Chapter 429 Counterattack against Blue Pluto

For the war on the battlefield of sentient beings, it is meaningless for the emperor to participate. Under the rules of the battlefield of sentient beings, the strongest can only display the cultivation level of the emperor's peak, unless it is a native creature, but this native creature There are very few of them, where can I find them? When the major races first entered the starry sky, they first had wars with the local creatures. For resources, the major races did everything they could, and almost slaughtered the native land creatures.Therefore, no one above the God of War of the orc clan followed this expedition of Zhan Wuming. It was meaningless, and it was better to stay in the beast domain for defense.

But Chilong went with Zhan Wuming.The loss of the green dragon egg made Chilong hate the Destiny Cult, and he has always been brooding about his dereliction of duty.Therefore, when Zhan Wuming went on an expedition to the Destiny Cult, Chilong was about to join him immediately. This was exactly what Zhan Wuming was happy to see. I don't know how this Chilong got here, but it turned out to be a local creature that never fell into the starry sky.Although I don't know if this red dragon has not received the true inheritance of the dragon clan, or because he has been asleep for too long and has never recovered, he can only display the cultivation base of the god of war.However, the cultivation base of the God of War rank is also an invincible existence for all living beings on the battlefield, so Zhan Wuming readily agreed to bring the red dragon.

Another reason that attracts Chilong to follow Zhan Wuming is the heaven-defying sword on Zhan Wuming's body.The fetish created by Canglong Nilin is the Nilin of the real Red Flame Dragon. This pure dragon breath makes Chilong feel close.The aura of the Heaven-Defying Sword can faintly stimulate the blood in Chilong's body.In this way, Chilong almost became Zhan Wuming's close guard.

Of course, the fact that Zhan Wuming saved Chilong once is also the reason why Chilong is willing to follow. His Kunpeng bloodline is so noble that the dragon clan's pride has to be let go. After all, Kunpeng is the pinnacle of the food chain that feeds on dragons. You can be proud in front of all races, but you can't maintain your pride in front of Kunpeng.

Zhan Wuming's flying vehicle to leave Chitu Star was the Flying Shark Shenzhou obtained from the Destiny Cult.He directly controlled the fate souls of several Destiny Sect disciples, and taught those sober soul slaves the technique of driving the Flying Shark Shenzhou. After half a month, these people have been able to drive the Flying Shark Shenzhou to a good Play all kinds of tricks.

Zhan Wuming misses the basalt platform on the way to Yuanhuangtai on the way to the Emperor of War very much. That thing is really a treasure. It is so fast that even the Flying Shark Shenzhou can't compare, and it was even so fast that it exceeded the space of this space. The limit entered the element channel.I'm afraid it is difficult for ordinary fairy ships to compare with it.It's a pity that that thing didn't know where it went, whether it was taken away by Youhuo or Xuanhuang, Zhan Wuming searched around but couldn't find it, that thing not only has amazing defense, but also has amazing speed.It's just that there are no offensive weapons.


The starry sky is vast and boundless, with countless star fields and galaxies forming a magnificent picture of the starry sky that is not inferior to the starry sky of the real universe.

In the Unfalling Starry Sky, many star fields are occupied by various races and become their resource galaxies and resource planets.In fact, the entire Unfalling Starry Sky is not completely disordered.Just like in the lower planes, it is divided into the battlefield of all beings and the city of all beings, and there are various rules and regulations in the city of all beings, and the allocation of resource planets in the battlefield of all beings is actually mostly determined by the city of all beings .There is a management organization in the entire Unfalling Starry Sky sentient beings battlefield, but they are too mysterious and almost never appear. People call this organization the League of Gods.

The League of Gods has almost never really appeared, but he actually exists.The resource planets of all the major races belong to each race, and the major sects rely on their contribution points in exchange for their own resource planets. The planets obtained in exchange are recognized by the Alliance of Gods. No matter which race invades or plunders, They can only dig out the resources of this planet in a short period of time and take away, but there is no way to occupy this resource star. Once there were forces who tried to occupy the resource planet after killing all the sects of the resource planet, but the result was that all People all died on that planet for no reason, and that force was severely hit, and has never recovered from it.No one knows who made the move, but it was rumored in the City of All Living Beings that it was the God's League who made the move.

After this kind of thing has happened many times, no one dares to challenge the rules of the League of Gods. They can quickly plunder the resource planets of other races, and even slaughter the original owner of the resource star, but no one dares to easily fight for resources planet.

Therefore, there are many dead and silent domains in the Unfalling Starry Sky. These star domains have no owners, or the owners have long since perished, but these resource planets still belong to them, and no one else dares to easily claim them. Therefore, the occupied resources The planet must be settled by forces approved by the Stone of Rules in the City of All Beings.Some people say that the stone of rules is the tongue of the alliance of gods.And in these dead and silent areas, there are occasional creatures fleeing, but few people dare to stay on the planet for a long time.

