Chapter 445 Conquering the Light Star

"Zhan Wuming is back..." He Xiong's body suddenly stood up, and a glint of light flashed in his eyes.The people of the Destiny Sect are looking for the whereabouts of Zhan Wuming everywhere. Wan Baozong provided a picture of Zhan Wuming including all kinds of information they know, guessing that this person may be the person the Destiny Sect is looking for. The heroes of the Xuanwu Great World actually came back at this time.

"Yes, I just heard this sentence and the information of the outpost disappeared, and all contact with us was cut off. Obviously, the outpost is probably gone!" Mo Xin's tone became serious.

Mo Xin's tone and concern made He Xiong's excited mood suddenly eased, Zhan Wuming came back, just such a sentence, but what does it mean?The disappearance of the outpost, and the lack of response from the Zerg, what happened there?He couldn't help but feel serious.

"Is there no response from the Zerg?" He Xiong asked after taking a deep breath.

"The Zergs are in the rear, far away from us. We can't see the movement of the Zergs at all. Only the outposts are closer to them, but there is no news from the outposts, and the Zergs have not responded to our calls at all. We don't even know that the Zergs are now What happened over there." Mo Xin was very depressed.

"Will the Zerg be treacherous?" He Xiong asked solemnly.

"Probably not. Our cooperation with the Zerg didn't start today. They are well aware of our Destiny Cult's behavior style. If there is no order from the Zerg Emperor, although the commander of the Zerg will play tricks and tricks with us, and even ask for a high price, But absolutely dare not betray the covenant easily." Mo Xin replied affirmatively.

He Xiong breathed a sigh of relief, but Xuan said in bewilderment: "If it wasn't for their betrayal, then what is the reason? The whole starry sky has no power! It can make the Zerg race even in a short period of time. There was no chance for us to send a message as to what happened."

"Mo Xin! What do you think will be more beneficial for us to do now?" He Xiong's expression froze, and he suddenly became firm. He asked Mo Xin. In his heart, he seemed to have come to a conclusion at this moment.

"The general seems to have made up his mind." Mo Xin was slightly surprised, seeing He Xiong's expression, he tried to say.

"I want to hear your opinion!" He Xiong said.

"I think that since Guangming Xingxing has put on such a posture, they just want to wait until we have a decisive battle with them on the ground. What will happen after the first battle? I'm afraid they have also prepared for the worst, so delay the decision Or fight early, the initiative is in our hands, so we don't need to deal with them in a hurry, but the gentleman is not standing under the wall, the abnormality of the Zerg and the disappearance of the outpost are obviously related to the return of the Zhan Wuming , This is not a simple return, the comer is not good, I'm afraid we have to be more careful to deal with it. Therefore, I think it is better to figure out the situation behind, so as not to let us be attacked by the enemy without knowing it!" Mo Xin thought thought.

"What Mo Xin thinks is exactly what I think. Since Wan Baozong praised Zhan Wuming so much, he must be definitely not simple, and he seems to be the hero of the entire Xuanwu world. Therefore, we should value this person even more. , if we can control this person first, not only can we see if he is the person we are looking for, if so, then the war in the Xuanwu Starfield is meaningless. If not, then we will send the heroes of the Xuanwu World, It must be a heavy blow to be humiliated and displayed in front of the major forces in the Xuanwu Starfield! He will wipe out the fighting spirit in the hearts of all fighters! Therefore, I have to meet this person first..." He Xiongshen Inhale the airway.

"Report to General, Dizi No. [-] Shenzhou has something to report to the General!" A voice interrupted the conversation between He Xiong and Mo Xin, He Xiong turned his head and saw that it was a disciple in the direction of the communication formation.

"Grounding character No. [-]!" He Xiong waved his hand.

"General, I am Dizi No. [-]. The Zerg's nest is moving in my direction, but our call has not responded. I wonder if we should let them come?" It came through from the communication array.

The faces of He Xiong and Mo Xin changed in an instant. What's going on? Why did the insect nest appear in the starry sky to the west? Isn't he at his rear outpost?Could it be that they didn't deploy their defenses according to the position they mentioned before, but moved randomly. When the outpost was looking for the insect nest just now, they encountered Zhan Wuming.Or did the outpost not find the nest at all?But the Zerg didn't respond now, what tricks are they playing?
"Be careful, if the worm nest attacks you, you should fight back immediately, and at the same time, strengthen communication with the zerg to see what happened. We will come over right away!" He Xiong felt that he should go and have a look in person to be at ease. What kind of tricks are the Zergs playing? If the nests are intact and there is no problem, nothing will happen to the Zergs, but why don't they respond?

"Mo Xin, you stay here to keep everyone on guard. I want to see if Zhan Wuming is really back. As you said, the comer is not good. It is said that this son is full of tricks and hard to guard against. Be careful in everything!" He Xiong pressed Mo Xin's shoulder and said solemnly.

