Chapter 514 Spirit Tide Riot
"Tell me, what did you see in the inner city?" Mo Xin gathered together 20 people who escaped into the inner valley.

"In the depths of the inner valley, there seems to be a huge altar, but it is too far away to see it clearly." Someone said.

"I also saw that altar. When I rushed out, I found that those strange trees threw all the captured people to that altar."

"Altar?" Mo Xin was startled.But the old man named Mo Qiu behind him turned a little ugly.

"Uncle Qiu, what do you think?" Mo Xin turned to look at Mo Qiu.

"It seems that these spirit-desolate snake demon trees are very likely to exist to protect the altar. If these spirit-desolate snake demon trees throw all the captured creatures on the altar, I'm afraid we will face other Everyone has to be on guard against accidents." Mo Qiu thought for a while.

"Buzz, buzz..." Just as everyone was speculating, they suddenly felt the whole Xuanhuang Valley tremble, as if a terrifying aura woke up leisurely.Then the endless spiritual energy between heaven and earth quickly gathered towards Xuanhuang Valley, and in a short while, this space was filled with boundless spiritual waves.The endless aura of heaven and earth rushed in like a tide, and the countless spiritual snake demon trees in the Xuanhuang Valley seemed to have taken a huge amount of stimulants, and countless rhizomes "boomed" out of the ground. It turned into countless tentacles, and started to move like a giant octopus.

"Not good!" Mo Qiu's face suddenly changed.No need for Mo Qiu to go into details, Mo Xin, Qiu He and others have already realized that something is wrong, and they quickly evacuated people to the outside of Shiran Mountain. The magic tree rushed out, and the consequence was that the tragedy in Xuanhuang Valley would happen again.

"What's going on?" Mo Xin and the others were astonished. The turbulent surge of the boundless spiritual tide made the void in the entire area extremely frantic. Their movement speed was actually slowed down in this spiritual tide. When you get down, it's like sailing against the current in the tide.

"It may be that the mysterious altar got fresh blood and was opened!" Mo Qiu took a deep breath. This sudden change really surprised him too.

"Damn, what the hell is this place?" Wang Tieniu couldn't help cursing, but he didn't stop on his feet, he ran faster than anything else, because they suddenly discovered that the move that Mo Qiu said was inconvenient The Linghuang Snake Demon Tree actually ran like the wind. The tens of feet long rhizomes were like huge feet. They quickly propped up their bodies, and then chased Mo Xin and the others madly. How can it be seen? It was a tree, like a gigantic octopus with its head covered in seaweed.

"I'm afraid there is really some huge secret in this abandoned city!" Mo Xin said with a heartbeat.

They were all smart people, and they immediately understood what Mo Xin meant. In this deserted city, those spirit-desolate snake demon trees seemed to be guarding something, and when everyone entered their territory, these spirit-desolate snakes were aroused. The strong counterattack of the magic tree.What these spirit-desolate snake demon trees are guarding may be the huge altar, or it may be something else in the altar. In short, this deserted Xuanhuang City is definitely not that simple.However, at this time, no one has the guts and courage to rush through the forest of the spirit desolate snake demon...

However, after running for a while, they gradually discovered the strangeness of the whole world. During the running process, they found that the spiritual energy in their bodies seemed to be quickly drawn by the crazy spiritual tide, so their bodies became stronger and stronger. Weaker and weaker, if the current state continues to develop, then the aura and vitality in their bodies will disappear. This discovery immediately makes everyone terrified. They don't know whether the disappearance of this aura will It will be permanent, but if their spiritual power disappears in front of them, they will soon be overtaken by those giant octopus-like spirit snake demon trees and become hunting targets.

"Flee, escape from here with all your strength, the farther the better!" Mo Qiu growled, obviously, he also discovered the huge crisis he was about to face.


Sitting on a huge mountain hundreds of miles away from Mo Xin, Zhan Wuming's face also became a little ugly, and then he saw Li Yalan, Jin Tieming and others rushing towards him like flying.

"No life, I feel that this spiritual wave is pulling away the spiritual energy and vitality in our bodies, what should we do?" Li Yalan's face was very ugly.I don't know why a boundless wave of spirits suddenly surged up in this piece of heaven and earth, gathering rapidly towards the southwest, and the creatures in this wave of spirits not only could not absorb the spiritual power in these spirit waves, but their own spiritual power However, their vitality was swept away by this terrifying spiritual tide. If their vitality was lost at this rate, their bodies would be completely empty within a short while.

"Master, it's not like the Nine Heavens, Eight Poles, Seven Demons Slaying God Formation that you said was opened just like that!" Yan Zhui was not only not panicked, but became extremely excited.

"It should be like this, but the nine heavens, eight extremes, and seven demons slaughtering gods are a little different from what I imagined. This is not to suppress the power in your body with rules, but to directly extract your spiritual power and spiritual power with strange means. Vitality, although these vitality and spiritual power will be absorbed from the heaven and earth after leaving this large formation, it will not recover immediately as if you have exhausted your strength in the battle, it will take at least a few days It takes time to absorb to the peak state, which is very bad for everyone. You all come here, I will lock your vitality and spiritual power in the body, from this moment you cannot use any spiritual power and vitality." Zhan Wuming As he spoke, he quickly took out a handful of silver needles.

