Qiong'an's imagination, Zhan Wuming's physical body is too strong, the sword in his hand is a top-grade artifact, close to the top-grade artifact, but he can't break Zhan Wuming's fist, which makes his An inexplicable horror rose in my heart.

The ultimate artifact, the divine weapon of the general level, Zhan Wuming seems to be nothing more than a god.Zhan Wuming hurt the killer like a tiger entering a herd of sheep. The god behind him was so fragile, so weak that he couldn't even stand Zhan Wuming for a round, and he couldn't block Zhan Wuming's punch.This made his heart suddenly sink to the bottom of the sea, freezing cold.

"Huh..." Zhan Wuming made a sudden attack, fierce and wild.

Huang Wuya and the others were stunned, they didn't expect Zhan Wuming to fight as soon as he said it.The Wushenyu has always had a close relationship with Mo Tianshenyu. In this spiritual domain, the Wushenyu and Motianshenyu joined forces to force them to run to remote and barren lands. Too much effort is wasted, Mo Qingtian and He Qiong'an have already attacked them.

He Qiong'an refused Zhan Wuming to destroy Mo Tian Shenyu's power in the spiritual domain, and Zhan Wuming made them excited.Everyone dispersed in an instant, even the people from the Paradise of Paradise also dispersed, because Zhan Wuming's battle with the gods of the Wushenyu affected them.

Everyone didn't want to get involved, Zhan Wuming was like a lunatic, he dared to confront the entire Motian God Realm, and even beat the descendants of the Motian God Realm so fiercely that he didn't dare to show himself.Although Bliss Heavenly Palace is conceited, it doesn't feel that it is stronger than Mo Tian Shenyu in the spiritual realm.

"Dead..." He Qiong'an became angry, his body swelled up, and long thorns emerged from his body. In an instant, his whole body turned into a weird beast, opened his bloody mouth, and spit out black mist from his mouth, black mist It quickly enveloped in all directions, and a pungent stench made people sick.

"The Black Witch Curse..." Zhu Jizi mumbled in a low voice. This is an extremely vicious witchcraft, and it is a mysterious method that the witch gods in the witch god domain make people talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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