Chapter 657

The blood-red spaceship in the starry sky is naturally Zhan Wuming's blood-river boat.For more than half a year, he has been circling around the ancient god, and has been stimulating the ancient god to keep chasing him.He didn't escape from the gate of the rules either. With the speed of the blood river boat, even though the ancient god had traveled hundreds of thousands of miles in one step, he still couldn't catch up with the blood river boat.Therefore, Zhan Wuming can constantly deal with the ancient gods.

The most valuable news that Zhan Wuming obtained from the memory of the ancestor of Tianshu is that the immortal worm can find the gate of the fairy world.If this is the case, then I have really made a fortune. Once I can really find the gate of the fairy world, then I can break the shackles of the lower world for countless years, and I will no longer be afraid of the blockade of those old monsters in the God Realm. After that, I can Entering the God Realm from the Immortal Realm, naturally no one knows about it.

Zhan Wuming really wants to enter the fairy world, but firstly, the immortal devouring insects have not yet reached the real adult body and cannot find the position of the gate of the fairy world, and secondly, his cultivation base is still too low, even if he breaks through the fairy world , After entering the fairy world, he is just the weakest at the bottom.

Everywhere, it is the jungle of the jungle.Whether it is ordinary or immortal, only strength is an important factor in determining success or failure.And no matter which world you are in, resources are the most important thing. Knowing that you have a chance to win the fairy world, Zhan Wuming will naturally have to work harder to search for resources. Let's make some plans in Yan Continent.

Others don't know, but Zhan Wuming knows that this lower realm will be wiped out by the catastrophe sooner or later. Although the Hunting Demon God is only a clone revived, after he slaughtered the city of Mengyue, he estimated that the entire city of sentient beings would have Many cities will become its absorbed energy, and after the chaos in the starry sky, the real world will not escape catastrophe. The Hunting Demon God has a very special life, as long as he can feel the existence of that world, he will It is possible to infiltrate.

If it wants to enter the real universe, it is not too difficult.And the countless creatures in the new universe will become its greatest supplement, so Zhan Wuming has to prepare a way out for the people of Poyan Continent.

The back road of Poyan Continent is in the cemetery of the gods. It is a road that can lead to the wasteland, or it may be somewhere in the original place. As long as you rush to the original place, you can let Qinglong rush to the broken Yan Continent, take it into your own magic weapon of space. Before this, I am afraid that Ye Tiantang and the heart of light will be stabilized. I will collect the people who break Yan Continent into Ye Tiantian, and don't be transformed by Ye Tiantang It would be a big loss, even if he wanted to kill Ye Tiantian's tool soul at that time, the gain would not be worth the loss.

In the past half a year or so, Zhan Wuming borrowed the power of the ancient gods, and indeed gained a lot.

In addition to the Tianshu Patriarch, the Destiny Cult killed two Earth Immortal rank powerhouses. Of course, after being severely injured by the attack of the ancient gods, he was attacked by Zhan Wuming's Immortal Devourer.This made the ancient god very angry. Obviously he could treat the earth immortal as his blood food, but he was robbed of it.

For the treasures of practitioners, the ancient god didn't look down on them at all. What he cared about was the flesh and blood, and the energy that could allow him to recover quickly. He didn't know that when he devoured the blood food, he already knew how much it was. He felt that he had buried countless hidden dangers in his body, and that hidden danger was the egg-eating immortals.

The eggs of devouring immortals cannot directly enter the body of the ancient gods, but they can enter the bodies of those supreme beings and those half-immortals. The monsters in the ancient god's body devoured them, so the eggs quickly entered the body of these monsters, and then slowly entered the body of the ancient god through the bodies of these monsters.

The body of the ancient god is too big, thousands of times bigger than the body of the blood demon, Zhan Wuming dare not devour the corpse of the ancient god too frantically, once he does that, he will immediately be unable to control the immortal insects , During this period of time, let the female worm devour a blood-colored fairy-eating worm every now and then, and quickly become stronger. However, the energy of each fairy-eating worm is very large. Even after the female worm swallows it, it will take several days to digest and transform. into your own energy.

Over the past six months, the female worm has devoured more than a hundred blood-colored immortal-eating worms, and Zhan Wuming has been expanding his soul energy all the time.With the disappearance of each immortal worm, his soul energy will increase, because he wants to recover those soul powers.If it wasn't because Zhan Wuming's soul was too strong to accommodate this powerful energy, the female worm would definitely devour it faster.

Zhan Wuming felt very sad. In the past half a year, the power of his life soul has increased by dozens of times. If those blood-colored immortal insects are all swallowed, his power of life soul, that is, the power of the soul The strength will increase by more than a hundred times, and this increase will only cause problems for his soul.

So he didn't dare to let the immortal-eating insects devour it too quickly. He now knew how to transform the power of the five-element godhead into the power of the soul, but he didn't know how to transform his own power of the soul into the five-color godhead.And it is even more impossible for him to let his soul power dissipate.Therefore, he can only slow down the devouring speed of the immortal devouring insects.

In addition to the slow devouring speed of the immortal worm at the beginning, the devouring speed is very fast later on.Because after devouring a few fairy-eating insects, the female insect has evolved to be stronger, much stronger than other blood-colored immortal-eating insects, so it is naturally easy to swallow those blood-colored immortal-eating insects.But Zhan Wuming and the female worm of the immortal worm are connected in heart, if Zhan Wuming can't bear it, no matter how strong the female worm is, it will be restricted.

