Chapter 513 Spirit Desolation Snake Devil Tree

The gourd mouth of the outer valley of Xuanhuang Valley did not seem to pose any threat. More than a hundred people from the four mercenary regiments entered quickly, as if the entire Xuanhuang Valley was very peaceful, it could even be said to be silent, deathly silent, even a living Nothing was seen.As for the so-called unicorn blood stone, it is even more missing.

"This is an abandoned city!" Mo Xin stood in the cleared outer valley, looking at some indistinguishable stone statues and stone pillar ruins that were entangled by ancient trees and old vines.Obviously, this place should have been a very prosperous city many, many years ago, but at this moment, it has already become ruins.Those once luxurious buildings have gradually decayed under the power of the years, and some walls that were originally intact were crushed to pieces under the devastation of plants, and were even directly wrapped in trees.

"How is it possible? How could there be an ancient city in the wasteland? Apart from the City of All Beings, I have never heard of other cities in the depths of the wasteland. What kind of place is this?" Jia Xin's face was full of doubts, and his palm was gently stroking the stone carving that had grown into the tree trunk, almost unable to believe it was real.

Mo Xin was also full of the same confusion. In their memory, they had never heard of a city in the wilderness. If this is really a deserted ancient city, then what kind of city is it? people live here?Why did this city become ruins?Some people say that the City of All Beings is a space opened up in the psychic stone, so it is very safe and will not be invaded by the creatures of the wilderness, but the Xuanhuang Valley is obviously built directly on the land of the wilderness, and will not Like the City of All Living Beings, one needs to be approved by the psychic stone to enter. Here, it is more like a city of ancient cultivators.

"Head, look..." A mercenary ran over excitedly holding a piece of stone.

"What... Kirin carving..." Qiu He looked at it, but saw a lifelike pattern engraved on the stone. After countless years passed, the engraving on the stone seemed to have a strange force Its traces will not be erased.

"It's really a unicorn sculpture. From this point of view, this city really worshiped unicorns a long time ago. That is to say, unicorns are probably the guardian beasts of this city!" Wang Tieniu also became excited immediately. At this time, It seems that a big stone has fallen in everyone's heart. At least they are looking in the right direction. If Qilin was indeed the guardian beast of this abandoned city, then it is not impossible that the Qilin bloodstone was produced here matter.

"This carving has not been erased after so many years. It can be seen that the people who carved this totem back then are definitely not inferior to us. Looking at this deserted city, I am afraid that it has a history of at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, but it is such a city. It’s just abandoned like this.” Jia Xin sighed.

"I'm afraid it's not that they want to give up this city, but they have to give up. Look at the statues and stone pillars here, which are completely broken under the impact of external force, and the mountain wall outside, if it is really a city wall , don't you think it's too bad? It's uneven, it's full of potholes... Obviously, the city was hit by a huge impact, and then the city was destroyed... So, this is the city left after a huge disaster " Mo Xin said suddenly.

"Who are these people? How dare they build such a city in the depths of this barren land? Could it be that there are also primitive practitioners in this barren area, but for so many years, I have never heard of such rumors. The mercenary group in the city only saw all kinds of wild beasts in the wilderness, but no trace of humans." Qiu He asked doubtfully.

"It doesn't have to be a human race, it may also be a monster race or other life forms, such as the Ming race..." Wang Tieniu said in a rough voice.

"Hush..." While everyone was talking, Mo Xin suddenly made a silent gesture.Several people couldn't help but stopped talking immediately and listened intently.

"What's that sound?" After listening for a while, Qiu He's face changed, and he asked in surprise.In his ears, there seemed to be very light rustling sounds, like the silk whispers of autumn cicadas, or like snakes sliding on dead leaves, extremely slight, but they did not hide their ears.

"The sound seems to be coming from under the ground." Jia Xin's face changed slightly.

"Quickly, let them all withdraw from Xuanhuang Valley!" Mo Xin's face changed suddenly, and she shouted.

"Woo..." The sound of three long horns quickly spread throughout the Xuanhuang Valley.The members of the four major mercenary regiments who were going deeper were slightly taken aback when they heard the sound of the horn, but they had experienced too much life and death in the wilderness, so they turned outside the valley without the slightest hesitation. run.

Mo Xin, Jia Xin and the others did not hesitate, and retreated directly out of the valley. They didn't know what the rustling sound from the ground was, but they knew that it was definitely not a good thing. This ruined city was too quiet Yes, it was so quiet that it made people feel uneasy.Because of this, once something suspicious is found, the first thing to do is to preserve strength, and then wait and see what happens.And for everything unknown, only by watching the changes can we not be caught off guard.

"Boom..." Just as Mo Xin and the others were about to retreat, there was a sudden sound of ground breaking around him, and then it seemed that countless giant snakes came out from under the ground and entwined towards everyone.

"Boom..." Mo Xin's power burst out suddenly, and the entangled giant snake was instantly shattered into countless pieces under the burst of power.

