Chapter 319 Soul Slave
Qingfeng Valley was originally a dangerous terrain in the world of wind, but after the fusion of Fengshui world, it was flooded with water, and soon a glacier formed here.

Qingfeng Valley is the junction of the worlds of wind and water. Therefore, the two elements of Fengshui are very rich, and it is also the place where Fengshui Yuanshi was first discovered. Therefore, at the beginning, it did attract some sects to explore here.The appearance of the Black Flag Pirates broke the deadlock.Because of his outstanding strength, he has gained a lot.Later, the various sects felt that there was no need to fight the black flag bandits for these things. At least this time, the black flag bandits did not rob them, which made them feel a little surprised.It's just that in the water world, Wanbaozong began to offer rewards to hunt down the black flag bandit early in the morning, so someone passed the secret of the disappearance of the black flag bandit to Wanbaozong, and when the black flag bandit wanted to leave Qingfeng Valley, he Was besieged by Wan Baozong.

The Wanbao Sect is rich and powerful, and this time it spent a lot of money in the siege, and even paid a price to invite some sects to help out, trying to catch all the black flag thieves, and not escape one person.

The combat power of the Black Flag Pirates is indeed beyond the average strength of many sects, and everyone is experienced in many battles. Therefore, retreating while fighting, they were able to retreat back to Qingfeng Valley again, occupying a favorable position, and defending to the death Taniguchi made it difficult for Cheng Baozong's people to break into the valley.

At the top of the valley of the Blue Wind Valley, there is the strongest wind in the world of wind. No one dares to fly freely in this high altitude. Even the best spiritual weapon will be torn to pieces in this wind. As for the physical body, no one dared to try it.Therefore, Gu Kaishan used the battle array entrusted to him by Zhan Wuming to quickly deploy a few lines of defense outside the Qingfeng Valley. The geographical advantage and manpower increased the danger, making it difficult for the combined forces of the Wanbaozong to break through for a while.

"Wanbaozong is still mobilizing manpower..." Rukawa's eyes were really full of worry.He and Zhou Tong looked at each other, and he saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.Zhou Tong is the first black flag thief who was planted in the soul of life by Zhan Wuming in the world of fire.In the world of wood, he was the one who found his companions in the world of wood, so that the number of black flag robbers around Zhan Wuming became more than [-] people. After entering the world of gold, he quickly contacted Jin The Black Flag Pirates in the world quickly gathered the number of Black Flag Pirates, and the number exceeded sixty.It can be said that it is a relatively powerful force in the world of gold.

Of course, black flag bandits are not popular in the eyes of the major sects, because these people are like rats crossing the street and are hated by others. Pirates are not so hostile either.But everyone still respects it.Therefore, the black flag robbers in every world are always fleeing and robbing everywhere.However, after Zhou Tong's recruitment, everyone changed their style. If they had no problems with the major sects, they generally stayed on the front line and stopped taking the initiative to rob.

The competition in Qingfeng Valley was like this, but Zhou Tong did not find any news about the black flag robbers in the world of wind and water. It was only later that he found out that the Wanbao sect was offering rewards everywhere to surround and kill the black flag robbers.

"I feel that the master is coming..." Zhou Tong's expression suddenly changed, as if he had some kind of induction, his eyes couldn't help looking into the distance.

"Ah, there are people from Wanbaozong everywhere here, how can he fight against so many people by himself." Gu Kaishan was shocked.

"Perhaps we don't have to worry about our master. Even the old Tassel Tiemu monster couldn't kill his master, so what about the members of Wanbaozong?" Zhou Tong suddenly seemed to have infinite confidence in Zhan Wuming.

"Where..." Rukawa really flashed a frantic fighting spirit in his eyes.He saw in the distance, a figure jumping from one ice peak to another like a god like a god, and no one could stop his footsteps wherever he passed.

"Open the formation disk and fight out, we black flag bandits can't lose the face of the boss!" Zhou Tong shouted, and he also saw the figure of Zhan Wuming, an invincible existence.

The number of people from the Wanbao Sect in Qingfeng Valley was beyond Zhan Wuming's expectation, but all this was meaningless to him.This is the world of wind and water, and he feels like he is the master of this world. When the cave of wind and water in his soul is opened, it seems that the whole person and soul have been imprinted into this world Every breath of wind, every drop of water, and every piece of ice seemed to be reflected in his mind very clearly like the muscles on his body. Therefore, in this ice valley, every movement of every person was completely reflected in his body. heart.

"Who are you..." Some people exclaimed, but Zhan Wuming answered them with actions. Wherever he went, there was no enemy, no mercy, only the most violent killing.

"He is Zhan Wuming..." Someone exclaimed. Obviously, not everyone doesn't know Zhan Wuming. After all, this person's name has been spread across several worlds, and he has even become a hero in the eyes of many people.He was the one who saved many sects in the wood world, and he was the one who saved the group of loose cultivators who had been made into soul slaves by Wan Baozong.It was also he who lured away the power of the wood world to invade the gold world, thus giving the major sects of the gold world enough time to retreat, and it is even more rumored that because this person finally integrated more than a thousand war kings from each sect, he will The power of the golden world forced him to blew himself to death...

This young man is full of legendary colors.Therefore, many people follow him.Someone even drew a portrait of Zhan Wuming because of this, so more people knew him.

"It's him..." The minds of the Wanbaozong members sank. The madman who killed nearly a hundred people in the Wanbaozong didn't really die.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's fist was blocked for the first time, and it was three people who blocked him. The three people shot at the same time, and the power was superimposed, and then his figure retreated to the ice peak again.A sharp murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The faces of the three people changed, they didn't seem to think that in their identities, the three of them joined hands to force Zhan Wuming back, and the three of them also took a few steps back to stabilize their footsteps.

