Chapter 626

The origin of the Blood Ancestor can be described as astonishing, and it has something to do with the Huntian Demon God!
Presumably, this Blood Ancestor must have been one of the proud helpers of the Demon God Huntian back then. Although the Demon God Huntian rejected the gods and all living things back then, he did not reject some of the lives he created.

At the same time, he also used some of his subordinates to complete the glorious record of conquering the world of the gods. Of course, the gods are not easy to deal with. Can't get any benefits.

Otherwise, the battle between gods and demons would not have become extremely tragic, the original continent would be broken, and the divine soil would be broken...

Zhan Wuming learned about the blood demon from the heart of heaven, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. Since the blood demon is such an evil demon, why is he so forthright this time, not only sending himself a blood boat, but also giving himself a blood boat? Several spiritual veins, this is so refreshing that people ignore that he himself is evil.

Blood Demon calls himself Blood Ancestor, which is actually misleading. The first impression of Blood Demon and Blood Ancestor will make people imagine cunning and evil, and the latter one may be relatively neutral, which is easy to ignore its evil nature.

Intuition tells Zhan Wuming that this blood demon is so straightforward, he must have a great grasp of it, so that Zhan Wuming will have no way to escape from his palm afterwards, otherwise it is impossible for him to conceive himself for millions of years. The blood river boat was given to him.

"Xin, is there any way to kill that blood demon?" Zhan Wuming thought for a while, and he felt that if he couldn't kill that blood demon, then he would definitely not easily touch the heart of heaven in front of him, otherwise the Not only was he letting go of the Gorefiend, more importantly, he was the first person to be killed by the Gorefiend after he fled. This was no fun.

"It's up to you to kill him..." Qi Ling of Heart of Heaven looked at Zhan Wuming disdainfully and said noncommittally.

Zhan Wuming suddenly felt slighted, and couldn't help saying: "It's not just me, I also have a helper, and his power of light is not weaker than yours."

"That's right, if we work together to kill the blood demon, we won't have to guard this continent anymore!" Ye Tiantian immediately felt the intention conveyed by Zhan Wuming, and cooperated.

"It doesn't work if you add it, because we are all the power of light. As I said before, light can only purify, not destroy. Even if you and I are twice as strong, it is impossible to completely wipe out this blood demon , because there are some things in his body that we cannot destroy and purify, such as the blood of the beasts he devoured, as long as there is a trace of blood, he can be reborn, so I have been unable to Kill him..." Heart of Heaven sighed.

"Damn, no way, do you know any other way to completely kill him?" Zhan Wuming couldn't help cursing, but yes, although the power of light is very powerful, it is more often the power of purification. He is invincible against evil, but this blood demon is very special, because he was born from the sea of ​​blood where the God of Chaos sacrificed to chaos. In that sea of ​​blood is not only the blood of evil creatures, but also the blood of gods. blood, and some of the blood of divine beasts that were naturally raised,

Therefore, although the blood demon is an evil spirit accidentally created by the Hunting Demon God, it is basically a collection of many noble bloodlines between heaven and earth, and these bloodlines cannot be purified by the power of light.

"It is not impossible to kill him. I have been thinking about this question for many years. If I purify it with the power of light and destroy its foundation with the power of darkness, it may be able to severely injure it, and there is a chance to kill it, because the light When confronted with the power of darkness, it will inevitably generate endless destructive power, and perhaps directly destroy the spirit and soul of the blood demon!" Heavenly Heart thought for a while.

"The power of darkness, where can I find it!" Ye Tiantian was immediately disappointed. If the power of light was okay, but the power of darkness was the force that was incompatible with him, and it was also the force he disliked the most. Therefore, There is simply no way to find it.

"How strong is the power of darkness? Your power of light is very strong. Doesn't it have to be as strong as yours?" Zhan Wuming asked a little depressed.

"This is not necessarily true. The power of darkness is a force of destruction and corrosion. Its destruction is silent and does not need to cooperate with me." Heavenly Heart thought.

"Maybe you can try." Zhan Wuming let out a long breath.

If that's the case, then he can really give it a try. Anyway, the Gorefiend can't do anything to him now. Although he has sworn, there is no constraint for him at all. If he can plot against the Gorefiend, Maybe there is still a chance to abduct this heart of heaven.

"You try?" Heaven's Heart asked in surprise.

"Yes, in fact, I am a rare practitioner of both light and darkness!" Zhan Wuming is not afraid that the spirit of Heaven's Heart will betray him. After all, this is only a part of the artifact, not a real practitioner. Zhan Wuming doesn't pose a real threat, and there can't be any ambitions or the like.

