Chapter 625 The Shocking Secret of the Evil Spirit

The Blood Ancestor was very generous. He pulled out several veins in a row. Zhan Wuming wanted to see how many space magic weapons he could hold. However, except for the first spiritual vein that expanded the entire space, each subsequent one only made the space It has expanded a hundred miles outward, although it has grown a lot, but the effect is no longer obvious.

By the time the seventh spiritual vein was put into it, he even felt that the whole space felt unbearable. The void in the magic weapon of space had begun to fluctuate, and thin cracks loomed. He knew that at this time I have reached the limit of my space magic weapon, if I put another one in, I am afraid that the whole space will collapse, so I have no choice but to give up.

He didn't want to throw the spirit veins into Ye Tiantang, that would help Ye Tiantang's recovery speed, if Ye Tiantian's tool soul recovered, it would only suppress him in turn, this was not the result he wanted to see.

Zhan Wuming tried to use other space magic weapons to load a few more spiritual veins, but unfortunately, once the spirit veins were integrated into it, the space was immediately crushed, and the entire space magic weapon was wiped out in an instant.

This made him lose his mind to try other space magic weapons, although these space magic weapons are all treasures used by some primordial masters and even supreme powerhouses.

But in the lower realm, not all the Supremes have a truly powerful space magic weapon, and what Zhan Wuming possesses is just an ordinary space magic weapon!

It was this ordinary space magic weapon that was tempered by the air of chaos. When other space magic weapons couldn't even carry a single spiritual vein, his small space magic weapon could carry seven spiritual veins.

For this space, Zhan Wuming is already very satisfied. Compared with the Beast God's Nest of the Beast Sect, it is smaller, but not much smaller.He once wondered if he brought the Beast God's Nest, would it carry more spiritual veins.However, the Divine Beast Nest is the most important treasure of the sect to suppress the beast sect. Although he has acquiesced to be the suzerain of the beast sect, that thing has always been controlled by the beast gods of all generations.

"Forget it, people can't be too greedy, but thank you for your cooperation, I think we will have a happy cooperation! Tell me how to get close to the heart of heaven!" Zhan Wuming waved his hand to the blood ancestor and smiled lightly!
At this moment, he only had regrets in his heart. Although his space magic weapon had completely turned into a paradise, he still deeply regretted the remaining spiritual veins buried under this continent.After losing several spiritual veins, the aura on this continent seems to have undergone some changes, but this change is not very obvious. After all, this was once a sacred land, and there are indeed too many people buried under this continent. Lingmai.

The Blood Ancestor felt a little regretful, Zhan Wuming was more cautious and cunning than he imagined, he actually stopped his greed at the last moment, and did not use the treasure that brought him the pressure of light to carry the spiritual vein, which made him a little suspicious Is your guess correct.

If Zhan Wuming really had such a space magic weapon that could contain the entire piece of divine land, how could he be willing to give up those countless spiritual veins.He is well aware of the greed of human beings, and these spiritual veins are definitely a fatal temptation for practitioners, but Zhan Wuming stopped unexpectedly, which surprised him.

"Use the bright thing on your body to sense the light between the heavens and the earth. If your lights can echo each other, then you will naturally find a way to reach the heart of heaven." The Blood Patriarch thought for a while.

"Damn, do you need to be so troublesome?" Zhan Wuming couldn't help but cursed, he didn't bother to deal with the blood ancestor, and suddenly flew into the void, like a big bird, directly flew towards the sky of the underground world.

He has not completely transformed into the body of Kunpeng, but he has the power of Kunpeng. Although the underground world is very high, it is not difficult for him to fly over.

But when he was in the air, he realized that the space was not as simple as he imagined. An invisible pressure above the sky made it difficult for him to even flap his wings, especially towards the light above the sky. When the source of the source is approaching, the more pressure I feel...

What is even more frightening is that the source of light that illuminates the entire earth seems to be very far away. No matter how hard he tries to fly, the heart of heaven is still so far away from him. When laying it down, a large space array was set up, and it was impossible to approach in a normal way.This made Zhan Wuming have to re-examine the heart of heaven in front of him.

"Boom..." At this moment, a strong force of light emanated from his body, which was extremely pure and vast, as if in an instant he also transformed into a sun between the heaven and the earth, That night heaven on his body was activated again. When the power of light in his body merged with the light between heaven and earth like a tide, he seemed to hear a voice, distant and ancient, It seems to have traveled through endless time and space, the divine voice left over from the ancient times.

"Who are you, why do you make me feel so familiar!" There was a trace of strange doubt in that leisurely voice.

"Xin, have you forgotten my aura? I am Gong, you and I are one, but we were forcibly separated by the master back then..." A weak voice seemed to be some kind of vibration in the void.

But Zhan Wuming can clearly capture it, because his fate soul is already connected with the heaven that night.He didn't expect that the soul of the heavenly body was called the palace that night, and the heart of the heavenly heart also had a name, which was called the heart.

