Chapter 629

Zhan Wuming didn't know why those monsters were so crazy, but he thought that when he took the first step into the temple, countless shadows could directly attack the shadow of his body.It can be seen that the methods of this blood demon are indeed unimaginable. When the cloud-like smoke rose above this continent, Zhan Wuming seemed to feel the shadows like countless ghosts starting to wreak havoc everywhere, and this is exactly what those monsters Reasons to start crazy.

Crazy monsters slaughtered each other. Originally, there seemed to be some kind of tacit understanding between these monsters. Although they might be the upper and lower ends of the food chain, they lived in peace. But at this moment, everything began to change. On the mainland, the monsters that had remained normal under the light were gradually bleeding into rivers.The entire continent seems to have turned into a battlefield of flesh and blood...

When there were more and more flesh and blood in the continent, the blood turned into streams, merged into rivers and lakes, and converged all the way to the direction of the temple. In a basin, except for the mountain peaks, all other places seem to be sinking, like a big bowl, and this mountain range is at the bottom of the bowl, and after the blood from all directions gathers, it quickly moves toward the bowl where the temple is located. Converge where the bottom is.

This kind of gathering speed is faster than Zhan Wuming imagined, and the creatures submerged in the blood river can hardly escape the fate of being melted by the blood, as if there is a strange corrosion in this endless blood , Once contaminated, melt immediately.

"If all the creatures on this entire continent are devoured by him, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to have a chance to seal it!" Worry appeared for the first time in the voice of Heaven's Heart.For many years, on this continent, those monsters and monsters have multiplied too fast and too many. Once they form a harvest trend, the energy that can be gathered is enough to break through all the seals.

In fact, what the Gorefiend needs is not that Zhan Wuming can really break the seal of the heart of heaven, as long as Zhan Wuming can block the omnipresent power of light on this land for a moment, or even block an area, Then, the Gorefiend can use this opportunity to harvest a large area of ​​creatures on the continent. Once the power he can gather increases sharply, he can use his innate phantom to interfere with all living creatures on this continent , so that they can kill each other and attack each other, so as to gain more power of flesh and blood.

Zhan Wuming did create such an opportunity for the Gorefiend.And the Gorefiend would not waste such an opportunity.

"Boy, you really keep your word. Unexpectedly, my blood demon will finally see the light of day one day, haha..." A dull, thunderous voice came from the temple.

"Boom..." The huge temple shattered into countless fragments, and then a big bloody hand suddenly pierced through it, crossing the void like a huge mountain range and directly pounced on the monster that was still fleeing for its life in the distance .

"Aw..." Several monsters of the supreme rank let out a roar together. They are the only group of powerful people who can fly in the sky, but the rules of this continent make it impossible for them to break through the shackles of this continent and escape into that land. In the underground passage.It seems that the mark of the blood demon has been planted on their bodies long ago, and they are completely unable to leave this continent. Although their cultivation base is no worse than that of Chong Tian and others, their lives have the mark of the blood demon, which is simply a matter of life. Can't help it.

This is like the creatures in the former Xuanwu Great World. If Xuanwu really wants to obliterate the lives of all creatures in the Xuanwu Great World, it will be very easy, because almost all life in that world has the life brand of Xuanwu. You can get the blessing of Xuanwu will.And many of the creatures on this continent were born on this continent, so when they were born, the breath of blood demons had been planted in their bodies, and they all had the blood demons in their souls. brand!

Therefore, even the supreme cultivation base cannot escape the constraints of the rules of this world, which is why Chongtian and others can escape back to the exit when they entered, but the supreme on this continent cannot do all this Well, once they leave this continent, the power in their bodies will be pulled away suddenly, and they will be unable to break through the barrier in this world at all.

However, at this time, these supreme-level monsters had to desperately resist the attack of the blood demon. The monsters that can cultivate to the supreme level are naturally extremely intelligent. In fact, on this continent, the previous monsters can All is well, not because those monsters are so rational, but because these supreme-level monsters are in command, but they can't resist the phantom of the blood demon.

"Boom..." Several figures suddenly pierced through the big bloody hand, passing through like a shooting star, and a huge blood hole broke out in the big hand of the blood demon in an instant.A few figures emerged from the blood hole, carrying a smear of blood raining across the sky.

"Huh..." The Gorefiend let out a little surprise. In his eyes, those supreme beings are just some small ants. Although in the void, those blood beans and blood rivers can't affect them, but as long as he makes a move, Then, it was easy to catch, but obviously, this time it was a bit unexpected, and those supreme beings teamed up to break through his bloody palm and passed through a huge bloody hole.

"Om..." The pierced blood-colored palm suddenly turned into a river of blood in the void, like a blood belt, winding around, and under the ground, the endless blood-colored river converged more and more, at the periphery of the temple mountain range A sea of ​​blood has gradually formed, and the huge mountain range is like an isolated island in the sea of ​​blood. Under the erosion of the sea of ​​blood, the originally lush trees on the mountain withered at a visible speed, and their vitality was exhausted. Lost, and then the mountain cracked, as if a huge and incomparable body turned over under the mountain.

