Chapter 692

Zhan Wuming directly pulled out the signboard of the great god Xuanwu, which immediately made Su Dongfang and Dongli Cang feel more at ease, and Zhan Wuming said that the Destiny Cult has two ancestor gods who sit in the town, which really made them more fond of the Destiny Cult. A bit apprehensive, but with the role of Zhan Wuming, the situation is different.

It is easy for Zhan Wuming to prove the relationship with Xuanwu, because he has a piece of Xuanwu scale armor in his hand, which can break the Xuanwu scales.If Zhan Wuming didn't have a very special relationship with Xuanwu, then how could he get such an important thing from Xuanwu.Every great god has his own most important thing. Xuanwu is famous for its defense, and its invincible defense is naturally related to this precious scale.

The identity and origin of Zhan Wuming have been confirmed, and the story of Zhan Wuming becomes more and more mysterious. What ancient god fought with Xuanhuang, Zhan Wuming was imprisoned in Xuanhuang's sword world, and then bravely broke through the blockade of the sword world, He rushed out of the sword world and took a few gadgets from the sword world. The blood of the ancient god was also obtained at that time.

As Zhan Wuming spoke, he began to show off again, picking out an exquisite little fairy sword and giving it to Su Hongxue.

When Su Dongfang and Dongli Cang saw the sword, their eyes widened. It was a real fairy weapon. Such an exquisite fairy sword could not be made by people in this world.The fairy lines on it seem to be meridians and blood vessels, and between breaths, they look like a sleeping baby.

When Su Hongxue saw this sword, he couldn't put it down immediately.In this primordial, although it is difficult for the fairy sword to display its supernatural powers, the sharpness of the fairy sword itself is not comparable to that of ordinary iron.Besides, who will stay in the primordial for the rest of their lives? Once they leave the primordial, then the fairy sword can exert supreme power. ...

Su Dongfang is very fortunate that the disciple of this great god is rich and generous. First he gave away the heart of the fairy wood, then the blood of the god, and now the gift is actually a fairy artifact... Fortunately, the recipients are all from his own family. If it is someone else The ones at home are not going to be jealous!

Everything was as Zhan Wuming thought, Su Dongfang and Dong Licang joined his camp, although he sent a lot of things, but to Zhan Wuming, it was just a drop in the bucket.

As for the blood of the ancient gods, it was really the blood of the ancient gods. During the period when the ancient gods slaughtered the planets of the Destiny Cult, Zhan Wuming used the monsters in the ancient gods to continuously devour the masters of the Destiny Cult, and at the same time sent a large number of eggs of the devouring insects to the world. into the body of the ancient god.

The monsters parasitic in the body of the ancient gods mainly feed themselves with the blood of the ancient gods. Therefore, Zhan Wuming decomposed a small amount of monsters by eating immortal insects. The decomposition process was controlled by Zhan Wuming within a small range, and it would not Discovered by monsters.Zhan Wuming extracted some ancient god's blood from the monster's body. The blood passed through the monster's body. It was not the purest ancient god's blood, so Zhan Wuming didn't bother to use it.

But for people like Su Dongfang and Dongli Cang who had never seen the divine blood, it was completely different. Even if it was impure divine blood, they couldn't distinguish it, and the effect was equally powerful to them.

Zhan Wuming did not trigger the worm eggs in the ancient god's body, but let them sleep in the ancient god's body and be nourished by the divinity. Once these worm eggs erupt again in the future, it is very likely that they will not only eat the immortal worms, but will be terrifying. Devouring insects.

Another reason why Zhan Wuming didn't devour the ancient god right away was to leave the ancient god in the endless sea of ​​stars and make the Destiny Sect a headache. This is the archenemy of the Destiny Sect.

As for Zhan Wuming's gift to Su Hongxue, it was indeed a little selfish, he always wanted to be generous to women, especially such a hot and noble woman.

It's a waste to hold too many treasures in your hands, so it's better to give them to those who deserve them.There is no one around him who can afford a fairy weapon, maybe Cang Yu can, but the others, it's not that he doesn't have confidence, but that their cultivation base is really too low, and the entire Poyan Continent doesn't even have a Supreme Being. Their fairy artifacts will also be backlashed.


The City of God's Burial has been a bit chaotic these past few days. The disciples of the Destiny Sect, the Soul Sect, and even the people from the City Lord's Mansion are searching for the whereabouts of a person everywhere, and that person is Shou Lingkong.All parties offered a lot of rewards, and whoever could find out the whereabouts of Shou Lingkong would be rewarded with a lot of rewards.But what confused the City of Divine Burial was, who was Shou Lingkong?What kind of person is it?The portraits posted by the three families are actually different.

The portrait posted by the City Lord's Mansion is of a very sloppy old man, while the portrait posted by Soul Sect is a very wretched-looking middle-aged man, and the portrait posted by Tianmingjiao is even more outrageous. , the expression on his face is still a bit evil, with an elusive smile...

All of a sudden, everyone in the City of God's Burial grew dizzy. This old man, a middle-aged man and a young man, why are they all called Shou Lingkong?Are these three people the same person or do they share the same name?

