Chapter 661

The ancient god's attack still failed to destroy that passage, and the passage established by the Tongtian Dragon Horn was bought with the life of Patriarch Kong Kong.Zhan Wuming originally wanted to snatch the dragon horn, but he felt a vague threat from the horn, so his original action of rushing towards the horn was changed to directly rushing towards Patriarch Kong Kong.

Facts have proved that Zhan Wuming's choice is correct, if he chooses to rush towards the Tongtian Dragon Horn, then he will face the attack of Xuanhuang, who is a god-level powerhouse.

Although Xuanhuang was seriously injured in several battles with Xuanwu, and even now he has not fully recovered to his peak state, the fact that he came from the God Realm is true, at least he is a super strong person above the Immortal Emperor, even if he is from the God Realm. A small soldier like him is not something that people from the lower realms can contend with.

As soon as Xuanhuang came out, if he was the first to attack him, even if his blood river boat was powerful, it would not help.The only thing he can do now is to make a fortune silently, at least kill Patriarch Kongkong first, and then pack up all his belongings.

Zhan Wuming had to admire the lethality of the ancient gods. He almost turned the meteorite belt into an empty starry sky. Almost all the masters of the Tianming sect who came with the ancestor Kong Kong became the dead souls of the ancient gods. I saw many monsters leaping out from the body of the ancient god, hunting down the remaining masters of the Destiny Cult like a hunt.Under the siege of these monsters, those supreme powerhouses did not have any advantages, and they almost quickly became the food in the mouths of these monsters.

"Boom..." A strong light flashed, and a monster turned into thick fog not far from the starry sky in front of Zhan Wuming.Xuanhuang's big sword was held between the palms of the ancient god, but the ancient god miscalculated, because Xuanhuang was covered with swords all over his body, and the countless sword glows sliced ​​through the ancient god's body like flesh.

Stone chips flew, but Xuanhuang's sword could not cause substantial damage to the body of the ancient god.This ancient god's divine body is a five-star ancient god, and its divine body is so strong that it is impossible to be destroyed in the lower realm. Even if Xuanhuang is a god with a godhead, even at the peak state, it may not be able to damage the five-star ancient god's divine body.What's more, Xuanhuang's cultivation at this time is not at its peak state at all, and his cultivation has already fallen to the altar. If his godhead hadn't been broken, he might have fallen into a deep sleep like a ghostly fire at this moment.

But even if Xuanhuang could hardly reach the cultivation level of a god at this moment, it was still enough to compete with the ancient god in front of him.The ancient god has only recovered half a star. Although he has devoured many masters of the Destiny Sect during this period of time, it is not so easy to restore the state of a one-star ancient god. You know, it took endless years Only returned to half-star status.

"Boom..." The ancient god knew that he couldn't defend Xuanhuang's sword at all, so he simply didn't choose to defend anymore. A huge finger pushed straight out like a mountain, and slammed heavily on the place that was held by the Tongtianlonghorn. On the structured channel.

Countless sword lights turned into flowing light under this finger, meteorites and stars under the sword light, like cut tofu, directly turned into countless fragments, those monsters scattered all over the starry sky to catch the masters of Destiny Sect They screamed incessantly, and many of them were directly cut into pieces, but these monsters seemed to have a strange immortality. Although they were cut into pieces, they were quickly combined and spliced ​​together, and quickly returned to their original state. The sword intent filled the endless void, and all those monsters rushed back into the body of the ancient god in horror. Although they were almost immortal, they had no choice but to retreat in the face of the almost ubiquitous and pervasive sword intent.

"Boom..." Countless sword lights failed to stop the ancient god's attack on the channel, and then the channel deformed like a huge bubble, and then burst into pieces, splashing out endless streams of light, and in this stream of light, a The khaki-yellow light and shadow splashed out, like a giant cannonball, and all the hits were reduced to pieces.

In the distance, there was a flash of enthusiasm in Zhan Wuming's eyes, because he was very familiar with the khaki light and shadow. It was the khaki platform on which he and a group of geniuses went to the Yuanhuang Terrace. It was very huge, like a piece of land. The mainland is average.

After Xuanwu died that year, they discovered that the khaki-yellow platform had disappeared outside the Xuanwu planet. He had always suspected that it was taken away by Xuanhuang and Youhuo. At this time, seeing the khaki-yellow platform again, he immediately Knowing that the original guess was not wrong, this platform was indeed taken away by Xuanhuang, and it seems to have become an important weapon of the Destiny Sect at this moment.

This khaki-yellow platform, Zhan Wuming is very aware of its horror, with the method of Xuanwu, the treasures it refines are mortal things, he doesn't even know what this khaki-yellow platform is made of, But it is definitely a fairy-level flying magic weapon. Its defense power is unparalleled. It can directly enter the alien space through acceleration in the normal space. It can also be said to be a regular world, similar to his blood river boat.Just now, the ancient god struck with all his strength. Although the space passage was shattered, the earthy yellow platform that flew out of the space passage was not damaged at all, which shows how powerful its defense is.

