Chapter 678
Those few runes are very familiar to Zhan Wuming, but he knows that this map of the gods is definitely fake, because although those runes look full of Taoism and vicissitudes, their divinity is not the slightest. None, obviously copied by a master who is familiar with fakery, although it has a trace of Dao rhyme, it cannot imitate its divinity.

It is certain that this fraudster has definitely seen these runes, so when Zhan Wuming was shocked, he did not express his opinion. If he hadn't been deeply impressed by these mysterious runes, I'm afraid I will really think this is a real picture, because the Dao rhyme of those runes is really hard to doubt.

"Haha, there is such a thing, where did you find this picture, but I don't know what those runes mean?" Zhan Wuming laughed dryly, concealing his inner shock, and asked back.

The old head looked like a thief, quickly put away the ancient picture, then looked around nervously, and then said mysteriously: "I haven't fully understood these runes, but I have searched all over the place. This picture should have a great relationship with the tomb of the mighty God of War during the War of the Primordial Gods. If you are interested, you can talk about it in another place..."

"Shou Lingkong, let's see where you are going this time. How dare you lie to my aunt with a broken picture. I must peel off your skin..." Just as the old man was about to continue speaking, a voice as clear as a silver bell suddenly It was heard, and then Zhan Wuming saw a group of big men in fresh clothes and angry horses guarding a charming young woman, rushing towards him at high speed.

"My lord, don't listen to that shrew. There is a little misunderstanding between me and him. I'll look for you later, and I'll go first!" The old man couldn't help but change his face when he saw the young woman, and he turned to Zhan in embarrassment. Wuming said hello, and without waiting for Zhan Wuming to respond, he turned around like a rabbit and slid into the crowd.

Zhan Wuming and the eight orc supremes around him were all stunned.

"Shou Lingkong, you old bastard, let's see where you are going!" The young woman had an angry expression on her face, and a rouge red rabbit horse was sitting on her seat. Oneness, it has a hot taste, even Zhan Wuming, who is used to seeing beautiful women, can't help but be amazed, this is a completely wild and mature charm.

Seeing the old man crawling into the crowd, the group of strong men behind the young woman quickly dispersed to outflank the old man. Obviously, they seemed to understand the old man's cunning and did not want to give him a chance to escape.

But the old man was extremely slippery, his figure flashed, although he couldn't use supernatural powers and spiritual power, he managed to escape from the crowd to a tall building in the city in a short time with only his body skills and footsteps, and his speed was very fast.

Although the group of big men rode their horses, but there were so many people on the street that it was difficult for horses to move, so they had no choice but to dismount and squeeze into the crowd. Seeing the footsteps of these people, they leaped like the wind, with only physical strength, The bodies of this group of people did not seem to be weaker than Kong Si and the others. Obviously, the identity of the young woman in red was not simple, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a guard.

"You, leave it for me!" Zhan Wuming saw that the group of people were chasing wildly, and felt that it was meaningless. He was about to go into the city to find an inn, when he suddenly heard the young woman in red shouted, and then the figure In a flash, the rouge red rabbit stopped in front of Zhan Wuming in an instant.

"Aw..." The red-haired green-tailed lion roared, feeling that the rouge red rabbit horse was blocking his way, and it was him provoking him, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"Hey..." The rouge red rabbit was startled, and suddenly took a few steps back. Obviously, the power of the red-haired green-tailed lion suppressed him a lot. Even though the owner was right in front of him, he still couldn't control his shock. .

"Little red cat, you have a pretty temper." The young woman in red was slightly startled, and couldn't help scolding.

"This beautiful woman, I don't know what advice I can give to stop my little brother?" Zhan Wuming looked at the stunning young woman in front of him, wondering if it was because of staying in this primordial place for a long time or something else. This woman has a special sense of beauty, without the ethereal and ethereal, she becomes more real and flesh-and-blood.

In the original, everyone pays attention to the cultivation of the physical body, and the young woman in front of me is no exception. Therefore, her figure is extremely hot. Even Shi Ruonan, the king of medicine, cannot compare with her. Of course, her two peaks are so tall. Competing with Sophia, the saint of light, makes people have a strong desire to conquer.Dressed in red, with a shallow collar and low chest, the twin peaks are about to come out, and there is a deep groove for ecstasy, which makes people's nose bleed.

I saw you sneaking around with that Shou Lingshan just now, so I guess you are not a good person, if you don't catch Shou Lingshan in a while, you can go with this girl. "The young woman in red snorted coldly.

Zhan Wuming was speechless immediately, this was too domineering, he didn't know the name of the old man, and he didn't know the identity of the young woman in front of him. But it was a beautiful affair...

"Well, I think you have misunderstood, girl. I just entered the city, and then I was stopped by the old man saying that there is a map of the gods, and I want to sell it to me mysteriously. I just want to talk to him. How can you sell it, beauty, you came here with a group of people in a fierce manner, scaring the old man away, I even glanced at the picture, and I didn't even have time to touch it." Zhan Wuming couldn't help but spread his hands , speechless and authentic.

"This is just your side talk, how can I believe what you said is true?" the young woman refused.

