Chapter 628 Breaking Free from the Seal
It is definitely an unexpected surprise to find a fairy stone in this continent. Although the real value of the fairy stone may not be stronger than that of the half-celestial artifact, the fairy stone is rare and expensive , in this age of no immortals, if there is a fairy stone, maybe there is a chance to become a half immortal or even an earth immortal, that is not impossible.

Therefore, fairy stones may be common in higher planes, but in this lower realm, they cannot be compared with common sense, and the spiritual power in fairy stones is so powerful that they can be obtained in some ancient formations. Unexpected effects, because some large formations are difficult to drive even with top-grade primordial stones. Therefore, in the endless sea of ​​stars, among the many ancient ruins, there are some large formations that look very complicated, and no one has ever been able to easily open them. It is because it is difficult to open it even with top-grade primordial stones.

The speed of the treasure hunting pig is very fast, and the speed of treasure hunting is also very fast. After finding a few pieces of immortal stones and a half-immortal artifact embryo, they brought Tianxie Mozun to find several immortal materials, among which there was a treasure comparable to nine grains of fine gold. The Chixuetianjin.

There is a strange spirituality on this metal. Some people say that the red blood gold is a waste product of the five elements. If the chance of the red blood gold is good enough, it is very likely that it will evolve into a spirit of pure gold, which is invincible in battle. The spirit of the earth spirit caught in the Sushen star is a creature of the same grade.

Just because Chixuetianjin failed to evolve, but it already has the characteristics of life. There are countless capillary-like things on its surface, just like the blood vessels and meridians of human beings, but it is extremely tough. It can be said that Chixuetianjin Gold is the best material for making natal artifacts, because it can combine with the meridians and blood vessels of the human body to form special effects that are closely connected with one's own life.

Therefore, this kind of metal is especially rare, and even more popular than the nine-pattern fine gold. After all, although the nine-pattern fine gold has the mysterious Dao pattern on it, most refined craftsmen have no way to control this kind of fairy gold. If you want to refine it into a heavy treasure, the price you pay is very high, but the requirements of Chixuetianjin are not so high.

That is, in the area where he found Chixuetianjin, he saw many strange fungi that looked like blood beans, and he didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing that grew in the dark.

Immediately after taking the Scarlet Blood Sky Gold, he went non-stop to look for other treasures, but at this time it seemed that the extremely bright sun above the sky suddenly became dim, and countless monsters and monsters all took action. Too fast, already deep into the center of this continent, therefore, when rushing out, they met those beast hordes, killed them indiscriminately, and finally had to flee for their lives in embarrassment...

But when he rushed to the dark side of a big mountain, something happened. If it wasn't for the treasure hunting pig being extremely alert and sensitive to danger, it would turn around and run away as soon as it sensed something was wrong, and he didn't want the treasure hunting pig to get lost. Zhan Wuming's darling, Zhan Wuming trusts him to hand over the treasure hunting pig to him, no matter what he can't leave the treasure hunting pig's side.Therefore, when the treasure hunting pig turned around, he followed behind and chased wildly.

When he rushed not far away, he found that the monsters chasing behind him had turned into boundless blood in pieces, like burning wax, and quickly melted into plasma. In a moment, those beasts infected each other, As long as it touches the blood, it immediately melts, like a weird virus, almost unsolvable.

I just saw Tianxie Mozun stunned, but the treasure hunting pig didn't intend to stay at all, and ran wildly, as if it wanted to get farther away from the sea of ​​blood, and the treasure hunting pig seemed to run away immediately when it saw the shadow. He was far away, so he saw several places where the same situation was happening. Many monsters were wailing and struggling in the shadows of the forest. Obviously, the real danger came from the places where those shadows appeared.

Everything seemed to be safe in the light, there were herds of beasts running around, and he avoided several herds of beasts in embarrassment. He found that several times when he passed by the herd of beasts, the herd of beasts seemed to turn a blind eye to him, as if There was a huge crisis chasing them behind them, and he ran wildly...

This kind of strange thing puzzled Tianxie Mozun, but he also had the idea of ​​​​taking a risky inspection. This time he grabbed a few low-level monsters and threw them into a dark shadow. Sure enough, the beast turned into blood like burning wax.

At the beginning, he didn't realize what happened, and he didn't know what he had overlooked, so he caught a few more monsters for experimentation, only to find that when he pushed the monsters into the shadows, they looked very strange. The inconspicuous blood bean-like fungus suddenly exploded, like a squeezed blood bag, a lot of tiny blood splashed out and fell on the bodies of those monsters, so the monsters fell on their bodies almost instantly. It seemed to be covered with a layer of plasma, and then began to melt rapidly...

At this time, Demon Lord Tianxie discovered that the real terrible threat was not the crazy monsters, but the seemingly inconspicuous blood beans.