People can't care too much, as long as they find any one of these three portraits, they can receive a big reward from one of them, so the whole city of God's Burial is full of excitement.

When the major forces in the city of God's Burial were bustling with activity, there seemed to be a potential undercurrent surging, and the masters of the several major forces quietly left the city, looking a bit ghostly.No one knows where these people have gone. There are too many things in the city of God's Burial that need to be turned a blind eye.

I don't know who quietly spread the news in the city of divine burial, saying that a terrifying divine treasure appeared in the city of divine burial, and the map of the divine treasure was created by Shou Lingkong.The reason why the three major forces approached Shou Lingkong was because they wanted to obtain the real map of the divine treasure.So interested people began to pay close attention to the movements of the three major forces.

Shenzang has not appeared for many years. It may be the inheritance of a big man. Even if he cannot compete with the three major forces, it is good to have some soup.


Because of the appearance of Zhan Wuming, the atmosphere in the City of God's Burial became a bit weird, but, except for the three major forces, the others seemed to have forgotten the boy whose blood splashed on Laifeng Inn.As for the room he booked at Laifeng Inn, someone from the city lord's mansion went directly to unsubscribe, and then Zhan Wuming seemed to have disappeared.

Wangyou Peak in the west city of God's Burial City is a mountain range of nearly a hundred miles. This is where the Destiny Sect is located. There are no other forces within a hundred miles, and no one dares to compete with the Destiny Sect for this territory.Relatively speaking, the location of the Destiny Sect is larger than the City Lord's Mansion.

Few people know that under Wangyou Peak, there is a huge cave that leads deep underground.In the cave, many grottoes have been dug out, and each grotto has a strong man from the Destiny Cult living in it.

He Qing stood very respectfully outside a seemingly normal grotto. If there was anything different about this grotto, it would be that this grotto had a door, and one side was carved with strange textures.There was a dead silence in the whole cave, and He Qing stood respectfully outside the cave door.

The person in the cave is the most controversial figure in the entire Destiny Sect, the Mohe family, the one who became the Son of Destiny without relying on the power of his family at all.

He Qing is very fortunate that when Mo Da was expelled from the house by the Mo family, the He family secretly supported him.He Qing's great aunt, that is, Mo Da's mother, has always loved this rebellious son very much, and this has won the He family's great support today.

Although the Destiny Sect accepted Mo Da again later, Mo Da was unwilling to stay in the Mo family that drove him out of the family back then, but chose his mother's family, the He family, and later entered Shiyuan with He Qing.

"Squeak..." The door of the grotto opened slowly, and the grotto was pitch black, as if all the light had been swallowed up, and the chill came out from the grotto, as if it was a passage connecting the underworld.

"Old Ancestor!" He Qing bowed respectfully to the grotto, and a dark shadow gradually appeared. Dry tree trunks move very slowly.

"Don't easily start a war with the Soul Sect and the Su family. It's not the time to fight head-on. Even if Su Dongfang and Dongli Cang get those two drops of divine blood, they will not pose a threat to us. But that young man , I have to live, I want to know his secret, since he can take out two drops of divine blood at once, it means there must be more on him!" The voice of the shadow was very indifferent.

"But patriarch, that kid has been living in the city lord's mansion and never goes out at all. We want to attack there unless we start a direct war with the Su family..." He Qing smiled wryly.

"Don't worry, they'll be out soon. Since they've dropped such a bait, they must want to see the fish take the bait. The reason why they didn't move is because you were too conservative. They have told you what to do, you Just do what they want, and they will act naturally." The shadow said faintly, as if it was a sigh from the ground, gloomy and cold.

"Qing'er is a little worried. Since we know that the treasure map is fake, why do we have to take this risk? Qing'er wants to find Shou Lingkong first, maybe we can know the real treasure..."

"Shou Lingkong is not something you can find if you want. Even if you find it, you can't catch him. Even I am not sure to catch him. Those self-righteous people think that they can be deceived by such a low-level trick. We, in this world, no one knows Shou Lingkong better than me. As long as it is a map of Shenzang sold by him, there will be no real ones. Even if there are real ones, he has already explored them.

That kid thinks he can use this to lure you into being fooled, so why don't you use your tricks and lead them into the burial place of the gods. At that time, I will let my army of corpse puppets follow, and let them know that only the Destiny Sect has ever plotted against others, and no one can... We can count on our Destiny Cult, because we represent the secrets of heaven..." The skinny figure smiled darkly.

"If there is an army of corpse puppets from the ancestors, Qing'er will be at ease. This time, I will not let Dongli Cang return to the city of God's Burial alive!" He Qing's voice was full of murderous intent.

"The matter of Dongli Cang is up to you to deal with. He is always a huge obstacle on our way forward, and I don't want to see him live for too long. Soul Sect, it's time for a change!" The indifferent voice said faintly .

"Qing'er understands, I'll make arrangements right away, and today we'll leave the city overnight!" He Qing responded, gave a deep salute, and then slowly backed out.

(End of this chapter)

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