Chapter 693
Zhan Wuming slowly opened his eyes, and the sound of footsteps woke him up from the sedation.Opening his eyes, he saw Su Hongxue's delicate and enchanting face.

"Sister Hongxue! Is it time to go?" Zhan Wuming smiled faintly when he saw Su Hongxue.

"You're so good, you guessed it right!" Su Hongxue looked at Zhan Wuming, and always felt that the young man in front of him had such an unfathomable feeling.Sometimes, she felt that the young man in front of her was like a ten thousand year old demon, with deep thoughts and no plans.But she likes Zhan Wuming's bad temper.

"It's time, even if we can bear it, Mo Da can't bear it anymore." Zhan Wuming smiled lightly, which was based on his understanding of a person.

"These days you are retreating every day, and father is also retreating every day. This little errand is about to break his legs." Su Hongxue said coquettishly.

"Come on, come on, let me rub your calf for you!" Zhan Wuming teased.

"Do you still have time to rub it for me?" Su Hongxue gave Zhan Wuming a white look, and said angrily.

"What's the matter, after rubbing, you will be a member of my Zhan family! I'd still like to spend some time rubbing!" Zhan Wuming stood up and said with a smile.

"Heh, that's a good idea!" When Su Hongxue spoke, his eyes were full of provocation, and there was a sense of seductiveness.

"Ah..." As soon as Su Hongxue finished speaking, she felt a powerful force pull her body suddenly, and when she realized it, she was already in Zhan Wuming's arms.

"Well, it smells so good!" Zhan Wuming sniffed the pink face lightly, kissed it lightly, and said with a smile: "I don't want to, I do it!"

"Well, it's really necrotic!" Su Hongxue was very shy, but she didn't resist. Instead, she put her arms around Zhan Wuming's neck, and said provocatively, "Aren't you afraid that my sister will rely on you in the future?"

"I wish I could, I'm afraid you don't want to depend on me!" Zhan Wuming put one arm around Su Hongxue's waist, let her lean in his arms, stretched out his little finger to scratch her nose lightly, and said with a smile.

Su Hongxue's expression darkened suddenly, as if remembering something, he sighed and said, "Many years ago, someone took my life for me, saying that I was an ominous person, born with a kfu, and that all men who married me would die tragically. Later, some The man who had a crush on me also died... I think I'm real..."

"Fool! That's no good for others to endure. How can ordinary people afford such a wonderful person like you. What's more, the journey of fate is inherently abnormal, mutual generation and restraint, or complement or lack, who can decide, No one is born inauspicious. From my point of view, your fate is just a trace of resentment entangled in your fate. As long as you remove it and make up your fate, you will have a perfect fate. Why is it so ominous!" Zhan Wuming interrupted Su Hongxue's words, Disdainfully authentic.

In terms of fate, who could be stronger than him, even Zhu Qianqian's life was redeemed by himself, and the fate of Su Hongxue in front of him had also been tampered with, but he never explained it.

Su Hongxue's father, Su Dongfang's cultivation was at the peak of the lower realms, so how could he not know that his daughter's fate was missing.Su Dongfang didn't think of a way to help his daughter solve this matter, so it can be seen that there must be something else hidden in it.

Although he has a cooperative relationship with Su Dongfang and Dongli Cang, and because of Su Hongxue's relationship, he seems to be closer to Su Dongfang, but he knows in his heart that in terms of credibility, he would rather trust Dongli Cang than Su Dongfang.

Su Dongfang is a utilitarian hero. In order to establish a good relationship with him, he even murdered his subordinates. He wanted to sacrifice his own people in exchange for his trust. This kind of person is not a person with deep affection.

However, Zhan Wuming didn't care, he didn't dare to offend himself easily until he found out whether Xuanwu really existed, or before the opponent of Tianmingjiao was resolved.The more heroic he is, the more he can see the situation in front of him clearly. The reason why the Destiny Sect started to deal with Dongli Cang a few years ago was to isolate Su Dongfang and gain control of the city of the burial of the gods.

Xiongxiong pays more attention to the power in his hands, and any opponent who threatens his power is the target of his cleanup.Zhan Wuming's confrontation with the Destiny Cult gave him an extra helper, and he would naturally make good use of it, unless he was willing to give up his rights and choose to compromise with the Destiny Cult.But that's impossible.

"I... woo..." Su Hongxue wanted to speak again, but Zhan Wuming's small mouth was directly sealed by Zhan Wuming, and then he was kissed wildly. Su Hongxue was still struggling a little, but then he squeezed Zhan Wuming's neck The tighter the entanglement, the faster the breathing.

Zhan Wuming held her in his arms with one hand, gently stroked her with the other hand, slid over her weak waist, and pressed her plump buttocks heavily against his body, so that the two bodies were tightly attached to each other. together.