Tianxie Mozun didn't know what those blood beans were?
But he knew that once the blood bead shot from the blood bean touched his body, it would immediately grow like a water plant that grew at an extremely fast speed, but it was countless times faster than the water plant's derivation speed!
A monster with a size of tens of feet, it seems that it only takes a moment to generate a layer of blood beads on the body of the monster, and these blood beads will quickly start to corrode the body of the monster, once these blood beads If any drop of it is stained with other life, it will multiply rapidly in the same way and at the same speed, and then corrode all living beings it touches.

Tianxie Dao is very evil, but at this moment Tianxie Mozun knows that the truly evil life is something they have never seen or heard of.At least he had never seen such a blood bean-like weird creature, and he didn't even know what these things were.

But soon he realized that he seemed to have underestimated these blood bean-like monsters. When those monsters turned into a pool of plasma, the pool of plasma seemed to start to squirm, and then strange tentacles grew out of the plasma. These tentacles Like the tentacles of an octopus, it actually attacked Tianxie Mozun...

Only then did he realize that the little blood bean turned those magical beasts into plasma and it wasn't finished, and even spawned new monsters.Those blood beans are more like the seeds of some kind of living beings, which are bred and reproduced with the flesh and blood of foreign living beings, and a brand new species is derived.

The speed of the tentacles was so fast that Demon Lord Tianxie almost caught him. He was glad that he just sent a few monsters to the shadow. The monster derived from flesh and blood was not very powerful, so he narrowly avoided it.

He knew that it was no longer suitable for him to stay here, so he quickly fled towards the entrance. He wanted to tell other people the news so that they could stay away from this earth core world as quickly as possible, otherwise he might become the ration of the blood bean monster up.

The only thing that makes Tianxie Mozun fortunate is that once those blood bean monsters are directly exposed to light, they immediately turn into fly ash like wax that has been burned. Nothing will happen, but as soon as you walk into the shadows, the cause of the accident will immediately occur.

Demon Lord Tianxie thought that Zhan Wuming would leave first, after all, Zhan Wuming was more sensitive to danger than him, but Chongtian and others knew to flee, but Zhan Wuming didn't show up, so he couldn't help being anxious.Although he knew that nothing unexpected happened to Zhan Wuming at this time, he couldn't help worrying, after all, those blood bean-like monster seeds were too weird, and if he was not careful, he would be caught immediately.

The tentacle monsters derived from the flesh and blood of monsters are even more terrifying. Even if he has the supreme level of cultivation, he still feels a creepy feeling. He knows that something big is bound to happen in this continent. He couldn't guess what it had to do with their coming.

Zhan Wuming had a panoramic view of the changes in the entire Paradise Star Core Continent, because at this time, his body was floating in the void, and he saw some strange creatures spawned from many shadows. With the tentacles protruding from it, he really understood how evil and terrifying the so-called Blood Ancestor in front of him was.

Those blood beans are the hands and eyes of the Blood Ancestor scattered on the entire continent. As long as the power of light cannot directly reach, there are clones of the Blood Demon. Those are like some blisters. As long as there is one, then he can Use the flesh and blood of other creatures to derive new life, and even another blood demon.

This is the most difficult part of the blood demon to kill, otherwise, with the power of the heart of heaven, he can completely purify the blood demon.It is precisely because the power of light cannot be completely penetrated underground, therefore, although the Heart of Heaven has sealed the Gorefiend so that he does not dare to come out of the ground, once the Gorefiend is given a chance, he will most likely break through the seal and come out .

At this moment, Heaven's Heart restrained its light, which gave the Blood Demon a chance.The Gorefiend didn't know that Zhan Wuming would make an agreement with Heaven's Heart, he thought it was the result of Zhan Wuming's destruction of Heaven's Heart in the starry sky, so he began to harvest this area without hesitation. The power stored on the continent.Those monsters that were fostered by the Heavenly Star Lord on this continent were his best blood food.

The blood demon needs more blood food, and these blood food will turn into his power. At that time, he will break free from the seal of the heart of heaven in one fell swoop.At that time, if Zhan Wuming's Bright Treasure is injured in the fight against Heaven's Heart, that is the best time for him to make a move.

"How do you mix the power of darkness into his body?" Ye Tiantian's tool soul asked curiously. He was most curious about how Zhan Wuming injected the power of dark elements into the body of the blood demon. .

"Soon." Zhan Wuming looked at the pools of blood that were quietly moving towards the mainland temple, like rivers of blood sweeping along the mainland's dark nest towards the temple. Along the way, As long as the monsters and strange monsters in the shadows, they all turned into a part of the blood river in a short period of time, and at this time, the light in the heart of heaven became even darker.

"Boom..." A loud noise came from the direction of the temple, as if a terrifying force rose from the ground, and then, the temple that was originally lonely in the mountains floated up. At this time, Zhan Wu Fate knows that the blood demon has already started to act, and he wants to break the seal of the whole earth in one fell swoop.When the temple rose, the shadows in the sky seemed to be even worse. Smoke and dust drifted towards the sky like mist, and then formed into dark clouds... Boundless and fierce blood soared into the sky, and the monsters in the entire continent It was as if the inner rage was ignited in an instant, and they all went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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