Chapter 677
When Kong Si threw another Bright Essence Stone to the city guard, the unhappiness that those city guards had just heard Zhan Wuming's words disappeared immediately. The most generous son, as for what to say is not important, those are irrelevant.

Even in Shiyuan, they couldn't get rid of the character of money. Although these city guards were at least at the Yuan Zun level, in Shiyuan, they were the most common and the lowest level of practitioners.

It's not that these people don't want to leave the original, but the city guards are a group of special characters who have a contractual relationship with a certain force in the original. They were originally mortals, but they chose to live, so they made a contract with a certain force in the original. This force has signed a contract and must stay in the original source forever until he really has a chance to break through and become an immortal, otherwise they will never be able to leave the original source. Therefore, the city guard is the lowest person in the original source, but at the same time They also hold some power, that is, the security of a city will be controlled by them, but their relationship with the City Lord's Mansion is the closest.

Some people say that this mysterious organization is the League of Gods, and all the cities in the Primordial Origin were established by the League of Gods. The League of Gods is the most powerful controller among all practitioners in the Primordial Origin The opposing forces to the League of Gods are the original creatures such as ghosts, evil spirits, and ghosts.

These cities provide a lot of resources for the League of Gods. There are people in charge of this big city, just like the void city that entered the city of all living beings. They all belong to the organization of the League of Gods. How powerful the League is, but they are everywhere in the entire Unfalling Starry Sky, but they are not willing to intervene in the grievances between the practice world. However, if there is a real crisis in the Unfalling Starry Sky, then the League of Gods will still take action .

"Young master, you are new to the city of divine burial. In this city of divine burial, you must be careful to pay attention to some things, otherwise it will be very troublesome. Remember not to provoke the people in the city lord's mansion, and don't provoke the soul sect and Tianming sect!" After Wei accepted the bright yuan stone, he lowered his tone and reminded Zhan Wuming in a low voice.

"Soul Sect and Destiny Sect?" Zhan Wuming felt a little overwhelmed, he could meet Destiny Sect wherever he went.

As for the Soul Sect, this is the first time he has heard of it. The City Lord's Mansion is very easy to understand. It is not easy to control the city of God's Burial. You must know that the weakest people who enter this Primordial Origin have the cultivation base of Yuan Zun. For countless years, this How many strong people are gathered in it? The real strong people in this primitive are not measured by the realm of cultivation, but by the strength and combat effectiveness of the physical body. Many strong people who were originally in the endless star sea or the city of sentient beings Or, in order to survive after entering the Primordial Origin, they had to retrain their bodies to make their physical bodies extremely powerful.

It is the most convenient to refine the body in this primordial, the Yin beast can devour the practitioner to strengthen the body, and the practitioner can also devour the inner core of the Yin beast to make the physical body stronger.Because some earth immortals cannot enter the fairy world, their bodies cannot be transformed into real immortal bodies, so they live in the primordial place for a long time, and use the yin beast inner alchemy to retrain their bodies. Although the realm is only the realm of earth immortals, their physical bodies are extremely powerful. Legend has it that someone once reached the level of a golden immortal. Once this kind of person enters the fairy world, he is afraid that he will also be a strong person. Golden immortals belong to the elite class in the fairy world.

Therefore, the real strong are willing to stay in the original place, but starting from scratch in the original place requires too much price, not everyone can afford it.Of course, if one can improve one's cultivation to the level of a golden immortal, once this kind of person returns to the endless sea of ​​stars, he will become a truly terrifying existence, but this kind of person will generally hide deep in the sect. They will not make a move easily, because once they make a move, it will inevitably cause huge turmoil in the entire Unfalling Starry Sky. The League of Gods will not allow such people to make a move easily.

This is also the rule in the endless sea of ​​stars. Of course, this kind of people will definitely become the behind-the-scenes monsters of some big cities in the original city. , but they need to help protect the big city when there is a crisis.

The possibility of a crisis in a big city is relatively small, so these people are usually very idle, and then introduce their own family children into these cities, and they will support them behind the scenes, so that their family's interests can be maximized in these cities , and this is the case of the Destiny Sect and Soul Sect, because there are terrifying old monsters in their sects who are guests in this city of divine burials, so they can stand aloof and run rampant in this city of divine burials.

Before entering the original, Zhan Wuming didn't know these things, but after entering the original, he gradually understood, because he was like a bright light that illuminated those who wanted to make a windfall, so those people robbed No, he was robbed, and he got some basic information about the original from these people, and also knew the location of the city of the burial of the gods.

Before, Zhan Wuming didn't know that there were old monsters from the Destiny Cult in the city of God's Burial, and it seemed that the Destiny Cult was developing well in this city of God's Burial. Even the city guards carefully reminded him to pay attention, so he had to Reconsider whether you want to be so ostentatious.

"Thank you brother, I will remember it." Zhan Wuming shook the Peacock Mingwang fan, with a look of being educated, and then patted the red-haired green-tailed lion and swaggered towards the city.

