Chapter 658 Ambush the Destiny Cult Together
The people of Destiny Sect are very depressed, the endless sea of ​​stars is too vast, and in this sea of ​​stars, they have lived too many ancestors in seclusion, because this is the incomplete starry sky formed by the ancient sacred land, in this starry sky There are too many mysterious pure lands, enough for many fairy-level old monsters in the Destiny Sect to obtain a secret cave.

The ancient gods have swept away seven sub-altars of the Destiny Sect and the caves of the ancestors of the Earth Immortals. Numerous masters of the Destiny Sect have been killed and injured, and even two Earth Immortals have been lost. Ancestor Shu, the Destiny Sect lost three Earth Immortal-level ancestors, which made the Destiny Sect extremely depressed, and there was also a trace of panic, panic about the ancient gods.

Vulcan didn't hear the call from the sect, and didn't choose to wake up, and the other god ancestor seemed to be a little moved, but he didn't give a final answer. The Destiny Sect has a feeling that the route that this ancient god attacked was completely based on the Destiny Sect. Aim at the planets scattered all over the place, meet immortals and kill immortals.

If their estimates are correct, then the next place the ancient gods will attack may be the planet Muke, because on this planet, there is the cave of an ancestor of the earth immortal, not only that, but also an important transit point of the Destiny Sect The planet is also the nearest station of the Destiny Cult to Tai'a Xing, the last planet attacked by the ancient gods.

In order to meet the next attack of the ancient gods, the Destiny Sect mobilized heavy troops to guard Muke Xing, and even set up a large formation inside and outside the starry sky, hoping that the ancient gods and the bloody spaceship would suffer a big loss when they arrived, but they Waiting left didn't wait for the arrival of the ancient god, neither waited right.

Half a month later, they received the news that Bu Leixing of the Destiny Sect was defeated by the ancient gods, and the blood-colored spaceship took the ancient gods around Muke and chose Bu Leixing, who was farther away. Most of the masters were mobilized on the Muke star, and they didn't have a strong defense. As a result, they broke through as soon as they attacked, the entire star was directly destroyed, and countless resources were plundered.

The ancient god actually ran past Muke to attack Bu Leixing, which was completely unexpected by the Destiny Cult, so they had to rush to the back of Bu Leixing, Torrei Xing, because Torrei Xing was farther away from Bu Leixing than Bu Leixing. It is much closer to Planet Muke. After attacking Bulei Star, then the next attack must be Torre Star, which is also an important station planet of the Destiny Cult, and the Destiny Cult is absolutely unwilling to let go.

The entire endless star sea seems to know one thing, that is, the ancient god has been having a hard time with the Destiny Cult, and the most likely guess is that the blood-colored spaceship has been leading the ancient god to target the Destiny Cult's station.Some forces originally wanted to form an alliance to deal with the ancient gods, but at this moment they chose to wait and see, because they want to know what kind of backhand the Destiny Cult has, because the Destiny Cult is too powerful, and they are not very popular with the major forces in the endless star sea. like.

It's not that Zhan Wuming doesn't know about Muke, he knows very well that Muke is one of the most important planets of Destiny Cult, because there are earth immortals sitting on this star. It can be said that Muke is better than Paradise Star. It is not bad at all, and Tiantian Star is jointly owned by several major forces, but Muke Star belongs to the forces of Destiny Sect. Therefore, the strategic position of Muke Star is more important to Destiny Sect than Heaven Star.But for such an important planet, Zhan Wuming would rather go a little further away and let Tianming teach Kong to wait.

Zhan Wuming thought of the Destiny Church's counterattack, and would inevitably choose a planet to wait for work, so that he could take a head-on blow, but Zhan Wuming didn't give the Destiny Church such an opportunity.

In the endless starry sky, Chongtian calculated the flight route extremely accurately like a navigator.At this time, the blood river boat was driven by a group of cronies of the gold thief, such as Chongtian and Hunhou, and the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast and the Guishui Tuntian python followed for a long time.

Hunhou received Chongtian's secret note and finally found Chongtian three months ago.Chongtian only chose a group of cronies, and the rest rushed back to their lair to rest. There were too many people in the way, and Hunhou and others were more than enough to drive the blood river boat.

"Brother Zhan!" Chongtian didn't easily disturb Zhan Wuming's practice.

As soon as Zhan Wuming has time, he immediately enters the secret room to practice. Except for the robbery time, the rest of the time seems to be in the secret room. Like a madman who cultivates, he must not only digest the energy devoured by those immortal devourers, but also integrate those With the power of the soul, Zhan Wuming never has a moment to spare.

"Have you found the whereabouts of the Destiny Cult?" The door of the secret room opened suddenly.The voice of Zhan Wuming came leisurely from it.

Zhan Wuming doesn't mind letting the gold thief drive the blood river boat, because the blood river boat has already been refined by him, and it is a treasure that communicates with him. Even if the gold thief has something different, he doesn't worry about it at all. People can snatch the blood river boat in his hand.

The trump card in Zhan Wuming's hands is not something that Chongtian can easily move, at least the eight supreme powerhouses who have been subdued on the earth-centered continent of Tiantian Star, he has never told Chongtian and others that these supreme powerhouses can Said to be his other hole card.These eight supreme beings are all supreme powerhouses formed by the cultivation of monsters and desolate beasts. They are much stronger than ordinary human practitioners. One of the supreme white elephants also survived the physical calamity not long ago.