"Ah, then I'll come first!" Yan Zhui was taken aback, but he didn't hesitate at this moment.

Zhan Wuming was not polite, he stood up, quickly measured with one hand on Yan Zhui's body like a flower, and then a silver light flashed, and those silver needles quickly sank into Yan Zhui's body.

"Ah..." Yan Zhui screamed for a while, but he had no strength to resist.When Zhan Wuming's last mouthful of the silver needle sank into his body, Yan Zhuiji's aura suddenly disappeared, as if he had transformed into an extremely ordinary person in an instant.

"Master, it feels so weird!" Yan Zhui said in embarrassment.

"Screaming like killing a pig, can you not be blamed?" Zhan Wuming cursed angrily.

"Well, I have been most afraid of being pricked by needles since I was a child!" Yan Zhui smiled awkwardly.

"Yalan, come here!" Zhan Wuming pulled Li Yalan over and said in a deep voice.

Li Yalan was startled, seeing that there was nothing wrong with Yan Chasing, she gritted her silver teeth and sat cross-legged in front of Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming also quickly measured the size and position of the acupoints and meridians on Li Yalan's body with one hand, and then drove ten silver needles directly into his body almost instantly.

Then Jin Tieming, Ji Ge and others had no choice but to be directly sealed by Zhan Wuming from the spiritual power in their bodies.Not only them, but even the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast king and the Guishui Tuntian python were directly sealed from their spiritual powers. In the end, Zhan Wuming directly pierced his acupoints with silver needles.A group of people seemed to return to normal in a moment, and they couldn't feel the slightest aura fluctuation in their bodies, but the aura in the surrounding void became more and more violent, and there seemed to be many wild beasts panicking in the distance It is obvious that this aura is not only aimed at outside practitioners, even the aura of those desolate beasts that grow in this area has been drawn away.This is definitely a disaster for the creatures living in this space. Of course, wild beasts are different from practitioners. Their strongest strength is not the elemental power in their bodies, but the strength of their bodies. Therefore, they have an absolute advantage over practitioners, when they cannot use elemental power.

"Boss, I feel uncomfortable all over!" The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast muttered but kicked its hands and feet, as if something was wrong all over.

"Of course, since a practitioner has turned into a mortal, now he can only rely on the strength of his body, so he is not used to it. I have to remind you that before, you could fly from the top of this mountain to the foot of the mountain because you have aura, but At this moment, you only have physical strength, if you do this, I am afraid that you will be smashed into meatloaf, please pay attention to your actions." Zhan Wuming reminded.

Everyone couldn't help being startled, and looked at the high mountain immediately, feeling depressed. If I had known, I wouldn't have climbed so high. If I jumped down like this, I would become the first God of War who fell from the top of the mountain and fell to his death. That would be a shame. Lost too much.

"Remember, don't pull out the twelve silver needles on your body until your life is at stake, at least this is especially true in this world of formations, otherwise, the spiritual energy in your body and Yuanli will definitely be drained, and there will be at least an hour of weakness. At that time, your enemies have already adapted to this environment that can only rely on their bodies, then it may be the most fatal moment for you. But if you leave this Great formation, then, you will recover to your peak state at least one day earlier than the others, and that time will also be the time when you are the strongest and have the most advantage!" Zhan Wuming explained again.

"I feel that the vitality and spiritual power are all being forced into the sea of ​​​​qi, so I want to pee..." Hu Zi laughed dryly.

"Kidney deficiency!" Brother Ji cursed angrily.

Everyone couldn't help but smile for it.

"Now is the time for us to act. However, we have to be careful. The team riding on the prancing horse seems to have been prepared long ago. They have even prepared their own mounts for transportation. It can be seen , this group of people must have a lot of schemes. You must be careful, and don't act rashly. At least you have to see Mo Xin fight with them before talking about it." Zhan Wuming stretched his waist, at this moment, The aura in his body was also suppressed, but this aura did not affect him as much as other people, because there were only two elements in his body, wind and water, and he was an elemental body. The power of the elements in his body has reached the best integration with the body, and it is not completely affected by these spiritual tides. Of course, if he wants to make a forcible move, the power of the elements will naturally be swept away by this spiritual tide if he leaves the body. Let's go, the power of the attack will be greatly weakened. In this way, he might as well just use his physical strength. In this world, he is confident that his physical strength will be invincible, even Mo Xin's number No matter how much, he will not pay attention to it. The only thing that worries him is the mysterious team that came prepared. He has not found the whereabouts of the team yet. These people seem to have integrated into this world. Among them, Shenlong sees the head but doesn't see the end, occasionally leaving a little trace, but they can't track where they really are.

Zhan Wuming knew that such an opponent was the most terrifying opponent, so he had to be cautious. After all, there were too few people around him, and if he made a mistake, he would be the only one who would suffer in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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