Chapter 355 Going deep into the hinterland
Violent Flame Thunder is insidious because its body is so small that people don't pay too much attention to it, and it uses the power of self-detonation to eject some of its extremely thin poisonous needles, and these poisonous needles explode there Under the cover of the flames, it is very easy to be ignored.By the time he realized it, those deadly poisonous needles had already been injected into his body.Naturally, these poisonous targets had no effect on the Primordial Puppet, but Zhan Wuming made it explode behind the Primordial Puppet, directly facing the dozen or so War Emperors of Ba Lei Palace.The sudden attack and killing of these violent flames and thunders caused almost all of the dozen or so people to be attacked, and none of them survived. The rain of needles that burst out from the small ball almost smashed the frontmost person, Zhan Huang, into a sieve.However, no blood flowed out. After all, the eye of the needle is too small. It is as big as a pore when it is directly injected into the body, but it made more than a dozen war emperors turn black in an instant, and it was too late to take out some medicines that were not suitable for the disease. The detoxification pills killed all of them.

These dozen or so emperor-level ancient golems lost their masters before their masters could issue orders, and their expressions were slightly dull, and they became dazed. They didn't know whether to attack or defend, so they stopped fighting lifelessly. robbery.

Zhan Wuming is not polite, he took advantage of these ancient golem puppets, and rushed forward suddenly, just when he was about to collide with these primordial golem puppets, suddenly opened a huge mouth in front of him, like It was the big mouth of a giant beast, from which a majestic bright aura emanated, and the middle-aged Zhan Huang who was chasing after Zhan Wuming was also stunned by this sudden change, because he found that when Zhan Wuming When Wuming rushed past this group of ancient golems, these ancient golems were swallowed by the suddenly opened mouth. More than ten ancient golems almost blocked the road for three floors, but they were fighting When Wuming passed by, it disappeared directly, as if it had never existed.

"Space magic weapon..." The war emperor in the middle suddenly realized something.But he never thought that the so-called magic weapon of space in Zhan Wuming's hands is the most important weapon in the world of light, Night Paradise.These imperial-level ancient golems were tempered by Lei Hai. He had heard that these ancient golems had the ability to evolve by themselves. The better the materials selected, the greater the potential for evolution.Therefore, for these more than ten emperor-level ancient golems, they are only in the primary state now. When the resources are sufficient one day, they may even advance to the terrifying existence of war emperors and war saints.

"It's so disrespectful..." Zhan Wuming smiled heartily, he didn't expect those explosive thunderbolts to have such a miraculous effect.Let the dozen or so war emperors forget to give the order to stop and kill the more than a dozen emperor-ranked ancient puppet for a while, and let Zhan Wuming take advantage of it all at once.If it was just the magic weapon of space before, Zhan Wuming really wouldn't dare to be so greedy for these ancient golem puppets, but now he is using Ye Tiantian, so he doesn't worry about these ancient golem puppets rebelling in the magic weapon at all, it won't work Can you still break this night of heaven?
Anyway, Heaven is not completely under my control this night, these ancient puppet can play as they like in it, and after they get out of Lei Hai, they will slowly clean up these mindless things.At this time, Zhan Wuming's forward speed still maintained, he didn't stop at the place he passed, and he focused on drilling into the depths of Thunder Mountain. The more the Tyrant Thunder Palace dared not let him go up, the more it meant that there might be a storm on Thunder Mountain. It is a bigger problem.In fact, Zhan Wuming doesn't care who this Thunder Mountain belongs to. He only cares about whether he can find the warehouse with a large number of Thunder Stones in Ba Lei Palace, and the best result is to loot it all.This is what he thinks is a great opportunity!
The middle-aged war emperor rushed to the place where the group of ancient puppets disappeared, only to see that the corpses of a dozen of his companions had begun to decompose, emitting a faint fishy and sweet smell, which made him feel dizzy after smelling it. Feeling drowsy.His complexion instantly changed, and his original vigilance against Zhan Wuming became even stronger. The toxicity is so strong, if Zhan Wuming used it on the platform just now, it would be a huge threat to him. Even he will become part of these corpses.

Zhan Wuming's figure quickly disappeared from the sight of the middle-aged Zhanhuang. The steepness of Thunder Mountain made this mountain have many twists and turns.Passing a few bends, Zhan Wuming's eyes suddenly brightened, because in front of his eyes was a valley.This huge valley is like a sunken basin, and many people are busy in this basin.Obviously, this is just a mining field.There are actually thousands of people in the mining site of Leiming Iron, and some disciples of the Ba Lei Palace who are trained as war emperors are standing at the commanding heights, watching everything in the basin, and making any small moves. People, in exchange for an electric whip...

Countless finely crushed thunder iron ores were knocked down from the mountain wall, and the entire mountain was made of thunder iron, so this kind of mining does not require any other procedures except to overcome the hardness of the ore, but Zhan Wuming But I saw that this group of people first applied a liquid on the wall of Thunder Mountain, and after a while, someone would dig on this mountain wall. It seemed that this liquid could soften the Thunder Iron on the mountain wall. , although this method is still not easy to mine, it is much faster than hard mining.Zhan Wuming understood, it seems that the Ba Lei Palace has indeed found a way to mine the Thunder Stone.No wonder such a large amount of precious materials were used on the Primordial Golem.

The arrival of Zhan Wuming did not cause a shock in the valley, because the whole valley was extremely noisy, and there seemed to be a layer of mysterious protective shield above the valley, and when the thunder fell from the sky, everything was covered by this protective shield. Blocking it will not affect the ore mining of the slaves in the valley.It is also because of this that the information that Zhan Wuming arrived was blocked.

