Chapter 1705 Black Witch Curse

Seeing the black mist, everyone retreated further away.Huang Wuya and the others also stayed away from it, and those casual cultivators withdrew from the temple, they didn't want to be the victims of this group of people fighting.They heard that the Black Witch Curse is a secret method between cup art and witchcraft. The black mist looks like a highly poisonous mist, but it is actually composed of pieces of extremely fine worms, living worms , once it gets on the body, it will drill into the body and destroy various tissues of the body...

"Om..." At the moment when the black mist was about to cover Zhan Wuming, a vast white brilliance spread from Zhan Wuming's body. The pure and magnificent breath seemed to be sung by countless angels. The white bird whirled in the void, instantly dissipating the black mist, a wave of holy power rippled in the void, and the stench was dispelled.

"The power of light purification!" Huang Wuya was taken aback, he felt that the holy white light turned out to be the power of light purification, a very powerful power of light purification.He didn't feel the source of light on Zhan Wuming's body, there must be a powerful artifact of light on Zhan Wuming's body.

Light purification is the nemesis of the black witch curse. Where the power of light purification passes, the black mist quickly subsides and is neutralized, and even the stench in the air is much weaker.More screams came from He Qiong'an's team, and mutilated figures were thrown out like discarded straw figures. The bodies of these people had been completely deformed, twisted into twists, or broken in two. Or the body reversed, or the head burst, or the chest was pierced... Without exception, all the people who flew out died, tragic deaths!
The onlookers in the distance were terrified. They seemed to see their own miniatures from the shattered corpses. They thought, what would happen to them if Zhan Wuming was dealing with them instead of the gods of the Witch God Realm?At this moment, no one doubted that Mo Tianqing led a group of masters but was killed by Zhan Wuming.

"Boom..." Several gods smashed the outer wall of the garrison temple and escaped. Their only way out was to escape. In the hands of Zhan Wuming, they were like fragile chickens, and they were bombed casually. Still a true god, the advantage of numbers is a joke.

Zhan Wuming didn't even do defense against their attacks. Those gorgeous attacks landed on Zhan Wuming's body. Apart from smashing the clothes outside Zhan Wuming's body, they didn't even leave any traces on Zhan Wuming's body. Even a scar.This discovery made them despair.Opponents are completely immune whether they use Witch Mystery or Law.After they rushed out of the shrine, they saw three women smiling and blocking their way.

Yes, three women, extremely beautiful women, they had seen these three women standing beside Zhan Wuming, lusting for a long time more than once, when these three women appeared in front of them, their last hope was also crushed. snuffed out.The three women who only have the mid-level cultivation of the gods are so terrifying.

They would rather face the three Jinshen powerhouses, with strong defense power, strong attack power, and a suit of divine clothes and armor that blinds people's eyes. , couldn't break through the defenses of the three women.The attacks of the three women fell unceremoniously.

They didn't understand why such a small god possessed a top-grade artifact. Even a god general might not be able to assemble a complete set. When the three women activated the armor on their bodies, they were in despair.

Zhan Wuming got a lot of good things in Linghuang, all the possessions of a god king, the god king armor Xuantian Jinying on the golden clothed god king, there are many top-grade artifacts in the space artifact, plus Zhan Wuming Zhan Wuming assembled three sets of top-grade artifact armors with the top-grade artifacts on the body of a group of gods who were hunted and killed and the treasures in the hands of the god king's ancestor avatar.

Zhan Wuming and the three women around him made a total of four people, while He Qiong'an had nearly 40 people around him. It was such a ten-fold disparity in strength, but the result surprised everyone.He Qiong'an and the group of gods around him were defeated without even organizing an effective counterattack.

The god who was able to escape from the temple was intercepted by three women, and none of them could escape from the Lingshan area.The group of Lingshan disciples had already been notified that they were far away from the area of ​​the garrison temple, so everyone let go.

Desperation rose in He Qiong'an's heart. He thought of Mo Qingtian's helplessness. He could understand Mo Qingtian's mood at the moment, but he didn't want to follow in Mo Qingtian's footsteps. When the transmission token was invalid, he took the lead in choosing to escape.Escape from Lingshan far away, the farther you escape, the better.

Zhan Wuming didn't deal with He Qiong'an first, but slaughtered all the gods of the Wu God Realm who came with He Qiong'an first.Right under He Qiong'an's nose, they were killed one by one.To others, it was a massacre.Zhan Wuming's speed is fast and incomparable, and the power of each blow is violent enough to break through the defenses of these gods. One punch smashes the middle-grade artifacts and low-grade artifacts in their hands into pieces, and the punch falls on the opponent. The speed is a little faster It can also make one's soul escape, and the escaped soul is captured by the power of light purification. The power of light purification not only has the power to purify the black witch spell, but also can easily capture the soul scattered in the void.

