Chapter 320 Massacre
"Huh..." Zhan Wuming's body slid out tens of feet, and hit heavily on an ice slope. Before he recovered, a black silk net fell from the sky, and there were countless The barbs, like the fangs of a giant snake, shone with a faint blue light.

Zhan Wuming was shocked, Wanbaozong really has a lot of vicious things, this Qianjuhan golden net is definitely a difficult treasure.

The material used for this Qianjuehan gold net is the Qianjuehan gold python tendon and its fangs. The Qianjuehan gold python tendon is very special. Once it touches the body, the spiritual power of the whole body will be pulled away at a very high speed, and it will be even more ruthless. What's more, there is a terrible toxin on the countless fangs that can directly act on the soul. Once it is hooked, it will freeze the soul in a short time.It is estimated that the Ten Thousand Treasures Sect's refinement of soul slaves has the credit for this kind of extreme cold and gold poison.

"Boom..." Qianjuehan's golden net fell, but it did not cover Zhan Wuming, because countless icicles suddenly rose beside Zhan Wuming, which was extremely abrupt, just like this ice peak suddenly came alive. Coming over, icicles were formed in an instant, forming a labyrinth-like forest of pillars around Zhan Wuming.

The Qianjuehan gold net cover was held in mid-air by icicles, and the people who threw the net were stunned. This sudden change made them a little bit at a loss, but they didn't have more time to think, because they saw Zhan Wuming .

Zhan Wuming sneered, like an elf walking out of the icicle, silently, with a smile on his face.The strange smile like a god of death fell into the eyes of these people, but it turned into a scene of dazzling sword light.

Blood spattered, and the two Wanbaozong disciples who threw the net became headless people.Zhan Wuming turned around and unceremoniously took away the extremely cold golden net.This thing can be regarded as a very good treasure, Zhan Wuming likes to turn other people's treasures into his own.

"Boom" just as Zhan Wuming took away the Thousand Absolute Cold Gold Net, a torrent of energy turned the maze of icicles he had just laid into ice shards all over the sky.Obviously, everything happened too fast, the three bald-headed fellow brothers didn't even see clearly how Zhan Wuming used the icicle maze, and killed the fellow who attacked Zhan Wuming with the net .It was only when the icicle turned into dust that they realized that Zhan Wuming was sneering at them not far away.

Then they felt a heavy coercion coming from behind Zhan Wuming, and a pretty figure floating like a fairy suddenly appeared behind Zhan Wuming.

The bald man let out a low exclamation: "How is it possible..." And he also heard two words from his senior brother: "Zhandi..."

Yes, they found that there was nothing wrong with their eyes. Behind Zhan Wuming was Yan Qingqing who came out of the magic weapon of space. At this time, Yan Qingqing was already the peak of Zhan Emperor's peak, and he was only a hair away. Entering the holy realm is no longer on the same level as these people.

The Road of the Emperor of War can only enter those who are under the Emperor of War. Everyone knows this rule, and no one has broken this rule for millions of years, but this beautiful woman is actually the Emperor of War. With a peak cultivation base, how is this possible.If she hadn't broken the rules from the beginning, it would have been that she was promoted to the peak of the war emperor after entering the road of the war emperor. From the peak of the war king to the peak of the war emperor, this is a huge gap. Throughout the ages, it has not been heard Is there anyone who can improve to the level of a war emperor in less than a month from the peak of the war king... This is not like a myth, but like a joke!
The breath of the Zhandi, the domain of the Zhandi, is like a mass of thick mercury, making everyone's movements slow, no matter whether they raise their hands or move, it seems that there is a thousand weights squeezing their bodies , making it impossible for them to compete.

"I'm too lazy to play with you bastards, but I'm kinder than you, and I won't let you live like the living dead! So you have to die no matter what, but it's better not to waste your body, it's my Qingqing baby who cultivates living poison Good material..." Zhan Wuming looked at the group of people, a cruel smile flashed in his eyes, he had no mercy for the Wanbaozong, or maybe it would be the Mo family.Enemies and enemies must be crushed with the strongest means.

