Chapter 415 Element Channel
Zhan Wuming entered the resource planet of Tianqingzong with the teleportation formation of Tianqingzong. He wanted to visit the site of Tianqingzong first, and then go to the city of sentient beings with Yun Ziyan.As for Yun Ziyan's belief that his points must be enough to qualify to go to the city of sentient beings, he himself did not doubt it.After all, a worm nest was destroyed by himself, and he only used a violent thunderbolt to exchange for a large number of contribution points. This risk is worth taking.

But Zhan Wuming misses the giant egg in the worm's nest. He feels the majestic vitality in that giant egg. He even has a feeling that that thing is definitely not a mortal thing, and it is very likely that it is a fairy egg or even a fairy egg. For something like a divine fetus, I think that the eggs of my Kunpeng avatar did not have such a strong vitality at the beginning, and he only felt this kind of vitality in the body of Tassel Muzu, and this Tassel Muzu is a strange thing between heaven and earth. It is the tree where the divine bird Phoenix Blood Luan lives, and it is also the power of the wood element. Naturally, its vitality is extremely strong, but the giant egg in front of it is just an egg that has such a terrifying vitality.

God knows what this egg is, when he saw that huge egg, he even had a desire to eat.This is Kunpeng's instinct, but it is inconvenient for him to transform into a Kunpeng under the eyes of everyone, and if he turns into a Kunpeng, he may be discovered by those Zerg immediately, and there is no chance to swallow this giant egg, not to mention the weight of this giant egg. He couldn't digest the majestic vitality for a while, and those Zerg seemed to destroy it to the verge of self-destruction. If he wanted to devour it, it would be pure courting death.Therefore, he did not dare to try to eat in front of so many people.Therefore, he had no choice but to detonate the dome.

The Zerg had done it to themselves. They found such a terrifying giant egg and wanted to use it to destroy all the people on the Plain of All Beings. In the end, they destroyed their own insect nest instead.Otherwise, with the terrifying defense of this worm nest, Zhan Wuming would have no way of affecting it, even using the Nine Flame Dragon Crutches would be of no use.

The people of Wanbaozong saw Zhan Wuming Shi Shiran and left with the people of Tianqingzong. They had no choice but to put this account on Tianqingzong's head.What makes Wanbaozong even more depressed is that all major sects have come prepared this time. It is reported that all major sects have purchased a large number of strange weapons from Tianqingzong, which are powerful in lethality. Zhen and Yuan Shi went to Zhan Wuming to settle their accounts, but Zhan Wuming killed them instead, and Zhan Wuming divided up those resources. Instead of buying things, they lost a huge amount of wealth and a war god of the Second Tribulation. This can be regarded as a shameful thing for Wan Baozong.

Vaguely, Wan Baozong felt that he seemed to be isolated by the various sects, and the various sects seemed to have something to do with Zhan Wuming. Although depressed in their hearts, they were not worried about where Zhan Wuming would go, because they knew better than anyone else the true origin of Wanbaozong and everything that happened today.In the dark, they have been guided...

The formation of the Plain of All Beings has been repaired again, and more outposts have been arranged on the major resource planets on the way to the Plain of All Living Things to prevent another sneak attack from other races.This time the Zerg knew so clearly whether the coordinates of the Plain of All Beings in the starry sky were a coincidence or a conspiracy, and the quarrel between the various sects was still fruitless.It's not clear, everyone cleans the door and manages their own resource planets, and no one wants to care about other things.

Some core disciples of the sect wanted to go with Zhan Wuming, but they were restricted by the old monsters of the sect. These successors came here not for fun, but for tempering. Therefore, at least in the early stage, they have the final say. These old monsters are in charge.

"Uncle Yun, I always feel uneasy." Zhan Wuming frowned and took a deep breath when he walked onto the platform of the teleportation formation.

Yun Ziyan also frowned, he didn't think that Zhan Wuming was talking nonsense, but stopped with a serious expression, Zhan Wuming didn't want to enter his space magic weapon, and he didn't force it, but the large teleportation array teleportation There was still no problem with the two of them, so he agreed with Zhan Wuming and him to enter the battle together. "When did your feeling start?"

"When you were arguing just now, I always felt that there was something wrong with Wan Baozong, but at that time, I suddenly felt restless, and now it is even stronger." Zhan Wuming took a deep breath and said.

Yun Ziyan's consciousness immediately released, through the void directly to the sky, and the sky was empty, and even the broken meteorites seemed to be cleaned up, so clean that it made people uncomfortable. This is the Zerg's The result of the worm nest being self-destructed by the gigantic egg.However, there seemed to be no aura fluctuations in the starry sky.After a long while, the search was fruitless, so he couldn't help withdrawing his consciousness and said: "There is no trace of the Zerg in the sky. It should be that the Zerg went and returned. I guess your induction really came from Wanbaozong, but don't worry, there is you Uncle Yun!" Yes. Wanbaozong can't make any big waves, as long as it reaches Tianqingzong's territory, Wanbaozong dares to act wild and kill him directly!" Yun Ziyan said seriously.

Zhan Wuming also felt the aura between the heaven and the earth, and found nothing unusual. Hearing what Yun Ziyan said, he couldn't say anything more. Thinking about it, maybe he was worrying too much.He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Maybe it's because the worm nest self-destructed today and made my mind a little messed up."

