Chapter 630

"Shangxian save me..." There was one opening, and the other Supremes also asked for help. The presence.

"Let go of your spirits!" Zhan Wuming's voice was indifferent but firm, and he was determined to subdue these supreme beings who had not been deeply involved in the world!

These supreme beings have always lived on this continent. Obviously, they can be regarded as high-level blood food specially cultivated by the Destiny Cult for this blood demon. Therefore, some cultivation secrets have also been laid down on this continent. Of course, it is also possible It is this blood demon who wants to make his blood food more effective. He deliberately left some ruins and secret places on this continent to let the monsters and monsters on this continent know how to cultivate themselves. When he harvests in the future, The stronger his blood food is, the more helpful it will be for his recovery...

Therefore, it is not uncommon for Supremes to appear on this continent, and these Supremes do not have contact with the outside world and have always lived in the pure World of Warcraft. On the contrary, they are more loyal and reliable than those old monsters who have lived for countless years outside.At least not so much curvy intestines.

Those supreme monsters hesitated for a moment, and when they gritted their teeth, they really let go of their souls completely.At this moment, they suddenly saw a bright white light shooting down from the sky, filling the void where they were like like a scorching sun.

"Ah..." The blood demon let out a roar, this sudden light force instantly melted his bloody tentacles that were attacking these supreme beings, like wax oil under the heat, it was not able to block it in the slightest Power, this power of light is even stronger than the power of light in the heart of heaven before, he couldn't help being shocked, and at this moment, he felt a wave of divine soul, and then swept across those supreme-level people Warcraft.

The bodies of those Supreme-level monsters shook suddenly, and then their eyes were full of shock and horror. He found that the master of the divine consciousness that swept through their minds was only at the level of Yuan Zun.But at this moment, they can no longer regret it. In the moment just now, Zhan Wuming's soul has already planted multiple imprints in their souls. Once they have two hearts, Zhan Wuming only needs a small thought. Then they can be wiped out.

"Master!" Those supreme monsters bowed respectfully to Zhan Wuming above the sky.They are indeed more simple-minded than the supreme old monsters outside, as long as Zhan Wuming has the ability to save them, they don't mind really confessing to the Lord.

"Very good, from now on, you are my people, remember the name of the master, Zhan Wuming..." Zhan Wuming smiled with satisfaction, and then the layers of space in front of him seemed to be unscrewed He stepped out of the gates one after another, and then flew over the Gorefiend.Like a king who dominates the world, but his tiny body is indeed too weak for this huge gorefiend.It's not a proportional opponent at all.

"Boy, what have you done?" The Gorefiend roared angrily.

"It's nothing, I just want you to feel that you are the ruler of this continent now, that's why the power of light above this continent has become so weak, but now you have lifted the shell on your body , I think we can have a good talk!" Zhan Wuming shrugged.

"Ignorant little ants, even if you reach an agreement with the heart of heaven, so what, once the seal is released, then no one in this world can let me be sealed again. Everyone will be my blood food, I will soon be able to return to my peak state, meeting gods and killing gods, meeting Buddhas and Buddhas. Even if it is the heart of heaven, I will turn him into my blood food!" The blood demon said extremely arrogantly, with a monstrous His blood energy seemed to break through the blockade of the sky in an instant, spreading rapidly to the entire heaven and earth.


Paradise Star, like a huge half tower, can be said to be a very special planet in this endless sea of ​​stars. It can also be said to be a wrong name, because it is not at all Like a sphere.

Tiantian star gathered forces from many places in the endless star sea. Just because the news of Su God's ruins spread, the entire endless star sea moved, even in the far western sky. It's just because the endless star sea is too huge , the places that are too far away came relatively late, but they are still gathering one after another, as can be seen just by looking at the star port of the heavenly star.After a while, I'm afraid there will be more people on the heaven star.People from the more distant starry sky are coming one after another.

However, there is already a sensation on Heavenly Star, because the Death Pavilion was destroyed directly in one day.This has never happened before in Paradise Star, and Death Pavilion can be said to be one of the most powerful forces in the entire endless star sea!

Although the Death Pavilion is above the Heavenly Star and subordinate to the Heavenly Star Lord, it does not mean that the Death Pavilion can be slaughtered by others.

Originally, some people who had something to do with the Death Pavilion might still want to intervene, but the death of Yue Xinghun made all those thoughtful forces cancel their plans. They are also very powerful, but they can't believe that they will be stronger than Yue Xinghun , Yue Xinghun is already dead, who would dare to ask for such a boring thing?Even the heavenly star master didn't show up to say anything, and other people didn't have the qualifications at all.

But the destruction of Death Pavilion was just a small episode.What really shocked the entire Heavenly Star was that some people said that the Heavenly Star Lord’s Mansion was destroyed by someone. The Heavenly Star Lord’s main hall turned into ruins. The people in the Star Lord's Mansion are exactly the group of people who destroyed the Death Pavilion.

So all the forces shut their mouths.Who dares to provoke a force that dares to directly kill the Star Lord's Mansion.