"Then I'll stay here. The Zerg are acting strangely, but it shouldn't be a betrayal of the covenant. They just didn't respond to our call back. This is a bit weird, the general should be careful!" Mo Xin reminded.

"I can save this, I will take half of the troops there, and we will divide into two groups. If there is nothing wrong with the Zerg at Dizi No. [-], then I will directly have a showdown with the Zerg and attack the Bright Star at the same time. First take here, and then wait The arrival of Zhan Wuming! Now that I have changed my mind, I want to see how this hero of the Xuanwu Great World will react if we destroy Guangxing first." He Xiong said with a dark smile.


In the endless starry sky, the two huge insect nests are like two huge fortresses. In the dark and deep starry sky, it seems to have been cast with a layer of mystery.

The insect nest didn't fly fast, but was like two meteorites with a certain trajectory, floating along with the void storm.The speed is not fast, but it makes people feel a very depressing feeling.

He Xiong frowned deeply. He felt that something was wrong. The two giant insect nests moved in a strange way, as if they had lost their power, but the direction of their trajectory was very accurately moving in front of him. , and there was no response to his call. After all, the Zergs are allies of the Destiny Cult. Even if the situation in front of him is very strange, he can't take action against his allies, but he really wants to know what happened to these Zergs. Some kind of nerve still went off, and it turned into this mysterious look in front of me.With his personality, he really wants to let the Flying Shark Shenzhou group attack directly. If you don't answer, I will call you to answer, but the insect nest didn't respond, but he didn't have any intention of attacking, which made it difficult for him to strike first, but My heart became very heavy.Every time the worm nest got closer, He Xiong's heart became heavier, and this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

"No. [-], go over and see what happened!" He Xiong felt that he should take the initiative to find out what happened. If something happened to the Zerg allies, as an ally, he would still lend a helping hand, but If the other party still doesn't respond like this, then it may be necessary to take stronger measures and go directly to the worm's nest to find the person in charge of the zerg? ?

Dizi No. [-] Flying Shark Shenzhou quickly approached the insect nest, and at the same time called out loudly, but the insect nest seemed to be as silent as death, without any response. The Flying Shark Shenzhou was originally relatively huge, but when compared with this insect nest , but it seems to be a contrast between watermelon and apricot.The Flying Shark Shenzhou with a length of hundreds of feet is a very interesting contrast in front of the huge insect nest with a radius of several tens of miles.

The insect nest was still moving forward at a normal speed, as if it didn't see the Flying Shark Shenzhou flying towards it.The two sides quickly approached.

"General, there doesn't seem to be any living beings in the worm nest, and they simply ignore our echo." Dizi No. [-] replied.

"Strange, what the hell is this group of Zerg doing? Could it be that they abandoned the nest and fled? It's impossible!" He Xiong looked at the dead nest with some bewilderment, he really didn't know what to do.

"Come closer, see if there is an entrance, and go in and have a look." He Xiong ordered again, he did not believe that the Zerg would be willing to abandon this huge insect nest. The insect nest can be said to be a very terrifying life weapon. Still, the attack is far stronger than their Flying Shark Shenzhou, but this kind of thing is only suitable for the Zerg, and other races can't drive it at all.Therefore, except for the Zerg, other races will not have it at all, but many races want to get the Worm Nest. At least the contribution value of one Worm Nest can almost be exchanged for a resource planet, which is still very important for any race. Attractive.

Dizi No. [-] Flying Shark Shenzhou quickly approached and flew slowly with the insect nest, wanting to see if there was any entrance to the nest that was open.

He Xiong watched Dizi No. [-] quickly circle around, and soon got behind the huge shadow of the insect nest, and disappeared.Can't help shouting: "Dizi No. [-], did you find anything?"

"No, there seems to be no entrance, hey, what is that..." The voice of No. [-] Flying Shark Shenzhou suddenly came from the communication array.

"What did you find?" He Xiong lifted his spirits, not knowing exactly what Dizi No. [-] saw.

"That seems to be... ah... ah... worm... worm..." While everyone was waiting for Dizi No. [-]'s response, a series of screams of incomparable fear suddenly came from the communication array. Then all the voices suddenly stopped, as if they had never appeared before, but the aftermath of that miserable howl still seemed to stimulate everyone's ear drums.

"No. [-], No. [-]..." He Xiong was shocked, stood up and shouted, but there seemed to be only rustling voices from the communication line, and there was no reply.

"Zerg, what do you want to do!" He Xiong's face was livid, and the last sentence from Dizi No. [-] was "Bug, bug..." This was obviously attacked by the Zerg, otherwise at the speed of the Flying Shark Shenzhou How is it possible that it is still in the shadow of the background of the insect nest and has never come out.Obviously, Dizi No. [-] is more ominous than good.

"Listen up, everyone. Aim at the worm nest and prepare to attack. How dare you break our covenant and attack people from my Destiny Sect... I want to see how capable you zerg are!" He Xiong was furious. He didn't want to endure it anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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