These supreme beings are not uncomfortable in cultivating in the night paradise, because they have been practicing under the light power of the heart of light. Until now, they are very close to the power of light. These supreme powerhouses in his hands can completely kill the soaring gold thieves.

Even if Huo Weifu has a different heart, Tianxie Mozun can completely balance Huo Weifu's power, so Zhan Wuming has absolute control, and he is not afraid of these people's betrayal at all.However, he also believes that Chongtian is not that kind of person.

"That's right, they are rushing towards the starry sky. They will soon enter the star field ambush circle we set up!" A happy smile flashed in Chongtian's eyes, and everything seemed to be like Zhan Wuming So it is.The people of Destiny Sect are walking into their trap step by step.

Zhan Wuming floated to the blood-colored astrolabe on the Blood River Boat, Hunhou bowed to Zhan Wuming, this young man's cultivation level is higher than his at this moment, more than half a year ago, the young man in front of him was only Yuan Zun's cultivation level , but now, even his boss Chongtian has to respect the young man in front of him.In the past few months, Zhan Wuming led him to sweep all the way, and it was indeed a great harvest. Hunhou also felt a little more awe towards Zhan Wuming from the bottom of his heart.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing as he saw some yellowish light spots on the blood-colored starship flickering non-stop, quickly approaching in his direction.The astrolabe of Blood River Boat can see the starry sky of one light-year in the Dead Pluto star field, but the starry sky within five light-years can be clearly fed back on the astrolabe after leaving the Dead Pluto star field. It is precisely because of this The special effect of the astrolabe gave him some guesses about the layout of the planet Muke, so he directly bypassed the planet Muke and chose Bu Leixing.

Let the people of Destiny Cult think that he will continue to attack Torrey Star, so the people of Destiny Cult have to come from Muke Star to the direction of Torre Star to support, and the ambush set by Zhan Wuming is in this area. On the only way for Torre Star.

"You can inform those monsters that their snacks are coming!" Zhan Wuming smiled slightly, and the blood river boat suddenly spun, like a shadow towards the ancient god who was strolling in the starry sky not far away. fly away.

Seeing the blood-colored spaceship in the starry sky flying by from far to near, the expression of the ancient god did not fluctuate in the slightest, and he still walked slowly in the starry sky until the bloody river boat stopped thousands of miles in front of his eyelids. Only then did the ancient god stop in his tracks, and a pair of huge eyes stared at the blood river boat like two huge caves.

"I have brought you a batch of food, and they will enter this starry sky soon, I hope you don't let anyone go!" Zhan Wuming's thoughts were transmitted directly from those two huge eye sockets.

Then, an octopus-like soft black bug crawled out from the eye sockets of the ancient gods. Countless tentacles vibrated in the void and made a strange sound that seemed to be singing and laughing, and then a faint thought came over, dark and tyrannical, But it didn't mean to attack.

"Old rules, the flesh and blood of those foods belong to me, and their property belongs to you..." That thread of thought quickly fed back into Zhan Wuming's mind.Obviously, that octopus-like monster is the endorsement of the ancient god.

"No problem, I set up a formation in the starry sky in front of me. After the formation explodes, it's time for you to attack. Predatory, you are better than me." Zhan Wuming smiled happily.

He never thought that one day he would form an alliance with the parasitic monster in the ancient god's body, and the two sides had a tacit understanding, each taking what he needed.That's why the ancient god's incomparably huge body has been advancing slowly behind the lifeless spaceship.Now, a consensus has been formed among them.

As soon as Zhan Wuming's words fell, the bloody river boat disappeared into the void in a flash of blood. Even the ancient gods didn't see how the blood river boat disappeared.

However, the ancient god didn't seem to care too much about the disappearance of the blood river boat. The blood river boat must be hiding in the shadow of a certain star in this starry sky.

In the starry sky not far away, many chaotic stars and meteorites are intertwined into a dense meteorite belt. In this meteorite belt, there are also a few huge stars. run.The body of the ancient god curled up leisurely, and then that huge body was gradually submerged by those meteorites. Countless fine meteorites covered that huge body. From a distance, it looked like a group of countless fine meteorites There is an inconspicuous star in it.

This is the disguise taught by Zhan Wuming to the ancient gods.The body of the ancient god is too huge, and the enemy will usually find it from a long distance away. When the enemy finds the ancient god, the first thing they do is to run for their lives.

Zhan Wuming didn't want this group of Destiny Cultists to run away the first time they saw him. Of course, this group of Destiny Cultists might not run away, but think about letting this huge ancient god sneak attack, that way The damage that can be caused must exceed imagination, and this is the result that Zhan Wuming wants to see, as long as he can cause more damage to the Destiny Sect.

The body of the ancient god was covered by meteorites, and he just made the meteorite belt appear denser.The ancient god was originally like a star, and it was very easy to disguise himself as a star again at this moment. After its body was hidden, the entire starry sky returned to tranquility, and everything seemed incomparably calm.

At this time, in the distant starry sky, some black spots have gradually appeared under this starry sky, slowly approaching...

(End of this chapter)

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