Chapter 414 The Great Crisis
Of course, in this unexpected war, the real gain is estimated to be lifeless!

Almost all the old monsters are envious of Zhan Wuming, not to mention that he killed nearly a thousand Scorpio people on the plain of sentient beings, that is enough to have thousands of contribution points, and they can directly rely on these contribution points Entering the City of All Beings...

What's even more frightening is that Zhan Wuming destroyed the worm nest with the final blow. God knows what kind of Scorpios and other zerg generals and commanders are in the worm nest.Legend has it that the Zerg race is divided into soldier bugs and intelligent bugs, and there are other weird species. Among the Scorpion race, Yun Ziyan knows that there is also a terrifying insect called a protozoa, which can emit special venom , large-scale damage, can ignore almost any field, and corrode low-level spirit treasures. When this kind of protozoa cooperates with soldier insects, it is the most terrifying.But this time, there was an earthen platform attacking the large formation, which prevented the insect nest from descending. Those protozoans had no chance to make a move. In the end, God knows how many protozoa were in the insect nest that was blown up by Zhan Wuming. The contribution points given by these insects exceeded the peak The reward for the Emperor of War, the reward for protozoa and intelligent insects is ten contribution points.When a huge insect nest is destroyed, even Yun Ziyan has never thought about how much the reward will be, because the insect nest is too terrifying, and it has never been heard of being destroyed in the battlefield of sentient beings, so no one Know what level this thing is.

Of course, God's will is fair in the battlefield of all beings. No one has been shot down. It doesn't mean that the rules of this starry sky will deduct your contribution points.I believe that Zhan Wuming must have created a record, and this record is a war between one person and one clan!Shooting down a Zerg brood, it can be said that this brood is a huge special bug... Yun Ziyan is somewhat looking forward to seeing how many contribution points Zhan Wuming has gained in this war.

The enmity between Wanbaozong and Zhan Wuming has surfaced, which is normal. When Wanbaozong learned that Zhan Wuming killed Zhou Huai'en and the five top battle saints of Wanbaozong before entering the battlefield, they He wanted to fight directly against Zhan Wuming, but Tianqing Sect and several other major sects guarded each other awe-inspiringly.

Although there was no open confrontation, the meaning of the other major sects is obvious. Zhan Wuming was seriously injured in order to save everyone. If you want to kill Zhan Wuming at this time, it will be revenge. It will inevitably become a big heart demon, so these old monsters have a good reason. When Zhan Wuming is injured, it is impossible to give Wanbaozong a chance to kill Zhan Wuming. As for Zhan Wuming's injury, then Wanbaozong It's up to you what you love, it's a matter for both of you.

Wan Treasure Sect had to accept this reason, although they knew very well that these sects were too frank and lifeless, but with the righteousness in hand, it was impossible for Wan Treasure Sect to directly offend all the sects at the same time.They also had to admit that it was Zhan Wuming who saved most people today.

The old monsters of the various sects knew very well that Zhan Wuming could enter the City of All Beings at any time after today's battle. They couldn't think of anyone in Wanbaozong who would be Zhan Wuming's opponent, and if they stepped up, Zhan Wuming could completely refuse to accept it. At that time, Wanbaozong would probably vomit blood with anger, even if Zhan Wuming was in front of them. Shaking, they have nothing to do with Zhan Wuming.The only chance to kill Zhan Wuming is in this battlefield of sentient beings, and it must be when Zhan Wuming is alone, but how could Wanbaozong have such an opportunity? Yan Ran has become the trend of the eldest brother among the core disciples of all the sects, and this is something that the old monsters of the major sects in the Xuanwu Great World have never thought of.

In fact, the major sects in the Xuanwu Great World are fighting openly and secretly, and the old monsters of the previous generation have a lot of enmity, especially the Xiling Continent and Beiling Continent, which are feuds, but the core disciples of these two continents are fighting against each other. In front of them, they are actually very peaceful. Although they are not too intimate with each other, they don't feel that kind of tension. This makes people think that this Zhan Wuming is really a disciple of the guardian of the Xuanwu World. There is a kind of "king and domineering" aura that can restrain this group of core disciples. If it continues like this, the next generation of Xuanwu Great World will be in harmony, and the various sects will most likely become unprecedentedly united.

On the battlefield of sentient beings, what frustrates the major sects the most is that human beings are inherently inferior, and the major sects are calculating each other, even in the face of foreign enemies. In the Xuan Da World, the Xuan Wu Da World is also at the bottom, which makes the major sects feel very depressed, but they are helpless. These grievances were brought about in the real world, and it is very difficult to reverse them in the battlefield of sentient beings.


The war is over, but the aftermath lingers on.The protective cover on the Plain of All Beings was penetrated by the insect nest, so how will the Plain of All Beings be protected, or is it directly exposed to the attack range of the major races.