What surprised Zhan Wuming was that there were not too many people on the yellowish platform, only a few old men. Just looking at the aura, Zhan Wuming even had a feeling of trepidation. It is certain that the yellowish platform All the people above are at the Earth Immortal rank. This time, the Destiny Sect is really generous. Not only did they bring in a god-rank expert, but they also brought a large number of Earth Immortal-rank experts.

"Damn, we can't play here anymore, let's run away as far as we can!" Zhan Wuming took a long breath, and at this moment he couldn't care less about picking up the space magic weapon and Qiankun ring that fell from the Supreme in the starry sky.

"Hunhou! Withdraw!" Chongtian shouted, he didn't want to hang his powerful generals in this starry sky. Although those belongings are very touching, it is absolutely necessary to accept them as soon as they are good. Possessions are endless.

This time they have harvested a lot of space magic weapons from supreme powerhouses, even half-immortal powerhouses, and they have gained a lot. If they don’t leave now, it will be their doomsday when those people take care of the ancient gods. That's enough, and the seven earth immortals on the khaki-yellow platform are already cleaning up those monsters that haven't had time to rush into the body of the ancient god.They have even begun to set up array eyes in this starry sky.

They attach great importance to the corpse of this ancient god. It is estimated that after the news of the Heavenly Star Master passed the news back to the Destiny Cult, the Destiny Cult has already started to prepare. Ready to hit hard.It's just because they just appeared in this starry sky, and they didn't find their blood river boat.

"Boom..." As soon as Hunhou's body entered the blood river boat, a huge blood light emanated from the blood river boat, and a huge force directly impacted on the blood river boat, making all the huge blood river boats The body suddenly rolled several times in the air and rolled towards the depths of the starry sky. Hunhou's body was shaken and rolled in the blood river boat, making him dizzy and dizzy.

Obviously, the old monsters on the platform found the blood river boat, and the figure of Hunhou revealed the location of the blood river boat, but the blood river boat was obviously not their main goal, their goal was just the corpse of the ancient god.

"Huh..." The Earth Immortal who made the shot seemed to have noticed the abnormality of the Blood River Boat. The Blood River Boat did not suffer any damage from the blow. An Earth Immortal hit with all his strength. He originally thought that he would be hit directly. However, not only did the blood river boat have no problems, it rolled over in the void and disappeared into the distance of the starry sky, which surprised the earth fairy.

"I want to leave!" The Earth Immortal snorted coldly. He had naturally heard that the actions of this ancient god were always led by the blood river boat. The endless starry sky, therefore, although the target of their trip is the corpse of the ancient god, they don't want to let go of the bloody starry sky spaceship, and the group of guys who take advantage of the fire are also the objects they hate the most.

"A group of idiots, think that the earth fairy is so great, if I don't play with you, you bite me!" Zhan Wuming watched the earth fairy leap out from the huge earth platform, and even chased them. He couldn't help laughing, if an Earth Immortal could catch up to his blood river boat, then the ancient gods would have already dismantled their blood river boat into scrap.

"Damn, it almost killed me!" Hunhou smiled wryly and propped up his body. If he had been slower just now, he might have become a fly that was slapped on the blood river boat and turned into a ball of flesh.Fortunately, after he stepped into the blood river boat, the Earth Immortal's attack arrived. The Blood River Boat naturally activated its own defensive power, and even took the Earth Immortal with a full blow, but Hunhou was shocked by this, Almost broke my bones.

"Let's go, this is no longer a place we can afford to play!" Zhan Wuming let out a low whistle, and then Xuehe Zhou dragged a long blood-colored tail and fled to the depths of the starry sky, deliberately leaving the place for the ancestor of the earth fairy. The next clue that can be chased, Zhan Wuming will only treat it as a dish for a handful of earth immortals. His immortal eaters like this kind of food the most. Of course, he dare not show this in front of the group of earth immortals. A treasure, in that case, I am afraid that these earth immortals will chase him all over the world and catch him.

The most wonderful thing is that although the Heavenly Star Lord sent the news about the Immortal Devourer and Zhan Wuming back to the Destiny Sect, and even confirmed the identities of Chongtian and Huo Weifu with the Destiny Sect, but the Heavenly Star Lord It was too late to disclose the relationship between the Blood River Boat and Zhan Wuming, and it was abolished in the Death Nether Starfield. Even the ancestor Tianshu who knew about it was cleaned up by Zhan Wuming. There are almost no people who have a relationship with Wuming, so they don't know that the enemy in this spaceship is the Zhan Wuming who made them search all over the starry sky.

No one thought that Zhan Wuming originally went outside the passage of the Nether Star Realm, but suddenly chose to return to the Sushen Star Realm, and even led the ancient god to various stations of the Destiny Sect, which was totally unexpected. Everyone's surprise.Many people only think that the blood-red starship is just a survivor among the group of people who want to fight against Su Shenxing, and the people on this blood-red starship have enmity with the Destiny Cult.

This is not a strange thing. The Destiny Cult slaughtered all directions, slaughtered several star regions, and caused heavy losses to the big races such as the Nine Profound Realm, the Yuan Realm, and the Sea Clan orcs. If they have the opportunity to retaliate, they will attract ancient It is not surprising that the gods strike.It's just that they never thought that the enemy in the blood-colored spaceship is actually the Destroying Heaven Star, Zhan Wuming they are eager to find.

(End of this chapter)

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