Chapter 636 Crashing the Planet

Under such circumstances, everyone quickly got a starship. The relationship between Tianhuo Zhizun and Fengtian Zhizun seems to be pretty good. After finding Changchun Pavilion, a starry sky spaceship is not a problem at all. Although Fengtian Zhizun knew that Tianhuo Zhizun was offended Heaven Star Lord even has a very unusual relationship with Zhan Wuming who destroyed the Death Pavilion.But under such circumstances, no one would care about the connection between that relationship and the gift of a flying boat.

At the moment when the spaceship of Chongtian and the others lifted off, the entire Paradise Star suddenly shook, shaking like an epileptic, and thick and long cracks extended rapidly from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.The already somewhat chaotic scenes on Paradise Star instantly became even more chaotic like cracks in the stars...

Merchants seek profit, and they will not give up their interests easily. Just as they want to spend more time to clean up their business and pack up as much of their belongings as possible, at this moment they suddenly find that the originally extremely stable The pavilions and palaces started to shake in an instant, not only that, but thick and long cracks appeared, and the thickest and longest cracks began to extend in all directions like broken mirrors.

The entire planet is cracked, and the extremely deep cracks are like huge gaps. No one can see how deep the gaps are, but a huge scorching force that only belongs to the center of the earth climbs rapidly, and endless dust is mixed with heat waves. Scenes of smoke soon formed into a cloud, echoing the blood cloud above the sky.

"Om..." The spaceships in the starport of Heavenly Star were like frightened birds, starting all of them. Many people didn't know that the great change of Heavenly Star came from the blood demon, but when they saw that the whole planet was cracking. , is more useful than any news.Although an incomparably rich aura gushed out from that endless crack.But in the face of life, even if it is immortal energy, more people will choose to give up.

"Damn, what the hell is going on, the blood demon will not meet any opponents inside, let's destroy the whole planet!" Chongtian looked at everything in Tiantian Star, and couldn't help but be in a daze. He felt that the whole planet seemed to be very It's about to collapse, but Zhan Wuming hasn't come out yet.

"Should we fly higher, in case..." Huo Weifu hesitated.

"Wait a little longer, I believe the master will be fine!" Tianxie Mozun said decisively.

Huo Weifu couldn't help turning his gaze to Tianhuo Zhizun and Chongtian, as if he wanted to ask them for advice on support, but Chongtian smiled wryly, but didn't speak, but Tianhuo Zhizun was a little funny, this big devil asked him for advice You must know that they were old rivals before, but they didn't expect things to be so funny. They actually let an evil heretic walk with him, a righteous person, and even became comrades-in-arms. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't figure it out, so I had to shake my head.

Seeing that everyone seemed to disagree, Huo Weifu had no choice but to shrug his shoulders helplessly, and moved his body to the side of the cabin, looking at the spaceship in the sky that was flying around like a frightened bird, and at the spaceship that was still expanding. huge cracks.All of a sudden, it seemed that someone was screaming, and he couldn't help but startled. He looked in the direction of the sound, and vaguely saw a shadow in the crack of the endless abyss. Sprayed the sky.Then a giant bird rushed out from the ground at an incomparable speed.

Someone exclaimed: "Golden-winged roc..."

Someone also exclaimed: "The divine bird..."

"Brother Zhan..." Huo Weifu called out first. He was very familiar with Zhan Wuming's incarnation of Kunpeng. The giant bird that came out immediately knew that it was Zhan Wuming who rushed out from the ground, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

Hearing Huo Weifu's cry, Tianhuo Zhizun, Chongtian and others all rushed over, and then their eyes fell on the devil bird in the starry sky. Everyone was overjoyed that Zhan Wuming did not disappoint them, and finally Still escaped from the ground. Seeing this, several people immediately flew out of the spaceship, and their spiritual consciousness quickly passed over.

That giant bird was Zhan Wuming, but he didn't dare to appear in the form of a Kunpeng. Instead, he transformed his body into a golden-winged roc.There are still quite a few birds shaped like golden-winged rocs. Of course, they are all existences with very noble blood, which will not cause the prying eyes of the major forces.

But if Zhan Wuming appeared in the form of a Kunpeng, it would definitely cause a huge shock.Seeing that Huo Weifu and the others were fighting for no life, he was overjoyed, because he also discovered the abnormality in the sky above the entire Paradise Star. The countless spaceships in the starry sky were like flies all over the sky. Find the whereabouts of a few people among the countless spaceships...

From this point of view, even if they swaggered out of the Heavenly Star, the Lord of the Heavenly Star could only stare blankly.Now he is really happy. He didn't expect that once the Gorefiend Seal Continent is broken, the Paradise Star will turn into a chaotic place. These people flee Paradise Star together like frightened birds. Ten times or a hundred times it is difficult to find them in a short time.

Unless the Heaven Star Lord has the guts to intercept all the people who escaped from the Heaven Star in the starry sky, but the counterattack triggered by that is enough to kill the entire Heaven Star Lord Mansion, even the Destiny Cult does not have the guts Fight against all the forces of the entire endless star sea.