"Then let's go!" Yun Ziyan couldn't help but also laughed, and put a few huge primordial stones into several grooves of the teleportation array, and the light of the teleportation array suddenly lit up, and the dazzling light Zhan Wuming and Yun Ziyan were tightly wrapped, like two light cocoons.Then Zhan Wuming saw a huge black hole suddenly appearing in front of him, and his body was suddenly swallowed by the black hole. The moment his body sank into the black hole, he seemed to see the picture of the old monster of Wanbaozong. A cold grin flashed across him.Suddenly, the uneasy feeling in his heart became more intense.But at this moment, his body seemed to be swallowed by the black hole uncontrollably, and in an instant, he seemed to have entered a psychedelic passage.

"Is this the element teleportation array?" Zhan Wuming was slightly surprised. He heard Yun Ziyan introduce that there are only two teleportation methods in the starry sky, one is built in the boundless starry sky above the sky. Some gates of rules are a kind of ultra-long-distance transmission channel, and they are also the channels through which invaders of various races travel the most, and between the major planets and planets, there are more gates of elements.This is a two-way stable channel built on two planets with fixed coordinates. Most of them are relatively short-distance or teleportation between known planets, and the farthest can only span one star field.If you want to travel through several star fields, you must transfer to other star fields.

This kind of teleportation array is indeed quite miraculous. The teleportation array in the Xuanwu Great World can only be teleported across continents at most, but here it can be teleported across planets, or even across star fields. It is a large area composed of many galaxies. Cosmic starry sky.The saddest thing is that in the Poyan Continent, even a teleportation array can't be used. For tens of thousands of years, only a few broken teleportation arrays can be found in a few Jedi secret realms, such as the short-distance teleportation array in the Kunpeng Dojo. Then there is the teleportation formation in the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range leading to the Xuantian Secret Realm. Other places basically rely on flying, spirit boats or magical beasts. In comparison, it is simply a barren land...

Entering this element channel, Zhan Wuming sensed the existence of Yun Ziyan, but both of them were wrapped in this light cocoon, unable to touch, and even unable to communicate with their spiritual consciousness, they could only quietly feel the relationship between the elements of the world around their bodies. The change of force, during this process, the body seems to be in a pseudo-static state, but Zhan Wuming knows that this is extremely fast... It has reached the critical point of breaking through this layer of cosmic space, but it has not broken through this critical point point.Having the experience of going to the Xuanwu planet Yuanhuangtai, Zhan Wuming also has a sense of familiarity.But the uneasy feeling in his heart suddenly became stronger, and what he felt was no longer uneasy, but a deep crisis.

Zhan Wuming was shocked. He didn't know where this crisis came from, but this feeling became extremely clear. He tried to communicate with Yun Ziyan with his spiritual consciousness, but it seemed that he couldn't use it freely in this element channel, and even the divine sense could not be used freely. There is no way for consciousness to penetrate through the light cocoon.At this moment, Zhan Wuming suddenly felt that the elements in the element channel suddenly became chaotic, and the colors in front of him changed rapidly.

"Om..." Zhan Wuming found that the element passage not far ahead seemed to be disturbed by a terrifying force, and the entire passage began to collapse... many cracks appeared.He saw that Yun Ziyan's face in the light cocoon became extremely ugly, and he seemed to be gesturing to him desperately, but Zhan Wuming couldn't understand what it meant, but Zhan Wuming finally knew where this sense of crisis came from. Where is it.This is a real lore...

In the cocoon of light, Zhan Wuming felt a terrifying vitality erupting in a certain void. This kind of violent vitality made Zhan Wuming first think of the giant egg in the worm's nest.He suddenly understood one thing, why the Zerg could find the location of the Plain of All Beings so accurately, it was because the Zerg had mastered the coordinates of the Plain of All Beings, and only with the coordinates of the cosmic starry sky, the Zerg could accurately shuttle between the rules The door, so that it can quietly descend to the Plain of All Beings without disturbing anyone.This is not just a conspiracy, but also a huge trap combining inside and outside. Someone inside the Xuanwu Great World must have informed the Zerg about the coordinates of the Plain of All Beings, so the Zerg came quietly.But right now, the element channel seems to be a series of collapses caused by the explosion of the giant egg in the insect nest.

There is only one possibility, that is, the Zergs not only know the coordinates of the starry sky of the Plain of All Beings, but also fully grasp the coordinates of the elemental teleportation array connected to the Plain of All Beings by the Zerg. Detonating the giant egg, the terrifying explosive power will inevitably make the elements between the heaven and the earth become chaotic in an instant, and even form many void cracks.

Combining Wanbaozong's attitude with Tuman's eyes and expression, it is obvious that he knew that there would be a big problem with the teleportation array.That's why Zhan Wuming was generously let go. If Wan Baozong's Tuman knew that such a problem would arise, it would only explain one thing. They are related to the Zerg, and it was they who leaked the exact coordinates. This was the catastrophe of today.

However, Zhan Wuming didn't have much room for thinking at all. The element channel in front of him burst suddenly, and a terrifying void storm was suddenly involved. Zhan Wuming's body followed the layer of light wrapped around it. The cocoon slid directly from the crack into the endless void, and lost consciousness for an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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