In the past half a year or so, Zhan Wuming has become stronger, and his soul power has skyrocketed, making his soul seem to have undergone a comprehensive transformation.Originally, after the Supreme One came the calamity of the physical body, but Zhan Wuming's physical body had already surpassed the Supreme Being, and at the time of Yuan Zun, he had already reached the physical strength of a true immortal.For Zhan Wuming, the realm below the Earth Immortal is also not a problem, and he has accumulated countless experiences in the reincarnation memory.

Although he has never broken through to the earth immortal in his past memory, he has survived the calamity of the physical body and the demon of the heart many times, even in the memory of Yuanjie, when he was framed by Mo Tianji , his realm has reached the point where he can easily survive the three kinds of divine and soul tribulations, but he was plotted against later and failed to really succeed.

Therefore, in the realm below the half-immortal, Zhan Wuming is not short of perception, what is short is the accumulation of strength.In the past six months, the power fed back to him by the immortal worm allowed him to easily break through the first level of thunder tribulation, and it was precisely because he broke through the first level of thunder tribulation that he was able to accommodate more soul power, otherwise, he would not be able to accommodate it at all. .

Chongtian and others broke through earlier than Zhan Wuming, but it only took Zhan Wuming more than half a year to break through to the supreme cultivation level, and then to break through the body robbery. This abnormal speed made them dumbfounded, but thinking about Zhan Wuming Wuming is a freak to begin with, and it is normal for strange things to happen to Zhan Wuming.

Following Zhan Wuming for more than half a year, Chongtian, Huo Weifu and the others felt that getting rich had never been so easy.Wherever you go, you are free to pick up resources, planet by planet, sect by sect... one station by station, suddenly, Chongtian has a feeling, that is All the previous days were in vain.

What pleased Chongtian and Huo Weifu the most was that all the places destroyed by the ancient gods during this period were all blessed places, and the abundance of spiritual energy inside made them almost unable to help but want to stay and practice. They found that most of these places were Those semi-immortal-level powerhouses practiced, what surprised them most was the cave of the two earth immortals of the Destiny Sect. In this cave, it is not the spirit of the primordial spirit, but the spirit of the fairy, which is the spirit of the immortal. Qi, for Chongtian and Huo Weifu, it is an extremely luxurious resource.

In this kind of environment, they feel that they have the feeling of breaking through Feixian. Although they know that this is just an illusion, this illusion makes them understand that as long as they have a better environment, it is not difficult for them to break through.And in the caves of these old monsters, there are so many treasures that they are jealous.The ancient gods only care about destroying, but they don't care about collecting treasures, so they only care about collecting treasures, and the ancient gods will do all the destruction.

After more than half a year of chasing, the monsters in the ancient god's body seemed to be more spiritual. They knew very well that they were not Zhan Wuming's blood boat, because they couldn't catch them, but they also knew that it was because of Zhan Wuming's The guidance of the blood river boat allowed them to obtain more sufficient food and energy supplements. Under such circumstances, the ancient gods did not seem to be in a hurry to fight against the lifeless blood river boat. The two became a kind of deformed interaction. relationship.

For those monsters among the ancient gods, what they need is the flesh and blood energy of practitioners, and Zhan Wuming has led them to one planet after another these days. It is much better than waiting for countless years in Sushen Starfield.

Therefore, they have no desire to attack some people in the lifeless blood river boat at this time. Their wisdom tells them that if they kill the people in the blood-colored starry sky boat in front of them, then they have no desire to attack the people in the blood-colored starry sky boat in front of them. This space will only be blank, and there will be no more food at all, so a strange balance has been reached between the ancient gods and the blood river boat.

Chongtian and the others can come out of the blood river boat boldly and confidently, and then go to search for treasures. When encountering resistance, they will lure those enemies to the direction of the ancient gods. Naturally, the ancient gods will deal with them. Generally speaking, if there are no special circumstances , the ancient gods will not easily attack Zhan Wuming, Chongtian and others.This change made Chongtian and others inexplicably excited, and the search for treasures became even more exciting.

However, Zhan Wuming knew that this kind of little happiness might not last long, and the Destiny Cult was not a messy master. After suffering so many big losses, I believe that the real resistance of the Destiny Cult should not be far away.But Zhan Wuming didn't care about these things, soldiers came to block him, water came to cover him, he wished that the Destiny Sect would organize masters to come earlier.

The ancient god had eaten enough during this time, and his aura was obviously much stronger than when he just rushed out of the Sushen star field. Of course, when the ancient god star on his forehead lit up, it was only half. The divine body of the god is too big, and the energy needed to recover to the one-star realm is too powerful. Even after killing in the starry sky for more than half a year, he couldn't get a better promotion.

But the ancient god at this moment, even if a strong man like You Huo comes, he won't get any benefits, and it seems unrealistic for You Huo to make a move. It has tens of thousands of identities in various places, and it is not easy to gather together. Then, The one who took the most shots was probably only Xuan Huang. Has Xuan Huang fully recovered from his injuries?Zhan Wuming really wanted to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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