"Young master, let's go..." The city guard was rarely very polite, and a group of people at the gate of the city looked sideways at him.

In the God's Burial City, the streets are very wide, which may be convenient for some larger monsters to enter the city. Of course, the larger ones are mainly mounts. It will appear in human form, so, relatively speaking, it will not crowd the site.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, buying and selling various materials, supreme spiritual treasures and even some god bones, and there are some small vendors on the side of the road, selling all kinds of so-called god bones, and some, it seems It seems to be some kind of artifact fragments, fragments of fairy artifacts, all kinds, anyway, the name is very nice.

"My lord, you look so majestic and your lucky star shines brightly. You must be someone with great luck. I have a map of the hidden treasure in my hand. I don't know if you are interested in taking a look!" Zhan Wuming was looking at both sides of the street. , Suddenly a person rushed out diagonally, rushed to Zhan Wuming not far away, lowered his voice and pretended to be mysterious.

Zhan Wuming only felt a pungent sour smell coming from his nostrils, and there was an extremely sloppy old man in front of him, his face looked as dry as old bark, but his eyes were very clear, revealing a hint of cunning.

Zhan Wuming was slightly startled, because just now the old man easily passed the blockade of Niu Da and Bao Er and came in front of him.Zhan Wuming carefully looked at the old man in front of him, and couldn't help laughing, there are dog skin plasters everywhere, this kind of person who sells the map of Shenzang on the street is probably a liar, and the other party is pretending to be so mysterious , it's really serious.

"Young master, Shenzangtuye..." Kong Si's eyes lit up immediately, this is Shenzangtu, he couldn't help but get anxious for Zhan Wuming, as if he was afraid that Zhan Wuming would push away such an opportunity.

The very scruffy-looking old man looked at Kong Si in surprise, and then said to Zhan Wuming with a charming smile: "My lord, seeing that you have lifted your eyebrows, it is a sign of great luck in the near future, I think, this god The treasure map must be the treasure that will bring you great luck in the future. It seems that this is really destined to let the old man meet you here. Your servant is right, the treasure map of God itself It’s a day, don’t miss it.”

"You smell very strong, how long has it been since you took a shower?" Zhan Wuming waved his hand and frowned slightly.

"This is because the old man didn't pay attention. It's been a long time since I took a shower. You know, this Shiyuan, he runs around every day. There is no place to settle down. Anyone who goes on an adventure may die at any time. I didn't pay attention to the matter of taking a bath." The old man smiled awkwardly, took two steps back, and explained a little away from Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming didn't take it seriously. Although the supernatural power and spiritual power could not be used in this primordial, it was not that there were no rivers and clear water. It was not difficult to take a bath. Besides, whoever did not have a magic weapon of space on his body would have There must be a lot of water and food stored in it. The supernatural powers cannot be used, but the spiritual consciousness can. As long as the space magic weapon is opened with the spiritual consciousness, it will not be affected.Of course, there are ghost beasts lurking in the general water sources in the primordial, so it's not very safe...

"Let's see what treasure map it is. Let's see if it's worth it! I'm not something to be fooled by." Zhan Wuming smiled indifferently and said disapprovingly.

"Well, son, you also know that the treasure map of the gods is too important, why don't we talk about it in another place..." The old man laughed dryly.

"Who knows if you're lying to me? If you want a treasure map of the gods, you can show it here, or you can go find someone else." Zhan Wuming is not like Kong Si. In the past, I don't know the intrigues in the practice world. These few Warcraft Supremes are competent to be bodyguards, but their brains are not very good. They have no scheming and are easy to deceive. If it is Li Yalan or Huanxue Shuangjiao and the like, how could the little tricks of the old man in front of him be of any use.

"This..." The old man seemed very embarrassed.

"Okay, if you don't want to get out of the way, I still have to go into the city." Zhan Wuming coldly interrupted the old man's groaning.

Seeing that Zhan Wuming was so decisive, the old man hurriedly said: "No problem, I'll show you first, and if you think it's suitable, you can make a price." He carefully took out a very worn-out, exuding The ancient leather, I don't know what kind of leather it is, it looks old and vicissitudes, as if there is a breath of antiquity.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being startled, it seems that the old man in front of him is really a master in this way, just looking at this piece of skin, it's really not easy to make it so old, the most rare thing is that this piece of skin emits The breath of his body is very ancient.

When the old man saw Zhan Wuming's eyes, he couldn't help but a little color flickered in the corner of his eyes, but it disappeared in a flash, but he didn't know that Zhan Wuming's senses were much sharper than ordinary people, and he completely captured this small look. arrive.

"My lord, please take a look..." The old man quickly opened the ancient skin, and then showed a very messy picture, with countless lines intertwined into patterns, as if there were countless routes, and among these lines There are also some red marks. It seems that these lines are full of mystery, and there is even a hint of Dao rhyme in them. There are a few weird runes twisted into the shape of dragons and snakes, which is really weird.

When Zhan Wuming saw those strange runes, he couldn't help being shocked, and a familiar feeling suddenly hit his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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