"Squeak..." Mo Xin made a contribution with one blow, but his face changed, because he suddenly found that the things that attacked him were not giant snakes, but extremely thick tree roots, which made him startled. What's more, these tree roots are densely covered with long thorns, like the mouths of mosquitoes. He even felt the sound of cooing coming from the tree roots, as if there was saliva flowing in it.

"Quick retreat!" Mo Xin whispered, and then Jia Xin and Qiu He quickly joined Mo Xin, and they back to back instantly formed a common absolute field.

"Boom...boom..." Countless branches lashed at the shield, causing the protective field to shake and almost shatter.

At this time, the entire Xuanhuang Valley seemed to come alive all of a sudden, countless plants rioted instantly, countless roots drilled out from under the ground, and the thick trunks and branches above the ground seemed to turn into countless tentacles, catching them as much as they wanted. All life that has entered this territory.

There were screams from time to time, and what shocked Mo Xin was that the long thorns on these strange roots seemed to be able to pierce the aura shield of the body protection, and once the long thorns pierced a person's body, the person would Soon he lost the ability to resist.He guessed that these tree thorns must contain extremely weird toxins, and even a cultivation base above the God of War could not resist this toxin.

There are too many of these trees, as if they are endless. Under the strong attack of these people, they shattered to pieces, but they seem to form huge nets between the sky and the earth. There will always be a net that can brush against your body. As long as you wipe your body, after the toxin enters your body, life and death are no longer in your hands.These tree trunks are very hard, and ordinary spiritual methods seem to be difficult to cut them off at once.

The mercenaries also quickly mastered some methods, that is, several people join forces to defend each other back to back. If only one person wants to highlight this forest, it is almost very difficult.

Mo Xin saw that those fainting mercenaries were not directly swallowed by the tree trunk, but were rolled up by long branches and thrown into the valley suddenly, and then a thick and thick line stretched out from the top of the valley. The branches caught the thrown body, just like two people playing alley-oop, the whole Xuanhuang Valley became extremely strange.

Mo Xin and the others were only in the outer valley, not very far from the exit, because they each sent 30 people as the front searchers, and only after they confirmed their safety would they continue to enter. Because of this, they were able to exit quickly They left Xuanhuang Valley, but even so, the mercenaries who followed them in the outer valley actually lost dozens of people in that moment.In the midst of the miserable howls in the inner valley, only about half of the people rushed out of the outer valley, and only 20 people of this half rushed out of the Xuanhuang Valley together, and none of the others could come back.

The whole Xuanhuang Valley seemed to come alive, with countless branches flying in the void, standing far above the outer wall, Mo Xin even saw figures being thrown up in the air, and then fell heavily Falling, in this process, it seems that those strange trees in Xuanhuang Valley are playing a game.

"What kind of tree is this?" Qiu He's face turned pale. If Mo Xin hadn't reminded her earlier, I'm afraid they would have become extremely embarrassed.

"If the guess is correct, this tree should be the Spirit Desolation Snake Demon Tree." An old man behind Mo Xin suddenly interjected.

Mo Xin was startled, looked back, and asked in surprise: "Uncle Qiu, why haven't I heard of this name before!"

Qiu He, Jia Xin and the others were also taken aback. They had never paid attention to this old man before, and he seemed to be just an ordinary member of the Qingfeng Mercenary Group. But at this moment they realized that they seemed to have overlooked something, Mo Xin He actually called this old man Uncle Qiu, which shows that his status is probably higher than Mo Xin.A strange feeling suddenly appeared in their hearts, but at this moment, Jia Xin said very knowingly: "Senior, what is the spirit desolate snake demon tree?"

The old man glanced at Jia Xin, with a hint of approval in his eyes, then his eyes fell on the Xuanhuang Valley and he took a deep breath and said: "Speaking of the Linghuang Snake Demon Tree, it is not a tree, but a kind of half tree." The strange creatures that are trees and half snakes can only exist in very special places deep in the wilderness. They have the vitality and camouflage as powerful as trees, and they can't be seen from their appearance when they are quiet They are dangerous, but once they move, they are like thousands of snake demons, which can devour any life, including birds, insects and ants that build nests on them. There is a very terrifying toxin in their bodies, even if it is If the strong Yuanhuang rank is injected with this toxin too much, they will fall asleep. Therefore, a long time ago, the soul snake demon tree was once hunted and killed by various races, just to extract this toxin from them. Legend has it that During a great battle in the ancient times, the toxin of the Linghuang Snake Demon Tree caused a huge sensation. Therefore, due to the mass hunting, this kind of thing has long been extinct. Its name no longer appears."

"There is still such a life. Could it be that this kind of thing destroyed the city?" Wang Tieniu couldn't help but said in a daze.

"Probably not. Although the Linghuang Snake Demon Tree is terrifying, it does not have the terrifying speed like a snake. They will only passively wait for their prey to enter their range before hunting, but this siege and land destruction The Linghuang Snake Demon Tree couldn’t do such a thing, it must have been transplanted here after the city was destroyed, so it continued to multiply over the years, and now the entire Xuanhuang Valley has become a spirit. The territory of the Desolate Snake Demon Tree." The old man named Uncle Qiu said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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