Chapter 660 Sword God Xuanhuang
Those monsters were like vines, quickly tangling together to form a huge monster. The rattan tentacles on his body were like tangled monsters, showing an unparalleled sense of power.

"Boom..." Patriarch Kongkong attacked again, as if hitting a wooden drum. A strong rebound force on the monster's body made Patriarch Kongkong's palm numb for a while, and at the same time, the monster's side A puff of light smoke, like mist and silk, quickly surrounded Patriarch Kongkong.

The individual strength of these monsters is much weaker than that of Patriarch Kongkong, but the strength combined is extremely powerful.

On the other side, the ancient god's big hand wiped away all the starry sky ships and meteorites of the Destiny Sect, as if wiping away dust in the void. Those starry sky airships with strong defenses, under the hands of the ancient god, were like fireworks. Bursting, extremely fragile.

The only choice for the supreme powerhouse of the Destiny Sect is to escape from the starship and use those meteorites to jump into the starry sky.It seems that all the starry space ships have become the key targets of the ancient gods, and the starry space ships are inconvenient to move in this meteorite belt, and are the most vulnerable to attack. It would be safer for some Supremes to fly out of the starry space ships.

In just a moment, all those spaceships in the starry sky exploded, and none of them survived.The masters of the Destiny Sect were extremely depressed. They never expected that this big ancient god would know how to hide himself, and a sudden attack caught them by surprise, and they had no chance to escape.

Feeling the killing of the ancient gods at close range, they suddenly realized that they were as small as ants, even the supreme ones. Facing the attacks of the ancient gods, the only thing they could do was to jump up and down and try their best to avoid them. As long as you don't get hit, you still have a chance to survive. Once you get hit, or even just being hit by a strong wind, it's enough to break their bones and make this war impossible to fight.

They found that the ancient god's attack even carried the power of rules. Although it was not as powerful as in the Sushen Starfield, this power of rules was possessed by his innate power of gods. For some supreme beings, it was absolutely deadly.

They found that their speed had become very slow. Every time the ancient god struck, a starry sky was wiped clean, and a group of Destiny Sect disciples disappeared.

Patriarch Kong Kong suddenly discovered that the ancient god squeezed the flesh and blood of all the slain people into a ball after a blow, and then threw it into the huge mouth like a black hole.

The ancient gods eat people and devour the flesh and blood of practitioners.

"Woo..." At this moment, a long horn sound seemed to come from the ancient time and space, Patriarch Kong Kong's body flew back quickly, and then an ancient dragon horn horn appeared in his hand , once the horn was sounded, it seemed as if circles of ripples appeared in the void.Then the circles of ripples expanded rapidly, quickly establishing an incomparably deep passage in the void, as if directly leading to another void.

"When..." At this moment, a long bell sounded suddenly from the void, like the sound of cracking silk, causing the ripples formed by the dragon's horn to fluctuate, and the established void showed some signs of instability .

"The Heavenly Demon Bell!" A cold murderous intent flashed in Patriarch Kong Kong's eyes.

He is very familiar with the sound of this bell, it is the treasure of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Heavenly Demon Clock, and only the Heavenly Demon Clock of the Heavenly Demon Palace can have a certain impact on his Horn of the Heavenly Dragon God. The space channel formed by his Dragon Horn can cause the instability of this space, and the instability of space is definitely a huge threat to people who pass through the space.

"Boom..." The Heavenly Demon Bell rang, quickly revealing the position of Zhan Wuming's Blood River Boat, and the thunder fire of Patriarch Kongkong directly shattered the star covering the Blood River Boat, and then the Blood River Boat soared into the sky, like A light and shadow rushed towards the Tongtianlonghorn.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Patriarch Kongkong snorted coldly, he felt that the aura in the blood river boat was not very strong.It's just a few little supreme beings, but the bloody flying boat gave him a different feeling.

"Om..." Patriarch Kong Kong's big hand drew a big circle in the void, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth seemed to condense into a huge thunder ball in an instant, and then it quickly turned into a huge thunder net like a supernova explosion.Go to the bloody flying boat.

"Boom..." Countless meteorites directly turned into dust on the thunder net, but Patriarch Kong Kong suddenly discovered that the bloody flying boat disappeared without a trace.As if it was just a phantom, it didn't exist at all.And the void within the thunder net was flickering with little ripples.

Patriarch Kongkong's eyes lit up immediately, and there was an inexplicable excitement in his heart. The blood-colored spaceship actually accelerated in an instant, directly passed through the void of this universe, and entered the world of rules. It is definitely a fairy-level treasure.

Immortal artifacts of the flying system are definitely rare items, but he didn't have time to be happy, but found that a big hand directly attacked the void framed by the Tongtianlonghorn, which was the attack of the ancient god.

