Chapter 68

Zhan Wuming did not tell the truth. If Doomsday City knows the truth, it is very likely to cut off Zhu Qianqian's last luck. Between the family and his daughter, it may be difficult for the Lord of Doomsday City to make a decision.If Zhu Qianqian's luck is cut off, even if she has nine lives, she will be dead.

People with one yuan and nine luck and people with nine yuan and one luck both have nine lives, but they are completely different. People with one yuan and nine luck can survive everywhere, and disasters are rare. Although they only have one yuan, they can often survive in desperate situations. Endless, that is, the life of nine lives.

Although people with nine yuan and one luck have extremely hard lives, they are often in danger due to lack of luck. Even if they have nine lives, it is rare for them to die well.Therefore, although they are all people with nine lives, they are all destined to die.

The fate of nine deaths is a very special kind of fate, if this fate is complementary to the fate of nine lives, it is the fate of nine lives and nine deaths, and there is no catastrophe between heaven and earth that will make him die.Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming's eyes suddenly lit up, the fate of nine lives and nine deaths?

Zhan Wuming thought of a person, exactly the person he had been looking for for Liu Wanru. The memory of his previous life allowed him to connect many things together. The person most likely to need Zhu Qianqian's number of lives to complement him was the one with nine lives.In her previous life, that person disappeared mysteriously after reaching the peak and became her biggest threat.Later, Mo Tianji offered a plan and took the initiative to arrange a nine-death battle.Later that person never appeared again, Zhan Wuming always thought that person was dead.Now that I think about it, there are many doubts. When he arrived, there was someone who broke the boundary and ascended from the Jedi of Nine Deaths. If Mo Tianji got rid of that person, who was the person who ascended?If he didn't get rid of this person, but instead helped him ascend, what is the relationship between that person and Mo Tianji?
Mo Tianji has calculated all the secrets, and he is only one step away from breaking through the world and becoming a god. With such an achievement, he is already at the pinnacle of fortune-telling. If this person with nine lives has something to do with Mo Tianji, he is most likely a terrible fortune-telling master.

Zhan Wuming thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he analyzed it, the more afraid he became, and he felt a sense of urgency in his heart. He decided that after the incident in the doomsday sea area, he must find the person of Jiusheng as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause serious trouble in the future.

In the upper world in his previous life, he had been hunted down by that person all the time. If he hadn't met Mo Tianji, it would have been very difficult for him to achieve the final achievement. With Mo Tianji's support, he slowly stabilized his position, and finally had the chance to fight back.

Looking at it now, at that time, this person's fate of nine lives and nine deaths had already been achieved, otherwise he would not have been more against the sky than his own luck.The fate of Qijue Tiansha is originally the most vicious fate in the world. Although it can overcome all relatives, it is luck for me, and everyone can reach the pinnacle, but the person with nine lives is even more powerful than me. It may be that this person has already achieved a small consummation of nine lives and nine deaths.

"Brother Zhan, isn't it very difficult?" Zhu Qianqian couldn't help asking while watching Zhan Wuming, his expression fluctuating.

Zhan Wuming came back to his senses, glanced at Zhu Qianqian, didn't hide anything, nodded, took a breath and said, "I was thinking just now, who did this cruel thing to Qianqian, and what is the purpose."

"If it's too difficult, forget it. Qianqian has been prepared for these years, and I am content to meet a friend like Brother Zhan before he dies." Zhu Qianqian smiled and shook her head.

"No, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, don't let go easily." Zhan Wuming interrupted Zhu Qianqian.As soon as he finished speaking, he was suddenly shocked, because a sigh sounded in his ears, and Zhan Wuming was startled.

"Father!" Zhu Qianqian whispered.Zhan Wuming saw a slender figure walking out from the darkness.

Doomsday City Lord Zhu frivolous, not as high-spirited and domineering as Zhan Wuming imagined, but like a haggard middle-aged literati with slightly gray temples, really like a hardworking and loving father, without the slightest hint of a city lord shelf.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help respecting him, he felt Zhu Qingkuang's love for Zhu Qianqian, and he had already seen that as a father, Zhu Qingkuang had put in all the efforts for Zhu Qianqian, a peerless master with the cultivation of a saint, his temples are gray , How much trouble has been put into it.

From Zhu's frivolous image, Zhan Wuming can also see that too much luck has been stolen from Doomsday City over the years.Otherwise, as the city lord of the frivolous doomsday, the whole city will inevitably be blessed with good luck, and all evil will not invade, and it will not be easily eroded by the years.What's more, the saint's life span is 2000 years. Zhu frivolous age is absolutely amazing and talented compared to his saint's cultivation base, otherwise he would not be so young.

"Qianqian has a good eye." Zhu Qingkuang looked at Zhan Wuming carefully and said after a while.

"Father." Zhu Qianqian whispered coquettishly, with a blush on her face.Zhan Wuming laughed dryly, he couldn't tell what he thought about Zhu Qianqian, maybe he regarded Zhu Qianqian as Lin Xiruo's substitute, but this was unfair to Zhu Qianqian.If he had no memory of his previous life, maybe he would fall in love with Zhu Qianqian, but he couldn't predict how he would deal with Lin Xiruo when he met Lin Xiruo in the future.