Seeing his subordinates being smashed to pieces one by one, He Qiong'an used his tricks against Zhan Wuming several times, but was easily repulsed by Zhan Wuming every time, and could not hinder Zhan Wuming at all.He finally understood that Zhan Wuming didn't mean not to kill him, but to let him watch his subordinates and fellow disciples die and break his Dao heart. The only thing he can do is to escape.

After he rushed out of the temple, he found that three women were wiping the blood from his hands. On the ground outside the temple, there were several corpses lying in disorder. They were the gods of his witch god domain, who had lost their lives at this moment.

"Are you out?" It was Ye Li who spoke. Facing a mid-level Golden God opponent like He Qiong'an, the three women didn't have the slightest fear. Their eyes were full of madness, and they were eager to challenge a higher-level opponent.Ye Li was the first to block He Qiong'an's way.

"Go away!" He Qiong'an was furious. If Zhan Wuming made him feel scared and wanted to escape, then the three women in front of him who were only mid-level gods were beyond their control.He is naturally not polite, these three women are Zhan Wuming's women, Zhan Wuming killed a group of his subordinates and colleagues, and he also wants Zhan Wuming to pay a heavy price, they are Zhan Wuming's women, so , when he saw Ye Li standing in front of him, he shot with all his strength without hesitation.

"Ding..." Ye Li still held a dagger in his hand, an extremely small dagger, cut He Qiong'an's blade in the void with a perfect arc.

The huge force impact caused Ye Li's body to fall several feet.He Qiong'an's all-out killing sword was blocked before he could fully use it.

He Qiong'an moved quickly, and before he had time to catch up with Ye Li, there were two sharp winds blowing around him, one cold and the other hot, making him feel a deep crisis like ice and fire, he had to stop, Turning around, the sword in his hand was like a wall of light, blocking every inch of space around him.

"Boom...boom..." He Qiong'an felt a sudden shock in his body, and his whole body seemed to be lifted up all of a sudden. The two forces were positive and the opposite. Although each force was weaker than him, the two forces were actually comparable. The effect of complementing each other caused his figure to stagger under the superimposition, and then he saw two rays of light, one red and one blue, rushing toward his face.

"Om..." Honglian and Qinglian's blows did not land on He Qiong'an, there was a cloud of black mist in front of him, and their attacks pierced through the mist.The moment they lost their shot, they heard Ye Li's muffled grunt, and He Qiong'an's figure appeared beside Ye Li like a wisp of light smoke. Ye Li, who had been shaken back, hadn't fully recovered yet, and He Qiong'an had already recovered. A palm hit her.

Ye Li's body flew out and smashed a stone statue outside the temple.He Qiong'an just let out a cold snort, but he really didn't notice the middle-level gods.After a successful blow, his heart relaxed, but soon a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, because Ye Li, who had been hit by him, smashed the statue, stood up as if nothing had happened, and the water-green dress on his body made waves The bright light rippled layer by layer, unleashing his power in all directions like ripples...

"Neon Clothes and Feather Clothes..." He Qiong'an's eyes flashed with astonishment, and he recognized the dress on Ye Li's body. It turned out to be the top-quality magic weapon Neon Clothes and Feather Clothes that he had seen at the Shentu Auction.

He remembered that this treasure was taken away by a god king, how could it appear on Ye Li.A cold feeling rose in his heart.This is a set of top-grade artifacts. It is absolutely impossible for his attack to break through the defense of this clothes easily, let alone hurt the opponent, which makes him feel dizzy for a while.

Looking back, He Qiong'an saw that Honglian and Qinglian's attacks came again, and there were extremely strange energy fluctuations on the two women, which resonated with the rules of this world, and his heart sank even more, and it was also a high-level artifact.

"Hmph..." He Qiong'an didn't hesitate any longer, his figure flashed, and he drifted away in the void like a cloud of smoke. The attacks of Honglian and Qinglian only blew away the smoke, but no trace of He Qiong'an was found.

The three women couldn't help being startled, turned their heads, and found that He Qiong'an was already on the mountainside of Lingshan, and he wanted to run. Although the three women only had the middle-level cultivation of the gods, they were not as weak as he imagined. All three of them were equipped with top-level armor, maybe Their attacks couldn't threaten him, but it was impossible for him to kill the three women in a short time, even if he wanted to catch one of them, it was not so easy.

He didn't have time to stay, once Zhan Wuming cleaned up the people inside, he would have no chance to escape, so he decisively chose to escape, even if he gave up all his subordinates.

"Can you go?" Just as He Qiong'an was about to pass the gate of Lingshan, a voice rang in his ears.

He Qiong'an was startled, and a round object was thrown into the void on the left.

"Boom..." The round thing exploded, and the void was instantly enveloped by a mass of purple flames. In the mass of purple flames, a figure burst out of the air and slammed into He Qiong'an like a ball of fire.

(End of this chapter)

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