Chapter 502

"Boy, as long as you hand over Li Yalan, the head of the regiment can let you go..." Zhan Wuming changed direction, and Mo Ke's face suddenly changed.He doesn't care about Zhan Wuming's own death, but if Zhan Wuming led Li Yalan to the territory of the cliff-piercing giant bird, wouldn't he also bring Li Yalan to his death? He did so much for a living Li Yalan No matter how beautiful a dead woman is, what good is it?Therefore, he had to compromise with Zhan Wuming.

"Did you hear that, if you hand me over to him, you can still live!" Li Yalan looked at Zhan Wuming half-truthfully, and smiled lightly.

"I, Zhan Wuming, am not someone who depends on women to survive. Why, are you afraid of becoming a bird's beak with me?" Zhan Wuming asked back.

"It's not that I'm afraid of becoming a bird's beak food with you, it's just that it hurts. Think about it, the sharp claws of those bone-piercing giant birds will tear the body into pieces, and the sharp beaks will hook up the flesh and blood. It must be very painful." Li Yalan looked calm, But there was still some vibrato in his tone.

Zhan Wuming is speechless, but this is true, death is not terrible, what is terrible is that these bone-piercing giant birds tear off your flesh and bones while you are alive, but you are still alive.Thinking of this, he kept walking and said, "If that happens, I will kill you first!"

"I hope you can do it!" Li Yalan obviously would rather choose to take risks with Zhan Wuming than become Mo Ke's woman.

"Boy, aren't you afraid of death?" Mo Ke saw that Zhan Wuming kept walking, and the speed of a small middle-level saint was surprisingly fast. The distance between Zhan Wuming and Zhan Wuming is shortened.He couldn't help being anxious, meeting a stupefied kid who wasn't afraid of death made him very speechless.

"Master Mo, I'm afraid of death, but when a peony dies, even being a ghost is romantic, and it's a wonderful thing to have such a beauty accompany me to the underworld." Zhan Wuming responded with a long smile.

"Chirp..." At this moment, a long bird song came from above his head.Zhan Wuming and the others stopped hesitating and jumped onto the boulder platform directly.Immediately, the biting giant bird discovered the existence of Zhan Wuming and others.However, this bone-piercing giant bird was not stupid, and did not launch an attack immediately, but let out a long neighing sound, and the shrill cry quickly echoed in the valley, and soon, countless black spots emerged from the distance. The sky is fast approaching.

"Boom..." The black-faced old man missed the last blow, leaving a space in the boulder forest again. He knew that it would be difficult for him to stop Zhan Wuming in a short time, after all, they were away from Zhan Wuming from the very beginning. Fate has a certain distance, and Zhan Wuming's combat power may not be placed in their eyes, but Zhan Wuming's speed really makes them hate it, they almost have an illusion that Zhan Wuming is not at all A human is a bird that walks against the wind. Where there is wind, you can let it shuttle. He spent some real blood in fighting, and made two teleportations. Although his attack appeared in front of Zhan Wuming , and the terrifying flame with fairy spirit in Zhan Wuming's hands made his intangible attack fall by the wayside, and he didn't dare to face Zhan Wuming's fairy fire at all, which made him He was very depressed.

However, he also knew that there was a treasure hidden in Zhan Wuming's body, but the prerequisite for obtaining such a treasure was that he had to catch Zhan Wuming first, so that he could obediently hand it over.When the black spot came quickly, the black-faced old man knew that there was no chance.

"Withdraw into the Stone Forest! No one from the Doomsday Mercenary Corps will be left..." Mo Ke's eyes flashed a trace of extreme reluctance, and he turned all his hatred to those Doomsdays who went deep into the Stone Forest of Weeping Blood Valley A member of the mercenary group.In his eyes, Zhan Wuming and the others are doomed to die, no one can survive on the top of the stone forest if they are stared at by this flock of birds.

Those black dots approached quickly, and suddenly they were like boundless black clouds, accompanied by endless screams, they rushed towards Zhan Wuming and others on the stone platform.

The complexions of Jin Tieming and Yan Chasing had turned pale. Although they were all cultivated by the God of War, facing the boundless sea of ​​birds, a sense of powerlessness made them turn around and run away almost immediately.

"Yalan, put them into the magic weapon of space." Zhan Wuming shouted.

Li Yalan's face was also pale and bloodless, only Zhan Wuming's face was calm. At this time, she heard Zhan Wuming say this, and suppressed the fear in her heart, and shouted: "Go in and take care of my brother!"

Where would Jin Tieming and Yan hesitate to chase after, let Li Yalan directly let Li Yalan into the magic weapon of space.

"Stay close to me." Li Yalan hadn't looked at the sea of ​​birds flying down like a cumulonimbus cloud, and her heart was cold. At this moment, she suddenly felt someone hugging her waist heavily, and she couldn't help being startled, but she heard Zhan Wuming said so, and couldn't help but look at Zhan Wuming resentfully, the slap that was about to be slapped fell into the air again, and he just sighed long, at least when he was dying, there was still a man who was willing to accompany him around.Perhaps just like what Zhan Wuming said to Mo Ke just now, when peony flowers die, ghosts are also romantic.

"Li Yalan, jump down, I promise you not to force you..." At this moment, Mo Ke in the stone forest was in a hurry. This was really the last chance. At this moment, he even wanted to make the biggest concession. After all, if The woman in front of him is dead, then all hope is gone, only she is still alive, then one day, he can achieve his goal.

At this moment, Li Yalan even wanted to give up and jumped directly into the stone forest. She was really moved, if Mo Ke kept his word.But he found that Zhan Wuming's arm around her waist was so strong that he didn't break free all of a sudden.

