God of Warcraft

Chapter 67 Devouring Spirit Formation

Chapter 67 Devouring Spirit Formation
Zhan Wuming was the first man other than his father to hold Zhu Qianqian's hand tightly. It was a different feeling, like a scorching heat flowed into his heart, numb and itchy, but it made the mind feel refreshed. An Ning, these are a pair of hands that are completely different from her father's, and they also have two completely different feelings.

She looked at Zhan Wuming shyly and worriedly, at this moment there were only two of them in the water pavilion, clean, but also dangerous, if the man in front of her wanted to do something to her, even if her father had the cultivation of a saint, he would not be able to do it in time help.Fortunately, there is only clarity and determination in Zhan Wuming's eyes, she knows that she is thinking too much.The heart of this man in front of her is pure. She has seen too many men these years, and she knows their thoughts too well. Fortunately, she has a noble status, and those people dare not make mistakes even if they have any thoughts.

There was a strange heat flow from Zhan Wuming's fingers, penetrating into her meridians like a spirit snake, she clearly felt the flow direction of that heat flow, and then she was shocked.She felt a vast and pure force of heaven and earth nourishing her body.In these years, she has not only studied alchemy, but also studied medicine in depth. She is very clear about every meridian and acupuncture point in the body, and she is also familiar with the secret scriptures of various sects, but she has never heard of Zhan Wuming. Power... This is a more noble power that transcends this continent!

"Calm down, don't think wildly. Also, please keep my secret, even to your father!" Zhan Wuming's voice was extremely soft, as if entering her body with the power of his fingertips, the voice directly rang in Qianqian's soul Among them, it is extremely clear but will not leak out.

Princess Qianqian took a long breath, feeling an inexplicable touch in her heart. This man, who had only met once, trusted her as if he had known each other in his previous life. An inexplicable emotion washed away her spirit, and suddenly, She actually felt a kind and familiar atmosphere in Zhan Wuming, as if it had appeared in her dreams countless times, but was ruthlessly sealed, and was completely released at this moment. The feeling was so familiar and shocking, Princess Qianqian's eyes Two lines of clear tears slowly slipped down.


In the doomsday city lord's mansion, Zhu's frivolous eyes fell on Yuexiu Peak far away, and he knew everything that happened during Princess Qianqian's dinner.It was already late at night, and the sky was full of stars, making Yuexiu Peak feel a little deep in the darkness. The boy named Zhan Wuming hadn't come out yet. Just now, Qianqian's maid sent news that Qianqian was alone in the room with him. Frivolously sighed softly.

The reason why Zhu Qingkuang agreed with Princess Qianqian to live alone in Yuexiu Peak, and built Yuexiu Peak into a paradise-like flower sea, was actually because he was afraid of seeing his daughter, and when he saw Zhu Qianqian, the guilt in his heart would make him feel demons. For so many years, he has never dared to cross the catastrophe and become the God of War, because his daughter has always been his heart disease.

As the overlord of one party, but can't let his daughter have a happy life, and try his best to let his daughter enjoy life like ordinary people, what kind of torment is this for a father.This is Zhu Qingkuang's only daughter. He promised Qianqian's mother that he would take care of her for the rest of her life... However, although he tried his best, he still couldn't save his daughter.

A 20-year-old girl, if she was from another family, she might have already been married, but with her daughter's special physique, Zhu Qingkang was not at ease handing over her daughter to anyone.Moreover, who in the world is worthy of his own daughter?Therefore, he never thought about asking Zhu Qianqian to find someone he could rely on.

Love can't keep time, but time can dilute everything!
However, what happened today was a bit special. A boy named Zhan Wuming broke into his daughter's world.In the middle of the night, the lonely man and the widow were in the same room, which reminded him of his daughter's marriage.Maybe, the daughter is really grown up, even if she can't live like an ordinary person, even if her life is coming to an end, she should have a happy and sweet love.Perhaps, the young man who appeared tonight is that beloved man.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qingkuang eagerly wanted to see what kind of person this young man was, a young man who could let his daughter stay in the study and be alone for such a long time.He believed in Zhu Qianqian's vision. He watched Zhu Qianqian grow up since he was a child. His daughter's talent was unparalleled in the world, and ordinary young people couldn't catch her eyes.Therefore, he became curious about Zhan Wuming.

However, Zhu Qingkuang was a little hesitant. He didn't know what his daughter was doing now, and he was afraid that it would be bad if he left rashly.After thinking about it, Zhu Qingkuang walked towards Yuexiu Peak suspiciously.


Zhan Wuming slowly withdrew his hands, sweat appeared on his forehead, and his face was a little pale.Zhu Qianqian took out a handkerchief from her sleeve, and gently wiped the sweat from Zhan Wuming's forehead.

Zhan Wuming didn't refuse, but he couldn't help but think of Lin Xiruo in his heart, and felt a little pain in his heart. He always couldn't help but think of Zhu Qianqian as Lin Xiruo.

"The condition of the meridians in your body is better than I imagined, but I still can't replenish your life and soul. I am very surprised. In your capacity, it is impossible for someone with unknown origin to contact you and plant such a rebellion against you. Heaven's life-destroying situation happened to you." Zhan Wuming was very puzzled.