Why did the Zerg suddenly appear above the sky of the Plain of All Beings?This place can be said to be the center of the resource galaxy of the Xuanwu Great World. The Zerg can easily enter here. What kind of channel did they use?It is so easy to find the way without being discovered, and directly attack the core guard of the Xuanwu world. What makes everyone unable to figure out is why there are no warning signs on the outposts of the major resource planets?
And will the escaped insect nest cause other damage in the resource galaxy of the Xuanwu Great World?Do you want to notify the other major worlds in the Nine Xuan World to jointly encircle and suppress this escaped insect nest?In order to prevent this Zerg army from becoming a wandering star thief in the Jiuxuan Star Field, and causing huge damage in the end.

Waiting for some questions made all the old monsters of the major sects silent. Obviously, when it is really necessary to share the responsibility, the major sects do not want to be the leader, because the escaped army that encircled and suppressed the Zerg, Everyone has nothing to gain, but they have to pay a huge price.Everyone knows that the defense power of the insect nest is extremely terrifying, and the flying speed is fast. In the void star sea, there are few aircraft that can compare with the insect nest of the Zerg race.

It takes five to ten times more energy to kill a bug nest in the void of stars to complete the encirclement, but this is where all the major sects are somewhat powerless.But when it comes to relying on the planet to stick to it, the major sects are still somewhat confident.Therefore, the major sects were silent.

"I think we should notify the powers of the major worlds of the Nine Profound World and let them pay attention to this Zerg army. Don't you think that if the Zerg can send two bug nests to our Plain of All Beings this time, it will be possible next time." Four or even more insect nests will be dispatched to the resource galaxy of the Xuanwu Great World. When they come to our galaxy, they will inevitably pass through other galaxies in the star field of the Jiuxuan Great World. If all the galaxies in the Jiuxuan Great World come together Pay attention to the movements of the Zerg, at least, they can no longer come to our Xuanwu Great World so silently, and we still don't know anything about it." Yun Ziyan took a deep breath and said.

"What Ziyan said is true. Zerg races can appear, beast races can also appear, and even monster races. The boundaries of our Jiuxuan Great World are destroyed, and everything is damaged. Lips are dead and teeth are cold. In the past, it can be said that our Jiuxuan Realm itself However, if foreign races join in, I believe some bigwigs in the star field will still know the seriousness, so that they can divert their minds and no longer focus on our Xuanwu Great World."

The old monster Liu Xuanying of Jiuqimen is a skinny old man who looks like he will die in the next moment, but no one dares to underestimate this old man.Because the identity of this old man is the grand uncle of the current head of the Nine Wonders Sect. He has been on the battlefield of sentient beings for nearly a thousand years. It can be said that he is the oldest guy of all major sects on the battlefield of sentient beings.

Liu Xuanying broke through to become a saint on the battlefield of all living beings, and then stayed in the city of all living beings until he broke through to become a god of war. It is very high among the major sects in the Xuanwu Great World.

"I have another conjecture. The timing of the Scorpio man's arrival was too coincidental, and the mysterious dome he brought with him possessed a terrifying power of destruction. This has never been heard in the news of the Zerg race. This kind of terrifying energy weapon. Just imagine, if the disciples of the major sects of our Xuanwu Great World enter this plain of sentient beings at the same time as they entered the sentient beings battlefield before, what will happen?" Yun Ziyan suddenly raised a conjecture and question.

But when these old monsters heard this question, their faces paled instantly. They also thought of the question that Yun Ziyan thought of. If everything develops according to the normal time, then the time for the gatekeepers to enter the Plain of All Living Things will be different. It will be a few days later, so at that time waiting for the sect generals will not be old monsters like them, but an army of Zerg Scorpio people and cages...

Millions of war emperors and disciples of war gods from all major sects in the entire Xuanwu world will become prisoners of the Zerg race...

This consequence is absolutely unbearable for all sects, and the chain reaction brought about by this will be even more terrifying, because the resource galaxy in the Xuanwu Great World will have no soldiers to defend, and the entire resource galaxy will become a paradise for other domains to take whatever they want .These so-called elders of the sect no longer have the means to obtain resources in the city of living beings, and they are getting poorer day by day...

"This is a conspiracy!" Someone took a deep breath and said such a sentence heavily.

Sweat dripped from the foreheads of all the bosses, and they agreed with the man's words: "This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against the Xuanwu Great World." Even Wan Baozong is not in the mood to think about how to deal with Zhan Wuming at this time, Because this will be related to the survival of all sects...

If this is really a conspiracy, what will happen next?Zerg retreat, will there be other backup?What was the purpose of this conspirator?
The entire venue was silent, and everyone was thinking about a few questions, but they had no clue.Because they have no way of knowing what the other party's motives are.

"We have to find a way to block the rule door leading to the hinterland of our Xuanwu Great World outside the sky, otherwise, if today's incident happens again, or happens on one of our resource stars, we are afraid that we will have no defense at all. "Yun Ziyan took a deep breath and said.

"Block the gate of rules beyond the sky? Who has the ability?" the old monster of Wanbaozong couldn't help asking back.

Everyone was dumbfounded. This gate of rules is an ultra-long-distance void channel opened by the ancient power in the sea of ​​stars, and it can even lead directly to dozens of star fields. closed.So they just looked at Yun Ziyan, wanting to hear his real thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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