"What, you are a dual-line practitioner of light and darkness?" This time even Ye Tiantian's tool soul was taken aback. He didn't even know that there was dark energy in Zhan Wuming's body. Zhan Wuming has been using darkness all this time. Ye Tiantang would not let Ye Tiantang feel his power, and even in many cases, Zhan Wuming had to guard against Ye Tiantang's tool soul.

"Is there anyone in this world who can cultivate the power of light and darkness at the same time and live a good life? Are you really a dual-line practitioner of light and darkness?" Heavenly Heart asked in a daze.

"Not bad!" As he said, a cluster of black flame-like cyclones rose from Zhan Wuming's palm, but he perfectly controlled the black flame in his palm, the power of incomparably pure darkness, and it was well controlled. Just right, not to let out a breath, so that even if the blood demon controls the entire continent, it will not be able to detect the dialogue and small movements between Zhan Wuming and Heaven's Heart.

"The power of darkness can already condense the flames of the black sun. Your darkness-type cultivation is as you said, and I'm afraid it is not weaker than your light-type cultivation. In this way, we have a chance." There was some inexplicable relief in my heart, as if I suddenly saw the hope of letting go of the burden that had been on my heart for countless years.

Ye Tiantian didn't say anything, he didn't know that Zhan Wuming possessed so many secrets, he always felt the pure power of light in Zhan Wuming, this kind of power made him close and at the same time got his approval, just It never occurred to him that there is actually a practice method in this world where light and darkness can coexist at the same time.

"I have a plan, I have to cooperate with you. If it is reckless, I am worried that the blood demon will mobilize the monsters on the entire continent to attack us. Even if you are not worried, I am afraid that I will be killed in the end." These monsters are turned into meat paste." Zhan Wuming rolled his eyes and thought for a while.

"Oh, let's hear it, if it's really feasible, then just do as you want." Heart of Heaven thought for a while.

"I have an agreement with the Gorefiend, that is to help him break the seal, so we can..." Zhan Wuming whispered the plan again, he didn't need to make a sound at all, and communicated directly with his spiritual consciousness, because he was with him There is a mysterious connection between Ye Tiantian, which makes him and the heart of heaven seem to be able to communicate spiritually. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the blood demon being able to grasp the conversation between them.


This continent is very vast, but this continent is only a corner of the ancient powerful dojo.One can imagine how prosperous this world was in the ancient times, but it is gone forever.Chongtian and the others did not follow Zhan Wuming, and even Demon Lord Tianxie was fooled away by Zhan Wuming, and took the treasure hunting pig to find the treasure.

Zhan Wuming didn't want the treasure on this huge sacred land to be searched by other people. His main goal was to get back his Heaven-Defying Sword first, but he didn't expect that his Heaven-Defying Sword would fall into the sky. Zhan Wuming didn't want to miss out on some other elixir, spirit grass, or other genius treasures, so he asked the treasure hunting pig to take Venerable Tianxie to split up.

Each of the four supreme beings has its own direction.They don't want to miss any opportunity, and whose direction has the greater opportunity depends on luck. They also know that they can't stay on this continent for too long. If they stay for a long time, if heaven With the return of the Star Lord, they will be caught in a urn, and it is difficult to find other escape directions, so they try their best to find the treasure in the shortest possible time.

The continent has a radius of a million miles, and Chongtian and others are very hard to imagine that there is such a large piece of land in the middle of the mountain, and it forms a huge space. This is definitely an accident. Of course, this is not the credit of the Destiny Sect. It is a masterpiece of nature, a masterpiece of rules.

"Boom..." Just as Chongtian and the others were trying to find some natural treasures, there was a sudden shock in the depths of the continent, as if something was swimming beneath the ground, quickly sweeping across the entire continent, and then endless Smoke and dust rose high.Not only that, Chongtian also discovered that the light of the entire continent gradually dimmed, and the sun in the sky became dim.

As the light dimmed, the screams of countless monsters quickly came from the continent. They also seemed to feel a sense of doom, and became even more restless.

"What's going on!" Chongtian raised his head impressively, only to find that a terrifying sandstorm seemed to have formed on the far horizon.From far and near, sweeping.

No one answered Chongtian's question, but he already had the answer in his heart. What he didn't expect was that in this underground space, there could be a dust waterfall. He didn't know if it was an illusion or real.

"Sandstorm? No, soon Chongtian and others discovered that it was not a sandstorm, but monsters in the entire continent were all converging in a certain direction. There were huge monsters, and small monsters the size of cats and dogs. Monsters, they actually form one piece. Wherever they pass, the dust is flying, like a sandstorm, boundless monsters, boundless dust, as if the entire continent has started to move, and the extremely dazzling light in the sky is at this moment There seemed to be some dimness and shaking. The entire continent was interlaced with light and shadow, adding a bit of weird color.

(End of this chapter)

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