Smart people have already begun to faintly feel the crisis, and there seems to be an undercurrent surging in the entire Paradise Star.Some people who wanted to rush to Sushen star chose to leave Tiantian star immediately. They didn't want to be caught in the huge vortex of the entire Tiantang star, because once they were really involved in the struggle of a force that even dared to destroy the Heavenly star lord's mansion In the middle, then, it is very likely that they will become little fish in the pond.

The Heavenly Star Lord's mansion was destroyed. The Heavenly Star Lord is a first-rank semi-immortal and has passed through the third catastrophe. God knows what kind of cultivation he is. I'm afraid that even the heavenly stars can't bear it.

Smart people naturally have already made a choice, and there are also some spectators, as well as forces stationed on the heavenly star, and they quickly spread the news back to their sect, because they know , this sudden emergence of forces not only destroyed the Death Pavilion, but also marked the Palace of the Heavenly Star Lord, which may mean that the forces on the Heavenly Star will be reshuffled, and every crisis is also an opportunity. If this opportunity can be grasped, then, in the future, there may be more right to speak on Heavenly Star.

Someone rushed to the Heavenly Star Lord's mansion, and saw a ruin, a mess everywhere.But there were no people from the Star Lord's Mansion above the ground. Of course, there were some corpses.

"Boom..." Just when this group of people wanted to investigate what was going on under the Star Lord's Mansion, they suddenly felt the entire Heavenly Star tremble suddenly, and a soaring evil spirit rushed towards them from the ground.Those who were close were almost knocked down by this evil spirit, and then boundless blood-colored evil spirit gushed out from the ground, and quickly floated over the entire sky of Paradise Star like pieces of blood clouds.

"What is that?" Someone exclaimed, once the bloody evil spirit came into contact with the human body, it immediately made people feel drowsy.Some people even began to have hallucinations, as if there were boundless deaths and killings in front of their eyes.So someone roared fiercely, and someone started to attack frantically...

"Quickly rewind..." Someone exclaimed, and almost everyone realized that the bloody aura erupting from the ground was like a demon that could cause people to lose their minds. At this moment, no one would dare to stay here.

"What happened..." Sensing the bloody aura here, more people from Heavenly Star rushed over, but this time the people who came were not ordinary people, but supreme beings.

"It's Fengtian Supreme of Changchun Palace..." Someone whispered.

"What a powerful evil spirit!" Fengtian Supreme immediately frowned as soon as he arrived here.He feels it more deeply than anyone else.

"Fengtian, what kind of aura is this? It's so powerful and vicious that it seems to have the resentment of hundreds of millions of living beings. It's so evil." Another voice came over, and it was obvious that this time it wasn't just the Supreme Being who was alarmed.

"I don't know, and I don't know what the hell this star master is doing, what kind of monster has been made underground..." Fengtian Supreme frowned and said.

"The Star Lord has always been mysterious, but this evil aura must be a peerless monster... Hey, someone came up..." The supreme being said, suddenly felt something, turned his head to look, only to find that the blood was gushing from the crypt Among them, several figures rushed out at high speed.It's as quick as a fleeting shadow.

"Tianmo Supreme, Tianhuo Supreme..." Fengtian Supreme whispered, at this moment, he immediately saw several figures rushing out of the crypt, and these figures were familiar to him, except Tianmo Supreme, In addition to the Skyfire Supreme, there are also the Gold Supreme and the Sky Evil Demon Lord.

These four supreme beings are just the few ruthless people who followed Zhan Wuming to destroy the Death Pavilion before, but at this moment, the young man who seems to have only Yuan Zun's cultivation is missing.Of course, Supreme Master Fengtian also knew that among these few people, the truly terrifying one might be the young Yuan Zun, because he saw from afar that Yue Xinghun died at the hands of that young Yuan Zun. , only the young Yuan Zun seemed to be the leader.

"Fengtian Supreme, Bixuan Supreme..." Tianhuo Supreme also saw the two Supremes standing in the square outside the Star Lord's Mansion, and was slightly taken aback.

"Tianhuo, what happened? What exactly is such a strong evil spirit?" Bixuan Zhizun seemed to have a good relationship with Tianhuo Zhizun, so he couldn't help asking first.

"It's an ancient blood demon. It's not appropriate to stay on Heaven Star for a long time. Bixuan, let the major forces on Heaven Star leave here as soon as possible."

The West Sky Fire Worship Sect where the Supreme Skyfire is located has a very long history. There are indeed some classics in the sect that record the battle between gods and demons. Although they are incomplete, their knowledge is very extensive. When he saw the bloody caterpillar, he thought of a record about the great ancient blood demon, but he didn't dare to confirm it...

But the sea of ​​blood, and the endless bloody aura, made him almost 80.00% sure that the giant worm of thousands of miles was the body of the ancient blood demon recorded in the ancient books.

Under such circumstances, how could he dare to stay underground anymore? Although they wanted to find Zhan Wuming and leave together, they knew very well that under such circumstances, they would not be of any help to Zhan Wuming.

If this blood-colored caterpillar, which is thousands of miles in size, is really the real body of the blood demon, then he must let the entire Heaven Star leave as soon as possible, otherwise all the practitioners on the Heaven Star will become the blood of the blood demon, then, for this For the Gorefiend, it is definitely a great supplement. At that time, the Gorefiend will probably recover stronger power, and Zhan Wuming will be even more dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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