"What? You mean the reason why I did this is because I was plotted against?" Zhu Qianqian was surprised.

"According to my investigation, it is indeed the case." Zhan Wuming nodded, affirmatively.

"What's the situation, can you tell Qianqian?" Zhu Qianqian's heart was agitated.As the daughter of the doomsday city lord, she has an honorable status, and outsiders have no chance to contact her at all, but Zhan Wuming's expression does not seem to be lying.Since I can remember, I have never had contact with outsiders at all. If someone has tampered with it, it was when I was young, but I have never heard of it from my father.

"I searched your fate with a secret method, and found that your fate is very strange, it is probably eleven, and I am not sure for a moment." Zhan Wuming frowned slightly.

"My fate is eleven? This shouldn't be surprising. Didn't you say that for a practitioner, life energy and destiny can increase against the sky? My fate is just one more." Zhu Qianqian was puzzled.

Zhan Wuming smiled wryly, shook his head and said: "The number of fate is ten, nine yuan is one luck, one yuan is nine luck, acquired repairs must first help the weak and then focus on the strong, if the stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker, this is abnormal fate Just like if a person’s head is too heavy, the road will be unstable, and if the feet are too heavy, the road will be difficult to walk. There must be some bias. Your fate is full, luck is one, and the number is eleven. If I guess Well done, your fate was originally nine yuan and one luck. You are a rare person with nine lives, which is rare in the world. Now that your luck has been changed to complement your fate, it is against the sky. The way of heaven is like a bow! The high one suppresses it, the low one lifts it up, the surplus damages it, and the deficiencies give it. The way of heaven damages the excess and makes up for the deficiency. The way of humanity is not the same, the damage is insufficient, and the excess is offered. Your destiny is that the yuan is full and the luck is lacking. And extinguish, the mission soul will adjust itself, devouring the life element to maintain the balance of the innate way. Because the heavenly way only allows the highest number of innate life to be ten, if you have cultivated to the highest level of gods, you can mobilize the laws of heaven and earth to replenish your luck. But you are a mere mortal, but your life element is complete and you have no destiny. Even if others make up for your luck, you will not escape the doom of heaven. Therefore, when the soul of life continues to devour your life element and destiny, until there is no luck, then When you die."

"Mingyuan is perfect?" Zhu Qianqian's expression was filled with horror.According to Zhan Wuming's theory of fate, after detachment, it is possible to reach the number of double ten, that is, life element and destiny are all broken by [-]%, and the escaped one is found, but it is impossible for oneself to have that state , How could it be possible to find the escaped one?
Zhan Wuming nodded solemnly, and said: "It's true that your life value is ten, but it's an inflated one. Some people have used heaven-defying means to deceive the sky on you, so as to deceive the way of heaven and cause your life to be empty." The illusion of fullness, to attract the punishment of heaven... I can't understand why this person would do this."

There was still a doubt in Zhan Wuming's mind, but he didn't say it out, because he himself felt it was unbelievable. The black hole in Zhu Qianqian's soul was not formed naturally. It felt that it was a devouring spirit formation formed by formations.

Zhu Qianqian's situation is not a punishment from heaven, but man-made, and the culprit is the Devouring Spirit Formation in her soul.That person's method was too clever, making Zhu Qianqian's life energy reach a false perfection, deceiving the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao would naturally replenish the life energy in Zhu Qianqian's body continuously to follow the rules.

With the devouring spirit array, no matter how many heaven and earth spirits enter Zhu Qianqian's body, they will be swallowed. If the speed of life yuan replenishment can keep up with the speed of devouring the spirit array, the spirit array will not swallow Zhu Qianqian's fate, but in this area The mainland can't absorb vitality at all, and the vitality cannot be replenished enough.

In this way, the devouring spirit array swallowed up life and destiny together, making Zhu Qianqian unable to cultivate at all, her body became weaker and weaker, and the remaining luck was not Zhu Qianqian's own luck, but that of Zhu's family in Doomsday City Ancestral luck.In other words, if Zhu Qianqian only relied on herself, she would have died long ago, because her own luck was gone.

Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming broke out in a cold sweat. The purpose of this person is not only to save Qianqian's nine lives, but also to use Zhu Qianqian to swallow up the luck of Doomsday City.As long as Zhu Qianqian does not die, the luck of Doomsday City will be linked with this princess, and the luck of Doomsday City will be swallowed by the continuous devouring spirit array.

Zhan Wuming had a vague feeling that the life energy and luck swallowed by the devouring spirit array had not disappeared, but had been transferred to someone else through some means, and that person was likely to be the person who set up the heaven-defying spirit array!

Somewhere, he seems to have grasped something, but he can't figure it out. He knows that his cultivation base is too low. Otherwise, with the magical "Tai Xu Nerve", maybe he can find that through the connection of luck. Terrible man behind the scenes!

But Zhan Wuming knows that even if he finds it by himself, he probably won't be the opponent of that person. That person may have been a top fortune teller when Zhu Qianqian was born 20 years ago. Not low, otherwise it would be impossible for Zhu Qianqian to lay hands on Zhu Qianqian in Doomsday City. The luck that has been devouring Doomsday City for so many years has not been discovered. The more Zhan Wuming thought about it, the more frightened he became.

(End of this chapter)

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