Yan Qingqing made a move, like picking up flowers, like a whisk, elegant and vivid, like a fairy Lingbo waving her sleeves, with a fairy-like demeanor, but in the eyes of Wanbaozong, it turned into despair And horror, and for the existence of a peak war emperor, no matter how defiant they are, they can't close the gap like a cushion of heaven.Therefore, almost no one could resist Yan Qingqing even with half a move.

Regarding Zhan Wuming's proposal, Yan Qingqing obediently implemented it. These people were all good materials for living poison, so she just used her jade hands to draw many bloodstains on these people's bodies, and then shot the eggs into them.Results no longer matter.When these people cruelly turn living people into soul slaves, they have already lost their qualifications as human beings, which is why Zhan Wuming made these people tortured to death.

In fact, it is too easy for Zhan Wuming to kill these people. Yan Qingqing has collected a lot of red gold devouring insects in the wood world. Blocking the attack of the Zhanhuang level Yuan Devouring Insect, but Zhan Wuming did not do so, firstly, he did not want to expose the secret of Yuan Devouring Insect, and secondly, he did not want these people to die so easily...


After the fusion of the Fengshui world, two major events occurred. One was outside the Qingfeng Valley. A total of more than [-] people from the six major sects headed by Wanbaozong were all wiped out, and no one survived. Among them were the three leaders of Wanbaozong. You must know that the three leaders of Wanbaozong are super geniuses of the same level as the seven sons of Wanbaozong. They have an invincible posture in the rank of King of War, but they still cannot escape the arrangement of fate and fall outside the Blue Wind Valley.

The entire Blue Wind Valley is like a piece of Shura hell, and the tragedy is unbearable to witness.Some people say that it was the mysterious head of the Black Flag Bandit who rushed to the Blue Wind Valley. Not only did he save all the members of the Black Flag Bandit, but he also carried out a terrifying massacre. The madman who killed Niu Baizhan, one of the Seven Sons of Ten Thousand Treasures, and this time, the head of the Asura Bandit rescued hundreds of soul slaves, giving these people a new life.

Therefore, some people rumored that the leader of the Asura Pirates issued a declaration in the Chitu World, hating the despicable control of practitioners, and even warned all the members of Wanbaozong to withdraw from the road of war emperor, otherwise he vowed to let all his sects stay in the world. The Road to the Emperor of War.Such a madman seems to have become the savior in the minds of those casual cultivators, because the so-called soul slaves basically come from these casual cultivators or low-level forces. Without the protection of the strong, they will become the master of Wanbaozong Hunt the target!

The laws of the practice world are fully expressed in Wanbaozong.The oppressed are not as powerful as human beings, and they dare not speak out when they are angry.Now, the head of the black flag bandit has brought hundreds of soul slaves back to life at once. This black flag bandit is no longer a street rat in the eyes of everyone, and has even become the backbone of the casual cultivators, the savior of the world!
On this road of war emperor, there are indeed many elites from various sects, but there are more casual cultivators and weak forces.After all, the cultivation conditions are very good on the continents, and some big sects cannot be attached to by everyone. Therefore, there are many small sects and the power of some small families, they are like casual cultivators.There is no status on the road to the emperor or even among the eight continents, because there are no top masters who can support the overall situation among the families and sects.

The same peak battle king, maybe the Zongmen war king is not as good as the casual cultivator who has survived hundreds of battles, but if a force cannot get on the stage, it will have no right to speak, and without the support of the powerful, it will be bullied by all parties.

The Battle of the Blue Wind Valley caused all the forces in the Road to the Warlord to re-examine the situation. How should they coexist with the Black Flag Pirates, because no force thinks it can be stronger than the Wanbaozong. Because the Ten Thousand Treasures Sect is not only the more than five hundred people gathered together, but also nearly a thousand soul slaves in their hands. This power is enough to sweep any sect in a one-on-one fight, including the Guangming Divine Court, which is recognized as a powerful existence. , but it was actually destroyed in the first battle.