Zhan Wuming didn't mean to stop at all, because he saw two mysterious tracks extending from the valley to a black hole excavated in the distance, and at this time a huge iron ore filled with thunder The cabinet cart quickly slid into the cave along the track.

All the designs are very delicate, the ore dug in the valley will automatically slide into the cave along this track, saving a lot of manpower.It is obvious that Ba Lei Palace uses local materials and forges them locally, and that cave may be the warehouse of Lei Ming's iron ore.So Zhan Wuming didn't think about returning empty-handed, since he came, and his face was torn apart, he would play the next best thing.

Therefore, his body flickered and he rushed in along the track, but although Zhan Wuming no longer had a dark hole, many cells in his body still stored a large amount of dark elements. A protective shield formed around him, instantly making his figure seem to become a part of the void, and only when the thunderbolts struck down, his figure would show a slight clue.But if someone didn't pay special attention, Zhan Wuming would not be seen at all.

When the middle-aged war emperor rushed to the valley, he suddenly found that there was no trace of Zhan Wuming at all, and everything in the valley was the same as before, and there seemed to be no special changes. Obviously, Zhan Wuming was not the same as this What conflicts do people in the valley have?He suddenly felt a little regretful that he had summoned all the dozen or so members of the War Emperor outside the valley to the road to intercept them, so that there should be no warnings in the valley at this moment.

Ba Lei Palace attaches great importance to everything on this Thunder Mountain. There are a large number of War Emperor disciples stranded here. After all, these people are the peak existences on the entire War Emperor road. What's more important is that there are still a large number of Primordial Demons on this Thunder Mountain. Puppet, if these powers are taken away from this sea of ​​thunder, it will be enough to sweep the entire road of war emperor, which is why Ba Lei Palace is actually not worried about the entire Thunder Mountain.

The most important point is that Leiming Mountain has a natural sea of ​​thunder, which no one can cross. This is enough to make the entire Leiming Mountain a place outside the world.Even so, Ba Lei Palace still set up a large number of Zhanhuang guards on the mountain and at the foot of the mountain. It can be said that it is to ensure safety. However, it encountered a completely different kind of monster, and Ba Lei Palace still miscalculated.

"The whole mountain is on alert..." The face of the middle-aged Zhanhuang became extremely gloomy. Zhan Wuming's disappearance became more dangerous than Zhan Wuming killing people under their noses. A visible enemy has limited damage. But when this enemy is invisible, then God knows what kind of things he will do, so the middle-aged war emperor had to issue the strongest warning order.This is also the first time such an order has been executed on Thunder Mountain in many years.

It's just that this kind of vigilance doesn't affect the slaves in the valley, because no one knows what the thousands of slaves of the Warlord rank will do if they know that there is such a mysterious enemy in the Ba Lei Palace. s Choice.If these thousands of slaves become turbulent together, then the order of the entire Thunder Mountain will collapse, forming a huge chaos, and the entire mining process will also be interrupted. For the plan that has been implemented, this kind of loss is unbearable for the people of Ba Lei Palace started.

"Boom, boom..." As soon as the middle-aged war emperor's order was transmitted, there were quick responses from everywhere, and the footsteps of those ancient golems seemed to shake the entire Thunder Mountain.This kind of mutation made the slaves in the valley alert, but they have already become numb to all of this, because in their hearts, this Thunder Mountain is a Jedi, no one can leave, and no one can come in freely. These reactions from Lei Gong are just a game and have nothing to do with others. They still just mine, eat, sleep and then mine, repeating the same thing every day, without any vitality, maybe if they are lucky, ten years Once they leave, they don't have to enter the mine again, but what they don't know is that leaving is just another mine to mine.


Zhan Wuming felt the changes in the entire Thunder Mountain, and soon some broken figures appeared from the dark place, and more ancient golems began to patrol intensively. Zhan Wuming watched the coming and going of the ancient golems, A feeling of absurdity arises in my heart, the entire mountainside of this Thunder Mountain will not be swept away.It’s just that there are thousands of these ancient golem puppets he saw, so how much thunder iron would be needed? It seems that all the primordial golem puppets in the entire Ba Lei Palace are gathered here, but he also understands that Ba Lei Palace is also There is no way, because only in this sea of ​​thunder can the ancient golems have better evolutionary energy, and these ancient golems can become more perfect. After all, their technology for making this kind of ancient golems is not real. It originated from the mechanical clan, but it was obtained from a remnant of an ancient book. The produced ancient puppet is not perfect, so it needs to use this sea of ​​thunder to repair and improve itself.Therefore, Ba Lei Palace would rather keep most of the produced ancient puppet in Thunder Mountain, and only those that are really valuable and in good condition will be taken out of the Battle Emperor Road and sent back to Thunder Palace.

The entire mountainside was indeed dug very deep, as if it was going to lead to the underground sea of ​​thunder. Zhan Wuming carefully avoided all kinds of warnings along this track, and the dark elements made him seem to blend into the darkness.Although there are a lot of moonstones and bright pearls in the mountainside, the light is still very dim. There are fang-like stones everywhere, curves, and shadows everywhere. This harsh environment is very beneficial for Zhan Wuming to sneak .Along the way, Zhan Wuming saw that although the disciples of Ba Lei Palace had increased their vigilance, they still went their own way and did not cause confusion. This shows that this group of people is indeed well-trained and has formed a habit of doing all the work here.He saw some people forging thunder iron, and then sent the forged iron block from this track to the deeper part of the cave again with a pulley. Obviously, the process was very clear.This made Zhan Wuming have to admire the system of Thunder Palace and the wisdom of the planner.

(End of this chapter)

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