Palace and heart, a whole?
But Zhan Wuming's heart couldn't help getting hot. At this time, he absolutely believed that the Ye Tiantian in his hand was once a divine weapon, and it was a very powerful divine weapon, but now it is not a complete body.

He couldn't imagine what kind of treasure would be formed if the night heaven and the heart of heaven were combined into one!
But there is one thing he can be sure of, if this heavenly heaven and this heavenly heart merge into one, it will definitely make the heavenly soul of the heaven perfect, and at least it will greatly increase its spirituality. , forming a strong backlash against myself.

At this moment, Zhan Wuming didn't want his Ye Tiantang to subdue the Heaven's Heart, but facing a baby who was almost at the same level as Ye Tiantang, a treasure that could suppress even a terrifying power like the Blood Ancestor, he He didn't want to miss it either, so he didn't object to Ye Tiantian's communication with the heart of heaven.

"Palace? Heart? I don't know what you're talking about, but I know that my mission is to suppress the monsters under this land. I don't allow anyone to break the rules here, even if we are familiar with each other before!" Heaven's Heart's voice was very indifferent and firm, as if he couldn't think of Ye Tiantang at all.

Zhan Wuming was startled, and that night Tiantian was also startled, and the voice of the tool soul roared angrily: "Xin, have you forgotten that we used to be one, and our glory? As long as we are together, Then we can restore our former glory and become the supreme artifact..."

"It's useless for you to say anything. I feel familiar with your aura. I won't do anything to you. Please leave my world quickly, otherwise, I will be rude to you..." That heavenly heart was too lazy to talk to you. When Ye Tiantang spoke, there seemed to be only one thought in his will, that is to seal the blood ancestor underground, and everything else was not important.

I don't know if it's because of his damaged mind or because of too many years, but the soul of Heaven's Heart seems to be a bit old-fashioned.In his memory, there seems to be only one order that has been handed down since ancient times, which is to suppress this blood ancestor.

Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming couldn't help being moved, and immediately asked with his divine sense: "I don't know what kind of vicious devil is sealed under this continent, but you have sealed it for so many years and never let it die? Is there no way to kill it and kill it once?"

"Kill him? It's all done once and for all?" Zhan Wuming's words seemed to trigger Heaven's Heart to ponder.

After a while, a message came back from the void, and said helplessly: "With my power, I can't kill him at all, because he has an immortal body, and the power of light is the power of purification, not the power of killing. Therefore, Even after all these years, it still can’t let it die.”

"What kind of monster is it? So powerful?" Zhan Wuming continued to ask, he really wanted to know what the blood ancestor was.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, I now feel that Ye Tiantian can hold down that monster. If he leaves the suppression of Heaven's Heart, it's hard to say whether Ye Tiantian will be his opponent at that time, at least, in this Heaven's Heart In the world of repression, he would not be able to kill the Blood Ancestor this night, so if it was changed to an environment that was conducive to the Blood Ancestor, maybe he would really capsize in the gutter?

Therefore, Zhan Wuming had to be cautious about the identity of the blood patriarch, I am afraid that the heart of heaven is the most clear, it is better to ask at this time, obviously, the heart of heaven does not reject these questions.

"That happened a long time ago, and I can't remember exactly when this demon appeared, but I heard from the master that this demon was originally the demon god of the heavens who slaughtered all souls and turned into a sea of ​​blood to sacrifice to the land of chaos. At that time, an evil spirit accidentally spawned from the boundless sea of ​​blood possessed a trace of the divinity of the Chaotian Demon God. Therefore, it was extremely ferocious and evil when it was born. It fed on the blood of all spirits and devoured the blood of many gods. Afterwards, it became extremely powerful. Back then, the master paid a huge price to seal it. Later, he was severely injured by the destructive power of the battle between the gods and the Huntian Demon God, and purified with the power of light. It was sealed in this sacred soil dojo, but this dojo was also destroyed because of it."

Heart of Heaven may not be able to finish it in one breath due to the long time. After a pause, its voice rises again.

"For countless years, I have been purifying him with the power of light. Although he has been weak, he has been unable to kill him at all. Until many years ago, a group of practitioners found this continent. What kind of agreement was made to provide this blood demon with a large amount of blood food, and some food was raised on this continent for this blood demon to eat. Among the blood food, I even felt the difference between heaven and earth. The blood of the most pure beasts in the world, so this blood demon recovered quickly. If you don't come, I'm afraid it won't take long for this blood demon to break through my seal and escape from this place. At that time, it will be a battle A real disaster..."

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being stunned, he never thought that this blood demon was related to the God of the Hunting Demon God, and what made him even more unexpected was that the Destiny Sect was so insane that it actually provided this blood demon with a lot of blood food , and even the blood of the beast is used as part of the blood meal for its recovery.It seems that the Heavenly Destiny Sect stole the blood of many divine beasts in the beast realm, just for the blood demon in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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