Later, it was rumored that the mysterious Black Flag Pirate Chief was Zhan Wuming who righteously saved thousands of sect disciples in the wood world. He was the hero in the eyes of many sects. Zongmen won the chance to escape, and he is a heroic boy with true chivalrous righteousness.

And the occurrence of another incident caused people in the entire Feng Shui world to panic. Some people found that many terrifying creatures had squeezed in from the entrance of the world of gold.There are terrifying giant worms like hills, and there are small worms the size of iron horned rhinoceros that are as black as night and exude an incomparably terrifying aura.

Some people found that the pitch-black worm seemed to be more terrifying than the giant hill-like worm, because it just glanced coldly at a genius of a certain sect, and when the four eyes met, the genius of that sect was shocked. His soul and gallbladder were shattered, and he died directly, and at the moment of his death, all vitality was lost, and he turned into a mummy...

However, this group of terrifying bugs seemed to be just fleeing in a hurry, and did not kill some monks. Of course, even this group of bugs dropped by and caused hundreds of casualties.The news spread quickly, and people from the world of wood and the world of gold immediately knew that this group of terrifying existences were the incarnations of the wood demons who invaded the world of gold from the world of wood. The world didn't let it go extinct, and actually entered the world of wind and water.

In an instant, the monks in the entire Fengshui world began to consider whether to evacuate this world that was no longer safe as soon as possible. After all, no one could stop this group of terrifying existence.And they don't need any reason to kill people. The world of gold was destroyed by them. Will they continue to destroy this Feng Shui world?If the Feng Shui world really collapses, how will the people in that world escape...God knows whether such a worst ending will happen.

Because of the appearance of this group of bugs, people in the Feng Shui world soon began to get to know the heroic boy Zhan Wuming, the boy who led a group of black flag robbers with several beautiful women, In the face of a group of terrifying existences, or in the face of being hunted down by Almighty, he resolutely chose to give everyone a chance to live.

When the incident of Qingfenggu and the incident of these terrifying creatures invading the Fengshui world were combined, everyone began to reposition the Black Flag Bandit and the mysterious Bandit Chief.

He is not clear about the positioning and opinions of various sects or casual cultivators against Zhan Wuming, but he knows very clearly that these bugs are coming. He is connected with Yan Qingqing's soul and can easily sense these things. The existence of Yuan Devouring Insects, in fact, Yan Qingqing is the mother body of this group of insects, but the most tragic thing at this moment is that she simply cannot bear the return of these children.

If the Primordial Insect does not evolve from live poison, it will be like a monster without any problems, but the predecessor of these Primordial Insect is live poison, and after it grows, it must be combined with the mother to make it perfect , has the ability to split again infinitely.This is the ability Yan Qingqing bestowed on them. Only bugs that have been nurtured by their mothers can reproduce indefinitely again.

However, Zhan Wuming is a little fortunate that the power of the entire world of the Golden World consumed a lot of insects. At this time, there are only a thousand bugs left in the Fengshui World. It seems that the ancestor of the Golden Toad is indeed not very fuel lamp.It's just that the remaining nearly a thousand Yuan Devouring Insects have become even more terrifying.

Zhan Wuming is very helpless at the moment, it seems that he has to find a dangerous place in the Fengshui world to consume these bugs again, and get some treasures from the Fengshui world by the way.This group of bugs are the best free fighters, and they are not for nothing.Of course, if this group of bugs were not dealt with, he and Yan Qingqing would be chased by them everywhere. If they went back to Poyan Continent, it would be a huge disaster.

Therefore, Zhan Wuming didn't want to let the disaster flow outside the Zhanhuang Road.Of course, if there is really nothing to do, the only option is to go to the other eight continents. At that time, if the sect or power is not happy, I will go there for a while...

But spending every day running for his life is not the real life he wants to live.

(End of this chapter)

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