Patriarch Kong Kong's face suddenly became very ugly. He felt a mighty aura coming from the other side of the space channel constructed by the Dragon Horn, which was extremely vast and violent. Obviously, the moment the channel was established, there was already a wave of power on the other side of the void. With a clear response, if the space channel is hit by the ancient god at this time, it will definitely destroy the space directly, and those who entered the channel will inevitably be severely injured, or even wiped out by the cosmic storm.

This is not a star storm, because the temporary channel established by the Dragon Horn directly penetrates the new universe, forming an effective connection between the endless star sea and the new universe.Therefore, if this channel is broken, it will be a cosmic storm between the two universes, close to the power of chaos, and even gods will be annihilated. Flying freely in chaos.

"Ah..." Ignoring the whereabouts of the blood-colored spaceship, Patriarch Kong Kong let out a long howl, and his body swelled rapidly as if inflated. The ancient god's big hand smashed away, the only thing he had to do was to stop the ancient god's attack.It only needs to give the channel a few breaths of support to complete the space transformation this time.

"Boom..." The ancient god's big hand collided with the huge thunder hammer almost without any hindrance, and then the giant lightning holding the thunder hammer flashed for a few moments, and immediately turned into countless lights and scattered in all directions. Patriarch Kong Kong Like a wild goose hit by a meteor, the body was directly flattened by the impact, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The bones of the fairy body seemed to be shattered countless times in an instant, and the body that howled and fell out had almost no resistance. Power.

"Old Ancestor..." Several Heavenly Destiny Sect Supremes exclaimed and rushed in the direction of the Kong Kong Patriarch. They never thought that the invincible Kong Kong Patriarch in their eyes could not even block the blow of the ancient god .At this time, if Patriarch Kongkong's life can be saved, then their mission will be completed, but when they are about to catch up with Patriarch Kongkong's splashing body, there is another ripple in the void, and a blood-red The starry airship suddenly drilled out of the void, and then right under their noses, it crashed into the body of the already appalling Patriarch Kongkong at an incomparable speed.

"Boom..." Patriarch Kongkong's body fell into the air again, but it was not crushed. If it was just an ordinary supreme body, if the blood river boat hit suddenly, it would be torn apart and turned into pieces. Patriarch Kongkong After all, his body is an earth immortal, and such a situation did not appear.

"Boom..." The ancient god's big hand waved again in the void, but this time it was empty, and the body of the ancestor Kongkong was directly swept in by the blood river boat, and then disappeared into the void together.

Obviously, the monster in the body of the ancient god also possesses extremely strong spiritual intelligence. He knows that Patriarch Kongkong's cultivation base is the most powerful among so many human beings. Therefore, he wants Patriarch Kongkong's body, but Zhan Wu Life is not so obedient, Patriarch Kongkong's physical body is also a great tonic for his immortal worms, not to mention, Patriarch Kongkong has a lot of treasures on him, an earth immortal's net worth, Zhan Wuming is very like.

Naturally, he swept away without any hesitation. After all, Patriarch Kongkong had been severely injured at this moment, and was hit by the ancient god with all his strength. The blood river boat rammed at full speed, and there was no breath left.

If Patriarch Kongkong is given a little time, he still has a chance to slow down and restore his peak state. After all, with his earth immortal cultivation base, his physical body has reached an indelible point, and his recovery ability is extremely powerful, but it is a pity that He met Zhan Wuming, and then met the terrifying ancient god.

"Boom..." At the moment when Zhan Wuming swept Patriarch Kong Kong away, there was a loud noise behind him, and a big hand seemed to come out from a different dimension, and then fell heavily on the ancient god. On that huge body.

It was as if two big stars collided in an instant, and the huge impact force formed almost caused the meteorite belt in the entire starry sky to be directly scattered. The huge impact force swept the starry sky very clean, and all obstacles were directly blown away , the blood river boat was also blown thousands of miles away by the wind like a huge wave.

A strong sense of vicissitudes suddenly caused the entire starry sky to fall into a certain cycle of time and space. A dazzling sword light seemed to cut through the long river of time. In the endless sea of ​​stars, the rules of heaven and earth were separated and turned into endless The artistic conception of life and death directly chopped at the head of the ancient god.

"Oh..." The ancient god let out a long low howl. This was the first time Zhan Wuming heard the ancient god's own voice. He had heard the ancient god's voice before, but it was all from parasites. , but this time it was not, it was the voice of the ancient god himself, high and long, as if expressing his loneliness and boredom in the endless years since ancient times.

"Xuanhuang!" A trace of surprise flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes. He was very familiar with that sword intent. Sword intent is no stranger to him, and his swordsmanship is transformed from Xuanhuang's indestructible sword intent. Xuanhuang's sword intent has reached the extreme of this world. Therefore, Xuanhuang became a god with the sword, and he and You Huo They are two completely different individuals. He is the sword god, who enters the Tao with the sword and turns the sword into a god.

"Zheng..." The huge sword that opened the sky was clamped directly by two big palms in the void. It was the palms of the ancient god. The trajectory of the giant sword, and then blocked it in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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