After a long time, Zhan Wuming let go of Su Hongxue's small mouth, who was struggling to breathe, and kissed her lightly on the forehead, saying: "I stamped my Zhan family's mark on you, and from now on you will be my Zhan Wuming. , is a woman from my Zhan family, and I will make you one of the happiest women in the world."

Su Hongxue gasped for a long while, then she came back to her senses slightly, cast a blank look at Zhan Wuming, and said angrily, "This is considered a member of the Zhan family, it's too domineering!"

"Then what else? Fa-rectification on the spot? Oh, there is not enough time, and there are still serious things to do. My Fa-rectification will take a long time..."

"How long?" Su Hongxue giggled, and asked with a wink.

"Well, next time I'll let you experience how long it is..." Zhan Wuming pinched Su Hongxue's nose and laughed out loud.He suddenly felt that it was easier to talk to a mature woman like Su Hongxue.

"You still remember the business, making people like this..." Su Hongxue smiled and broke free from Zhan Wuming's embrace, and slightly scolded her. At this moment, she became very relaxed. Although she knew from the beginning that Zhan Wuming was interested in her, but In the past few days, Zhan Wuming has been in seclusion, and even she is rarely seen. She is a little worried that Zhan Wuming is just a kind of joint springboard relationship with her, and doesn't care about her at all.

Just now she clearly sensed the reaction of Zhan Wuming's body and his involvement during the kiss.It seemed that the very young man in front of him was not hypocritical towards her.This also made her more confident in her own charm.

At this moment, her heart has never been so full, as if filled with happiness.

"Heh, when did the people from the Destiny Sect leave the city?" Zhan Wuming slightly straightened his clothes and asked indifferently.

"The people of the Destiny Sect left the city after dark, pretending to be very mysterious, as if they were afraid that people would discover their actions, but they ignored the fact that our Su family is the owner of this god-burial city, so it is impossible for them to escape our actions. Surveillance." Su Hongxue said.

"Heh, it's deceiving, but he never imagined that our target is not them, but the oriole that thinks it is catching mantises." Zhan Wuming smiled disdainfully, and turned his eyes to the direction of Wangyou Peak.There is the core of the Destiny Sect in the City of God's Burial.

"Father had already left customs at dusk, and father knew about it, so let me call you." Su Hongxue said while straightening his clothes.

Zhan Wuming smiled slightly. Su Dongfang had refined that drop of divine blood in the past few days, and his cultivation must have improved a lot. He knew that he wanted to win him over, and he acquiesced in Su Hongxue's association with him. He hoped that Su Hongxue could bind his heart , making himself the son-in-law of the Su family.

For him, Su Hongxue had to be accepted, but it was impossible for him to stay in the Su family.Su Dongfang is probably aware of this too. What he values ​​is the power behind Zhan Wuming and the wealth of Zhan Wuming. Others are not important. The stronger Zhan Wuming is, the better.


Looking from a distance, Zhan Wuming noticed that Su Dongfang's Qi and blood were like a tide, as if he could hear the sound of blood flowing in his veins, like a mountain spring unrestrained.He couldn't help but be astonished, Su Dongfang's cultivation was stronger than he imagined, and his physical body was probably close to the consummation of the Golden Immortal at this time.

"Congratulations, Uncle, the divine body has achieved great success. From now on, it will be difficult to find an opponent in the lower realms. However, Uncle, you must start to get used to the loneliness of being invincible..." Zhan Wuming saluted Su Dongfang and said with a smile.

"Nephew, you're making fun of uncle again." Su Dongfang couldn't help laughing. Although Zhan Wuming's words were meant as a joke, they didn't make people feel disgusted, on the contrary they felt very caring.

"Uncle's divine body is great, how can my nephew make jokes, but to be honest, although my uncle's divine body has been reborn, it seems that it has not yet reached perfection. I don't know why..." Zhan Wuming's expression was slightly solemn, surprised asked.

"My nephew has excellent eyesight, that's right, although my physical body was reborn and reached the highest level of a golden immortal thanks to my nephew's divine blood this time, but unfortunately, there is a lack of laws in this lower realm, so I can't get it at all. The Dzogchen method. Maybe only by finding the gate of the fairy world can the fairy body be truly perfected." Su Dongfang sighed slightly.

"Oh, it seems that's true, it's not because of cultivation, but because of the rules of heaven and earth." Zhan Wuming was also helpless.

In this lower realm, the supernatural powers of laws can only be cultivated to the level of true immortals at most, because they cannot be baptized by the perfect immortal laws of the immortal world, and they cannot let their laws and transformations evolve into real power of origin. Baby, but this baby can't grow without the nourishment of the perfect law of immortality, and the realm can't be improved. Even if he has the fairy stone, it is not pure.