"Junior Zhan Wuming has met the Lord City Master." Zhan Wuming gave a dry laugh and quickly saluted.

Zhu Qingkuang smiled, and lifted Zhan Wuming's body with a flick of his sleeves, Zhan Wuming involuntarily sat back to the position just now.

"Don't be restrained, you are Qianqian's friend, and you are my distinguished guest in Doomsday City, so you don't have to be polite with me, you can ask me to wish uncle or uncle."

Zhan Wuming was slightly stunned, but he was very happy in his heart. With Zhu Qingkuang's approval, he was fearless in this doomsday city. He just offended the Wang family of the doomsday city, and was thinking about how to be careful in the future. With the approval of the city lord of Doomsday City, the Wang family dare not touch themselves now.Thinking of Zhu Qianqian, Zhan Wuming felt heavy again.

"Did Uncle Zhu hear the conversation between Qianqian and me just now?" Zhan Wuming changed his tone and asked very seriously.

Zhu Qingkuang sighed, nodded, walked to the window of the study, gently opened the window, let the cool evening breeze blow in, and remembered some past events.

"Father knows who did it?" Zhu Qianqian asked in surprise.

"If my father's guess is right, it's probably him!" Zhu's frivolous tone was filled with anger.

"I don't know who Uncle Zhu is talking about, can you tell my nephew to hear it." Zhan Wuming's heart moved, and he wanted to get confirmation from Zhu Qingkuang.

"When I was young, I traveled around the world, looking for masters and strange people in the world. During this period, I met a person who was proficient in numerology. Knowing his teacher's family, I don't even know anything about his life experience. The only thing I know is that his surname is Mo and his name is Changchun. This person is not only talented in cultivation, but also proficient in numerology. Speaking of which, I should also be grateful to him. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be the master of Doomsday City, and I wouldn't be able to have the status and cultivation I have today. Later, we broke up because of some disagreements, and he disappeared without a trace." Zhu frivolously said , but he heard Zhan Wuming's heart beating wildly.

"Sure enough, the surname is Mo!" Zhan Wuming thought to himself, there are quite a few people with the surname Mo in this continent.Mo Changchun, I have never heard of this name, but Zhan Wuming can be sure that this person is definitely related to Mo Tianji.Connecting the memories of the past life with the events of the present life, Zhan Wuming can be sure that the Mo family is a terrifying family, and the Mo family has also appeared in Liu Wanru's house. What is their purpose?Where exactly?Why do they appear in both the lower realm and the upper realm, and they all appear as fate masters?
"Father, why did you break up with him later?" Zhu Qianqian interrupted and asked.

There was a misty gentleness in Zhu Qingkuang's eyes, and he took a long breath and said, "During a trip, we met your mother, and we fell in love with your mother at the same time. Your mother felt that he was too thoughtful, and finally chose After he knew that your mother and I were dating, he left angrily. Later, I went on a long journey, and when I came back, I heard from your mother that Mo Changchun had come to look for her, hoping to take your mother away. I was pregnant with you at that time, even if I was not pregnant with you, it was impossible to go with him, so I rejected him. At that time, he wandered in the city of doomsday for several days before leaving. After I came back, your mother gave birth early Your mother has always been in good health, but she was very weak when she gave birth to you, and finally died of dystocia. When she was dying, she hoped that I could raise you well..."

After a pause, a frightening killing intent flashed in Zhu Qingkuang's eyes and said: "I didn't think about it that much at the time, but later, you were born with a very abnormal physique, and you couldn't cultivate your fighting spirit. , I even suspected that your mother was being plotted against. Just now, after listening to what Nephew Zhan said, I wondered if it was the time when Mo Changchun came back to look for your mother, because she was rejected by your mother, and because of love and hatred, he set up this plan. The situation of changing fate against the sky not only killed your mother, but also caused you to be born with abnormal body."

Zhan Wuming and Zhu Qianqian were all silent, they didn't expect that there was such a story in the middle, and they were full of contempt for what Mo Changchun did.

"Later, didn't Uncle Zhu see that person again?" Zhan Wuming asked after thinking about it.

"I also looked for him later, hoping that he would save Qianqian for the sake of me and Qianqian's mother back then, but no matter what, I couldn't find the whereabouts of that person. I guess he may have avoided me on purpose and didn't want to Let me find it." Zhu Qingkuang sighed.

"A despicable and insidious villain, actually plotting against his beloved woman and an unborn baby!" Zhan Wuming was very angry. This kind of calculating person is too thoughtful, and it is impossible to have real friends in his life. When calculating others, it is easy to become psychotic and act violently. It is reasonable for Mo Changchun to do such a thing.

"I don't know what cultivation level he was in when he left?" Zhan Wuming asked after thinking about it.

"Back then, his cultivation was about the same as mine. After so many years, with his aptitude, he should have reached the intermediate level of a saint." Zhu Qingkuang said flatly.

"Intermediate Saint!" Zhan Wuming frowned fiercely, it seemed that it would not be easy to kill Mo Changchun.

Zhan Wuming really wanted to kill Mo Changchun, but he didn't expect that the other party had already become a saint, fighting him resolutely was tantamount to courting death.However, although he can't fight recklessly, as long as he is given enough time to arrange and Zhan Wuming is confident, he can still play this scum to death.

(End of this chapter)

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