The appearance of the Golden Winged Roc surprised many forces, but felt that the aura of the Golden Winged Roc was very powerful, so not many people dared to think about it, but soon, they discovered that the Golden Winged Roc was actually related to the Golden Supreme and Tianhuo. For Zhizun and others, some people who had some ideas at first also gave up their thoughts...

Huang Jinzun Chongtian and others just destroyed the Death Pavilion, and then destroyed the Heavenly Star Lord's Mansion. This group of terrorists who have no taboos, who would want to encounter such a bad luck, and these Supremes are together, I am afraid that no one Be confident that you can beat this group of people.Unless they are confident that they can defeat Yue Xinghun, but what about defeating Yue Xinghun?Because Yue Xinghun is already dead, if this group of people can kill Yue Xinghun, they are at least stronger than Yue Xinghun.To provoke such a group of people for a golden-winged roc that might not be available, only a lunatic would do it.

"Brother Zhan, it's great that you're fine." Zhan Wuming shrunk his body and flew into the spaceship before returning to his human body.Seeing that there were no scars on Zhan Wuming's body at all, the supreme beings were relieved. At the same time, they were also very curious about what happened to Zhan Wuming in the center of the earth. You must know that the real body of the blood demon who is thousands of miles long is the most One of the terrifying ancient ominous creatures, there are some records in the classics of various sects, but who would have thought that this terrifying ominous thing would actually appear in this heavenly star, and even wake up at this terrible time.

They were able to escape because they found something was wrong at the beginning, otherwise they would have been turned into blood by the blood demon. The old monsters are all mature and sensitive to crises.

"Of course nothing will happen, it's just a big bug. But it's a pity for those treasures underground in the Star Lord's Mansion. Zhan Wuming sighed with regret.

"It's good that it's okay. Let's leave Paradise Star as soon as possible. If the monster chases us out, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape if we want to." Huo Weifu and Supreme Skyfire breathed a sigh of relief, but thinking of the terrifying blood demon, They are not willing to stay on this heaven star for a moment, if not for waiting for Zhan Wuming just now, they would have chosen to escape a long time ago.Now that Zhan Wuming has escaped, naturally there is no need to stay.

"Alright, this heaven star is about to collapse, let's get out of here first!" Zhan Wuming nodded, he didn't want to tell these people that the blood demon had been eliminated by them, even if the blood demon was still alive, then It's just those avatars who have been cursed by the blood world. Those avatars are afraid that the blood demons will not dare to blatantly appear in front of the world, because they are still very weak, and it will take a long time to recover to their peak state. If it was discovered before, it must be killed directly.

The Gorefiend is extremely cunning. Naturally, he knows that he will not dare to show his face until he is not enough to dominate. Zhan Wuming will not be too worried. Instead, it is the corpse of the ancient god controlled by the monster of Sushenxing and Huntian from Mengyue City. The clone of the demon god, this is a real terrorist.However, with his current strength, he was simply not strong enough to confront these two terrorists, so he would have to die.

Zhan Wuming, the starry sky boat obtained from the Changchun Pavilion, was mixed with countless starry sky boats and flew towards the endless starry sky.

Zhan Wuming discovered that there are many spaceships coming from beyond the endless starry sky towards the Heavenly Star.Those spaceships seemed to have sensed something was wrong with the entire Tiantianxing, and wanted to come back to check the situation, Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing, because he found that these spaceships were actually the symbol of the Heavenly Star Palace.

"That's the spaceship from the Heavenly Star Lord's Mansion," the Supreme Skyfire laughed immediately, and he also recognized the owners of those spaceships, because he was almost stopped by the spaceship when he rushed into the starry sky, if it wasn't for the Western Sky Fire Worship Cult There is still a lot of influence in Tiantianxing, let him know the news in advance, and then see with his own eyes that many starry space ships in the Tiantian Star Lord's Mansion are arranged in the starry sky, he might really die unjustly.

Now seeing this group of people rushing back from the starry sky like a funeral, Supreme Skyfire couldn't help laughing, and all the other Supremes also laughed.If Heaven Star Lord returns to Heaven Star and finds that his Star Lord Mansion has been completely destroyed, and the entire Heaven Star is about to collapse, I don’t know what kind of expression he will have, but everyone knows that it must be very exciting .

And at this time, the appeal of the Star Lord of Heaven is obviously not very strong. When he wanted to stop a few people to ask what happened, no one was willing to stop his starship, and then almost all the starships were in the sky. Flying towards the endless starry sky, but the people of the Heavenly Star Lord's Mansion are flying towards the heavenly star.At this time, their starry sky blockade has obviously been completely given up.

When they saw those starships fleeing for their lives like locusts, they couldn't stop them. If they tried to stop them against the trend, they would be smashed into pieces by the torrent of starships. Therefore, the only way they could The thing to do is to rush back to Paradise Star to see what happened.

On the way back, they didn't see the starships of other people in the Star Lord's Mansion, and they didn't know whether it was because those people were stationed in the Heavenly Star Lord's Mansion peacefully, or because they didn't leave with most of them for some reason.But soon they saw from a distance that the Star Lord's Mansion on the top of Tiantian Star had turned into ruins, and they were all dumbfounded. There was no one alive in their Heavenly Star Lord's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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