"You can ask the city guard brothers of the city defense about this matter. I just walked a few steps from outside the city. They can definitely testify for me. But if the girl really wants to invite me to drink tea and talk heart-to-heart, then , I am very happy. Of course, if the girl is willing to give me the face to invite the girl, then I will be very honored. Girl, the old guy lied to you just now. For example, if there is any loss, the girl may wish to talk about it. , see if I can help you get it back, it’s all right, I’m the most charitable person, I don’t like to leave my name when I do good deeds... I’m a first-class good person!" Zhan Wuming smiled exaggeratedly and said .

The young woman in red was stunned, and took a look at Zhan Wuming. Although the young man in front of her was not ugly, but judging by the local tyrant's attire, he really didn't look like someone short of money. It's not like he did it, but Zhan Wuming said it so funny, he couldn't help "giggling" and laughed like a silver bell, but it was very ticklish.

"Sister, I will ask, but I am just curious, how can you help my sister recover her loss." The young woman in red smiled presumptuously.

"That depends on what my sister has lost!" Zhan Wuming also smiled, he has no taboos on beautiful women, and the woman in front of him is really not very annoying.

"Just for this broken picture, I actually sold half a fairy stone to Miss Ben. I'm going to skin that old thing!" Speaking of this, the young woman in red in front of her was suddenly furious.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being speechless, this broken picture turned out to be half a fairy stone, he was very speechless, if it was a primordial stone, it would be easy to solve, but the fairy stone, he is also scarce, although he has some on him, but the amount is too small , maybe I can use it in the future.

"I see that sister, you have a shrewd face. You are definitely a person of beauty and wisdom. How could you be deceived so easily? I really want to see what kind of fake picture can deceive someone like sister." Zhan Wuming After thinking about it, he didn't know if the map of the gods in the young woman's hands was similar to the one he saw just now, because he found that the map of the gods was not completely fake, and the places marked by the lines in it were actually the same as those of the sun. The locations of the virtual temples are not very far apart.

Those mysterious runes are exactly the words "Taixu Temple", but that kind of runes have long been extinct, and it is impossible for anyone to recognize them in today's world, even Xuanhuang may not know them.

That kind of rune is the unique rune of the Taixu nerve, and the Taixu nerve has always existed in Zhan Wuming's mind, and it has been branded as a mark of the soul. Although those runes are abstruse and difficult to understand, they seem to be He was born to prepare for Zhan Wuming, therefore, each rune seemed to have been told to him in the dark.

I'm afraid he is the only one who can recognize those four runes in this lower realm, but he doesn't understand, who copied those runes?Is it the dirty old man or someone else?So he wanted to take a look at the map of the gods in the hands of the young woman in red.The same ones were sold by the old man, is there any similarity?

The young woman in red giggled, obviously, Zhan Wuming's words were very pleasant, there is no woman who doesn't like being praised by men for her beauty and wisdom.And this picture was obviously deceived by Shou Lingkong. He didn't mind showing the young man in front of him a fake picture. She believed that no one had blatantly snatched it from her in this city of burial. thing.

"It's a broken picture, it's okay to show you." The young woman in red smiled coquettishly, and threw the divine treasure map to Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and took the piece of leather that also exudes an ancient atmosphere in his hand, and shook it leisurely. This picture is indeed exactly the same as the picture in the old man's hand. Although the lines are very messy, it is not the same. Because the person who drew the picture did it deliberately, but because there are indeed too many restricted areas and dangerous places in the place of the burial of the gods. The path marked by these lines is obviously safe, so it will bypass the restricted area, twists and turns, very complex.

When Zhan Wuming's eyes fell on the few runes on the picture, he couldn't help but be shocked. These are the same runes, but the runes on this picture have a few more special flavors.It was an indescribable dao rhyme, and this kind of dao rhyme was definitely not something that anyone could easily copy. Except for the nerves, no one can tell the big difference from the runes on the copied simulation map.

Zhan Wuming was stunned on the spot. If this picture is really the original one, why would the young woman in red say it was fake?And the old man seems to think that this picture is fake, otherwise, he would never choose to sell this picture, and sell it to the young woman in front of him.

Obviously, the old man should know the status of the young woman in front of him in the city of divine burial. If it is a real picture, the young woman in front of him or her family should be able to find this sacred treasure, but the final appraisal result is This is a fake picture?On the contrary, Zhan Wuming was somewhat puzzled.

Zhan Wuming can be sure that the place marked on this map is not the real Taixu Temple, but it is not far from Taixu Temple, and the location of Taixu Temple is also shown on this map, but that area is marked It was blurred and marked as a dangerous place...

Zhan Wuming shuddered fiercely, and he thought of a possibility, that is, the place marked on the map as a sacred place may be the real dangerous place, and the place marked as Jedi is the real place of the sacred place.Obviously, the person who made this picture didn't want people to really find the Shenzang Taixu Temple, but he didn't want the secret of the Taixu Temple to be lost, so he marked this picture as nondescript.

Given the status of the young woman in front of her, perhaps her family might have investigated this picture, and that's why she thought the old man was lying and sold a fake picture.

(End of this chapter)

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