If the Nascent Soul is nourished by the fairy stone in the lower realm, it is very likely that the Nascent Soul will become deformed, and there will be no possibility of promotion in the future.Therefore, in this lower realm, the fairy stone is used to restore the consumption of the fairy body at most, and it is used for recovery after the battle.

Unless you get the top grade fairy stone, the kind of fairy stone that contains the law of perfection, you dare to let the Nascent Soul evolve, but the top grade fairy stone is probably not much in the fairy world, so how could it appear in the lower realm.

Many big families are well aware that there are many realms above the true immortals. The real realm of the immortal world is the seventh level, true immortals, heavenly immortals, great immortals, golden immortals, immortal kings, immortal emperors, and immortal emperors.In the fairy world, only when you reach the level of true immortals can you truly enter the immortal path, and there are two levels before true immortals, namely real people and false immortals.A real person is equivalent to a strong earth immortal in the lower realm, while a false immortal is an immortal whose laws are not perfect, similar to the earth immortal in the lower realm, but these two ranks can only be said to be lower-level people who practice in the immortal world, and cannot be regarded as real immortals .

About the information about the fairy world, Zhan Wuming has known it for a long time. He subdued Jiuyan Tianzun back then, and learned some simple information about the fairy world from Jiuyan. Unfortunately, Jiuyan's spirit is too incomplete to give him more fairyland. information.

In the lower realms, not everyone is willing to stop at the Earth Immortal. Although they cannot improve their realm, after countless years of figuring out, people have found another way to improve, that is to enter the original, cultivate the physical body, and reach the human realm. You can only cultivate to the level of the Earth Immortal, but in Shiyuan, because there is a very strong force between the heaven and the earth, this force is close to the original source, so the level of the physical body can reach the highest level of the Golden Immortal, and even let the longevity With the improvement of the realm of the physical body.

This is why the real strong are willing to come to Shiyuan, not only because this is the closest place to the fairy world, if the gate of the fairy world is opened, Shiyuan will benefit first, but also because it allows them to break through the limitations of the realm of the earth immortal, and cultivate to the highest level. The layers of golden immortals.

Even in Shiyuan, it is impossible for anyone to cultivate the body to the level of the Immortal King. The Immortal King is the king of the Immortal Realm, who can mobilize the laws of the Immortal Realm, and is the existence of the secret of the original source that has been tempered by the laws of the Immortal Realm.

In this lower realm, it is impossible to have the law of immortality, let alone the complete origin of immortality. Therefore, no matter how hard you try in the lower realm, it is impossible to have a chance to break through the golden immortal level.

At this time, Zhan Wuming also wanted the fairy-eating insect mother in his space magic weapon to wake up quickly. Once awakened, it should be able to transform into an adult immortal-eating insect. At that time, he could find the gate of the fairy world and penetrate the fairy world and the lower world. channel.However, he didn't want to tell other people about this matter. That would only bring him a real disaster. At that time, all the bosses in the entire lower realm who had a chance to become immortals would come to him. At that time, he would just run away. There is no escape.

"Let's not talk about this, I have sent those suspicious people out of the city in batches according to my nephew's wishes, and went to search for the location first, which has attracted the attention of the Destiny Cult. Their people also quietly left the city not long ago. I also Some don't understand, why my nephew asked me to send those suspicious people out first, wouldn't this make the Destiny Cult suspicious?" Su Dongfang was a little puzzled, the layout before Zhan Wuming really made him puzzled.

"Oh, what uncle said is right. We did this and sent people out in batches, but we never went out in the city. It would indeed be suspicious, and we were all over the city looking for Shou Lingkong. I guess the Destiny Sect must think that We want to take this opportunity to deal with them. If uncle is a member of the Destiny Sect, what would you do?" Zhan Wuming asked back with a faint smile.

"I might follow the plan, and the other way around..." Su Dongfang thought for a while and said seriously.

"That's right, the people of the Destiny Sect will definitely feel that the reason why we have been out of the city for a long time is to let them make a gesture. Against them, in order to lead them into that trap.

If they know this idea, then they will definitely arrange a backup after we leave the city. There is only one person who can do this backup, and that is Mo Da and Mo Da's corpse puppets.Those group of things are inanimate, and they can be taken out in a magic weapon of space, so that they won't attract the attention of the city defense army.

Otherwise, as long as there are a large number of people coming and going, no matter how mysterious it is, they will not be able to escape our surveillance.Therefore, the first step we have to deal with this time is not the group of people like He Qing who quietly left the city, but the group of corpse puppets who want to be orioles.With this batch of things, even if we really take the lead, we will still be overthrown in the end. A cold light flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes, and he said with a faint smile.

Su Dongfang was startled for a moment, and suddenly showed a look of surprise, looking at Zhan Wuming with vigilant eyes, he found that he still underestimated the young man in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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