Chapter 637 Is a disaster, but also a great opportunity

Heaven Star Master is indeed going crazy, he just left Heaven Star for a few hours, and the whole Heaven Star became like this. The extremely important industry in the endless sea of ​​stars was destroyed in one day, and the forgotten sacred land under the Heavenly Star was the most important secret of the Destiny Sect. It was like a cracked egg, and he didn't dare to imagine whether the sacred soil under the ground would still be intact.If something goes wrong with that piece of divine soil, then he really has no hope of redemption.

Thinking of this, Heavenly Star Master couldn't care less, and suddenly flew to the ground.All the masters of the Star Lord's Mansion were also stunned. They never expected that such a situation would happen. The entire Heavenly Star would collapse. Not only that, their Star Lord's Mansion seemed to be turned into ruins one step earlier than this planet. , that can only explain one problem, that is, someone attacked their Star Lord Mansion first.

For countless years, Heavenly Star Lord's Mansion has been a symbol of supremacy. The mysterious formation on the square outside the Star Lord's Mansion can be easily wiped out even if the supreme power invades it, but this time the formation did not appear. to the effect.

And in the main hall of the Star Lord's Mansion, there is also a protective defensive formation, and even the protection of the hell evil phoenix, who can easily break through it?But everything in front of them is the fact that someone provoked the authority of their heavenly star master, although it was after all their masters left the star master's mansion to set up the starry sky.

"Boom..." The entire Paradise Star wailed, as if a dying old man was letting out his last sigh.The rough crack is getting wider and wider, like a huge dry seabed, all the water on the heavenly star converges into this crack, and countless broken rocks and fragments of the continent pour down into the abyss, but These are nothing to the Heavenly Star Lord, his cultivation has already surpassed the supreme rank, so it can be said that he is the real powerhouse of the so-called earth immortal rank.The body guard outside the body directly shattered those things, and his goal was still to rush to the center of the earth, where there was a piece of sealed sacred land, and he paid more attention to what happened there, even if it was the entire Star Lord Mansion. It's all ruined, and he doesn't care.

"Boom..." At this moment, a dark fire suddenly rose in front of Star Master's eyes, and there was a loud and clear cry. In his sight, a huge fire bird flew out from the ground.

"Hell's evil phoenix..." The heavenly star master breathed a sigh of relief, and he quickly recognized from a distance that the huge fire bird was none other than the hellish evil phoenix that had been fostered in the heavenly star. His cultivation base It is much stronger than this hellish evil phoenix, but the origin of this hellish evil phoenix is ​​beyond his imagination. It is the pet of the ancestor of the gods, and it is fostered here.If nothing happened to the evil hell phoenix, his status and life would be safe for the time being. Therefore, when he saw the evil hell phoenix rushing out from the center of the earth, he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

The Hell Phoenix actually left the center of the earth after Zhan Wuming. After Zhan Wuming entered the sacred soil in the center of the earth, he didn't care about the Hell Phoenix anymore. He didn't know that the fire bird was hunting for food. It was still turned into bloody water by the blood demon, but the hell evil phoenix is ​​not a flesh and blood body at all, but the fire spirit body of the ghost fire of hell. The blood demon has no ability to turn it into bloody water. His blood bean worms have not yet The body of the evil phoenix near the hell was burned by the terrible high temperature. Therefore, the evil phoenix of the hell is safer than anyone else in the inner world of the earth.It's just that the divine soil has been shattered at this moment, Zhan Wuming escaped first, and the hell evil phoenix did not escape until this time.

"Chirp..." The Hell Evil Phoenix uttered another long cry, the voice was a little anxious and anxious, and the Heavenly Star Lord was slightly startled, he felt the impatience and anxiety of the Hell Evil Phoenix.This is rare, even with the collapse of the entire Paradise Star, the Hell Evil Phoenix shouldn't have shown such emotions, turning to fly in the direction of the Hell Evil Phoenix.Immediately he was stunned, and he found that there were countless blood-red bugs behind the hell evil phoenix.

Like a beetle, her whole body is blood red, crystal clear, like shining blood diamonds, with a delicate beauty.The smallest worms are as big as wild dogs, while the biggest ones are as huge as golems. These worms have wings, and their speed is not much slower than the evil phoenix of hell. They are densely packed and fly out from the depths of the earth like countless blood-colored dust. A bloody and ferocious air emerged spontaneously.

At this moment, how could the Heavenly Star Lord not understand that the panic of the Hell Phoenix came from the group of bloody bugs.He didn't understand what these blood-colored bugs were. The creature that could make the Hell's evil phoenix panic so much was definitely not an ordinary creature.

"Chirp..." The evil phoenix from hell didn't even look at the heavenly star master, and fled desperately, passing by the heavenly star master. Obviously, he didn't want to greet the heavenly star master.

"Evil Phoenix..." The Heavenly Star Lord couldn't help being startled, and let out a cry.