"Chirp..." Countless birdsong filled the eardrums in an instant, the sky and the earth were suddenly dark, and the boundless wings completely covered the entire sky.Those birds rushed towards the stone forest like shooting stars, some attacked Mo Ke, some attacked Zhan Wuming.

At the last moment when his eyes were dark, Li Yalan heard the sound of countless stone pillars collapsing. Under the attack of the sea of ​​birds, the huge impact of those giant birds directly smashed the boulders, and rushed towards the Qingfeng mercenary group fiercely. of the people.And Li Yalan didn't feel any sharp pain coming from her body, but felt that her body was suddenly lifted by Zhan Wuming, jumped into the air, and actually directly penetrated the boundless bird cloud, and got into the middle of the boundless bird flock.

"Madman..." Mo Ke yelled with great hatred, he watched Zhan Wuming and Li Yalan both leap into the air and rush into the flock of birds, and then countless bone-piercing giant birds instantly engulfed the two of them.

"Master, we should go now. These bone-piercing birds are crazy. I feel a powerful aura coming from a distance. It is very likely that the giant bone-piercing bird Bird King has also been alarmed..." The withered black face The old man grabbed Mo Ke and took a deep breath.

Mo Ke looked helplessly at the flock of birds crazily rushing towards them. The stone forest had become a mess, and there were rubble piles like ruins everywhere.Even hiding in the stone forest does not guarantee real safety, a flock of crazy birds can completely destroy a stone forest.

Obviously, this group of bone-piercing giant birds are very smart. Not many of them directly attacked the stone forest where the Qingfeng mercenary group was located. Instead, they cleared a large circle of open space not far from where the Qingfeng mercenary group was , Form a ring around this group of people, and then gradually crush the boulders from the ring-shaped open space to the direction of these people, shrinking the space of everyone's existence step by step.

This is also the reason why the withered black-faced old man wanted Mo Ke to evacuate as soon as possible, once the group of birds formed an encirclement.Then they became the prey of the birds, and there was no chance to rush out of this stone forest.

"Let's go!" Mo Ke yelled in extreme reluctance, and there was more of a huge sense of frustration in his heart. The woman he liked would rather be buried in the toriguchi than follow him. For him, there was indeed a kind of frustration. Feeling, since childhood, he has been the best in the family, he almost has what he wants, and he has never felt so lost like today.

Some members of the Qingfeng mercenary group breathed a sigh of relief. They were also frightened by this group of crazy biting giant birds. In fact, the individual combat power of these giant birds is not particularly strong, but they are comparable to saints. There is no threat at all in the eyes, but when these birds form a huge group, it is like an ant colony that can quickly eat you up.Of course, there are also leaders among these flocks of birds, otherwise they would not have such rules and follow the rules of the game on how to hunt. Only when you face them will you know how terrible they are.

The withered black-faced old man looked at the huge flock of birds like black clouds all over the sky, and heaved a long sigh. He didn't care about Li Yalan, but regretted the treasure on Zhan Wuming's body that could release the fairy fire. With his spiritual sense, when Jiuyanlongguai attacked, he naturally sensed the breath of life in that treasure, which let him know that that treasure must be an earth-shattering treasure, and it may also be far beyond the spiritual treasure. , and even reached the level of fairy artifacts.But among the flock of birds, it was obvious that there was nothing he could do, especially when he felt a terrifying aura getting closer in the distance, and even a sense of restlessness arose in his heart.Therefore, he had to pull Mo Ke to evacuate.


Among the birds in the void, Li Yalan found that she was not dead, but was held tightly in Zhan Wuming's arms. Surrounded tightly by the flock of birds, it doesn't seem like they are guarding food, but rather like guarding the king, which makes Li Yalan feel like he is in a dream.She looked at Zhan Wuming, then at the boundless sea of ​​birds in the surrounding sky, and couldn't help twisting Zhan Wuming's thigh violently.

"Ah... what are you doing!" Zhan Wuming exclaimed in pain.

"I, let me see if I'm dreaming." Seeing Zhan Wuming's appearance, Li Yalan couldn't help but smiled awkwardly. At this time, this unexpected situation made her feel a little confused. She thought she was going to die, but She is still alive at this moment, and she is still riding on the back of this bone-piercing giant bird. She doesn't know what these giant birds are going to do.

"Then is this a dream or a reality?" Zhan Wuming was stunned and asked angrily.

"I didn't feel any pain..."

"Of course you won't feel the pain anymore, because you're pinching on me, why don't you pinch yourself and try..." Zhan Wuming suddenly exerted force, and Li Yalan suddenly felt like he was about to suffocate. The strength of the arm was great, but what made her almost suffocate was the heavy man's breath. She even felt that there was something hard against her waist behind her, which made her feel hot all over.

"Are you dreaming?" Zhan Wuming seemed to feel that it was a little too much, so he couldn't help asking with a dry smile.

"You scoundrel!" Li Yalan gave Zhan Wuming a blank look. Over the years, she may be able to be Zhan Wuming's grandmother no matter what her age is, but practitioners are easy to put on a face, and she still looks like a girl, which is nothing. The embarrassment of age.It's just that she knows very well what that hard thing behind Zhan Wuming is.

"Hey, this is a natural reaction, there is no way, with a beautiful woman in your arms, how can you not be tempted, then don't you think you are not attractive?" Zhan Wuming laughed dryly, and did not deny it.

"How did you do it?" Li Yalan looked at the sea of ​​birds all over the sky, her place was actually very stable, and her heart was filled with curiosity.

"This, I said it is a natural reaction, it is naturally so hard, how can I do it..."

"Go to hell, I didn't mean that!" Li Yalan couldn't help but blushed, and scolded softly.

"Oh, oh, I misunderstood, misunderstood..."

(End of this chapter)

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