There are also many resource planets in these dead star fields, which have extremely rich resources, but because the resources of most resource planets take time to mine, but they are not their own resource planets, the time they stay on them is extremely short. It is impossible to mine too many resources during the day. On the contrary, long-term interstellar flight will waste more resources. Therefore, generally speaking, these dead star fields have become a good place for starry sky pirates to flee.

Blue Pluto is a huge blue planet, 70.00% of which is seawater, and only 30.00% is land and mountains.Legend has it that this galaxy is rich in elixir and a deep-sea iron essence.However, the Blue Pluto has been dead for too many years, and now few people remember which race the Blue Pluto galaxy used to be. In fact, too many races have perished in this starry sky.The starry sky is eternal, but the race is constantly dying and rising.

And at this moment, in the depths of a huge mountain range on Lan Mingxing, a somewhat dilapidated spaceship is quietly parked in the shadow of a ravine. On the snow that has not melted for hundreds of millions of years, the cold light does not make people feel cold.

This is a wonderful planet. On the top of the mountain is snow that has not melted for hundreds of millions of years, and even the snowflakes often fall, but at the foot of the mountain, it is as warm as spring, with flowers blooming all over the slope.The color of the sky is as blue as the sea water. For many years, this planet has lost its master, but some weak beasts on this planet have gradually become the real masters of this planet. They were born on this planet and matured. Running in groups on the vast plain, all kinds of animals and birds live freely on this planet, which is like a paradise.

This is a group of creatures who can't feel the slightest aura fluctuations. They are ordinary and weak, but they are cheerful and free.Song Zijian looked at the fearless appearance of these weak creatures, a trace of bitterness appeared on his face.At this time, he was extremely eager to live in a world without threats like these weak creatures, even if he was not known to the world, that was a kind of happiness.

"Senior Brother Song, where should we go now?" A haggard girl asked Song Zijian wearily.

Song Zijian turned his head to look at the girl's fair but haggard pretty face, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, he took a deep breath and said, "This place is a little closer to the beast realm, I think we should try to move towards the beast realm. Okay, there is a place where the Destiny Sect and the Zerg have not dared to go directly, if we accumulate enough contribution points there, we can use the road to go to the City of All Beings, where we will not be afraid of the Destiny Sect's pursuit."

The girl was silent for a long while. Just now she simply washed up in the river in the valley. On this kind of planet, which is almost like a paradise, she felt even more fragile inside. Hearing Song Zijian's answer, she was only a little bit Lostly said: "Our cultivation level is not enough to be the roost among the same level, but the Destiny Sect has countless genius disciples, in the city of all living beings, they challenge us at the same level, we are still doomed..."

Song Zijian was stunned for a while before he said leisurely: "But that is our only hope. The city of sentient beings is very vast. If we enter it and hide our names, one day we will become stronger. At that time, we will find a way to take revenge."

"Can we really not go back to our world?" The girl still asked with some concern.

"Since the Destiny Sect dared to launch this conspiracy, it must have taken action against our sect in our world. Otherwise, the news would inevitably spread in the city of sentient beings. How could the major sects let the Destiny Sect go and not enter the sentient beings?" Before the battlefield, I didn't believe that the Destiny Sect had the power to kill all the sects, but now I have to believe that the Destiny Sect is bigger and more evil than we imagined... I'm afraid our sect will also be determined at this time. We have encountered great danger, but if we cannot enter the city of sentient beings, we will not have the opportunity to return to our world, and we will have no way to know the news of the sect." Song Zijian took a deep breath and said.

After a pause, Song Zijian asked suddenly: "Wu Tong, how are the rest of the brothers doing? We have to go. The Destiny Sect is chasing us. We have been hiding many times but they chased us. It must be ours." Among the people, there are hidden ones planted by them, although we have been very careful to strictly control the actions of the brothers and sisters these days, there is no guarantee that the Destiny Cult will not chase after you, "

"Senior Brother Song, why don't you let me stay, the Destiny Sect wants me..."

"Hush..." Song Zijian covered the girl's mouth, his face became very ugly, after a long while carefully inspected the surrounding environment, he was slightly relieved and said: "Fool, who knows that the Church of Destiny will not be just An excuse? This matter cannot be made known to other brothers and sisters. I am afraid that some people will change their minds because of this, and instead make the original unity disappear. Each of us is the future hope of the sect. You You are born with a special personality, and it is the hope of the sect, if you are handed over to them, then our Cangshan faction will have no hope."

There was a trace of struggle on the girl's face, and tears flashed in her eyes, but she became very firm again in an instant, took a deep breath and said: "I understand what my brother wants, Wutong will never mention this matter again, and I must live well , must be repaid by the Destiny's blood."

"This is a good boy..." Song Zijian couldn't help laughing, but his smile quickly froze on his face. He suddenly pulled Wutong and rushed into the valley, shouting: "All disciples of the Cangshan School are ready to fight, the enemy's attack ..."

Wutong also saw it at this time, a few black dots on the sky quickly rushed towards the Lan Mingxing, and from a distance, the flying boats that looked like flying sharks roared like a ferocious god of death...

(End of this chapter)

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