"Run away..." A thought from the evil phoenix of hell came into the soul of the star master of heaven. At that time, he was much stronger. I don't know what he devoured, but his cultivation level increased greatly, and his spiritual intelligence also improved a lot.

"What exactly is that?" Heaven Star Lord frowned, watching the sea of ​​insects chasing after him like a piece of red dust, he couldn't help asking.

"Immortal Devourer, I don't want to die, run away!" The Hell Evil Phoenix replied impatiently, and fled to the ground without looking back.

"What! Immortal Devourer..." The Star Lord of Heaven turned pale with fright, he would not hesitate to turn around and run after the evil Phoenix from Hell. No stranger, this kind of thing is like a colony of ants in the mortal world, no matter how wild or ferocious the beast will regard it as a scourge!
It is a terrifying creature that wins by numbers. Its individual strength is not strong, and it can even be easily strangled to death. But once it gets close, it can quickly form a scale. At that time, it only takes a blink of an eye to turn the opponent into bones.And the sea of ​​insects in front of him must have gnawed out all the creatures on Paradise Star. This is one of the most terrifying creatures in the entire lower realm. Once there are enough hosts, no one will be able to stop this sea of ​​insects. expand.

"Star Master..." At this moment, Heaven Star Master discovered a serious problem.

Because he drilled into the ground, all his subordinates followed. These people flew at a slightly slower speed, and they didn't hear what the hell evil phoenix said. When those people saw the endless sea of ​​insects behind them, they couldn't help but I was stunned, and wanted to ask the Heavenly Star Lord.

"Run!" Heavenly Star Lord shouted loudly, he had no time and mood to explain to this group of people, and only had one sentence, which he shouted directly.

The masters of the Heavenly Star Lord's Mansion also realized that it was not good, they rarely saw the Star Lord speak to them in such a tone.

However, they still believed the words of the Heavenly Star Lord. They turned around and ran away without even thinking about the thing that even the Star Lord was displeased with. However, they underestimated this sea of ​​insects. Instead of moving forward in a fan shape, they pursued outwards in a fan shape. When they saw the sea of ​​insects, they were actually half surrounded.They are not as powerful as the star master, and only half of them are lucky enough to escape from the sea of ​​insects, and the rest are all surrounded by endless insects.

Hearing their screams, Heavenly Star Lord didn't dare to turn his head back. At this time, he had the same idea as that hellish evil phoenix, leaving Heavenly Star, the farther the better, he didn't know how this group of immortal-eating insects appeared He only knew that Heaven Star was over, and the most important thing for him now was to spread the news of the Immortal Devourer's appearance back to the family as soon as possible.

The appearance of the immortal worm is a huge disaster, but it is also a great opportunity...

In the legends of their family, there was such a record that the gate of the fairy world is hidden in the endless void, and it is impossible for anyone to find it. It is impossible to have the opportunity to break through the void and enter the fairyland!

Some people say that it was because the fairyland had experienced a huge catastrophe, and it was because of this catastrophe that the gate of the fairyland was completely closed. Only by finding the gate of the fairyland and opening it, then the immortal cultivators in the lower realm can break through the void again and enter the gate of the fairyland. middle.Otherwise, even if the void is broken, it is very likely that they will not be able to find the passage to the fairy world, and enter other interfaces, or even wander in the void forever.But there is a kind of creature in this world that can find the gate of the fairy world, and that is the immortal-eating insect. When an immortal-eating insect enters an adult body, the inheritance of talent can sense the existence of the gate of the immortal world.

Now that the swarm of immortal-eating insects has appeared, such a huge sea of ​​insects can definitely devour each other and then an adult immortal-eating insect king will appear. Then, if there is a way to catch this immortal-eating insect, or follow this immortal-eating insect, Then, it is very possible to find the gate of the fairy world.

For entering the fairy world, everyone has a desire in his heart, even for a blood family like them. He can even receive the will of the ancestor god through some ancient ritual...

And a lot of wills tell them what they need to do in the lower realms. For example, this time the battle of the stars is to find a person with a special physique and a special reincarnation memory!

But the will of the gods that was occasionally exchanged could not let them get rid of the current embarrassment. They have not entered the fairyland for too many years. , exerting the strongest power.Even if they can't absorb enough fairy energy, they can't truly sublimate their lives completely.

Once entering the fairy world, life will be sublimated quickly under the irrigation of enough fairy energy, and the lifespan of the creatures will be increased several times. The way of deep sleep delays the consumption of their own lives, and goes through as many years as possible. Once they find the gate of the fairy world, they will be able to break through the current limitation of lifespan and have a longer life.Even if these old monsters choose to sleep now, they can't last long. Once their lifespan is exhausted, even if they have the ability to reach heaven and earth, they can only return to the way of heaven and become nothingness...

Therefore, in this realm, the more powerful the sect is, the more they want to find the gate of the fairy world, because their powerful ancestors can get rid of the restriction of longevity.

At this moment, the appearance of the immortal worm, although the heavenly star master is afraid, but he is more excited.

(End of this chapter)

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