"Boom..." A bloody tentacle soared into the sky, breaking through the mountain like a dancing blood snake.

"Boom... Boom..." After a while, it was no longer blood-colored tentacles breaking through the mountain, but countless tentacles piercing through the mountain at the same time. A giant caterpillar with blood-colored long hairs, and the huge mountain range was just a shell to cover up this huge blood-colored caterpillar. At this time, a huge sea of ​​blood formed around him. This shell to cover up the body was no longer needed. Countless blood-colored tentacles quickly plunged into the sea of ​​blood like straws, and the blood plasma in the sea of ​​blood decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the mountain range began to shatter inch by inch, just like the sea of ​​blood between the mountains. Underneath, there was a big inflatable ball that propped up the shell of the mountain range inch by inch. Countless gravels and cliffs flew down with a bang, and amidst the hustle and bustle of the sky, a huge blood-colored caterpillar raised its huge head.The head like a mountain peak is exactly under the temple.

"Aw..." The Gorefiend roared suddenly, and the entire Paradise Star trembled suddenly, as if feeling a great danger, the originally extremely long underground passage formed a resonance!
In the distance, Chongtian and the others all looked ashen. They were on a high place, watching the changes in the entire continent from a distance, and an indescribable horror flashed across their faces.

They had never seen such a huge blood-colored caterpillar. All the creatures in the entire continent were turned into blood, and then a huge ancient monster revived. All this once again exceeded their expectations.

Only then did they know that there were too many dangers in this endless starry sky. First, Su Shenxing's body of the ancient god and the endless demons appeared, and then this huge blood-colored caterpillar appeared. Knowing what this caterpillar is, it is as huge as a mountain.From the beginning to the end, it is actually as long as ten thousand feet. I am afraid that the legendary dragon does not have such a long body!

What made them even more pale was that the rapidly gathering sea of ​​blood was sucked clean by this caterpillar in an instant, making a roaring sound as if they still had something to say, and it was precisely this caterpillar who attacked those supreme beings in the void. One of countless tentacles.

The blood demon at this moment seems to no longer be afraid of the power of light that has been weakened too much. Although there are still bursts of scorching marks on his skin, the blood he swallows is enough to quickly make up for these damages .

"Damn, old monster, this can't be your body!" Zhan Wuming saw the blood-colored caterpillar that was thousands of miles long. It was as ugly as it could be. After absorbing so much blood, its body was still not fully plump. , is still flat.

"Boy, thank you for creating such an opportunity for this ancestor. In order to repay your great kindness, I will let you become a part of my body. You will definitely feel very honored." The voice of the blood demon was like thunder.

"Old monster, now that you are out of trouble, you crossed the river and demolished the bridge?" Zhan Wuming asked with a disdainful smile.

"Haha, the bridge, my ancestor never used a bridge to cross the river..." the blood demon said arrogantly.

"Since you don't use the bridge, then, brother, I don't need to be polite to you." Zhan Wuming smiled coldly, and shouted to the supreme figures fleeing in embarrassment in the void: "If you want to live Go on, then, there is only one choice, and that is to surrender to me, otherwise no one can save you..."

"Boy, you want to save them, but no one has ever been able to save a living being from me..." The Gorefiend looked up at the sky with disdain.

The height reached by Zhan Wuming is almost the top of the sky. Although the height of this underground space is not very high, hundreds of miles high, the whole underground space seems to be folded layer by layer, especially the position close to the heart of heaven. It is impossible to find the folded space path, even if it takes ten or eight years to fly, it will be difficult to reach the heart of heaven. Therefore, the attack of the blood demon cannot touch Zhan Wuming for the time being, but as long as Zhan Wuming is still in this area In the space of the continent, the Gorefiend has a way to make Zhan Wuming his blood food, because at this time, he is the master of the entire continent.

"Shangxian save me..." A muffled voice came from afar. Those monsters are not stupid after they become supreme. As soon as the real body of this blood demon comes out, they already know that they are almost impossible to escape this time. Like all other life on this continent, it turned into blood and became the blood food in the mouth of that terrifying monster...

In the Underground Continent, they were all tyrannical murderers. Those dead monsters, desolate beasts and even hybrid monsters were all their younger brothers, but it was only a few hours. All of them turned into blood, and even a few masters who were as supreme as them also turned into nothing!
They knew that even if they teamed up, they couldn't be the opponent of the huge and ugly blood caterpillar in front of them. Although they couldn't feel the level of Zhan Wuming's cultivation level because they were separated by layers of space, a person who could compete with this terrifying blood caterpillar The opponents of the caterpillar's equal dialogue, how can it be simple, I'm afraid it's really a fairy!

Therefore, the supreme cultivators of those monsters immediately shouted, even if there was only a slight chance of survival, they would take a gamble.There is no one who does not want to really live, even if it is really a slave, at least there is hope for living.

(End of this chapter)

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