"Thousand Soul Slaying Dragon Formation..." When the faces of the three people who stopped retreating changed, they also let out a low shout.Then Zhan Wuming saw hundreds of soul slaves with dull expressions suddenly appeared in the void. Obviously, these walking dead soul slaves were hiding in some kind of equipment that could hold living things.

Zhan Wuming's expression was slightly solemn, Wan Baozong actually captured so many soul slaves on the road to the Emperor of War, and judging by the means of enslaving souls, it was indeed very similar to the Mo family. In Yuanjie's memory, Mo Tianji also had a similar method, but his method was much more sophisticated.

A gloomy chill suddenly rose from the void on all sides, which is different from the chill of the glacier. It is a kind of coldness that penetrates into the bottom of the heart, as if these walking corpses without souls are desperately eager to obtain the souls of their prey to support their life continuation .Then the sluggish soul slaves spread out in a strange arrangement, tightly surrounding Zhan Wuming on the ice peak.

"Zhan Wuming, today is your day of death, but we will not let you die so simply, but will refine you into a soul slave, like these people in front of you, live a life of walking corpses every day, so that you will never be reborn forever . " Among the three, a bald man gritted his teeth and burst out a sentence, extremely resentful.

"Are you Niu Baizhan's relatives or the same kind with less garbage and flowers?" Zhan Wuming suddenly asked in a leisurely manner.

The bald man was stunned for a moment, a trace of deep hatred flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Niu Baizhan is my own brother, so I swear, I must use your soul to sacrifice to my brother..."

"Don't worry, you will see your brother soon!" Zhan Wuming smiled disapprovingly, and then looked contemptuously at the hundreds of soul slaves.With a flash of his figure, it was as if a green glow was attacking at an incredible speed, the wind between the sky and the earth seemed to be his wings, and the water between the sky and the earth was his incarnation.

"Boom..." Before the Thousand Souls Dragon Slaying Formation was fully operational, Zhan Wuming broke through the encirclement at an extremely fast speed.Although this group of soul slaves are all at the peak of Zhan Wang, they are just walking corpses. Although they can hear orders, they don't know how to judge the situation. Therefore, Zhan Wuming will not give these soul slaves time to encircle them.He is very clear that every group attack formation must have its own advantages, just like he can use the seven sons, seven stars and mother formation, and use more than a thousand war kings to gather their strength to kill the god of war.He didn't want to be the prey of these walking dead.

Zhan Wuming's speed was indeed beyond everyone's expectations. Although they used the soul slaves to form formations very quickly, it was futile for them to fail to encircle Zhan Wuming.

"Boom..." The bald man felt that a huge hand seemed to block all the sky in front of him at once, and then the big hand was like the Tathagata's Five Fingers Mountain, pressing down from top to bottom, a chilling icy feeling It seemed as if it penetrated directly into his heart.Although there are quite a few people around him, he seems to be alone on the thousands of miles of glaciers, surrounded by wilderness, and he is the only one facing the collapse of the sky...

"Niu Zhen..." With a clear shout, the bald man woke up instantly, and he found that his back was soaked in cold sweat.At that moment just now, he fell into the mental illusion created by Zhan Wuming.But when he woke up, that huge palm had already appeared in front of his eyes.Fortunately, at this moment, he felt a shock in his body, and the senior brother beside him suddenly pushed him away from the place.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming hit the air with his palm, and it was imprinted on the solid ice on the ground. Immediately, ice shards splashed everywhere, and a huge deep pit was hit on the ice surface.And Zhan Wuming's body took advantage of this bounce, dodged the three people's resistance against the trend, and directly rushed into the other disciples of Wanbaozong.These people were using their thoughts to control the formation of the soul slaves, but they did not expect that Zhan Wuming's attack speed would be so fast. Before these soul slaves could make arrangements, they had already welcomed Zhan Wuming's patronage.

"Ah..." After several screams, those Wanbaozong disciples who controlled the soul slaves were cut off by a cold light.For these people, Zhan Wuming didn't want to waste time, the sword flashed across, and several heads fell to the ground, but Zhan Wuming's other hand grabbed it out of thin air, as if a few balls of energy fell into Zhan Wuming's hands.

The faces of the bald man and his senior brother changed drastically. They saw clearly the faces of the energy clusters in Zhan Wuming's hands. They were clusters of mist that seemed to be wailing with countless resentful souls. They suddenly remembered the rumors about Zhan Wuming , Zhan Wuming took Niu Baizhan's soul when he killed him, and revived the souls of this group of soul slaves. Obviously, Zhan Wuming also wanted to do the same at this time...

"Kill..." The bald man and his two senior brothers suddenly formed a series of complicated handprints on both hands. It seemed that there were countless resentful souls gathering in the void, and then the group of soul slaves shot together, and hundreds of energies united into one A net covering the sky and the earth suddenly fell towards Zhan Wuming.They must not allow Zhan Wuming to restore the souls of these soul slaves, if that is the case, it will become a disaster for Wanbaozong.

Zhan Wuming was about to wave his hand to counter these soul slaves with his soul energy, but the hundreds of attacks had already arrived, and the soul energy that had just been activated in his hand was directly smashed by these hundreds of energies.And although his body dodged at extreme speed, he was still hit by a few heavy blows, and his body was directly hit and slid tens of feet away on the ice surface.

(End of this chapter)

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